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Search results for: COLD CRACING
Zirconia-based mixed potential sensor with Pt electrode prepared by spin-coating of polymeric precursor
PublicationMany types of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) based gas sensors have been explored extensively in recent years. Great attention have been directed to mixed-potential-type gas sensors. It is due to growing concerns with environmental issues. Not without a significance is the fact of very attractive performance of this type of sensor allowing to detect low concentration of pollutant gases. In this paper two types of YSZ based mixed-potential...
Gaze-tracking and acoustic vector sensors technologies for PTZ camera steering and acoustic event detection
The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas
PublicationThe concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by...
The use of innovative application in creating new marketing space for cultural and entertainment events in the local market
PublicationThe following article describes the problems concerning marketing of mass events in the local market and potential solutions. In the first part the barriers that occur in communication between the organizers and the articipants are defined. In the process of identifying problems the results of research conducted for the needs article were used. In following sections the solution with use of Smartphone app is shown. The features that...
Optimizing of target detection and tracking processes realized on consoles of passive sonar with linear towed antenna
PublicationThe long-range passive towed sonar was first modernised a few years ago. Building on operator experience over that period, a concept was developed of optimising the tasks performed by sonar operators, and improving forms of imaging to inform about object detection and support object tracking. The concept was implemented and successfully tested during ships’ manoeuvres. The optimisation of operator tasks was designed to keep listening...
Evaluation of adhesion strength, corrosion, and biological properties of the MWCNT/TiO2 coating intended for medical applications
PublicationMulti-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) coatings are gaining increasing interest because of their special properties used in many science fields. The titania coatings are known for their improvement of osteoblast adhesion, thus changing the surface architecture. Bi-layer coatings comprising 0.25 wt% of the MWCNTs and 0.30 wt% of titania (anatase structure) were synthesized in a two-stage procedure using the electrophoretic deposition...
Suspension and process parameters selection for electrophoretic deposition of Mn–Co spinel coating on steel interconnects
PublicationMetallic interconnect coatings, consisting of MnCo2O4 spinel, were effectively applied to Crofer 22 APU using the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method in both H2O: ethanol and pure ethanol solvents. The primary goal of this method was to prevent chromium migration, minimize evaporation, and control the oxidation rate. The study aimed to assess the quality, adhesion, and thickness of the Mn–Co coating, with the objective of...
Improved maximum power point tracking algorithms by using numerical analysis techniques for photovoltaic systems
PublicationSolar photovoltaic (PV) panels generate optimal electricity when operating at the maximum power point (MPP). This study introduces a novel MPP tracking algorithm that leverages the numerical prowess of the predictor-corrector method, tailored to accommodate voltage and current fluctuations in PV panels resulting from variable environmental factors like solar irradiation and temperature. This paper delves into the intricate dynamics...
Underwater Electrochemical Offshore Tests of a Paint Coating Applied in Water on the Legs of an Oil Production Platform
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology developed for underwater measurements using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique, aimed at determining the resistance of an epoxy coating applied in seawater to the legs of an oil production platform. Performing such underwater tests in an offshore environment was technically challenging. The results of measurements obtained on the platform were confronted with comparative results...
The Effect of Marginal Zn2+ Excess Released from Titanium Coating on Differentiation of Human Osteoblastic Cells
PublicationComposite coatings based on chitosan and zinc nanoparticles (ZnNPs) were successfully produced on Ti13Zr13Nb substrates by cathodic electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The unfavorable phenomenon of water electrolysis-induced nonuniformity was reduced by applying a low voltage (20 V) and a short deposition time (1 min). Surface analysis (roughness and hydrophilicity) reveals the potential of these coatings for enhancing cell attachment...
Preparation and Characterization of Microsphere ZnO ALD Coating Dedicated for the Fiber-Optic Refractive Index Sensor
PublicationWe report the fabrication of a novel fiber-optic sensor device, based on the use of a microsphere conformally coated with a thin layer of zinc oxide (ZnO) by atomic layer deposition (ALD), and its use as a refractive index sensor. The microsphere was prepared on the tip of a single-mode optical fiber, on which a conformal ZnO thin film of 200 nm was deposited using an ALD process based on diethyl zinc (DEZ) and water at 100 °C....
A novel method of creating thermoplastic chitosan blends to produce cell scaffolds by FDM additive manufacturing
PublicationDue to its remarkable and promising biological and structural properties, chitosan has been widely studied in several potential applications in the biomedical sector. Attempts are being made to use this polymer and its properties in thermoplastics dedicated to 3D printing in FDM technology. However, chitosan can be processed only from acid solution, which limits its applications. The paper presents a new path for the production...
