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Search results for: poultry manure

Search results for: poultry manure

  • The structure of the enterprise sector by size in Poland and the EU-28 in 2017

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Enterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...

  • Assessment of Poland's competitiveness as a location for BPO/SSC projects

    Open Research Data
    open access

    In compiled by A.T. Kearney in subsequent editions of the ranking (2009, 2011, 2016, 2019), the first three positions were taken by the same countries. India received the highest marks with a clear advantage. The country is a world leader in terms of attractiveness for locating business service centers. India can offer English-speaking skilled labor...

  • Which is better in fat times and in lean times: the macho man vs. the nice guy? Study 1 dataset

    Open Research Data

    The dataset from cross-cultural study conducted in Poland and Norway in the area of gender stereotypes. Our study was conducted in two countries differing with regard to gender equality indices relating to the extent to which men are allowed to manifest gender-atypical behavior and influencing mate preferences of women. Polish (N = 106) and Norwegian...

  • Number of active credit cards issued to individual customers (2017)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Polish banks serviced 6.04 million credit cards in 2017. This is a decrease by 121,000 year on year (comparing 2017 and 2016). The largest issuer of credit cards in the country is Bank PKO BP. In the third quarter of 2017, this institution had 847,000 credit cards. Bank Zachodni WBK is second (803,000) and CITI Handlowy is third (697,000).

  • Natalia Stawicka-Morawska dr inż.

    Mgr inż. Natalia Stawicka-Morawska pracuje na Politechnice Gdańskiej od października 2017 r. na stanowisku Asystenta, na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa (poprzednio: Wydziale Mechanicznym), w Instytucie Mechaniki i Konstrukcji Maszyn (poprzednio: Katedrze Mechaniki i Mechatroniki).Prowadzona przez nią działalność naukowa dotyczy dziedziny nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie naukowej budowa i eksploatacja maszyn. Główną...

  • The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis


    This paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...

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    The aim of this article is to identify clusters of countries with similar levels of competitiveness among the EU-27 countries and to identify for each of the 27 EU countries the path to growth in competitiveness. The taxonomic cluster analysis conducted confirms the hypothesis that the European Union is an area with a high differentiation in terms of levels of competitiveness. The analysis shows that the strategy to increase competitiveness...

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  • Seminarium dyplomowe - Ewa Mazurek-Krasodomska

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Mazurek-Krasodomska

  • Comparison of Selected Neural Network Models Used for Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation


    Automatic and accurate segmentation of liver tumors is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma or metastases. However, the task remains challenging due to imprecise boundaries and significant variations in the shape, size, and location of tumors. The present study focuses on tumor segmentation as a more critical aspect from a medical perspective, compared to liver parenchyma segmentation, which is the...

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  • Mateusz Mazur dr inż.


  • Romuald Mazurek


  • Koncepcja międzynarodowej konkurencyjności makrootoczenia przedsiębiorstw

    Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszym artykule jest opracowanie koncepcji konkurencyjności międzynarodowej (IC) krajów, której podstawą jest makroekonomiczne otoczenie przedsiębiorstw. Motywem podjęcia tych badań były poważne wady metodologii pomiaru IC gospodarek stosowanej przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF). WEF rekomenduje Globalny Indeks Konkurencyjności (GCI) jako globalną miarę produktywności kraju. WEF utrzymuje,...

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  • Temesgen Amibo PhD student

    My name is Temesgen Abeto Amibo, I'm PhD. student at Gdansk University of Technology under the faculity of Chemistry and Depertment of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology. I was Graduted BSc. and MSc. in Chemical Engineering from Jimma University, since 2017 and 2020GC. I have been there serving as acadamic Lecturere from 2020 to september 2022.

  • Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek dr hab. inż. arch.

    Justyna Martyniuk-Peczek, Ph.D., D.Sc. Associate Professor Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture Gdansk University of Technology                 My academic and research activity has been concentrated around one specialty — urban planning, however it involves an interdisciplinary reference to other fields, such as lighting and the science of management. In terms of quantity, my academic work...

  • Preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS Project - sounding rocket experiment on accelerations, vibrations and heat flow

    As access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists' interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. This applies now more than ever to fragile by nature biological and chemical experiments. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in as detailed...

  • The possibility of use keratin products in various branches of industry


    Bird's feather, the main by-product of the poultry industry, are not enough utilized and negatively influencing the environment. They contain large amount of keratin, the protein with high cystine content. The aim of our work was to obtain hydrolysates and isolates of keratin, which can be used in various areas of food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry and as animal feed. Keratin can be hydrolyzed and extracted from feather after...


