Search results for: fuzzy logics - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: fuzzy logics

Search results for: fuzzy logics

  • A New Method for Automatic Generation of Animated Motion


    - Year 2012

    A new method for generation of animation with a quality comparable to a natural motion is presented. Proposed algorithm is based on fuzzy description of motion parameters and subjective features. It is assumed that such processing increases naturalness and quality of motion, which is verified by subjective evaluation tests. First, reference motion data are gathered utilizing a motion capture system, then these data are reduced...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Wireless Local Area Network Technologies as Communication Solutions for Unmanned Surface Vehicles


    As the number of research activities and practical deployments of unmanned vehicles has shown a rapid growth, topics related to their communication with operator and external infrastructure became of high importance. As a result a trend of employing IP communication for this purpose is emerging and can be expected to bring significant advantages. However, its employment can be expected to be most effective using broadband communication...

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  • Rozwojowa koncepcja formułowania strategii.

    • W. Sipowicz

    - Year 2003

    Naczelne kierownictwo przedsiębiorstwa nie wykorzysta właściwie planowania strategicznego, jeżeli w jego sposobie myślenia nie pojawi się ponad strategiczna perspektywa czasowa w stosunku do otoczenia i przedsiębiorstwa, będąca wielokrotnością cyklu planistycznego. Rozszerzony w ten sposób horyzont myślenia strategicznego o przyszłości przynosi systemowe , wieloaspektowe widzenie problemów. Uwzględnianie ich w decydowaniu, czyni...

  • Indykatory jakościowe dla modelu społeczeństwa informacyjnego


    - Year 2005

    Rodząca się cywilizacja spisuje dla nas nowy kodeks zachowań. Usuwa standaryzację, synchronizację i centralizację, usuwa koncentrację energii, pieniędzy i władzy. Ta nowa cywilizacja ma swoją własną wizję świata, swoje własne podejście do czasu, przestrzeni, logiki i przyczynowości. Ma też swoje własne zasady polityki przyszłości. Poznawanie tego co nowe jest nieodzowną cechą człowieka. Podczas procesu poznawania obiektu, badamy...

  • A Simplified SPWM Scheme for a Compact 3-Level Dual-Output Inverter

    Sinusoidal Pulse-width modulation, SPWM, is inverter-leg-based, logical-operation-based, and lesscomputational-intensive. In this brief, these simplifying features of SPWM are extended to the control of the 10-switch, 3-level inverter. The control strategy is based on the single triangular carrier SPWM perspective. Procedures and details of the sharing of four-common power switches by the 3 inverter legs are given. Classically,...

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  • The Algorithm of Modelling and Analysis of Latent Semantic Relations: Linear Algebra vs. Probabilistic Topic Models


    - Year 2017

    This paper presents the algorithm of modelling and analysis of Latent Semantic Relations inside the argumentative type of documents collection. The novelty of the algorithm consists in using a systematic approach: in the combination of the probabilistic Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Linear Algebra based Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) methods; in considering each document as a complex of topics, defined on the basis of separate...

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  • The algorithm of building the hierarchical contextual framework of textual corpora


    - Year 2018

    This paper presents an approach for Modeling the Latent Semantic Relations. The approach is based on advantages of two computational approaches: Latent Semantic Analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The scientific question about the possibility of reducing the influence of these Methods limitation on the Quality of the Latent Semantic Relations Analysis Results is raised. The case study for building the Two-level Hierarchical Contextual...

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  • State of Development of Intelligent Transport Systems Services on National Roads in Poland

    In recent years we can see intensifying implementation of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) measures in Polish cities and on national roads. The architecture of the National Traffic Management System (KSZR) will enable the implementation of a uniform, integrated and intelligent ICT system to launch ITS systems that are the most important for drivers and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). This paper...

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  • Different aspects of women’s participation in self-employment with particular reference to the costs


    - Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług - Year 2018

    Over the last twenty years a growing number of researchers have been interested in female entrepreneurship. It is wort noting that being a self-employed person, for certain women, is the only chance to participate actively in social and economic life. Women choose self-employment because of flexibility of schedule and family-related reasons. This study aims to increase knowledge about self-employment as one of multiple labor market...

