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Characteristics of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-delta -supported micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells with bi-layer and tri-layer electrolytes
PublicationIn this study, La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3−δ (LSGM)-supported micro tubular solid oxide fuel cells (T-SOFCs) with two different configurations, one containing an LSGM–Ce0.6La0.4O2−δ (LDC) bi-layer electrolyte (Cell A) and one containing an LDC–LSGM–LDC tri-layer electrolyte (Cell B), were fabricated using extrusion and dip-coating. After optimizing the paste formulation for extrusion, the flexural strength of the dense and uniform LSGM...
Ultrasound and Clinical Preoperative Characteristics for Discrimination Between Ovarian Metastatic Colorectal Cancer and Primary Ovarian Cancer: A Case-Control Study
PublicationThe aim of this study was to describe the clinical and sonographic features of ovarian metastases originating from colorectal cancer (mCRC), and to discriminate mCRC from primary ovarian cancer (OC). We conducted a multi-institutional, retrospective study of consecutive patients with ovarian mCRC who had undergone ultrasound examination using the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) terminology, with the addition of evaluating...
Kształtowanie przestrzeni dostępnej jako element bezpieczeństwa i integracji osób niepełnosprawnych
PublicationSpołeczeństwa obywatelskie, bogate swoją różnorodnoscią poglądów, powinny być szczególnie otwarte na potrzeby wszystkich swoich obywateli, bez względu na ich status społeczny, poglądy poolityczne, jak również ich ograniczenia fizyczne w poruszaniu się. Tworzenie przestrzeni ogólnodostępnej jest warunkiem integracji osób o ograniczonej mobilności, w tym osób niepełnosprawnych. Zagrożenia wynikające z barier przestrzennych w naszzych...
Effects of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+ substitutions on the microstructure and electrical properties of GdCoO3 ceramics
PublicationGdCoO3-δ, Gd0.975Na0.025CoO3-δ, Gd0.98K0.02CoO3-δ, Gd0.98Ca0.02CoO3-δ, and GdCo0.99Mg0.01O3-δ ceramics were prepared via a solid-state reaction route. Among the dopants studied, substitution with Ca2+ slightly enhanced the densfication of GdCoO3 ceramics. All the lattice parameters of the doped ceramics were larger than those of pure GdCoO3-δ ceramic (a = 5.223 Å, b = 5.389 Å and c = 7.451 Å), and their cell volumes increased by...
Tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with eight peripheral adamantanylsulfanyl units – Synthesis and physicochemical study
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Anticancer properties of bacterial cellulose membrane containing ethanolic extract of Epilobium angustifolium L
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A CRISPR/Cas9-Based Mutagenesis Protocol for Brachypodium distachyon and Its Allopolyploid Relative, Brachypodium hybridum
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The Impact of Ergonomic Guiding Principles on the Formation of Modern Monumental Art
PublicationCommemoration of historic events is now a commonplace phenomenon both in culture and in academic research. The phenomenon is linked to an increase in the representation of the visualisation of the past in public sphere, which in turn leads to reformulation of monumental art. Modern monuments are often spatial forms consisting both of sculpture installation and bigger constructions. In case of these realisations, the designers,...
Foreign Entry Modes of High-tech Firms in Poland
PublicationThe main objective of the article is to present the role and importance of foreign entry modes in internationalization process and their key determinants. Research methods: A quantitative research design was used. A survey was conducted on the sample of 263 firms operating in...
Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży z perspektywy polskich i litewskich instytucji na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network
PublicationCelem artykułu było ukazanie partycypacji obywatelskiej młodzieży w opinii pracowników instytucji działających na terenie 5 polskich gmin: Dzierzgoń, Elbląg, Gdynia, Iława i Nowe Miasto Lubawskie i litewskiej gminy Teslai. W ramach projektu SB YCGN przeprowadzono badanie metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety internetowej na 118 respondentach z 53 polskich instytucji i 47 respondentach z 10 litewskich...
