Search results for: OWN REVENUES - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: OWN REVENUES

Search results for: OWN REVENUES

  • Billiard in a rotating half-plane


    The main objective of this research is to study the properties of a billiard system in an unbounded domain with moving boundary. We consider a system consisting of an infinite rod (a straight line) and a ball (a massless point) on the plane. The rod rotates uniformly around one of its points and experiences elastic collisions with the ball. We define a mathematical model for the dynamics of such a system and write down asymptotic...

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  • Maksymalizacja zasięgu i przepustowości informacyjnejw systemach DWDM


    W optycznej sieci transportowej OTN przesyłanie sygnałów w światłowodzie następuje z zastosowaniem zwielokrotnienia falowego DWDM. Przy przesyłaniu sygnałów optycznych na duże odległości istotne jest uzyskanie dużego zasięgu bez regeneracji 3R w kanałach falowych, jedynie z zastosowaniem wzmacniaczy optycznych EDFA, kompensujących tłumienie sygnału DWDM w światłowodzie. Równocześnie pożądane jest uzyskanie możliwie dużej sumarycznej...

  • Excitation of Waves in a Dispersive Medium. Example of Flow of a Bubbly Liquid


    The excitation of wave motion by an external source and the interaction of modes inherent to a ow in a dispersive medium are considered. Dispersion is caused by the presence of gaseous bubbles in a liquid. A large variety of steady excited waveforms is possible when the exciting wave is also steady and propagates at a constant velocity. The velocities of the exciter and forced waves may be dierent. This leads to a variety of non-stationary...

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  • FEM modeling of structures based on close range digital photogrammetry



    Praca dotyczy metodologii przygotowania modelu konstrukcji istniejącej do analizy mechanicznej metodą element ow skończonych. MOdelowanie geometrii budowli jest oparte na danych pozyskanych z pomiarów fotogrametrycznych. Praca wskazuje na możliwości oraz efektywność zastosowania metod optometrycznych w rewitalizacji budowli zabytkowych, an przykładzie modelu dachu drewnianego.

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  • Smart Garden Suburb_Urban design II 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • R. Ozdemir
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    In the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...

  • Urban Design II _ New Urban Living 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    In the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...

  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2022_23

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2023_24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Economic Vitality of Polish Suburbs


    - Year 2015

    For over 25 years, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The country's system changed from a planned economy to a free-market, neo-liberal one. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the...

  • Accurate Modeling of Antenna Structures by Means of Domain Confinement and Pyramidal Deep Neural Networks



    The importance of surrogate modeling techniques has been gradually increasing in the design of antenna structures over the recent years. Perhaps the most important reason is a high cost of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis of antenna systems. Although imperative in ensuring evaluation reliability, it entails considerable computational expenses. These are especially pronounced when carrying out EM-driven design tasks such...

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  • Analysis and Risk Evaluation on the Case of Alteration, Revitalization and Conversion of a Historic Building in Gdańsk


    Each investment plan, including the one concerning a building, is exposed to the consequences of various types of threats taking place. Therefore, in the case of some large-scale, atypical and complicated building ventures, some actions included in the procedure of risk management should be taken. This will allow for the risk to be eliminated or limited. While preparing a building venture, an investor does not possess full information...

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  • Using Container Structures in Architecture and Urban Design


    Abstract. The paper presents the use of shipping containers in architecture and urban design. Even today, houses and apartments are still too expensive. Since 1923 architects have been improving the living conditions of citizens by building very simple, repeatable forms. With prefabrication technology it became possible to build quicker, causing house prices to decrease. Apartments in block of flats became affordable to more and...

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  • Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Mobile User Experience Study of iOS and Android Consumer Devices


    - Year 2023

    With the rapid development of wireless networks and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of active mobile user devices continues to grow. Each year more and more terminals are released on the market, with the smartphone being the most popular among them. They include low-end, mid-range, and of course high-end devices, with top hardware specifications. They do vary in build quality, utilized type of material,...