From the pills to environment – Prediction and tracking of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug concentrations in wastewater
PublicationThe extend of environment pollution by pharmaceuticals is in a stage that required more automatic and integrated solutions. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most popular pharmaceutical in the world and emerging pollutants of natural waters. The aim of the paper was to check the correlation of the sales data of selected NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac) and their concentration in the WWTP...
Buckling Analysis of a Micro Composite Plate with Nano Coating Based on the Modified Couple Stress Theory
PublicationThe present study investigates the buckling of a thick sandwich plate under the biaxial non-uniform compression using the modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions. For this purpose, the top and bottom faces are orthotropic graphene sheets and for the central core the isotropic soft materials are investigated. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) is employed and the governing differential...
Electrochemical behaviour of Cr coating in acidic sulphate solution studied by cyclic polarization and impedance spectroscopy
PublicationOdporność korozyjną powłok chromowych w 0.01 M H2SO4 zbadano metodami woltamperometrii cyklicznej i spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stwierdzono, że właściwości ochronne powłoki chromowej w kontakcie z powietrzem wzrastają dzięki tworzeniu się warstwy tlenkowej zapełniającej defekty w powłoce. W trakcie polaryzacji anodowej następuje częściowe roztwarzanie tej warstwy i penetracja agresywnego środowiska do podłoża (stali), co powoduje...
Creating neural models using an adaptive algorithm for optimal size of neural network and training set.
PublicationZaprezentowano adaptacyjny algorytm generujący modele neuronowe liniowych układów mikrofalowych, zdolny do oszacowania optymalnego rozmiaru zbiory uczącego i sieci neuronowej. Stworzono kilka modeli nieciągłości falowodowych i mokropaskowych, a następnie zweryfikowano ich poprawność porównując wyniki analiz metodą dopasowania rodzajów i metodą momentów filtrów pasmowo-przepustowych.
FE-investigations on crack spacing in reinforced concrete beams within non-local continuum mechanics.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy rozstawu rys w belkach żelbetowych przy zastosowaniu dwóch ciągłych modeli nielokalnych. Zbadano wpływ wielu różnych parametrów na rozstaw rys.
Identyfikacja i izolacja genu kodującego zaadaptowaną do zimna β-galaktozydazę Paracoccus sp. = Identification and izolation of the gene encoding cold-active β-galactosidase from paracoccus sp.
PublicationZaprezentowane badania były prowadzone u eehi wyizolowania ze środo¬wiska organizmu psychrofilnego, zdolnego do hydrolizy laktozy w niskiej tempe¬raturze, oraz zidentyfikowania genu kodującego (i-galaktozydazę zaadaptowaną do zimna.Poszukiwan gen został w izolowany z psychrofilnego szczepu autarkicz¬nego Paracoccus sp. 321). Na podstawie sekwencji nukleotydowej genu kodują¬cego fS-galaktozdaze ustalono skład aminokwasów),...
Marek Pszczoła dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures, low temperature cracking assessment of pavement structures, road materials properties, thermal stress analysis, design of pavement structures, airfield design and analysis....
Tetracycline and ampicillin resistance of Escherichia coli strains of surface water origin: the potential for horizontal transfer of resistance genes = Oporność na tetracyklinę i ampicylinę szczepów Escherichia Coli wyizolowanych z wody powierzchniowej : możliwość horyzontalnego przenoszenia genów oporności
PublicationThe aim of this preliminary study was to assess the occurrence and molecular diversity of tetracycline and ampicillin resistance genes carried by Escherichia coli present in surface water. Bacterial strains were isolated from two watercourses (the Reda River and the Oliwski Stream) that influence the quality of coastal waters in the Gdańsk Bay (Northern Poland) by direct discharge. The bacterial drug susceptibility, tested against...
Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
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Tattooed man: Could menstrual cycle phase and contraceptive use change female preferences towards bad boys?
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In pursuit of key features for constructing electrochemical biosensors – electrochemical and acid-base characteristic of self-assembled monolayers on gold
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Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and Magnesium Concentrations in the Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Fetal Membrane from Women with Multiple Pregnancies
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A freeze-thaw method for desintegration of Escherichia coli cells producing T7 lysozyme used in pBAD expression systems
PublicationPlazmid pLysN zawierający gen kodujący lizozym T7 pod kontrolą promotora lac został skonstruowany w celu ułatwienia dezintegracji komórek po ekspresji rekombinantowych białek w systemach ekspresji indukowanych arabinozą. Użyteczność plazmidu została przetestowana w komórkach Escherichia coli TOP10 i E. coli LMG194, niosących plazmid pBADMHADgeSSB, zawierający gen kodujący białko SSB Deinococcus geothermalis pod kontrolą promotora...
