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[Soft Skills] Basic didactic methods
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplines Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang} Soft skills Area I - didactic skills
QRM Basic (Quick Response Manufacturing)
e-Learning Courses -
Polish bibliological journals - publishing policy data set
Open Research DataThe file contains the results of an analysis of the publishing policies of Polish bibliological journals conducted by librarians of the Library of the Gdansk University of Technology. Among the elements studied were Open Access status, Creative Commons license type and self-archiving practices.The survey was conducted from 2018 to 2023 on the basis...
Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe
PublicationObserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...
Mechanika techniczna 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesMechanika techniczna 2024/2025, kurs wspierający przedmiotMechanika techniczna, PG_00044531 przeznaczony dla studentów:Kierunek studiów: Transport Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2024/2025Forma studiów: stacjonarne Rok studiów: 1 Semestr: 2 (letni)
42503 s1st-GMB-24'25 Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli
e-Learning CoursesGeodezyjny Monitoring Budowli 2024/2025(lato), kurs wspierający przedmiot:Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli A, PG_00044851 przeznaczony dla studentów - Geodezja Miejska i Przemysłowa Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli B, PG_00044858 przeznaczony dla studentów - Geodezja Drogowa i KolejowaKierunek studiów: Geodezja i Kartografia Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2024/2025Forma studiów:...
Dynamika 23'24 mgr nst
e-Learning CoursesDynamika mgr nst 2023/2024 (lato),kurs wspierający przedmiot:Dynamika budowli, PG_00048222,przeznaczony dla studentów - Budownictwo mgr nst rocznik 2022 Kierunek studiów: BudownictwoPoziom kształcenia: 2 stopnia - magisterskieRok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2023/2024Forma studiów: niestacjonarne Rok studiów: 2Semestr studiów: 4 (2, letni) id=38655
34603 Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli 2023/2024 (lato)
e-Learning CoursesGeodezyjny Monitoring Budowli 2023/2024 (lato), kurs wspierający przedmiot:Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli A, PG_00044851 przeznaczony dla studentów - Geodezja miejska i przemysłowa Geodezyjny Monitoring Budowli B, PG_00044858 przeznaczony dla studentów - Geodezja drogowa i kolejowaKierunek studiów: Geodezja i Kartografia Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2023/2024Forma studiów:...
Podstawy Statyki i Dynamiki Konstrukcji
e-Learning CoursesPojęcia podstawowe, algebra wektorów, główne zasady statyki, redukcja i równowaga ogólnego układu sił. Układ sił zbieżnych, układ sił równoległych, środki ciężkości, płaski układ sił. Statyka układów materialnych: stopnie swobody i siły wewnętrzne, klasyczne założenia mechaniki budowli, klasyfikacja układów konstrukcyjnych, rodzaje oddziaływań, statyczna wyznaczalność i budowa kinematyczna płaskich układów prętowych. Reakcje i...
Polska adaptacja Metody Oceny Wypalenia Zawodowego (BAT-PL) autorstwa Schaufeliego i współpracowników
PublicationAim. The study aimed to present the Polish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al. and to assess its validity and reliability. The tool measures the core symptoms of burnout (BAT-C): exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment, and its secondary symptoms (BAT-S): psychosomatic complaints and psychological distress. Method. The participants were 255 nursing staff members....
Fatigue and burnout in police officers: the mediating role of emotions
PublicationPurpose – The policing profession is associated with psychosocial hazard. Fatigue and burnout often affect police officers, and may impair the functioning of the organization and public safety. The relationship between fatigue and burnout may be modified by job-related emotions. While negative emotions have been extensively studied, the role of positive emotions at work is relatively less known. Additionally, there is insufficient...
Informal Workplace Learning and Employee Development. Growing in the Organizational New Normal
PublicationThe new paradigm in employee development assumes that employees should proactively direct their learning and growth. Most workplace learning is basically informal and occurs through daily work routines, peer-to-peer interactions, networking, and typically brings about significant positive outcomes to both individuals and organizations. Yet, workplace learning always occurs in a pre-defined context and this context has recently...
Barriers to and Facilitators of Scientific Productivity: A Case Study from Polish Technical University
PublicationScientific productivity plays an essential role in the creation of innovation and it stimulates social and economic growth. This study aimed to identify the barriers to and facilitators of scientific productivity in engineering and technology field, as perceived from the perspective of academic managers. Along with quality approach, the study relied on semi-structured interviews with managing bodies, i.e. seven deans and deputy...
