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Search results for: STRUKTURA PRETOWA
Plasmon and structure resonances in the scattering of light by a periodic chain of silver nanocylinders
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Thresholds of Lasing as Solutions of Characteristic Equation for a VCSEL-type Layered Structure
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Application of the fluid–structure interaction technique for the analysis of hydrodynamic lubrication problems
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Hydrogen induced degradation of structural steel exposed to the technical liquid hydrocarbons
PublicationBadano degradacje stali 26H2MF w mieszaninach węglowodorów. Badania były prowadzone pod stałym obciążeniem i przy małej prędkości 10-6s-1
The role of intermolecular interactions in stabilizing the structure of the nematic twist-bend phase
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Analysis of the amount of retained austenite in the structure of steel rolls for sheet rolling
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Influence of TiO2 structure on its photocatalytic activity towards acetaldehyde decomposition
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Effects of Coulomb interaction on the electronic structure and lattice dynamics of the Mott insulatorFe2SiO4spinel
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Poly(vinyl alcohol)/GO-MMT nanocomposites: Preparation, structure and properties
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Enhancement of the structure stability of MOF‐5 confined to multiwalled carbon nanotubes
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Structural Determinants of Substrate Specificity of SplF Protease from Staphylococcus aureus
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Structure and elastic properties of Mg(OH)2from density functional theory
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Spillover and risk transmission in the components of the term structure of eurozone yield curve
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Structural Analysis Procedure and Applicability Review of Spudcan Considering Soil Types
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Analysis of the harmonic structure of the vowel /a/ taking into account the age and gender of the speaker
PublicationSound waves are disturbances propagating through an elastic medium that, upon reaching the ear, elicit auditory sensations. Sounds generated by the surroundings can be captured by a transducer (microphone), which transforms them into an electrical signal. The signal from the microphone is then transmitted to a computer, where software allows for the extraction and analysis of individual tones. This process enables the description...
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Structural waveguide co-doped with Yb3+/Tm3+for measurement of chlorophyll concentration
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Structural and optical study on antimony-silicate glasses doped with thulium ions
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Structure and electric transport properties of Ca-doped bulk PrBa2Cu3O7−δ
PublicationThe crystal structure and electric transport properties of Pr1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7- delta (x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5) bulk ceramic samples, prepared by the standard solid-state reaction in air, were examined by X-ray power diffraction, resistivity measurements and room temperature thermoelectric power determination. Ca atoms introduce additional holes to the system as well as structural defects. The orthorhombic-to-tetragonal structural...
Structure and wettability of heterogeneous monomolecular films of phospholipids with cholesterol or lauryl gallate
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Pincer Complexes Based on Phosphinoaminopyridines: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Catalytic Applications
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Hybrid carbon-TiO2 spheres: Investigation of structure, morphology and spectroscopic studies
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Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions
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Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15Mo Ge9
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Optimal Shape Refurbishment of Distorted Dome Structure with Safeguarding of Member Stress
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Structural, thermal and photocatalytic properties of composite materials SiO2/TiO2/C
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Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Polish Academy of Sciences Structure – Activities – Perspectives
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Quantitative structure–retention relationships in affinity high-performance liquid chromatography
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The influence of laser alloying on the structure and mechanical properties of AlMg5Si2Mn surface layers
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Hyperfine Structure Study of Several Lines of207Pb I – Part II
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Influence of chemical composition of amide block on the thermal properties and structure of terpolymers
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Fluorescent Tricyclic Analogues of Acyclovir and Ganciclovir. A Structure−Antiviral Activity Study
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Azomacrocyclic derivatives of imidazole: synthesis, structure, and metal ion complexation properties
PublicationNew azocrown ethers comprising imidazoles in the macrocycle have been synthesized. Imidazole, 2-methyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4-phenylimidazole were incorporated to form macrocyclic units by coupling with the appropriate bis-diazonium salts. The syntheseswere performed under high dilution conditions. The X-ray structure of a water adduct of the 21-membered crown ether derivative of 4-methylimidazole 8 has been solved. Metal...
Lamb Wave Based Structural Damage Detection Using Stationarity Tests
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Structure – chiroptical properties relationship of cisoid enones with an α-methylenecyclopentanone unit
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Synthesis and comprehensive structural and physicochemical characterization of dutasteride hydrochloride hydrate solvates
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Analysis of molecular structure of starch citrate obtained by a well-stablished method
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Structural properties and adsorption of uranyl ions on the nanocomposite hydroxyapatite/white clay
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Simulation of damage process of containership's side structure due to collision with a rock
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki uproszczonego modelowania numerycznego procesu kolizji burty kontenerowca ze skałą. Analiza wyników modelowania pozwala wyciągnąć wnioski o charakterze zjawiska jak również określić obszar i głębokość uszkodzenia wywołanego przez penetrującą skałę w celu doboru wymiarów geometrii i wypełniacza dla drugiej bariery ochronnej.