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  • TEM and EDX study of the Al2O3 ultra thin films

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The ultra-thin layers of Al2O3 were deposited on a silicon substrates. The method of atomic layer deposition (Beneq TFS 200 ALD system) was chosen as the proper method of dielectric layer deposition. This method provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water....

  • Selektywne chłodzenie mózgu noworodka po niedotlenieniu okołoporodowym. Cześć 3. Hybrydowy system selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu noworodka

    Zapoczątkowane brakiem tlenu procesy biochemiczne mają zgubne skutki dla układu nerwowego, w szczególności rozwijającego się. Hipotermia, czyli stan oziębienia poniżej pewnych wartości temperatur, spowalnia znacznie lub całkowicie wyhamowuje poszczególne reakcje, i to leży u podstaw jej własności neuroprotekcyjnych. Powyższe twierdzenie poparte licznymi faktami naukowymi leży u podstaw koncepcji selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu i...

  • Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.

    Dr. Eng. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski studied geodesy and cartography at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn from 2004-2009, where he obtained the title of Master of Science in Engineering. In the years 2009-2016, he worked as a land surveyor in Iława and Gdańsk. He gained professional experience during the construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway, which helped him obtain a national surveying license in 2015. In...

  • Krytyczne działania i czynniki sukcesu wdrażania projektów informatycznych


    - Year 2015

    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie, jakie działania powinny podjąć organizacje gospodarcze, aby zidentyfikowane krytyczne czynniki sukcesu projektów informatycznych, pozwalające na zwiększenie prawdopodobieństwa pomyślnego zakończenia przedsięwzięcia, zmaterializowały się. Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzono badania własne. Jako metodę wybrano analizę przypadków. Badanie przeprowadzono w organizacji, która prowadziła...

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  • Platforma edX - nowe podejście do kursów online

    Współczesne metody nauczania na odległość zmieniają się dynamicznie. Powstają światowe konsorcja podejmujące starania zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji na najwyższym poziomie z wykorzystaniem Internetu. Jedną z takich prób jest platforma edX. Jej rozwój zapoczątkowały niemal 2 lata temu MIT i Harvard. Obecnie zespół liczy już 30 uczelni z całego świata. Renoma ośrodków naukowych biorących udział w projekcie przyciągnęła już ponad...

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  • Synthesis and Structure of Novel Copper(II) Complexes with N,O- or N,N-Donors as Radical Scavengers and a Functional Model of the Active Sites in Metalloenzymes

    • J. Masternak
    • M. Zienkiewicz-Machnik
    • I. Łakomska
    • M. Hodorowicz
    • K. Kazimierczuk
    • M. Nosek
    • A. Majkowska-Młynarczyk
    • J. Wietrzyk
    • B. Barszcz


    Toevaluatetheantioxidantactivityofpotentialsyntheticenzymemimetics,wepreparednewfivecopper(II)complexesviaaself‐assemblymethodandnamedthem[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)3](ClO4)2(1),[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)2(H2O)2]SiF6(2),[Cu2(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py)2(2‐(OCH2CH2)py)2](ClO4)2(3),[Cu(pyBIm)3](BF4)2∙1.5H2O(4)and[Cu(py2C(OH)2)2](ClO4)2(5).ThesyntheticprotocolinvolvedN,O‐ orN,N‐donors:2‐(hydroxymethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2)py),2‐(hydroxyethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py),2‐(2‐pyridyl)benzimidazole(pyBIm),di(2‐pyridyl)ke‐tone(py2CO).TheobtainedCu(II)complexeswerefullycharacterisedbyelementalanalysis,FTIR,EPR,UV‐Vis,single‐crystalX‐raydiffractionandHirshfeldsurfaceanalysis.Crystallographicandspectroscopicanalysesconfirmedchromophoresofbothmonomeric({CuN3O3}(1),{CuN2O4}(2),{CuN6}(4),{CuN4O2}(5))anddimericcomplex({CuN2O3}(3)).Mostoftheobtainedspeciespos‐sessedadistortedoctahedralenvironment,exceptdimer3,whichconsistedoftwocoppercentreswithsquarepyramidalgeometries.Thewater‐solublecompounds(1,3and5)wereselectedforbiologicaltesting.Theresultsofthestudyrevealedthatcomplex1insolutionsdisplayedbetterradicalscavengingactivitythancomplexes3,5andfreeligands.Therefore,complex1hasbeenselectedforfurtherstudiestotestitsactivityasanenzymemimetic.Thechosencompoundwastestedontheerythrocytelysateoftwogroupsofpatientsafterundergoingchemotherapyandchemoradiotherapy.Theeffectofthetestedcompound(1)onenzymeactivitylevels(TAS,SODandCAT)suggeststhattheselectedcomplexcanbetreatedasafunctionalmimeticoftheenzymes.