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  • New approach for determining the QoS of MP3-coded voice signals in IP networks


    Present-day IP transport platforms being what they are, it will never be possible to rule out conflicts between the available services. The logical consequence of this assertion is the inevitable conclusion that the quality of service (QoS) must always be quantifiable no matter what. This paper focuses on one method to determine QoS. It defines an innovative, simple model that can evaluate the QoS of MP3-coded voice data transported...

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  • MXene-based materials for removal of antibiotics and heavy metals from wastewater– a review


    - Water Resources and Industry - Year 2023

    As a novel family of 2D materials, MXenes provide an extensive variety of applications in water and effluent treatment due to their distinctive properties and attractive applicability, including superior electrical conductivity, higher thermal stability, hydrophilicity, and high sorption-reduction capacity. Their excellent sorption selectivity makes them perfect for removing hazardous contaminants. Currently, MXene-based materials...

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  • Czasowe wymagania bezpieczeństwa wobec systemu monitoringu ruchu drogowego

    Analiza drzew błędów jest dedukcyjną metodą analizy pozwalającą ustalić przyczyny wybranego zdarzenia niepożądanego. Posługuje się w tym celu koncepcją przyczyn bezpośrednich i logiki boolowskiej, a pozwala ustalić przyczyny podstawowe analizowanego zdarzenia. Technika ta wykorzystuje jednak w swoich modelach notację nieformalną, co może powodować niejednoznaczności i ograniczyć wartość analizy, szczególnie, jeśli pracuje nad nią...

  • Natalia Sokół dr inż.

    BACKGROUND       Master of Science in Light and Lighting (2008-2009/11) The UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of the Built Environment, London, UK,       MA Degree in Interior Architecture (1999-2004), The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland,       MA Degree in Art Education (1997-2002), Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MAIN RESEARCH AREAS ·         ...

  • Joanna Żukowska dr hab. inż.

    Joanna Żukowska (born in Kwidzyn) – road engineering and transport safety expert. She is a researcher in the field of transport. Her main fields of research are: transport policy, active transport and transport safety. She has experience in programming and implementation of traffic safety management systems. She is an author and co-author of many publications on transport safety, provided expertise for the Polish Infrastructure...

  • Exploring Relationships Between Data in Enterprise Information Systems by Analysis of Log Contents


    - Year 2024

    Enterprise systems are inherently complex and maintaining their full, up-to-date overview poses a serious challenge to the enterprise architects’ teams. This problem encourages the search for automated means of discovering knowledge about such systems. An important aspect of this knowledge is understanding the data that are processed by applications and their relationships. In our previous work, we used application logs of an enterprise...

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  • Human awareness versus Autonomous Vehicles view: comparison of reaction times during emergencies


    - Year 2021

    Human safety is one of the most critical factors when a new technology is introduced to the everyday use. It was no different in the case of Autonomous Vehicles (AV), designed to replace generally available Conventional Vehicles (CV) in the future. AV rules, from the start, focus on guaranteeing safety for passengers and other road users, and these assumptions usually work during normal traffic conditions. However, there is still...

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  • Family business succession – the practical or also theoretical problem. Bibliometric analysis


    - Year 2020

    Family businesses, in various forms, have existed since societies began to be created. However, family business research has a decidedly shorter tradition. In favorable conditions, family enterprises develop for many generations, and their fate is intertwined with the fate of the families. The topics of family businesses are raised by researchers around the world. Estimates regarding the number of family businesses are a frequent...

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  • Źródła generacji rozproszonej w systemie elektroenergetycznym

    W artykule przedstawiono podstawy elementów systemu rozproszonej generacji. Wskazano na budowę systemu elektroenergetycznego wyposażonego w sterowane odbiory, źródła rozproszone, magazyny energii i układy kontroli napięcia FACTS. Renesans tych źródeł "pozasystemowych" (ang. non-utility genera-tion - NUG) jest wynikiem głębokich przemian w sferach techno-logii, organizacji i finansowania, zarządzania i nowego spojrzenia na ochronę...

