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Search results for: ŁOPATKI TURBIN
Evaluation of pollutant loading in the runoff waters from a major urban highway (Gdansk Beltway, Poland)
PublicationW artykule opisano wyniki badań dotyczących zawartości wybranych kationów i anionów w próbkach opadu otwartego, wód spływnych z ulic, wód spływnych z koron drzew oraz wody powierzchniowej, pobranych na terenie bedącym w zasiegu oddziaływania drogi szybkiego ruchu (Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej). Wyniki zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Zbadano korelacje pomiedzy zawartościami wybranych analitów w badanych próbkach wód a natężeniem...
A model of combined heat and power generating plant with urban heat distribution network for production scheduling
PublicationPoruszono zagadnienie związane z pracowaniem harmonogramu produkcji elektrociepłowni. Uwzględniony został wpływ zachowania się miejskiej sieci ciepłowniczej na pracę elektrociepłowni. Możliwe jest również modelowanie współpracy ze zbiornikiem ciepła.
Contamination of runoff waters from roads with high traffic intensity in the urban region of Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationW ramach pracy prowadzone były badania zanieczyszczeń w próbkach wód spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych. Próbki pobierano z sześciu stałych punktów zlokalizowanych wzdłuż szlaku komunikacyjnego prowadzącego z Redy do Gdańska (z miejsc o dużym natężeniu ruchu pojazdów) oraz z ulicy M. Buczka w Redzie (o mniejszym natężeniu ruchu). Próbki pobierane były przez okres dwóch miesięcy (okres deszczów jesiennych: 24.10 - 18.12.2000) oraz...
The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas
PublicationThe concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by...
Computer-Aided Greenery Design—Prototype Green Structure Improving Human Health in Urban Ecosystem
PublicationIncreasing population and urbanization, with climate change consequences, such as rising temperatures, influence public health and well-being. The search to improve the quality of life in cities becomes one of the priority objectives. A solution can be found in the role of greenery in an urban environment and its impact on human health. This opens a path toward experimentation on microclimate green structures that can be inserted...
Innovative Urban Blue Space Design in a Changing Climate: Transition Models in the Baltic Sea Region
PublicationWaterfront areas in cities are subject to constant changes. The desire to integrate the transformed waterside areas with the urban fabric involves shaping high-quality public spaces related to water, which are often referred to as urban blue spaces (UBS). The aim of the research was to examine the transformation processes of urban waterfront areas in the Baltic Sea Region and identify emerging transition models and types of blue...
Dynamic Charging of Electric Buses as a Way to Reduce Investment Risks of Urban Transport System Electrification
PublicationNight charging and fast charging are currently the two most common systems for charging electric buses. Despite the fact that numerous trial installations were started, neither of these two systems has obtained unqualified approval of the users. The alternative is to charge vehicles in motion - dynamic charging which combines the advantages of trolleybus transport and of electric buses. One of the advantages is the reduction of...
SafeCity – a GIS-based tool profiled for supporting decision making in urban development and infrastructure protection
PublicationThis paper presents a system for analysis of municipal Critical Infrastructures, which offers integrated tools for target analysis, hazard scenario simulations and spatial analysis within a remotely accessible Web-based Geographic Information System. The system has been applied to research conducted in the city of Gdansk with the aid of blast attack, chemical leakage and flood hazard scenarios, as well as a spatial density algorithm,...
Conception of Interactive Information and Decision Support System for Urban and Industrial Air Quality Management: Extension
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Zapomniane, zaniedbane, znikające... zabytkowe miejskie ogrody = Forgotten, Neglected, Disappearing... Historic Urban Gardens
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono przyczyny degradacji zabytkowej zieleni miejskiej. Na dwóch gdańskich przykładach pokazano w jaki sposób zabytkowa zieleń jest wypierana ze sfery publicznej. Podjęto próbę określenia sposobów przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym zjawiskom. Artykuł ukazał się w języku polskim i angielskim.