    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sasin

    Komponent modułu przedmiot Kompozycja - koordynator modułu: prof. Krzysztof Wróblewski Prowadzący: dr hab. Janusz Tkaczuk, prof. uczelni  mgr Paweł Sasin  english version below Kompozycja rzeźbiarska w przestrzeni: zaprojektowanie rzeźbiarskiego układu jednej lub kilku form abstrakcyjnych wynikających z inspiracji sztuką land art’u. Miejscem zbudowania kompozycji jest środowisko naturalne. Punkt wyjścia to określenie wzajemnej...

  • Spectroscopic and photophysical properties of ZNTPP in a room temperature ionic liquid



    The steady-state absorption and emission spectra and the time-resolved Soret- and Q-band excited fluorescence profiles of the model metalloporphyrin, ZnTPP, have been measured in a highly purified sample of the common room temperature ionic liquid, [bmim][PF(6)]. S(2)-S(0) emission resulting from Soret-band excitation behaves in a manner completely consistent with that of molecular solvents of the same polarizability. The ionic...

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  • Time-Gating method with automatic calibration for accurate measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in Non-Anechoic environments


    Non-anechoic sites represent a cheap alternative to measurements of antennas in dedicated facilities. However, due to a high noise—from the external EM signal sources and multipath interferences—the quality of radiation patterns obtained in non-anechoic conditions is poor. The characteristics can be corrected using a time-gating method (TGM), which involves filtering of the noise based on temporal analysis of the measured signals....

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  • Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for in situ determination of biogenic amines in meat: Estimation of meat's freshness

    A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) technique was developed for the determination of selected biogenic amines (BAs) in samples of poultry, pork and beef. Prior to the extraction process, an appropriate volume of sodium hydroxide solution was added to each of the portioned samples. Next, samples were homogenized, centrifuged and finally sonicated at an increased temperature....

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  • Chemical composition, antioxidant and anticancer effects of the seeds and leaves and indigo (polygonum tinctorium Ait.) Plant

    • H. Jang
    • B. Heo
    • Y. S. Park
    • J. Namieśnik
    • D. Barasch
    • E. Katrich
    • K. Vearasilp
    • S. Trakhtenberg
    • S. Gorinstein


    Seeds and leaves of indigo (Polygonum tinctorium Ait.) plant were investigated and compared with another medicinal plant named prolipid for their properties such as chemical composition, antioxidant, and anticancer effects by Fourier transform infrared, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization-MS in negative mode. It was found that polyphenols, flavonoids, and flavanols were significantly higher...

  • Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation


    - RED. ZAGR. ANGIELSKI - Year 2008

    Empirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...

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  • Marek Zienkiewicz dr inż.

      Doctor engineer Marek Hubert Zienkiewicz is a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy, Spatial Engineering and Construction at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. During his engineering, master's and doctoral studies he developed his scientific interests under the supervision of representatives of the Olsztyn geodetic compensatory calculus school. In 2011, he obtained the title of Master of Science in Geodesy and Cartography,...

  • Phosphorus and nitrogen forms in liquid fraction of digestates from agricultural biogas plants

    The novelty of the presented research is the determination of the nitrogen and phosphorus fraction in the liquid fraction of digestate from agricultural biogas plants. This information is important because it can help in proposing possible further liquid fraction management or developing of new technologies for their purification. The research covered digestates from agricultural biogas plants, obtained from the fermentation of...

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  • Systematic Management of Simulation State for Multi-Branch Simulations in Simulink


    - Year 2013

    Systematic simulation is a technique related and motivated by the formal analysis of hybrid dynamic systems. It combines the exhaustive and conservative nature of traditional model checking with numerical simulation for providing efficient algorithms to manage simulations. Multi-branch simulation is the concept advancing simulation efficiency by reducing the number of state transitions. This paper introduces an approach to implement...

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  • Detailed results of shaping personnel risk factors in enterprise C

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The data presents the shape of all the researched personnel risk factors in the C enterprise (which was tested by the author). Further considerations should be started with the presentation of the synthesis of the obtained results, which is presented in this research data.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university


    - Year 2023

    The aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...

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  • Urszula Szybowska mgr

    Currently involved in academic library services and training of Polish and international users of the Gdańsk Tech Library, and Erasmus+ mobility projects. International cooperation coordinator at the Gdańsk Tech Library (2017-2020) ; since 2020 Erasmus+ program coordinator at Gdańsk Tech Library ; social media librarian: Facebook (2018-2023, September), Twitter (@LibraryPG - 2017, October - 2023, September ; @BridgeofData - 2019,...