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  • Production planning and control methods in the intelligent manufacturing systems


    - Year 2011

    Niniejszy rozdział prezentuje zagadnienia związane z planowaniem i sterowaniem wytwarzaniem w kontekście budowy i działania inteligentnych systemów produkcyjnych (ISP). Architektura ISP, będąca rozwinięciem elastycznych systemów produkcyjnych, integruje systemy wspomagania decyzji ze strukturami bazodanowymi oraz dodatkowymi modułami komunikacyjnymi. Systemy wspomagania decyzji budowane są w oparciu o mechanizmy tzw. inteligencji...

  • Znaczenie kobiet w firmach rodzinnych: wczoraj, dziś i jutro


    Abstract: This paper provides a review of the literature on women in family businesses. Based on a structured literature review (SLR) method, 81 articles and other research works published since 1997 were analysed. The aim was to contribute to the literature and present what is new in the recent debate and how the evolutionary trend looks like. Over the last twenty years only a few investigations have studied women in family firms....

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  • Algorytm kontroli jakości z elementami sterowania rozmytego dla elastycznie zautomatyzowanego wytwarzania.


    - Year 2004

    Publikacja dotyczy struktury procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania (computer integrated manufacturing - CIM). Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego, podkreślając jego istotność. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania...

  • Practical issues for the implementation of survivability and recovery techniques in optical networks

    • G. Ellinas
    • D. Papadimitriou
    • J. Rak
    • D. Staessens
    • J. P. Sterbenz
    • K. Walkowiak

    - Optical Switching and Networking - Year 2014

    Failures in optical networks are inevitable. They may occur during work being done for the maintenance of other infrastructures, or on a larger scale as the result of an attack or large-scale disaster. As a result, service availability, an important aspect of Quality of Service (QoS), is often degraded. Appropriate fault recovery techniques are thus crucial to meet the requirements set by the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between...

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  • A Systematic Literature Review on Implementing Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Development: Issues and Facilitating Practices

    Agile Software Development methods have become a widespread approach used by the software industry. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are often reported to be a problematic issue for such methods. We aimed to identify (within the context of Agile projects): (1) the issues (challenges and problems) reported as affecting the implementation of NFRs; and (2) practices that facilitate the successful implementation of NFRs. We conducted...

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  • Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces


    - Year 2015

    Developed multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...

  • Quadrotor Flight Controller Design Using Classical Tools

    A principal aspect of quadrocopter in-flight operation is to maintain the required attitude of the craft’s frame, which is done either automatically in the so-called supervised flight mode or manually during man-operated flight mode. This paper deals with the problem of flight controller (logical) structure and algorithm design dedicated for the man-operated flight mode. The role of the controller is to stabilise the rotational...

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  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Brain–Computer Interface for Task Discerning Based on Machine Learning


    The aim of the study is to compare electroencephalographic (EEG) signal feature extraction methods in the context of the effectiveness of the classification of brain activities. For classification, electroencephalographic signals were obtained using an EEG device from 17 subjects in three mental states (relaxation, excitation, and solving logical task). Blind source separation employing independent component analysis (ICA) was...

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  • A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids


    - Year 2024

    This book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the...

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  • iPP/HDPE blends compatibilized by a polyester: An unconventional concept to valuable products


    - Science Advances - Year 2024

    Polyolefins are the most widely used plastics accounting for a large fraction of the polymer waste stream. Although reusing polyolefins seems to be a logical choice, their recycling level remains disappointingly low. This is mainly due to the lack of large-scale availability of efficient and inexpensive compatibilizers for mixed polyolefin waste, typically consisting of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and isotactic polypropylene...

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  • Economic growth_winter2022_2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Wolszczak-Derlacz

    By the completion of the course student should be able to: a) identify and use key concepts related to the growth theories and process of convergence, b) apply comparative analytical skills necessary for cross-cultural analysis, c) curry an independent research on selected topics and to present the results in a well-organized way.

  • Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses


    - Year 2009

    A survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...