PublicationIt is well known by users of Portable Navigation Device (PND) and other GPS-based devices that positioning suffers from (local) significant decreases of accuracy in partially obscured environments like urbanized areas, where buildings (especially high buildings), trees or terrain block large portions of the sky. In such areas, GPS receiver performance is usually deteriorated by the reduced number of currently available satellite...
Experiencing the Ocean the Paths for Urban Development of Sao Pedro do Estoril in Lisbon Metropolitan Area
PublicationThe areas of Cascais Municipality, one of the richest Municipalities in Portugal, located west to Lisbon, at the estuary of Tagus and the Atlantic Ocean coast is popular tourist destination. With its unique landscape it became the most attractive venue for spending vacations, for sport activities and leisure. It arose around the coastal town of Cascais, the former fishing village famous as a refuge for notables and claiming to...
Wpływ komunikacji marketingowej na kształtowanie miast = The Impact of Marketing Communication on Shaping the Urban Environment
PublicationW artykule przestawiono wpływ komunikacji marketingowej na kształtowanie obiektów architektonicznych oraz podano przykłady realizacji o wysokich walorach estetycznych i artystycznych, które powstały w wyniku działań marketingowych.
Urban Prototyping in CAVE Cooperation Between the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk and the Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper describes results of cooperation between the Passive Architecture Laboratory at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk and the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab at the Gdańsk University of Technology. The authors as the design supervisors (respectively for a team of architects and a team of IT specialists) present advantages and disadvantages of urban design with use of virtual reality.
Advanced sensitivity analysis of the impact of the temporal distribution and intensity of rainfall on hydrograph parameters in urban catchments
PublicationKnowledge of the variability of the hydrograph of outflow from urban catchments is highly important for measurements and evaluation of the operation of sewer networks. Currently, hydrodynamic models are most frequently used for hydrograph modeling. Since a large number of their parameters have to be identified, there may be problems at the calibration stage. Hence, sensitivity analysis is used to limit the number of parameters....
Port Cities within Port Regions: Shaping Complex Urban Environments in Gdańsk Bay, Poland
PublicationPort cities located within various metropolitan or functional regions face very different development scenarios. This applies not only to entire municipalities but also to particular areas that play important roles in urban development—including ports as well as their specialized parts. This refers also to the various types of maritime industries, including the processing of goods, logistics operations, shipbuilding, or ship repairing,...
PublicationIncreasing a city’s resilience against climate change is one of the major concerns of today. Sustainable stormwater management, using Green Infrastructure units (GI) integrated with an urban area, has proved to be effective in flooding control and to offer extra benefits encompassing groundwater recharge, stormwater treatment, mitigation of air pollution, and an urban micro-climate. Moreover, GI brings cultural benefits for the...
The study on minimum uncut chip thickness and cutting forces during laser-assisted turning of WC/NiCr clad layers
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Specificity of automatic control of micro-turbines (steam or gas -driven and expanders) in dispersed generation system of heat and electric power
PublicationThis paper presents specific problems of automatic control of steam micro-turbines and expanders intended for the dispersed, combined generating of heat and electric power. The investigations concern ensurance of certainty of energy supply and its required quality.
Dobór czynnika roboczego oraz korzystnych wartości podstawowych parametrów projektowych mikroturbiny do przetwarzania energii ze źródeł niskotemperaturowych
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest analizom termodynamicznym obiegów mikrosiłowni turbinowych, dla których, ze względu na bardzo małe wartości natężenia przepływu, szczególnie ważnym zadaniem jest dobór głównych parametrów obiegu cieplnego. Zastosowana metoda określania optymalnych parametrów obiegu łącznie z uwzględnieniem ich wpływu na geometrię mikroturbiny daje możliwość przeprowadzenia optymalizacji uwzględniającej jednocześnie rodzaj...
PublicationDuże elektrownie wiatrowe pracują przy małej zmienności prędkości i kierunku wiatru. Odmienna sytuacja występuje w przypadku mikroelektrowni, których turbina pracuje w strudze powietrza o szybko zmiennej prędkości i kierunku. W referacie określono warunki zainstalowania mikroelektrowni i pokazano algorytm sterowania elektrownią działający przy zmiennym wietrze. Wykorzystano pomiary na testowanej elektrowni. Pokazano, że algorytm...