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  • Non-Coaxially Rotating Motion in Casson Martial along with Temperature and Concentration Gradients via First-Order Chemical Reaction


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The effect of non-coaxial rotation on the transport of mass subjected to first-order chemical reaction is studied analytically. The effects of thermal radiation, buoyancy, constructive and destructive chemical reactions along with Casson fluid in rotating frame are discussed. Time evolution of primary and secondary velocities, energy and solute particles are analyzed. The behavior of flow under the variation of intensity of magnetic...

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  • Structural and electrochemical heterogeneities of boron-doped diamond surfaces

    This brief review is focussed on the recent progress in studies of the heterogeneous electrochemical behaviour of various boron-doped materials extending from zero-dimensional particles through polycrystalline or nanostructured three-dimensional surfaces. A boron-doped diamond reveals large heterogeneities induced by numerous factors, inter alia multi-faceted crystallinity, inhomogeneous boron concentration, sp2/sp3-carbon ratio,...

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  • "Food Oxidants and Antioxidants" Book review

    The book is the 14th title in the CRC series Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components, edited since 2001 by Zdzisław E. Sikorski. The editor of the book, a professor in the University of Łódź and member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is an internationally recognized authority in biochemistry and biophysics of reactive oxygen species. In Poland Grzegorz Bartosz has a reputation as the author of his most interesting...

  • Single crystal growth and physical properties of MCo2Al9 (M= Sr, Ba)

    Single crystals of SrCo2Al and BaCo2Al9 were grown using a self-flux method. A LeBail analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns show that both compounds crystallize in a hexagonal (P6/mmm) crystal structure with lattice parameters: a ​= ​7.8995(1) Å, c ​= ​3.9159(1) Å for SrCo2Al9, and a ​= ​7.9162(2) Å, c ​= ​3.9702(1) Å for BaCo2Al9 aluminide. The low temperature analysis of the heat capacity measurements give a Sommerfeld...

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  • Crystal Growth, Structure, and Magnetism of the 2D Spin 1/2 Triangular Lattice Material Rb3Yb(PO4)2



    The single-crystal growth, crystal structure, heat capacity, and anisotropic magnetization characterization of Rb3Yb- (PO4)2, a Yb-based triangular lattice material, are presented. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction shows that Rb3Yb(PO4)2 exhibits [Yb(PO4)]∞ layers, with the Yb in an ordered plane of equilateral triangles. One phosphate group oxygen that is not a near neighbor of the magnetic Yb displays positional disorder. The...

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  • Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland


    - Urban Design International - Year 2021

    In the first half of 2020, millions of people were subjected to drastic restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Austria, France and Poland have implemented a lockdown to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. This is an unprecedented situation in Europe: until now, even in times of war, curfew measures have never been applied 24 h a day. The research presented in this article was carried out...