  • Implementacja algorytmu regulacji predykcyjnej MPC w sterownikach programowalnych


    Sterowniki programowalne PLC (ang. Programmable Logic Controllers) są główną przemysłową platformą implementacji algorytmów sterowania bezpośredniego. Standardowo producenci PLC udostępniają programistom jedynie podstawowe algorytmy sterowania. W niniejszym artykule rozważana jest implementacja w PLC zaawansowanej metody sterowania – algorytmu MAC/MPC (ang. Model Algorithmic Control/Model Predictive Control) ze względu na jego...

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  • A neural network based system for soft fault diagnosis in electronic circuits


    - Year 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono system do diagnostyki uszkodzeń parametrycznych w układach elektronicznych. W systemie zaimplementowano słownikową metodę lokalizacji uszkodzeń, bazującą na pomiarach w dziedzinie częstotliwości przeprowadzanych za pomocą analizatora transmitancji HP4192A. Rozważono główne etapy projektowania systemu: definiowanie modelu uszkodzeń, wybór optymalnych częstotliwosci pomiarowych, ekstrakcję cech diagnostycznych,...

  • Local Planning - Summer 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Abbasi
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    Local Planning, Spatial Management Course focuses on the practical aspects of the local planning both spatial and communal. Topics such as policy measures and tools used by the local government to guide provision of the local services and planning will be discussed. The course is complementary to 'Comprehensive Planning'. Course is delivered in English.  

  • A Method of Lathe Checks Measurement; SMOF device and its software

    • B. Pałubicki
    • R. Marchal
    • J. Butaud
    • L. Denaud
    • L. Bléron
    • R. Collet
    • G. Kowaluk

    - European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (HOLZ ALS ROH-UND WERKSTOFF) - Year 2010

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  • Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. Rafal Leszczyna is an associate professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics. He holds the M.Sc. degrees of Computer Science and Business Management. In December, 2006 he earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specialisation - Computer Security at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. Between 2004 and 2008 he worked in the European...

  • Impact of digital technologies on reliability of risk forecasting models - case study of enterprises in three global financial market regions


    - Year 2021

    This chapter focuses on the evaluation of impact of ICT on reliability of financial risk forecasting models. Presented study shows how the development of ICT can improve the effectiveness of such models. Determining a firm’s financial risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The multifaceted goal of the presented research is to separately estimate five traditional statistical and five soft computing...

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  • Rozpoznawanie dynamicznych i statycznych gestów rąk w zastosowaniu do sterowania aplikacjami komputerowymi

    W referacie przedstawiono interfejs, metody oraz algorytmy sterowania komputerem za pomocą dynamicznych i statycznych gestów rąk. Komponentami opracowanego rozwiązania są komputer klasy PC wraz z opracowanym interfejsem i oprogramowaniem, kamera internetowa oraz projektor multimedialny. Gesty rozpoznawane są w procesie analizy obrazu wizyjnego pozyskanego z kamery internetowej przymocowanej do projektora oraz analizy obrazu wyświetlanego...

  • Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Strength of Corroded Ship Structures


    The present study reviews the recent advances in modelling and analyses the strength of corroded ship structures. Firstly, the time-variant methodologies that consider only the mean structural element thickness loss due to corrosion degradation are identified. Corrosion degradation is regarded as the phenomenon that causes uneven thinning of specimens. This has been captured by various researchers as the loss of mechanical properties...

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  • Wykorzystanie ontologii wzbogaconych o reguły logiczne w systemach integracji danych.

    • T. M. Grabowska

    - Year 2004

    Celem systemów integracji danych jest dostarczenie jednolitego interfejsu do wielu, dostępnych w sieci heterogenicznychźródeł informacji. Wraz z rozwojem Internetu opracowanie metodologii zarządzania wiedzą poprzez systemy integracji danych stało się jednym z fundamentalnych problemów zarządzania informacją. W ramach inicjatywy semantic Web powstał język OWL (Web Ontology Language) umożliwiający opisywanie semantyki różnych danych....

