Seminarium MF AD 23/24
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Projektowanie Zintergrowane AD 2023/24
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Szkolenie z regulaminu studiów oraz praw i obowiązków studenta/Training concerning study regulations, student rights and responsibilities 2021/2022 - SEMESTR LETNI/
e-Learning CoursesKurs z obowiązkowego szkolenia z regulaminu studiów, przeznaczony dla studentów 1 semestru roku akademickiego 2021/2022 semestru letniego.
e-Learning CoursesThe course focuses the main trends of the world economy in the last 30 years. National and macro-regional, as well as sectorial case studies will be used to offer a clearer understanding of the main global dynamics. The approach is multidisciplinary and mainly qualitative, including economic and business history, international political economy, economic sociology and political science.
[22.06.2021] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 22.06.2021 2nd-year PhD students
[27.04.2022] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 27.04.2022 2nd-year PhD students
[16.03.2023] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 16.03.2023 2nd-year PhD students
Natural and synthetic antioxidants: An updated overview
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Occupational Health and Safety Ergonomics - L-15/C-0/L-0/P-0, ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, se 01, (PG_00041987), winter semester, 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesDefinitions of ergonomics, its subject, purpose and application. Description of the human-machine system environment. The concept of sustainable development. Environmental management systems. Human model and its characteristics. Human possibilities and industrial processes. Human work environment - material conditions. Principles of human work environment design. Safety and reliability of the human - machine - environment system....
Occupational Health and Safety Ergonomics - L-15/C-0/L-0/P-0, ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, se 01, (PG_00041987), winter semester, 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesDefinitions of ergonomics, its subject, purpose and application. Description of the human-machine system environment. The concept of sustainable development. Environmental management systems. Human model and its characteristics. Human possibilities and industrial processes. Human work environment - material conditions. Principles of human work environment design. Safety and reliability of the human - machine - environment system....
Seminarium magisterske MAT 2023 AD MF
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In vitro bioaccessibility of macro and trace elements in biofortified and conventional farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
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Building Mechanics I ERASMUS (PG_00049121) 2019/2020 - 2nd sem. of bachelor studies
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Mechanics I, W, MiBM(ang), Ist, sem. 02, lato, 2024/25, (PG_00050273)
e-Learning CoursesWiadomości ogólne z mechaniki. Znaczenie przedmiotu. Mechanika ciała sztywnego. Krótka historia. Modelowanie w mechanice. Pojęcia podstawowe. Reprezentacja sił. Niektóre rodzaje sił. Równoważne układy sił. Siła wypadkowa układu sił zbieżnych. Moment siły względem punktu. Moment siły względem osi. Siła wypadkowa dwóch równoległych sił. Para sił i jej moment. Moment siły wypadkowej układu sił zbieżnych i równoległych. Redukcja...
Placement Architektura i Architektura w j. ang. 1 sem II st (WA)
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Personalized nutrition in ageing society: redox control of major-age related diseases through the NutRedOx Network (COST Action CA16112)
PublicationA healthy ageing process is important when it is considered that one-third of the population of Europe is already over 50 years old, although there are regional variations. This proportion is likely to increase in the future, and maintenance of vitality at an older age is not only an important measure of the quality of life but also key to participation and productivity. So, the binomial “nutrition and ageing” has different aspects...
Unilateral Carotid Body Resection in Resistant Hypertension
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e-Learning CoursesThe course focuses the main trends of the world economy in the last 30 years. National and macro-regional, as well as sectorial case studies will be used to offer a clearer understanding of the main global dynamics. The approach is multidisciplinary and mainly qualitative, including economic and business history, international political economy, economic sociology and political science.
Physicochemical properties of iodine and selenium biofortified Sparus aurata and Cyprinus carpio during frozen storage
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Genetic and pharmacologic proteasome augmentation ameliorates Alzheimer’s-like pathology in mouse and fly APP overexpression models
PublicationThe proteasome has key roles in neuronal proteostasis, including the removal of misfolded and oxidized proteins, presynaptic protein turnover, and synaptic efficacy and plasticity. Proteasome dysfunction is a prominent feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We show that prevention of proteasome dysfunction by genetic manipulation delays mortality, cell death, and cognitive deficits in fly and cell culture AD models. We developed...
Genetic and pharmacologic proteasome augmentation ameliorates Alzheimer’s-like pathology in mouse and fly APP overexpression models
PublicationThe proteasome has key roles in neuronal proteostasis, including the removal of misfolded and oxidized proteins, presynaptic protein turnover, and synaptic efficacy and plasticity. Proteasome dysfunction is a prominent feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We show that prevention of proteasome dysfunction by genetic manipulation delays mortality, cell death, and cognitive deficits in fly and cell culture AD models. We developed...
Occupational Health and Safety Ergonomics - L-15/Ć-0/L-0/P-0, FMEST, ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, I degree, se 01, stationary, (PG_00041987), winter semester 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesDefinitions of ergonomics, its subject, purpose and application. Description of the human-machine system environment. The concept of sustainable development. Environmental management systems. Human model and its characteristics. Human possibilities and industrial processes. Human work environment - material conditions. Principles of human work environment design. Safety and reliability of the human - machine - environment system....