X-Ray Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect Studies of Multiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15 Ceramics
PublicationBi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics belongs to multiferroic class of materials. In this work it was prepared by solid-state sintering method and investigated by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetoelectric effect measurements. As it was proved by X-ray diffraction studies the single-phase Bi5Ti3FeO15 compound was obtained. The Mössbauer investigations revealed paramagnetic character of the compound at room temperature as well...
Damage detection in plates based on Lamb wavefront shape reconstruction
PublicationMany of the current studies in the area of damage detection using elastic wave propagation are based on deploying sensor networks with a large number of piezoelectric transducers to detect small-size cracks. A major limitation of these studies is that cracks are usually larger and have different shapes in real cases. Moreover, using a large number of sensing nodes for damage detection is both costly and computationally intensive....
The influence of welding heat input on the quality and properties of high strength low-alloy dissimilar steel butt joints
PublicationThe paper presents the results of non-destructive and destructive tests of dissimilar highstrength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steel butt joints. These steels are characterized by similar mechanical properties, but their carbon equivalent CeIIW values are much different. The joints were made using different values of heat input for each welding bead. They were tested by non-destructive methods: visual, penetrant, radiographic and...
Pseudo-superparamagnetic behaviour of bariumhexaferrite particles
PublicationThe effect of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) addition on the crystal structure, morphology,and magnetic properties of co-precipitated hexagonal barium ferrite was investigated. For afixed amount ofsurfactant, different Fe3+concentrations and Fe3+/Ba2+ratios were used to optimize the formation ofsingle-phase barium ferrite particles. The results indicated that the obtained ferrite particles exhibitedcoercivity changes...
Measures of region failure survivability for wireless mesh networks
PublicationWireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a promising alternative to wired local, or metropolitan area networks. However, owing to their exposure to various disruptive events, including natural disasters, or human threats, many WMN network elements located close to the failure epicentre are frequently in danger of a simultaneous failure, referred to as a region failure. Therefore, network survivability, being the ability...
Wstępna ewaluacja interim krajowego programu bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego gambit 2005
PublicationSześć lat funkcjonowania Krajowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego GAMBIT 2005, obecny stan bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Polsce oraz nowe wyzwania w tym zakresie, wyznaczone przez Unię Europejską do roku 2020, skłaniają do wykonywania ocen i identyfikacji przeszkód oraz barier powodujących opóźnienia w realizacji wcześniej przyjętych celów i zadań. Wstępne analizy wskazują, że samo programowanie działań prewencyjnych...
Green aspects of techniques for the determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
PublicationApplied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment because of their stability, mobility, their ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverse effects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical...
Distillation cleanup preceded gc determination of short-chain monocarboxylic acids in aqueous and solid samples of wastewater origin = Oznaczanie krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w próbkach wodnych i stałych pochodzących z oczyszczalni ścieków z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej poprzedzonej destylacją
PublicationShort-chain monocarboxylic acids (SCMAs) (C2-C5) formed in the process of aerobic biodegradation of larger organic molecules should often be monitored to optimize wastewater biological treatment and study the processes of converting organic waste matter into methane, etc. Gas chromatography (GC) seems a method of choice for such a task. Majority of samples require clean up before they can be injected into GC system. In this work...
Experimental research on marine oil-lubricated stern tube bearing
PublicationBearings of propeller shafts are very crucial elements of the propulsion system of each of the ships. The safety of shipping depends on their durability and reliability. The new legal restrictions mean that today we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions. That is why water-lubricated bearings are becoming more and more popular. So, will oil-lubricated shaft bearings belong to the past? The bearing with a white metal...
The study of Arduino Uno feasibility for DAQ purposes
PublicationUsing microcontroller systems becomes a routine in various measurement and control tasks. Their wide availability together with a huge potential of extending their functionality by additional modules allows developing advanced measuring and monitoring systems by non-specialists. However, using popular example codes often leads the user to pass over or not to be aware of the limitations of the system and drawing too far-reaching...