Positive Management of Universities: A Model of Motivation to Strive for Scientific Excellence
PublicationObjective: The aim of the article is to conceptualise a model of work motivation in the management of universities striving for scientific excellence. Research Design & Methods: The most relevant for our aim is the self-determina tion theory that is applied to the work and organisational domain. We used a nar rative literature review. Findings: The proposed model is derived from the self-determination theory. It includes three...
Within- and between-person factor structure of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory: Analysis of a diary study using multilevel confirmatory factor analysis
PublicationThe study examined the factor structure of burnout, as measured with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. The participants were 235 employees of a public administration agency who assessed their burnout online for 10 consecutive working days. Two models were tested with multilevel confirmatory factor analysis, assuming the same one or two-factor structure at the within- and between-person levels. Both models showed a reasonable fit...
The Polish adaptation of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by W. Schaufeli et al.
PublicationAim. The study aimed to present the Polish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al. and to assess its validity and reliability. The tool measures the core symptoms of burnout (BAT-C): exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment, and its secondary symptoms (BAT-S): psychosomatic complaints and psychological distress. Method. The participants were 255 nursing staff members. The construct...
Małgorzata Wójcik PhD
PeopleI am a physiotherapist with 26 years of experience (I am a therapist specialising in the following methods: NDT-Bobath, PNF, Cyriax, musculo-fascial relaxation) and DO osteopath (including pediatric osteopath). I have a PhD degree and have published scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals: I focus on physiotherapy of newborns (premature babies) and infants...
Structural and luminescence properties of B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of B2O3-Bi2O3 and B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions in different molar ratios. Glasses were synthesized by the melt quenching technique. On their basis, the structural, optical, and luminescence properties of synthesized samples were characterized. The dataset includes XRD,...
Measurements of radiation emission of a portable power bank with a capacity of 10400 mAh
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the emission measurement results that are part of comprehensive tests carried out for portable power banks with different capacities. The measurements were performed in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz using a Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell (Fig. 1). The test setup was configured to measure a portable power...
PublicationA rotating disk can be considered a basic configuration for the investigati ons of the impact of various conditions on the flow through the clearance between the s hrouded turbine blade and the casing. Numerical calculations using Fine/Turbo Numeca were conducted to examine the influence of the rotational velocity and the pressure differ ence across the disk on the flow conditions, especially the mass flow through the clearance....
Agata Ewa Chudzicka-Czupała
PeopleShe is a specialist in psychology (work and organizational psychology, health psychology). She works at the SWPS University, Department of Psychology, Poland. She conducts research in the field of health psychology, dealing with the psychological costs of volunteering, participation in traumatic events, determinants of mental health, and stress in difficult situations such as pandemics or war. In researching these phenomena,...
Borrowing Images of Empire. The contribution of research on the artistic influence of the Holy Roman Empire on Polish Romanesque architecture in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
PublicationAlthough knowledge concerning Romanesque architecture in Poland has developed over many years, most cathedrals and ducal or royal seats have not been comprehensively examined. Moreover, a substantial number of contemporary scholarly works have erased the thin line between material evidence and its interpretation. As a consequence, the architectural remains of Polish Romanesque edifices are often considered the basis for wider comparative...
Determination of changes in viscosity of hydrogel depending on shear rate (6.6 to 330 s-1).
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of hydrogel were made on the basis of a viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer, using LV SC4 - 18 spindle and shear rates from 6.6 to 330 s-1.
Preparation and evaluation of 1,3-alternate 25,27-bis-(pentafluorobenzyloxy)-26,28-bis-(3-propyloxy)-calix[4]arene-bonded silics gel high performance liquid chromatography stationary phase
PublicationA 1,3-alternate 25,27-bis-(pentafluorobenzyloxy)-26,28-bis-(3-propyloxy)-calix[4]arene-bonded silica gel stationary phase (CalixBzF10) was synthesized, structurally characterized, and used as a selector in liquid chromatography. The selectivity study of this phase was done by using fluorine-containing compounds (fluorobenzenes, fluoro-pyrimidine bases), as well as non-fluorinated analytes (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,...
Determination of changes in viscosity of pectin gel depending on shear rate (1.1 to 55 s-1).
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristic of pectin gel (with concetration 0,45% m/m, in three independent repetition of sample) was made on the basis of a viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer, using LV SC4 - 25 spindle and shear rates from 1.1 to 55 s-1.The data allowed to characterize the used hydrogel preparations and assess their functional...