  • Adaptive Method of Adjusting Flowgraph for Route Reconstruction in Video Surveillance Systems

    Pawlak’s flowgraph has been applied as a suitable data structure for description and anal- ysis of human behaviour in the area supervised with multicamera video surveillance system. Infor- mation contained in the flowgraph can be easily used to predict consecutive movements of a partic- ular object. Moreover, utilization of the flowgraph can support reconstructing object route from the past video images. However, such a flowgraph with...

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  • Spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic regions


    - Year 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. How ever, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined socio - economic development. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic NUTS - 3 regions in the period 2006 - 2014....

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  • Kurs przygotowawczy do matury z Matematyki

    e-Learning Courses
    • U. Goławska

    Kurs przygotowawczy do matury z matematyki - zakres rozszerzony, prowadzony przez Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej. Kurs 2-semestralny. 

  • Evaluation of the Macro- and Micro-Economic Factors Affecting the Financial Energy of Households


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    This paper is an evaluation of the common macro-economic, micro-economic, and social factors affecting households’ financial situations. Moreover, the author’s objective was to develop a fuzzy logic model for forecasting fluctuations in the number of nonperforming consumer loans in a country using the example of Poland. This study represents one of the first attempts in the global literature to develop such a forecasting model...

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  • An assessment of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a comparative analysis using the CAMELS approach

    This paper examines the phenomenon of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although almost half of the Bosnian population is recognized as Islamic, there is only one bank purely based on Sharia operating in this country. The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the financial standing of this bank and the banking sector in this country and region. The chosen method of analysis is CAMELS which examines...

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  • Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2016

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The data collection contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland). The Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill is one of the biggest of facilities of this type in the country. It occupies an area of 75 hectares and serves around 500 thousand of local residents. The landfill receives around 250 million...

  • Average number of hours worked per week by women aged 15 and older (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The following dataset presents the average weekly number of hours worked by women in selected countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) in the years 1999 - 2016. The summary includes average weekly time worked in the main job, for women aged 15+. The estimates correspond to the declared amount. This includes part-time and full-time employment,...

  • PIT revenues in 2012-2021 in PLN billion

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Taxes are the primary source of income for the state budget and local government units. Tax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons operating on...

  • Jakub Szulwic dr inż.

    Jakub Szulwic (born 23 December 1974 in Bydgoszcz, Poland) – is an experienced, licensed Land Surveyor, specialized in construction monitoring by the use of photogrammetric methods and laser scanning technology. His specialization are geomatics and geoinformatics. He is an author about 100 publications including 50 indexed in Web of Science (H-index = 15) In 1993, He graduated from Secondary School in Tuchola, Poland on physics...

  • Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk dr hab.

    Prof. Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk, PhD in Literature, associate professor in the Department of History of Literature at the Institute of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Gdańsk. He has displayed the Gnostic – Manichaean dimension of existence in Miłosz’s writings ('The Work of Demiurge', 2011) by applying the language of access to apocrypha of the religion of gnosis. He has gathered linguistic, historic, religious,...

  • Learning from Mistakes. A Study on Maturity and Adaptability to Change


    - Year 2020

    Learning culture matters; company culture must support continuous improvement. Organizational learning is a process of identifying and modifying mistakes that result from interactions between co-workers. The article aims to explore the learning power via errors, using the level of organizational maturity as a moderator. Companies need to know how organizational maturity may moderate the adaptability to change via the acceptance...

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  • Molecular insights into receptor binding energetics and neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants

    • M. Koehler
    • A. Ray
    • R. Moreira
    • B. Juniku
    • A. Poma
    • D. Alsteens

    - Nature Communications - Year 2021

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  • Representing and describing nanomaterials in predictive nanoinformatics

    • E. Wyrzykowska
    • A. Mikolajczyk
    • I. Lynch
    • N. Jeliazkova
    • N. Kochev
    • H. Sarimveis
    • P. Doganis
    • P. Karatzas
    • A. Afantitis
    • G. Melagraki... and 8 others

    - Nature Nanotechnology - Year 2022

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  • An ancestral molecular response to nanomaterial particulates

    • G. del
    • A. Serra
    • L. Saarimäki
    • K. Kotsis
    • I. Rouse
    • S. Colibaba
    • K. Jagiello
    • A. Mikolajczyk
    • M. Fratello
    • A. Papadiamantis... and 14 others