Manufacturing Techniques 1: W/L; ET, 1st grade, 2nd semester, Summer 21/22 (PG_00042029)
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Temat 2: Site-Specific, Land Art, Interwencja - Projekt formy przestrzennej w skali 1:1
e-Learning CoursesKrótki opis problematyki zajęć: Miejsce, przestrzeń, czas, odczucie, emocje, twórcze przetworzenie. Zadanie projektowe odnosi się do działań artystycznych i projektowych z obszaru Site-Specific, Land Art oraz Interwencja w różnych lokalizacjach. W zadaniu powinna być uwzględniona specyfika przestrzenna i historyczna Kampusu Politechniki Gdański. Należy zaprojektować i zrealizować obiekt lub zespół obiektów w skali 1:1 zintegrowanych...
Material Removal Processes; W/L; DaPE; 1st grade, 2nd semester, Summer 21/22 (M:32002W0)
e-Learning CoursesDesign and Production Engineering (WIMiO), 1st degree, 2nd semester Lectures and laboratory exercises
Material Removal Processes; W/L; DaPE; 1st grade, 2nd semester, Summer 22/23 (M:32002W0)
e-Learning CoursesDesign and Production Engineering (WIMiO), 1st degree, 2nd semester Lectures and laboratory exercises
Material Removal Processes; W/L; DaPE; 1st grade, 2nd semester, Summer 24/25 (M:32002W0)
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Material Removal Processes; W/L; DaPE; 1st grade, 2nd semester, Summer 23/24 (M:32002W0)
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Enriched feeds with iodine and selenium from natural and sustainable sources to modulate farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets elemental nutritional value
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Effects of steaming on health-valuable nutrients from fortified farmed fish: Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) as case studies
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Letter to the Editor: Complete resonance assignments of the 'donor-strand' AfaD: The afimbrial invasin from Diffusely Adherent E. coli.
PublicationUstalono strukturę NMR rekombiantowego białka AfaD-dsc. Uzyskane wyniki są podstawą do badań rentgenograficznych struktury białek AfaD/DraD.
Quasi-Static Response
PublicationConcern for the quasi-static response of ship and offshore structures, as required for safety and serviceability assessments. Attention shall be given to uncertainty quantification of quasi-static load and response analysis approaches, and their limitations, including exact and approximate methods for derivation of different acceptance criteria.
HBM4EU Chromates Study: Urinary Metabolomics Study of Workers Exposed to Hexavalent Chromium
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Vehicle Dynamics - L-15/C-15/L-15/P-15, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se06, (M:320383W0), summer semester 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesModuł przedmiotów wybieralnych, MiBM, I stopień, specjalność w j. angielskim: Design and Production Engineering (DaPE), semestr 6?, (przedmiot dla Chińczyków), Lecture: Throttle by tyred wheel: slip rolling, rolling with tyre strain, vertical and lateral surface reactions, traction, energetic looses, forces in contact path. Drugs of movement: rolling, air, gradient, inertia, cornering and towing. Forces ant torques acting to vehicle...
Wnioskowanie i klasyfikacja w analizie danych (AD, semestr letni 2021/2022)
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Statystyka I laboratorium, MF + AD + MS, sem. 5, zima 24/25
e-Learning CoursesObecność na laboratorium jest obowiązkowa. Dopuszcza się jedną nieusprawiedliwioną nieobecność w trakcie semestru. Zaliczenie laboratorium odbędzie się na ostatnich (lub przedostatnich) zajęciach. Formą zaliczenia będzie kolokwium z zadań, które należy rozwiązać korzystając z oprogramowania, podając otrzymane wyniki i interpretując je.
Association between use of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols and postoperative complications in colorectal surgery in Europe: The EuroPOWER international observational study
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Infection with SARS‐CoV‐2 among children with asthma: evidence from Global Asthma Network
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Lessons learned in a decade: Medical‐toxicological view of tattooing
PublicationTattooing has been part of the human culture for thousands of years, yet only in the past decades has it entered the mainstream of the society. With the rise in popularity, tattoos also gained attention among researchers, with the aim to better understand the health risks posed by their application. 'A medical-toxicological view of tattooing'-a work published in The Lancet almost a decade ago, resulted from the international collaboration...
Katarzyna Szałaj, WZiE, an. gosp.+ekon., I st, 4 sem, 23/24l
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Documenting the de-identification process of clinical and imaging data for AI for health imaging projects
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Semi-industrial development of nutritious and healthy seafood dishes from sustainable species
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EMBOA - affective loop in Socially Assistive Robotics as an intervention tool for children with autism
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the training course "Intensive programmes for higher education learner" within the EMBOA project is to familiarise participants with the use of social robots as an intervention tool for children with autism, emotion recognition and the combination of both methods. Students will be informed about the guidelines and results of the project.
Winter temperature and forest cover have shaped red deer distribution in Europe and the Ural Mountains since the Late Pleistocene
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Revisiting the Measurement of Anomie
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Regaining In-Group Continuity in Times of Anxiety About the Group’s Future
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Cultural Values Moderate the Impact of Relative Deprivation
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Natural Resources for Human Health: A New Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to Natural Sciences
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Country‐level and individual‐level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
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A European-wide dataset to uncover adaptive traits of Listeria monocytogenes to diverse ecological niches