  • Metody wyszukiwania informacji w bazach multimedialnych


    - Year 2005

    W referacie przedstawiono przegląd zagadnień związanych z wyszukiwaniem informacji zawartych w bazach multimedialnych. Przegląd ten został oparty o zrealizowany projekt badawczy pt.: "Nowe metody wyszukiwania informacji multimedialnej w sieciach telekomunikacyjnych". Eksperymenty badawcze prowadzone w ramach projektu obejmowały wdrożenie wybranych metod sztucznej inteligencji do celów akwizycji i rozpoznawania obiektów muzycznych...

  • Theoretical and Architectural Framework for Contextual Knowledge Bases

    The paper presents the approach aimed at building modularized knowledge bases in a systematic, context-aware way. The paper focuses on logical modeling of such knowledge bases, including an underlying SIM metamodel. The architecture of a comprehensive set of tools for knowledge-base systems engineering is presented. The tools enable an engineer to design, create and edit a knowledge base schema according to a novel context approach...

  • Wykorzystanie systemu komputerowego ALEP-PL w planowaniu rozwoju lokalnych systemów energetycznych

    Zaprezentowano autorski system komputerowy ALEP-PL, który wspomaga proces planowania rozwoju lokalnych systemów energetycznych. Narzędzie zostało przygotowane z uwzględnieniem metodyki planowania zaawansowanego. System składa się z serwisu internetowego, bazy danych i modułów logiki biznesowej. Serwis internetowy został stworzony w technologii ASP.NET z użyciem środowiska Visual Studio 2010 i serwera baz danych MS SQL Server 2008...

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  • Where Did Knowledge Management Go?: A Comprehensive Survey



    Knowledge Management (KM) research outputs have been expanding exponentially in the past years, generating diversified topics, which lack integration and classification. It has been challenging for experts to classify KM because of its versatile open fields, and in our view, it contributes to the technocratic approach remaining behind the organizational approach. This paper highlights a way to classify KM publications through a...

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  • Possible directions for development of C-ITS services in cities on the example of the TRISTAR System

    During the previous EU financial perspective (2007 - 2013), we observed an intensification of the evelopment of transport management systems using ITS services in Polish cities. One of the biggest territorially and functionally system is Tri-city TRISTAR system, the implementation of which was completed in 2015. The concept of the TRISTAR system and its architecture was developed in the years 2002-2007. Currently, we can observe...

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  • Dane, informacje i wiedza w Semantic Web


    - Year 2007

    W rozdziale podjęto próbę usystematyzowania pozornie dobrze znanych pojęć informatycznych, takich jak dane, informacja i wiedza, w kontekście burzliwego rozwoju zasobów informacyjnych ludzkości spowodowanego powstaniem i gwałtownym rozwojem sieci WWW. Zaprezentowane podejście opiera się na ustabilizowanym dorobku informatyki w zakresie baz danych oraz na rozwijającym się dynamicznie dorobku w zakresie ontologii i baz wiedzy. Te...

  • Methodology for developing Web-Based applications from reusable components using open source tools

    Globalna sieć stwarza nowe mozliwości dla projektantów IT. Pozwala na budowanie aplikacji z wielu części zwanych komponentami i rozproszonych w różnych miejscach sieci. metodologia wskazuje jak zbudować wszystkie elementy systemu: warstwę logiki biznesowej, dostępu do danych oraz prezentacji z gruboziarnistych komponentów. Takie mozliwości daje język Java i powiązane z nim technologie open-source: EJB do tworzenia komponentów biznesowych...

  • Disaster-resilient communication networks: Principles and best practices

    • A. Mauthe
    • D. Hutchison
    • E. Cetinkaya
    • I. Ganchev
    • J. Rak
    • J. P. Sterbenz
    • M. Gunkelk
    • P. Smith
    • T. Gomes

    - Year 2016

    Communication network failures that are caused by disasters, such as hurricanes, arthquakes and cyber-attacks, can have significant economic and societal impact. To address this problem, the research community has been investigating approaches to network resilience for several years. However, aside from well-established techniques, many of these solutions have not found their way into operational...

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  • Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy

    In many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...

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