Analiza potencjalnych klastrow high-tech w województwie pomorskim i instrumentów wspierania ich rozwoju
PublicationCelem pracy jest sformułowanie założeń odnośnie do polityki samorządowej dotyczącej wspierania przedsiębiorczości środkami publicznymi. Uczestnikami tego przedsięwzięcia są dwie strony, jak następuje:- Podmioty gospodarcze, na ogół w początkowej fazie rozwoju, które w przeciwieństwie do przedsiębiorstw już dobrze usytuowanych na rynku, mają problemy z pokonaniem rozlicznych barier w fazie wzrostowej. - Agendy państwowe, w szczególności...
Zmiany na rynku pracy w świetle wyników badań przeprowadzonych w województwie pomorskim
PublicationPrzystąpienie Polski do struktur UE w roku 2004 wywarło ogromny wpływ na funkcjonowanie rodzimych przedsiębiorstw. Zniesienie barier celnych na obszarze zintegrowanej Europy oraz sformułowanie wspólnej polityki handlowej wobec krajów trzecich stworzyło nowy układ konkurencji pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami z obszaru UE i innych państw. Dodatkowo nasilające sie procesy globalizacji w znacznym stopniu oddziaływują ma zmiany w zakresie...
Earthquake-induced pounding between superstructure segments of isolated bridge
PublicationThe use of seismic isolation in bridges is considered as one of the most promising advanced technologies to enhance the structural safety during earthquakes. However, the method results in larger displacements of superstructure segments increasing the probability of pounding between them. Reports after severe ground motions show that the earthquake-induced structural pounding may lead to significant damage in isolated bridges....
Zmiany na rynku pracy w świetle wyników badań przeprowadzonych w województwie pomorskim
PublicationPrzystąpienie Polski do struktur UE w roku 2004 wywarło ogromny wpływ na funkcjonowanie rodzimych przedsiębiorstw. Zniesienie barier celnych na obszarze zintegrowanej Europy oraz sformułowanie wspólnej polityki handlowej wobec krajów trzecich stworzyło nowy układ konkurencji pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami z obszaru UE i innych państw. Dodatkowo nasilające sie procesy globalizacji w znacznym stopniu oddziaływują ma zmiany w zakresie...
Design of a Distributed System using Mobile Devices and Workflow Management for Measurement and Control of a Smart Home and Health
PublicationThe paper presents design of a distributed system for measurements and control of a smart home including temper- atures, light, fire danger, health problems of inhabitants such as increased body temperature, a person falling etc. This is done by integration of mobile devices and standards, distributed service based middleware BeesyCluster and a workflow management system. Mobile devices are used to measure the parameters and are...
Przestrzeń miejska areną sportu
PublicationW życiu współczesnych "mieszczan" ważną rolę pełni czas wolny, który coraz częściej spędzany jest aktywnie. O tym, ile i jak się ruszamy, w pewnym stopniu decyduje przestrzeń, która nas otacza. Czy łatwo jest dotrzeć na pływalnię, do parku, na plac zabaw? Jakie możliwości ruchu daje mi moje osiedle? Ile barier muszę pokonać, by móc pobiegać cy pojeździć na rowerze? Czy w dzisiejszym, zekonomizowanym świecie sport uprawiać można...
Receiver of Doppler multistatic system for moving target detection and tracking
PublicationThe article presents a method for solving major structural problems that occur in the receiver used in the multistatic Doppler system, aimed at determination of the trajectory and velocity of a moving target. In the system two transmitters emit acoustic continuous sinusoidal waves at different frequencies. The signals, scattered from a moving target are received by four hydrophones. Beside of the echoes, much larger signals coming...
Extraction of information from born-digital PDF documents for reproducible research
PublicationBorn-digital PDF electronic documents might reasonably be expected to preserve useful data units of their source originals that suffice to produce executable papers for reproducible research. Unfortunately, developers of authoring tools may adopt arbitrary PDF generation strategies, producing a plethora of internal data representations. Such common information units as text paragraphs, tables, function graphs and flow diagrams,...