Współpraca bloku gazowo parowego z obiegiem ORC
PublicationW pracy rozważa się możliwość wykorzystania bloku gazowo - parowego z turbiną parową oraz układem ORC w elektrociepłowni celem poprawy jej sprawności ogólnej. W zamierzeniu strumień ciepła odbierany ze spalin wylotowych turbiny gazowej będzie przekazywany w wymienniku ciepła typu gaz - ciecz do siłowni parowej.Jest to rozwiązanie standardowe wykorzystywane w nowoczesnych instalacjach energetycznych. Następnie obieg ORC z etanolem...
Urban Design
Journals -
Compact High Efficiency and Zero-Emission Gas-Fired Power Plant with Oxy-Combustion and Carbon Capture
PublicationReduction of greenhouse gases emissions is a key challenge for the power generation industry, requiring the implementation of new designs and methods of electricity generation. This article presents a design solution for a novel thermodynamic cycle with two new devices—namely, a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. In the proposed cycle, high temperature occurs in the combustion chamber because of fuel combustion...
Podatki od podstaw (PGEDU+)
e-Learning Courses -
AeroSense Measurements: Aventa AV-7 Taggenberg Winter 2022-2023 Campaign
Open Research DataData from field tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on Avneta AV-7 wind turbine, located in Taggenberg (ZH), Switzerland. Dataset contains intermittent 10 minute long measurement sessions from 40 barometers, and IMU system installed on the wind turbine blade at r/R = 0.740625. The measurement campaign was performed between 01.DEC.2022 and...
Wojciech Wyrzykowski dr hab.
PeopleWojciech Wyrzykowski is an employee of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He is the author of 70 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, and co-author of 7 monographs. The most important of them reflecting the author's scientific interests include: Tax conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, Taxes in Poland - outline of the...
Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science
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International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
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Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning
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Adaptive acoustic crosstalk cancellation in mobile computer device
PublicationThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. A practical setup employing a mobile computer is employed. The adaptation of the crosstalk cancellation filter to the position of the listener's head is featured. The measurement evaluating the possibility of practical application of the method are described. The head and torso simulator was used for measurements. The...
Measurements of acoustic crosstalk cancellation efficiency in mobile listening conditions
PublicationThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. The implementation of the crosstalk cancellation algorithm in Matlab is introduced. The measurement signals and equipment are described. A practical setup employing a mobile computer and a head and torso simulator is employed. The results of the measurements provided conclusions regarding the employment of acoustic crosstalk...
Acceleration of decision making in sound event recognition employing supercomputing cluster
PublicationParallel processing of audio data streams is introduced to shorten the decision making time in hazardous sound event recognition. A supercomputing cluster environment with a framework dedicated to processing multimedia data streams in real time is used. The sound event recognition algorithms employed are based on detecting foreground events, calculating their features in short time frames, and classifying the events with Support...
Recognition of hazardous acoustic events employing parallel processing on a supercomputing cluster . Rozpoznawanie niebezpiecznych zdarzeń dźwiękowych z wykorzystaniem równoległego przetwarzania na klastrze superkomputerowym
PublicationA method for automatic recognition of hazardous acoustic events operating on a super computing cluster is introduced. The methods employed for detecting and classifying the acoustic events are outlined. The evaluation of the recognition engine is provided: both on the training set and using real-life signals. The algorithms yield sufficient performance in practical conditions to be employed in security surveillance systems. The...
Effects of extreme pressure and anti-wear additives on surface topography and tool wear during MQCL turning of AISI 1045 steel
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Subcritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Organic Medium and Isothermal Expansion
PublicationThe efffciencies of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are not very high and only very seldom do they exceed 20%. The increase and optimization of initial parameters and certain modifications of the thermodynamic cycle make it possible to overcome these drawbacks. A new modified cycle has been described and analyzed in detail in the paper. Similarly to the Ericsson cycle for gas turbines, isothermal expansion in the turbine is suggested...