    - Nature Nanotechnology - Year 2023

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  • Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window

    • W. Ackermann
    • G. Asova
    • V. Ayvazyan
    • A. Azima
    • N. Baboi
    • J. Bähr
    • V. Balandin
    • B. Beutner
    • A. Brandt
    • A. Bolzmann... and 147 others

    - Nature Photonics - Year 2007

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  • N6-methyladenosine regulates the stability of RNA:DNA hybrids in human cells

    • A. Abakir
    • T. Giles
    • A. Cristini
    • J. Foster
    • N. Dai
    • M. Starczak
    • A. Rubio-Roldan
    • M. Li
    • M. Eleftheriou
    • J. Crutchley... and 12 others

    - NATURE GENETICS - Year 2020

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  • Superconductivity in CuxTiSe2

    • E. Morosan
    • H. W. Zandbergen
    • B. Dennis
    • J. W. Bos
    • Y. Onose
    • T. Klimczuk
    • A. Ramirez
    • N. Ong
    • R. J. Cava

    - Nature Physics - Year 2006

    Odkryty został nowy związek nadprzewodzący o wzorze chemicznym CuxTiSe2. Jest to pierwszy znany przypadek związku z występującym CDW (fale gęstości ładunku), gdzie w wyniku domieszkowania chemicznego wzbudzany jest stan nadprzewodnictwa. Dyskutowany jest diagram fazowy dla całego zakresu domieszkowania miedzi: 0 < x < 0.10.

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  • Generic emergence of classical features in quantum Darwinism


    - Nature Communications - Year 2015

    Quantum Darwinism posits that only specific information about a quantum system that is redundantly proliferated to many parts of its environment becomes accessible and objective, leading to the emergence of classical reality. However, it is not clear under what conditions this mechanism holds true. Here we prove that the emergence of classical features along the lines of quantum Darwinism is a general feature of any quantum dynamics:...

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  • A large family of filled skutterudites stabilized by electron count

    • H. Luo
    • J. Krizan
    • L. Muechler
    • N. Haldolaarachchige
    • T. Klimczuk
    • W. Xie
    • M. Fuccillo
    • C. Felser
    • R. J. Cava

    - Nature Communications - Year 2015

    The Zintl concept is important in solid-state chemistry to explain how some compounds that combine electropositive and main group elements can be stable at formulas that at their simplest level do not make any sense. The electronegative elements in such compounds form a polyatomic electron-accepting molecule inside the solid, a ‘polyanion’, that fills its available energy states with electrons from the electropositive elements...

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  • Principles of target DNA cleavage and the role of Mg2+ in the catalysis of CRISPR–Cas9

    • Ł. Nierzwicki
    • P. R. Arantes
    • M. Jinek
    • G. Lisi
    • G. Palermo
    • K. East
    • J. Binz
    • R. Vsu
    • A. Mohd
    • E. Skeens
    • M. Pacesa

    - Nature Catalysis - Year 2022

    At the core of the CRISPR–Cas9 genome-editing technology, the endonuclease Cas9 introduces site-specific breaks in DNA. However, precise mechanistic information to ameliorate Cas9 function is still missing. Here, multimicrosecond molecular dynamics, free energy and multiscale simulations are combined with solution NMR and DNA cleavage experiments to resolve the catalytic mechanism of target DNA cleavage. We show that the conformation...

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  • Steering is an essential feature of non-locality in quantum theory


    - Nature Communications - Year 2018

    A physical theory is called non-local when observers can produce instantaneous effects over distant systems. Non-local theories rely on two fundamental effects: local uncertainty relations and steering of physical states at a distance. In quantum mechanics, the former one dominates the other in a well-known class of non-local games known as XOR games. In particular, optimal quantum strategies for XOR games are completely determined...

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  • Closed-loop stimulation of temporal cortex rescues functional networks and improves memory

    • Y. Ezzyat
    • P. A. Wanda
    • D. F. Levy
    • A. Kadel
    • A. Aka
    • I. Pedisich
    • M. R. Sperling
    • A. Sharan
    • B. C. Lega
    • A. Burks... and 12 others

    - Nature Communications - Year 2018

    Memory failures are frustrating and often the result of ineffective encoding. One approach to improving memory outcomes is through direct modulation of brain activity with electrical stimulation. Previous efforts, however, have reported inconsistent effects when using open-loop stimulation and often target the hippocampus and medial temporal lobes. Here we use a closed-loop system to monitor and decode neural activity from direct...

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