Zr‐Based Metal‐Organic Framework UiO‐66/Ultem® 1000 Membranes for Effective CO2/H2 Separation
PublicationMixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) using UiO-66 nanofillers as dispersing inorganic phase and polyetherimide (PEI) as continuous polymeric matrix were synthesized. Different UiO-66 loadings of 10, 20, and 30 wt % were applied. The morphology and UiO-66 dispersion over the prepared MMMs were examined. Gas separation measurements were performed for H2/CO2 gas mixture to evaluate the influence of UiO-66 on the separation yield of resulting...
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Prices of Tourist Offers
PublicationTourism is a significant branch of many world economies. Many factors influence the volume of tourist traffic and the prices of trips. There are factors that clearly affect tourism, such as COVID-19. The paper describes the methods of machine learning and process mining that allow for assessing the impact of various factors (micro, mezzo and macro) on the prices of tourist offers. The methods were used on large sets of real data...
Diffusion equations with spatially dependent coefficients and fractal Cauer-type networks
PublicationIn this article, we formulate and solve the representation problem for diffusion equations: giving a discretization of the Laplace transform of a diffusion equation under a space discretization over a space scale determined by an increment h > 0, can we construct a continuous in h family of Cauer ladder networks whose constitutive equations match for all h > 0 the discretization. It is proved that for a finite differences discretization...
Auto-Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements Based on Multi-Taper Approach
PublicationMeasurements of antenna prototypes are normally performed in dedicated, yet costly environments such as anechoic chambers (ACs). However, the AC construction cost might be unjustified when the measurements aim to support education, or budget-tight research. Alternatively, experiments can be realized in non-anechoic regime and refined using appropriate methods. In this letter, a framework for correction of antenna far-field measurements...
Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
PublicationThe article presents how the values of (3D) coordinates of land reference points affect the results of gravimetric measurements made from the ship in sea areas. These measurements are the basis for 3D maritime inertial navigation, improving ships' operational safety. The campaign verifying the network absolute point coordinates used as a reference point for relative marine gravity measurements was described. The obtained values...
Public Finance in Poland in a COVID Fog: A Look Through the Lens of Fiscal Transparency and Accountability
PublicationAbstract. Goal– The aim of the article is to identify dysfunctional phenomena (implementation of specific mechanisms/solutions and actions taken), generating increased opacity and limit the responsibility/accountability of public f inance in Poland, exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. Methods– descriptive analysis, comparative analysis and financial analysis methods were used. Results– fiscal transparency and accountability in...
WILiŚ - Bud. sem 1 ćw. gr. 2,9, 10 - Matematyka 2021/2022 (R.Zakrzewska)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ Budownictwo sem. 2 ćw. gr. 1 i 4 - Matematyka 2022/23 (D.Beger)
e-Learning Courses -
Matematyka 2 - Energetyka rocznik 2021/22 (M.Szyszkowski, D.Beger)
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WILiŚ - Bud. sem3, ćw. gr 1,4,6,– Matematyka 2022/2023 (M.Kula)
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Energetyka sem.2 ćw. gr. 1, 5 - Matematyka 2020/21 (K.Kiepiela)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. sem1, – Matematyka 2022/2023 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses -
EN – matematyka 2 sem. 2020/21 (N.Mrożek)
e-Learning Courses -
Energetyka - Matematyka I ćwiczenia 2019/20 (M.Wata)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Budownictwo sem. 2 ćw. gr. 4 i 10 - Matematyka 2024/25 (D.Beger)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. sem1 gr. 1, 2, 3, 9 – Matematyka 2024/2025 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. gr. 2 – Matematyka II 2023/2024 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. sem2, – Matematyka 2022/2023 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses -
WILIiŚ - Budownictwo sem 3 gr 1,7,9 - Matematyka 2024/25 (D.Beger)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. sem1 gr.2, 5, 9, 11 – Matematyka 2023/2024 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses -
WILIiŚ - Budownictwo sem 1 gr. 4, 10, 11, 12 - Matematyka 2024/25 (D.Beger)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Bud. sem3 gr. 2, 3, 6 – Matematyka 2024/2025 (M.Kula)
e-Learning Courses