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  • Two kinds of oxygen vacancies in lithium titaniate doped with copper as detected by EPR


    Lithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4) doped with Cu2+ ions was synthesized by sol-gel processing method. The structure and morphology are characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Spin Hamiltonian parameters describing Zeeman and hyperfine interaction for 63Cu2+ ions were obtained from EPR spectra simulations. The spectra...

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  • Rozpoznanie ról użytkowników usługi e-mail z wykorzystaniem metody opartej na ontologii

    Sieci społeczne jako struktury ukazujące społeczne powiązania pomiędzy osobami lub całymi organizacjami poddawane są często analizie w celu rozpoznania ról, jakie pełnią poszczególni aktorzy w danej sieci. Taka klasyfikacja ról odgrywanych przez aktorów może dostarczać wielu cennych informacji o danej sieci, gdyż daje nam całościowy obraz danej sieci pozwalając na zrozumienie, w jaki sposób sieć jest zorganizowana, i w jaki sposób...

  • Electronic structure of PrBa2Cu3O7 after high-pressure compressionfrom first principles

    W pracy zbadano wpływ ściskania wysokociśnieniowego (P=9GPa) na elektronową strukturę pasmową, rozkład ładunku i momenty magnetyczne w pełni utlenionego stechiometrycznego układu PrBa2Cu3O7. Zaobserwowano następujące zmiany wywołane ściskaniem: (1) zmniejszoną gęstość stanów (DOS) na poziomie Fermiego Ef, (2) zwiększona różnicę pomiędzy wartościami DOS dla stanów "spin-up" i "spin-down" w najbliższym otoczeniu Ef, (3) zmniejszone...

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  • Original footbridge in Mikolajki, Poland

    In summer 2016, a new footbridge in the town of Mikołajki (Poland) was built, over a stream connecting two adjacent lakes – Talty and Mikołajki. Its modern construction, based on the shape of a DN ice-boat, makes it inique in Poland, and probably in the world as well. This novel and dynamic shape became a significant landmark associated not only with Mikołajki, but also with the whole region of Mazury, as well as with sailing...

  • Nanocrystallization as a tool for controlling in vitro dissolution of borophosphate glass

    The controlled nanocrystallization of sodium-calcium-borophosphate glass (Na16.6Ca5.1B10.5Al0.8P10.5 O56.5 in at %) was conducted to investigate its influence on in vitro dissolution. Three temperatures (570 ◦C, 590 ◦C, and 610 ◦C) were selected based on thermal analysis and investigation of the morphology, structure, and in vitro dissolution of glass and glass-ceramics was conducted. The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed...

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    Photovoltaic modules are one of the renewable energy sources with great potential for application in various regions of the world as well as for different terrain. They are, however, sensitive to external factors, affecting the overall amount of energy generated, such as solar irradiance, shading effects and any form of soil build-up on the front glass cover of solar device. The latter issue happens over a course of weeks, months...

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  • Awaria wiaduktu nad obwodnicą Trójmiasta

    Opisano awarię wiaduktu drogowego spowodowaną uderzeniem ponadnormatywnego gabarytowo pojazdu. Zwrócono uwagę na skutki uderzenia, powodujące zniszczenie jednego z przęseł. Przedstawiono wyniki teoretycznych analiz statyczno-wytrzymałościowych wiaduktu w stanie awaryjnym oraz w fazach rozbiórki uszkodzonego przęsła. Omówiono sposób doraźnego zabezpieczenia obiektu, warunki dalszej eksploatacji oraz sposób naprawy.

  • Jarosław Ziętarski dr

    Jarosław Ziętarski is a lecturer (PhD) in the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He has his own channel on the youtube platform called "FAT CAT Financial Education" where he popularizes knowledge in the field of management accounting. He was on the organizing committee of the 28th Annual Multinational Finance Society Conference. Courses taught: Introduction...

  • The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels


    The paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...