Trastuzumab-Modified Gold Nanoparticles Labeled with 211At as a Prospective Tool for Local Treatment of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
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Duration of disability, functional independence, coping styles and the quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury – Pilot study
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Tuning Optical and Granulometric Properties of Gold Nanostructures Synthesized with the Aid of Different Types of Honeys for Microwave-Induced Hyperthermia
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Could selected gut microorganisms be diagnostic biomarkers for autism spectrum disorders? Study based on a commercial microbiota test
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The role of uropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesive molecules in inflammatory response- comparative study on immunocompetent hosts and kidney recipients
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Could the Optiplex <i>Borrelia</i> assay replace the traditional, two-step method of diagnosing Lyme disease?
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Type II secretory pathway for surface secretion of DraD invasin from the uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strain
PublicationWłaściwości wirulentne uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli Dr+ IH11128 związane są z obecnością struktur fimbrialnych typu Dr i białka inwazyny DraD, które może na powierzchni komórki bakteryjnej pełnić rolę fimbrialnej podjednostki szczytowej. Ostatnie badania wykazały, że białko DraD jest eksponowane na powierzchni bakterii w dwóch formach: związanej ze strukturą fimbrialną i jako niezależna od fimbrii otoczka białkowa....
Visible light-induced photocatalytic reaction of gold-modified titanium(IV) oxide particles: action spectrum analysis
PublicationAnalizy spektrum działania wykazały, ze wzbudzenie powierzchniowego plazmonu złota inicjuje utlenianie 2-propanolu w świetle widzialnym w napowietrzonej zawiesinie tlenku(IV) tytanu zmodyfikowanego zlotem. Badania przeprowadzone z użyciem światła polichromatycznego wykazały, ze szybkość reakcji foto-utleniania zależy od właściwości tlenku(IV) tytanu, takich jak rozmiar ziaren, pola powierzchni właściwej, formy krystalicznej (anataz...
Hydrolytic and transgalactosylation activities of immobilized Escherichia coli cells transformed by β-galactosidase gene from Pyrococcus woesei
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących skuteczności transformacji laktozy katalizowanej immobilizowanymi w żelu alginianowym rekombinantowymi komórkami Escherichia coli, transformowanymi genem b-galaktozydazy z Pyrococcus woesei. Wykazano, że aktywność hydrolityczna rekombinantowych komórek wzrasta o 35% po permeabilizacji w środowisku 40% etanolu. Optymalna temperatura i pH katalizowanej reakcji wynosiły odpowiednio 98C i 5,4....
Preferencje przedstawicieli polskiego pokolenia dwudziestolatków w zakresie słodzonych sacharozą i dietetycznych napojów typu cola
PublicationCelem badania było zidentyfikowanie preferencji polskiego pokolenia dwudziestolatków w zakresie napojów typu cola. W badaniu udział wzięło 71 kobiet i 49 mężczyzn w wieku 20 – 21 lat. Badanie składało się z dwóch części: (1) ankiety dotyczącej zwyczajów związanych ze spożywaniem napojów typu cola oraz (2) konsumenckiej oceny sensorycznej napojów Coca – Coli oraz Coca – Coli light metodą parzystą za pomocą testu dwustronnego. Druga...
Effects Induced by the Temperature and Chemical Environment on the Fluorescence of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Perylene-Derivative Dye
PublicationWe developed a fluorescent molecular probe based on gold nanoparticles functionalized with N,N′-bis(2-(1-piperazino)ethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid diimide dihydrochloride, and these probes exhibit potential for applications in microscopic thermometry. The intensity of fluorescence was affected by changes in temperature. Chemical environments, such as different buffers with the same pH, also resulted in different fluorescence...
Exploring multi-step glucose oxidation kinetics at GOx-functionalized nanotextured gold surfaces with differential impedimetric technique
PublicationFor a few past years, we can observe the enormous growth of investigations related to ultrasensitive electrochemical sensors capable of reliable determination of important body parameters and analytes. Utilized procedures rely on standard electrochemical methods, demanding electrode polarization, and information about the initial characteristics of the working electrode. More and more complex electrode materials are characterized...
Detection of the Plant Pathogen Pseudomonas Syringae pv. Lachrymans on Antibody-Modified Gold Electrodes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationThe present work describes an impedimetric immunosensor for Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (Psl) detection. This pathogen infects many crop species causing considerable yield losses, thus fast and cheap detection method is in high demand. In the assay, the gold disc electrode was modified with 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP), glutaraldehyde (GA), and anti-Psl antibodies, and free-sites were blocked with bovine serum albumin (BSA)....