Inventory of the historic door woodwork at Matejki Street in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, stage from 2014.
Open Research DataThe data presents photographic documentation of the historic door woodwork in apartment houses at Matejki Street, number 2,7, 8, 9, as a part of inventory works of the external door woodwork at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district. The inventory was a conducted within the historical research of the Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district...
Influence of controlled crystallization and SrF2 content on the structure and properties of Eu3+ doped phosphate glasses
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu. On their basis, the new material was characterized and the influence of the SrF2 addition on the glass structure was determined. In addition, the influence of the SrF2 content and controlled crystallization on the luminescent properties of Eu3+...
Determination of changes in viscosity of high-fructose syrup stability of pectin hydrogels depending on the temperature (25-96 Celsius degrees).
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of the high-fructose syrup modified stability of pectin (added in a concentration 2% m/m) were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 25 spindle and a shear rate of 0,22 s-1 in the temperature range 25-96 ° C. The data allowed selection of optimal conditions for the...
System monitoringu technicznego Hali Sportowo-Widowiskowej "Olivia" w Gdańsku (SMT OLIVIA-2)
PublicationSystem SMT OLIVIA-2 ma za zadanie monitorowanie podstawowych parametrów pracy konstrukcji dachu i w sposób zautomatyzowany sygnalizowanie o jej stanie technicznym. System jest nowatorskim rozwiązaniem technologicznym. Nowością w stosunku do dostępnych na rynku ofert jest w szczególności rozbudowany moduł obliczeniowy bazujący na szczegółowym modelu teoretycznym dachu oraz zintegrowany z nim system ekspercki.
Ekspertyza techniczna dotycząca porównania charakterystyk dynamicznych stadionu żużlowego w Zielonej Górze według projektu architektoniczno -budowlanego ABK-PROJEKT i projektu wykonawczego opracowanego przez STALKO sp. z o. o.
PublicationPrzedmiotem orzeczenia jest porównanie charakterystyk dynamicznych stadionu żużlowego w Zielonej Górze według projektu architektoniczno-budowalnego wykonanego przez ABK-PROJEKT i projektu wykonawczego opracowanego przez STALKO sp. z o.o. Szczegółowe cele badań to: określenie częstości i postaci drgań trybuny stadionu dla ustroju ramowego składającego się z ramy żelbetowej z konstrukcją zadaszenia według projektu architektoniczno-budowlanego...
Applications of Raman spectroscopy for detection of selected substances in tissues
PublicationThis dissertation explores the applications of Raman spectroscopy for biological tissue analysis. Basics of Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) are described, along with an analysis of the literature on biodetection and non-invasive blood analysis with emphasis on glucose detection. Instrumentation for Raman measurements is described. The sources of noise and interferences occurring in biological tissue measurements...
Mechanical behaviour of knit synthetic mesh used in hernia surgery
PublicationPurpose: There is a discussion in literature concerning mechanical properties and modelling of surgical meshes. An important feature of elastic modulus dependency on load history is taken into account in this paper, as implants are subjected to variable loading during human activity. The example of DynaMesh®-IPOM surgical implant is studied. Methods: The analysis is based on failure tension tests and cyclic loading and unloading...
Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling
PublicationThe primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...
Study of the Effectiveness of Model Order Reduction Algorithms in the Finite Element Method Analysis of Multi-port Microwave Structures
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of model order reduction algorithms in finite element method analysis of multi-port microwave structures. Consideration is given to state of the art algorithms, i.e. compact reduced-basis method (CRBM), second-order Arnoldi method for passive-order reduction (SAPOR), reduced-basis methods (RBM) and subspace-splitting moment-matching MOR (SSMM-MOR)
Determination of changes in viscosity of pectin gel depending on shear rate (1.7 to 85 s-1).
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristic of pectin gel (with concetration 0,25% m/m, in two independent repetitions) wasmade on the basis of a viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer, using LV SC4 - 27 spindle and shear rates from 1.7 to 85 s-1, in temperature of 25 C degee .The data allowed to characterize the used hydrogel preparations and assess...
The effect of changes in the concentration of hydroxypropylcellulose on the rheological stability of pectin hydrogels.