Propagation of elastic waves in structural elements by spectral finite element methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę elementów spektralnych w zastosowaniu do analizy propagacji fal sprężystych w elementach konstrukcyjnych.
Economic growth, structural change and quality upgrading in New Member States
PublicationThe purpose of this research is to present the recent developments concerning structural change and productivity growth in New Member States and the role played in such process by country specific factors. We focus on ten countries (NMS-10) which joined the EU in 2004 and analyze productivity dynamics of their labor structures between the years 1995 and 2005 in a comparative setting versus EU-15 economies. NMS-10 have gone through...
Structure and Molecular Dynamics in Renewable Polyamides from Dideoxy-Diamino Isohexide
PublicationThe chemical structure, the conformation, andthe flexibility of the polymer chain fragments present in thepolyamides synthesized from 2,5-diamino-2,5-dideoxy-1,4;3,6-dianhydrosorbitol, 1,4-diaminobutane, and either sebacic orbrassylic acid have been studied by liquid-state 2D NMRspectroscopy viz. correlation spectra (COSY) and heteronuclearmultiple-bond correlation spectra (gHMBC), by 13Ccross-polarization/magic-angle spinning...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtained during sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by means of the parametric echo-sounder. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs correct configuration of research equipment and proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, MRU-Z motion sensor and navigation instruments which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system, enabling its work...
The impact of road network structure and mobility on the national traffic fatality rate
PublicationW pracy określono wpływ wybranych miar struktury sieci drogowej i mobilności mieszkańców na wskaźnik śmiertelności w wypadkach drogowych na bazie dostępnych danych z wielu krajów świata. Opracowano wieloczynnikowe modele nieliniowe pozwalające na określenie wpływu wielu istotnych czynników: ekonomicznych, systemowych, motoryzacyjnych i infrastrukturalnych na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego mierzonego wskaźnikiem śmiertelności RFR.
Fully Isohexide-Based Polyesters: Synthesis, Characterization, and Structure-Properties Relations
PublicationHere we present a novel series of biobasedpolyesters solely based on renewable isohexide building blocks,synthesized via melt polymerization. The recently developedisoidide dicarboxylic acid (IIDCA) was polymerized with rigidrenewable diols such as isosorbide (IS), isomannide (IM),isoidide (II), and the novel 2,5-methylene-extended isoididedimethanol (IIDML). Both IIDCA and IIDML weredeveloped to increase the reactivity of the...
Roof over PGE Arena in Gdansk. Review of structure and monitoring system
PublicationThis paper presents general structural assumptions of the steel construction designed for a newfootball stadium to be built for UEFA Championship 2012 in the city of Gdańsk. The superstructureis founded directly on the modified abutment. The facade and the roof are collected from 82 steelgirders made of tube profiles. The girders are braced by circular beams and X tension rods. All thiscreates a quasi - dome covered by polycarbonate...
Probabilistic Analysis of Structure Models using Target Random Sampling (TRS)
PublicationThe work presents testing methods of sensitivity and reliability of mechanical or structural systems. All computations concerned the case of Zigler column, a simple model of a compressed column involving two random variables only. A conclusion was drawn that the standard Monte Carlo method, its reduction variants and the response surface method allow to assess the sensitivity of structural response to the variation of random structural...
Solvothermal synthesis and structural characterization of three polyoxotitanium-organic acid clusters
PublicationThree new titanium oxo-clusters Ti4O2(OiPr)10(OOCPhMe)2 (I), Ti6O4(OEt)8(OOCPhMe)8 (II) and Ti6O6(OEt)6(OOCCHPh2)6 (III) were obtained by easy one-step solvothermal reactions of titanium(IV) isopropoxide, alcohols and carboxylic acids. The three compounds were characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, TGA/DSC, optical and electron microscopy, and FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopy...
Eco-Friendly Ether and Ester-Urethane Prepolymer: Structure, Processing and Properties
PublicationThis study concerns bio-based urethane prepolymers. The relationship between the chemical structure and the thermal and processing parameters of bio-based isocyanate-terminated ether and ester-urethane prepolymers was investigated. Bio-based prepolymers were obtained with the use of bio-monomers such as bio-based diisocyanate, bio-based polyether polyol or polyester polyols. In addition to their composition, the bio-based prepolymers...
Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and...