Integrated spatial and energy planning – importance of a problem for contemporary architects and urban planners with focus on environmental factors
PublicationAlong with respecting basic sustainable development goals, planners will also be obliged to meet more stringent provisions related to energy efficiency in the coming years. In Poland, a crucial year will be 2021, when the EU directive on the energy efficiency of buildings comes into force. In this matter, not only the characteristics of individual objects are of great importance, but their whole complexes and the overall approach...
Kościoły międzywojennej Gdyni - kontekst urbanistyczny i architektoniczny =The churches of the Interwar Gdynia - the urban and architectural context
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje kościoły zbudowane w Gdyni w okresie międzywojennym: dwa w śródmieściu i po jednym w takich dzielnicach jak Witomino, Grabówek, Działki Leśne, Wzgórze Focha, Cisowa i Oksywie. Ukazano dzieje budowy tych obiektów ich architekturę i autorów oraz spoecyficzny kontekst urbanistyczny nowo powstającego miasta.
Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...
Heavy metal accumulation and distribution in Phragmites australis seedlings tissues originating from natural and urban catchment
PublicationThe retention of heavy metal (HM) was studied in root and rhizomes (BLG), stems (ST), and leaves (LF) of Phragmites australis (common reed) seedlings collected from different locations, differing in the scale of anthropogenic interference. The analysis includes the reference samples of sediments in uncontaminated lake Garczonki and contaminated roadside ditch in Cieplewo. The concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr were analyzed...
Risk of Cost Overruns in Implementation of Building Investment in Urban Conditions in the Aspect of Historical Background of its Location
PublicationThe article is a continuation of the authors' analyzes on the risk of delays in implementation of building investment in urban conditions in the aspect of historical background of its location. In case of construction investment located in the historic part of the city, the possible accumulation of many unfavourable factors, which in course of its implementation, may constitute a serious source of cost overruns and disruptions,...
Multicultural coastal cities: what are the differences in culture of urban planning management. Comparison analysis of Gdańsk and Gdynia
PublicationThe goal of this book chapter is the analysis of the multiculturalism of the seaside cities (Gdansk and Gdynia). We define multiculturalism by ethnic aspects, as concentration of multiple nationalities and ethnic groups over the given area and non ethnic aspects, as occurrence of multiple symbols, signs or cultures. We sense multiculturalism of the cities through the cultural and social properties of the citizens and urban architecture....
Model identification in urban structures revitalisation = Metody identyfikacji modeli stosowane w rewitalizacji budowli miejskich
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wybrane metody diagnostyki dynamicznej stosowane w identyfikacji modeli budowli zabytkowych. Do tego celu wykorzystano pomiary częstości i postaci drgań własnych budowli poddanych oddziaływaniom środowiskowych. Wykazano efektywność stosowanych metod identyfikacji parametrycznej modeli oraz identyfikacji uszkodzeń na przykładzie trzech budowli: dzwonnicy Archikatedry w Wilnie, wieży Twierdzy Wisłoujście w...
Linking habitat composition, local population densities and traffic characteristics to spatial patterns of ungulate‐train collisions
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Application of MCDA/MCDM methods for an integrated urban public transportation system – case study, city of Cracow
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Role of inner-city brownfields in urban development of european cities - example of Gdańsk Music and Congress Centre
PublicationPołożone w bliskim sąsiedztwie śródmieść tereny poprzemysłowe odgrywają w miastach europejskich ważną rolę w przekształceniach struktur miejskich. Kształtowane na posiadających bardzo silną tożsamość terenach wielofunkcyjne, przestrzenie publiczne przyczyniają się do zatrzymania w centrum miast jego mieszkańców i przeciwdziałają ich ucieczce na obrzeża. Wyżej wspomniane kulturowe i historyczne dziedzictwo, jak i genius loci obecny...
Correlations between individual factors and long-term nature of tourist trips amongst urban single people
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Lesson Learned from the Effect of Traffic Calming in a Downtown District of Szczecin, Poland for Congested Urban Center