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  • Monographic lectures on physics. Part II

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Możejko

  • Seminar on Civil Engineering 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Wójcik
    • M. Nitka

  • CSR AG II on line NST

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Hope


    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Rizun


  • Bądź on-line edycja marzec 2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Niemand-Niedziela
    • K. Redlarski

  • Rachunkowość finansowa (zima 2024 on-line)

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Figura

  • NST on line FILOZOFIA AG 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Hope

  • Prawo Gospodarcze on-line 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zaborowski

  • Koncepcje zarządzania 2023-2024 on-line

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Leja

    Dzień Dobry, uprzejmie informuję, że zajęcia w trybie on-line, tj. zjazdy od II do VII będą prowadzone z wykorzystaniem Microsoft Teams o adresie: zapraszam i pozdrawiam Krzysztof Leja

  • Jakość oprogramowania w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami informatycznymi


    Cel: Celem artykułu jest ocena, czy wykorzystanie podejścia zwinnego Scrum w organizacji podnosi jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania oraz próba uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak nowelizacja Przewodnika po Scrumie (Scrum Guide) z listopada 2020 roku wpłynęła na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Przyjętą metodyką badawczą jest przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz badania własne autora....

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  • Usuwanie lotnych związków organicznych z fazy gazowej z zastosowaniem cieczy jonowych


    Użycie cieczy jonowej do usuwania LZO jest limitowane przez rozpuszczalność usuwanych związków. Dane literaturowe sugerują, że ciecze jonowe jako faza membranowa mogą być z powodzeniem stosowane do selektywnej separacji węglowodorów aromatycznych z mieszanin węglowodorów aromatycznych i alifatycznych. Przedmiotem pracy było kompleksowe opisanie procesu separacji LZO z fazy gazowej z uwzględnieniem czynników wpływających na efektywność...

  • Carbon dioxide potential reduction using Start-Stop system in a car

    Operating fuel consumption increases significantly when the vehicle stops frequently while driving or when the engine is idling during braking. In such cases, the internal combustion engine consumes the fuel but the mechanical energy is not used by the drive system. The amount of fuel that is consumed in this time by the engine can potentially be saved if the car is equipped with a Stop-Start system. Start-Stop system automatically...

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  • Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism



    Water is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...

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  • Glosa aprobująca do wyroku Izby Karnej Sądu Najwyższego z 29 maja 2018 r. o sygn. akt II KK 99/18. A comment of approval on the verdict of 29 May 2018 issued by the Criminal Law Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court (II KK 99/18).


    "Glosowany wyrok Sądu Najwyższego dotyczy problematyki orzekania o czynach przeciwko mieniu, w stosunku do których od 9 listopada 2013 r. kryterium uznania danego czynu za przestępstwo albo za wykroczenie stanowi określony w kodeksie wykroczeń wskaźnik minimalnego wynagrodzenia za pracę. We wskazanym zakresie należy mieć na uwadze minimalne wynagrodzenie z daty orzekania w przedmiocie odpowiedzialności za taki czyn, a nie z...

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  • Alternatywne modele żywienia w cukrzycy typu 2


    - KOSMOS - Year 2023

    Cukrzyca typu 2 jest chorobą diagnozowaną u coraz większej liczby osób. Brak codziennej aktywności fizycznej, ale także spożywanie w dużych ilościach przetworzonej, wysokokalorycznej i ubogiej w włókno pokarmowe żywności przyczynia się do wzrostu masy ciała co w konsekwencji zwiększa możliwość zachorowania na owe schorzenie. Dlatego w dietoterapii cukrzycy typu 2 rekomenduje się wprowadzenie diety o niskim indeksie glikemicznym...

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  • Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains



    Two mobile agents, modeled as points starting at differentlocations of an unknown terrain, have to meet. The terrain is a polygon with polygonal holes. We consider two versions of this rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing the agents have to coincide at some time, and epsilon-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than epsilon in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but...

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