Ultrasensitive electrochemical determination of the cancer biomarker protein sPD-L1 based on a BMS-8-modified gold electrode
PublicationThis work describes the modification of a gold electrode with the BMS-8 compound that interacts with the Programmed Death-Ligand 1 (PD-L1), an immune checkpoint protein. The results show that we can confirm the presence of the sPD-L1 in the concentration range of 10−18 to 10−8 M using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with a limit of detection (LOD) of 1.87 × 10−14 M for PD-L1 (S/N = 3.3) and at a concentration of 10−14...
Thermal dewetting as a method of surface modification of the gold thin films for surface plasmon resonance based sensor applications
PublicationHere, we report a quick and simple approach with low, optimized production costs to obtain surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sensors fabricated through a time- and resource-effective method based on thermal dewetting of thin Au films. From the applicative point of view, the method of detection presented here should be easier to implement, since light transmission measurements seem to be much less challenging than light refractive...
Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
PublicationABSTRACT Laser illuminated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) efficiently absorb light and heat up the surrounding medium, leading to versatile applications ranging from plasmonic catalysis to cancer photothermal therapy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the thermal, optical, and electron induced reaction pathways is required. Here, the electrophilic DNA nucleobase analog 5-Bromouracil (BrU) has been used as a model compound to...
PublicationThis study investigates the optimization of light-to-heat conversion in gold nanoparticles under irradiation by continuous- and pulsed-wave laser sources. The conversion process relies on the absorption of electromagnetic energy and the subsequent generation of heat, a phenomenon that is integral to a variety of applications. The photothermal conversion model is based on the Rayleigh-Drude approximation, facilitating predictions...
High yield expression and single step purification of Toxoplasma gondii SAG1, GRA1, GRA7 antigens in Escherichia coli.
PublicationPraca przedstawia metodę uzyskiwania antygenów rekombinowanych Toxoplasmagondii o wysokiej czystości, które można zastosować w immunodiagnostyce. Antygeny T. gondii eksprymowane w komórkach E. coli zawierały polihistydynowedomeny fuzyjne na końcu N i C białka. Pozwalało to na jednoetapowe oczyszczanie białek metodą chromatografii metalopowinowactwa na złożu Ni2+ -IDA-Sepharose. Immunoreaktywność antygenów rekombinowanych...
Gas hold up and time dependent slurry viscosity during the the precipitation of fine grained silicon dioxide particles.
PublicationBadano zmiany stopnia zatrzymania gazu i lepkości zawiesiny podczas precypitacji dwutlenku krzemu z krzemianu sodowego za pomocą dwutlenku w reaktorze airlift z wewnętrzną cyrkulacją. Badano wpływ parametrów procesowych na akumulację mikropęcherzy w zawiesinie.
Weldability of high strength steels in wet welding conditions
PublicationIn this paper are characterized problems of high strength steel weldability in underwater wet welding conditions. Water as a welding environment intensifies action of unfavourable factors which influence susceptibility to cold cracking of welded steel joints. The susceptibility to cold cracking of S355J2G3 steel and S500M steel in wet conditions was experimentally estimated (by using Tekken test). It was concluded that the steels...
Analysis of electrochemical parameters in time domain during the passive layer cracking occurring on the 304L stainless steel in chlorides solution under tensile stresses
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Micro-cracking pattern recognition of hybrid CNTs/GNPs cement pastes under three-point bending loading using acoustic emission technique
PublicationThe generation of microcracks has an important influence on the behaviour of concrete structures. In this study, the acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to investigate the fracture phenomena and micro-cracking behavior of hybrid carbon nanotubes (CNTs, the 1-D allotrope of carbon atoms) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs, 2D monolayer of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms), cement composites under three-point bending loading. In...
A label-free graphene-based impedimetric biosensor for real-time tracing of the cytokine storm in blood serum; suitable for screening COVID-19 patients
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Analysis of electrochemical parameters in time domain during the passive layer cracking occurring on the 304L stainless steel in chlorides solution under tensile stresses.
PublicationDynamiczna Elektrochemiczna Spektroskopia Impedancyjna została wykorzystana do szczegółowej analizy zakresu przejścia stan pasywny - stan aktywny podczas procesu pękania warstwy pasywnej. Wpływ potencjału oraz naprężeń mechanicznych na niszczenie warstwy ochronnej występującej na stali 304L w środowisku 0.5M NaCl w pokojowej temperaturze został przestudiowany. Praca prezentuje chwilowe widma impedancyjne uzyskane przy różnych warunkach...