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of the pectin hydrogel modified by hydroxypropylcellulose (added in a concetration range from 0.1 to 0.55% m/m) were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 25 spindle and a shear rate of 0,22 s-1 in the temperature range 19-96 ° C.The data allowed selection of optimal...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ form of employment or business activity – years 2015-2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2015-2018 on the form of their employment or business activity. The survey was conducted in the period from 2017 to 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 7409 respondents. To summarize, the...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ form of employment or business activity – years 2011-2014
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2011-2014 on the form of their employment or business activity. The survey was conducted in the period from 2013 to 2016, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 5025 respondents. To summarize, the...
Identification of sustainable trypsin active‐site inhibitors from Nigrospora sphaerica strain AVA‐1
Publication -
Extraction and optimization of Penicillium sclerotiorum strain AK‐1 pigment for fabric dyeing
Publication -
Light pollution from illuminated bridges as a potential barrier for migrating fish–Linking measurements with a proposal for a conceptual model
PublicationIlluminated bridges have become important assets to navigable aquatic systems. However, if artificial light at night (ALAN) from illuminated bridges reaches aquatic habitats, such as rivers, it can threaten the river's natural heterogeneity and alter the behavioural responses of migratory fish. Here, via a pilot study, we quantified levels of ALAN at illuminated bridges that cross a river and, propose a conceptual model to estimate...
Distinction of citrus fruits based on their volatile composition using the electronic nose
PublicationThe aim of the study was to analyze the volatile fraction of the citrus fruit using an electronic nose device integrated with ultrafast gas chromatography. The subjects were Citrus aurantifolia, Fortunella margarita Swingle and Citrus × floridana. The chromatographic data obtained were analyzed by means of chemometric methods: PCA and SQC. On the basis of the charts obtained, it is possible to distinguish the fruits tested on the...
Contemporary Spaces of Memory - Towards Transdisciplinarity in Architecture
PublicationThe paper explores new phenomena in the contemporary practice of commemoration implemented through architecture. Architectural objects related to memory can be a place where new trends and phenomena appear earlier than in other architectural objects. The text is an attempt to prove that these new spaces of memory are a kind of laboratory where new ideas taking place in architecture and related disciplines are being tested. Research...
Flexomagneticity in buckled shear deformable hard-magnetic soft structures
PublicationThis research work performs the first time exploring and addressing the flexomagnetic property in a shear deformable piezomagnetic structure. The strain gradient reveals flexomagneticity in a magnetization phenomenon of structures regardless of their atomic lattice is symmetrical or asymmetrical. It is assumed that a synchronous converse magnetization couples both piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic features into the material structure....
Case Study NEB Atlas / part I - 3D Models / King's Cross, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to create a digital model - a simplified digital twin - for selected parts of housing estates already realised in various cities in Europe. This group presents a model for a fragment of the King's Cross, London, UK. The students...
Dagmara Nikulin dr
PeopleBio: Dagmara Nikulin Dagmara Nikulin has been employed at the Faculty of Management and Economics as a research and teaching assistant professor since 2014. Initially, she worked at the Department of Economic Sciences, and now at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the Poznań University of Economics (2009) and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University...
An MOR Algorithm Based on the Immittance Zero and Pole Eigenvectors for Fast FEM Simulations of Two-Port Microwave Structures
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) algorithm for fast finite-element frequency-domain simulations of microwave two-port structures. The projection basis used to construct the reduced-order model (ROM) comprises two sets: singular vectors and regular vectors. The first set is composed of the eigenvectors associated with the poles of the finite-element method (FEM) state-space system, while...
Distribution and bioavailability of mercury in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea
PublicationThe study aimed to determine the level of mercury (Hg) and its labile and stable forms in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea. The work considers the impact of current and historical sources of Hg on sediment pollution, together with the influence of different environmental parameters, including water inflows from the North Sea. Surface sediments (top 5 cm) were collected in 2016–2017 at 91 stations located in different...
Chemical investigations of the MoO3 doped by K films deposited FTO
Open Research DataMoO3 thin films were synthesized via thermal annealing of thin, metallic Mo films deposited onto the FTO substrate using a magnetron sputtering system. The influence of photointercalation of alkali metal cation (K+) into the MoO3 structure on the photoelectrochemical properties of the molybdenum trioxide films was investigated. The chemical characterisation...
Cross-Cultural Interactions between Expatriates and Local Managers in the Light of Positive Organizational Behaviour
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to identify the ‘individual positive deviance’ presented by expatriates and local managers in their mutual cooperation. The theoretical basis for the publication is the discussion of the Positive Organizational Behaviour (POB) essence and the application of this approach in the area of expatriation. Attitudes, behaviour, working style and personality traits of employees of different nationalities...