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Search results for: SCHEMAT NIEJAWNY
A robust design of a numerically demanding compact rat-race coupler
PublicationA fast and accurate design procedure of a computationally expensive microwave circuit has been presented step-by-step and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) comprising slow-wave resonant structures (SWRSs). The final compact RRC solution has been obtained by means of a sequential optimization scheme exploiting the implicit space mapping (ISM) algorithm. A well-suited surrogate optimization...
Providing Differentiated Levels of Service Availability in VANET Communications
PublicationInter-vehicle communications seems to be a promising remedy not only for a number of road-safety issues, but also to improve the efficiency of road traffic, as well as to support the on-board infotainment applications. However, it often encounters disruptions due to high mobility of vehicles causing frequent failures of communication links. In this paper, we utilize the idea of multipath vehicle-to-vehicle routing to provide protection...
A simplified channel estimation procedure for NB-IoT downlink
PublicationThis paper presents a low-complexity channel estimation procedure which is suitable for use in energy-efficient NB-IoT user equipment devices. The procedure is based on the well-established least squares scheme, followed by linear interpolation in the time domain and averaging in the frequency domain. The quality of channel estimation vs. signal-to-noise ratio is evaluated for two channel models and compared with the performance...
Dead time effects compensation strategy by third harmonic injection for a five-phase inverter
PublicationThis paper proposes a method for compensation of dead-time effects for a fivephase inverter. In the proposed method an additional control subsystem was added to the field-oriented control (FOC) scheme in the coordinate system mapped to the third harmonic. The additional control loop operates in the fixed, orthogonal reference frame ( α - β coordinates) without the need for additional Park transformations. The purpose of this method...
Synchronized six-step voltage generation in high-speed PMSM drive
PublicationSynchronized voltage generation has already been considered in the context of pulse width modulation (PWM). References prove that synchronized PWM substantially decreases subharmonics in inverter output voltage when operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio. This paper identifies problems of unsynchronized voltage generation in electric drives under six-step inverter operation. Guidelines for the synchronization...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to study the dynamics of Dengue disease model using a novel piecewise derivative approach in the sense of singular and non-singular kernels. The singular kernel operator is in the sense of Caputo, whereas the non-singular kernel operator is the Atangana–Baleanu Caputo operator. The existence and uniqueness of a solution with piecewise derivative are examined for the aforementioned problem. The suggested...
A Fortran-95 algorithm to solve the three-dimensional Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time
Open Research DataA numerically efficient finite-difference technique for the solution of a fractional extension of the Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time is designed. The model under investigation is a multidimensional equation with Riesz fractional derivatives of orders in (0,1)U(1,2], which considers a generalized potential and a time-dependent diffusion...
Numeryczna analiza hydrauliki toru kajakarstwa górskiego w Drzewicy
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano wykorzystanie do analizy hydrodynamiki toru kajakarstwa górskiego symulacji numerycznej, wykorzystującej dwuwymiarowe równania ruchu wody w warunkach przepływu szybkozmiennego. Rozwiązanie równań hydrodynamiki wykonano samodzielnie z zastosowaniem metody objętości skończonych. Jako przykład zastosowania zaproponowanej metody przedstawiono analizę przepływu wzdłuż istniejącego, poddanego modernizacji toru...
Regionalna strategia w obszarze polityki rynku pracy w województwie pomorskim
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie strategii i planów działań w obszarze rynku pracy przygotowanych przez władze samorządowe województwa pomorskiego.. Władze regionalne i lokalne województwa pomorskiego opracowały szereg dokumentów wytyczających główne kierunki polityki rynku pracy. Najważniejsze z nich to „Strategia rozwoju województwa pomorskiego do roku 2020” oraz „Regionalny Plan Działań na Rzecz Zatrudnienia dla województwa...
Creating Acoustic Maps Employing Supercomputing Cluster
PublicationThe implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developer and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system architecture and the data acquisition...
Propagation of acoustic pulses in some fluids with yield stress
PublicationThis study is devoted to the derivation of approximate equations governing acoustic pulses in flows with yieldstress, including some time-dependent flows with a slow dependence on time of yield stress and apparent viscosity. Themodeling of yield stress and apparent viscosity in the vicinity of a zero deformation rate allows us to consider a thixotropicfluid as a Bingham plastic with coefficients that are dependent on time. The...
Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...
Aerodynamic shape optimization by variable-fidelity computational fluid dynamics models: a review of recent progress
PublicationA brief review of some recent variable-fidelity aerodynamic shape optimization methods is presented.We discuss three techniques that—by exploiting information embedded in low-fidelity computationalfluid dynamics (CFD) models—are able to yield a satisfactory design at a low computational cost, usu-ally corresponding to a few evaluations of the original, high-fidelity CFD model to be optimized. Thespecific techniques considered here...
Towards Knowledge Formalization and Sharing in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationHazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety manage-ment process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) has been proposed. The CVP-HC is a scalable yet adaptable system capable of...
Audio codec employing frequency-derived tonality measure
PublicationA transform codec employing efficient algorithm for detection of spectral tonal components is presented. The tonality measure used in MPEG psychoacoustic model is replaced with the method providing adequate tonality estimates even if the tonal components are deeply frequency modulated. The reliability of hearing threshold estimated using psychoacoustic model with standardized tonality measure and the proposed one is investigated...
Automated Reduced Model Order Selection
PublicationThis letter proposes to automate generation of reduced-order models used for accelerated -parameter computation by applying a posteriori model error estimators. So far,a posteriori error estimators were used in Reduced Basis Method (RBM) and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) to select frequency points at which basis vectors are generated. This letter shows how a posteriori error estimators can be applied to automatically select...
Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Grid-Connected Operations
PublicationThe nonadaptive speed and position estimation scheme for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this article. The observer structure is based on the extension of the mathematical model of DFIG to the introduced H vector. Based on the defined H vector, the nonadaptive position and speed estimation is proposed. The Lyapunov method is extended to the practical stability theorem to stabilize the structure. The classic...
Alternative Approach to Convolution Term of Viscoelasticity in Equations of Unsteady Pipe Flow
PublicationIn the paper the selected aspects concerning description of viscoelastic behavior of pipe walls during unsteady flow are analyzed. The alternative convolution expression of the viscoelastic term is presented and compared with the corresponding term referring to unsteady friction. Both approaches indicate similarities in the forms of impulse response functions and the parameter properties. The flow memory was introduced into convolution...
The influence of sound track on the viewer’s emotions and correction of the color in the film
PublicationThe article presents the aspects of the final selection of colors in film production based on the emotions caused by the soundtrack of the film. First, the processing of colors, contrast, saturation and white balance of shots in the film was presented. The definition of color grading is also described, i.e. the color changes in the film's views. In the second part of the article, the soundtracks of the film were analyzed, in particular...
PublicationThis paper relates to the CFD calculation of a new turbine type which is in the phase of theoretical analysis, because the working fluid is a mixture of steam and gas generated in wet combustion chamber. At first, this article concentrates on a possibility of streamlining the flow efficiency of a last stage of axial turbine working on gas-steam mixture using a hybrid of the particle swarm optimization algorithm with the Nelder-Mead...
PublicationDesigning a tracking control system for an over-actuated dynamic positioning marine vessel in the case of insufficient information on environmental disturbances, hydrodynamic damping, Coriolis forces and vessel inertia characteristics is considered. The designed adaptive MIMO backstepping control law with control allocation is based on Lyapunov control theory for cascaded systems to guarantee stabilization of the marine vessel...
Reversible data hiding in encrypted DICOM images using sorted binary sequences of pixels
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted DICOM images is proposed. The method utilizes binary decomposition of the input data paired with a sorting process of the obtained binary sequences to ensure efficient data embedding in each predefined data block for specific most significant bit (MSB) planes while exploiting the properties of run-length encoding. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the...
On Radar DoA Estimation and Tilted Rotating Electronically Scanned Arrays
PublicationWe consider DoA estimation in a monopulse radar system employing a tilted rotating array. We investigate the case of nonzero steering angles, in which case the mapping between the target’s azimuth and elevation in the global coordinate system and their counterparts in the array local coordinate system becomes increasingly nonlinear and coupled. Since estimating the azimuth using coherently integrated signals might be difficult because...
FPGA Acceleration of Matrix-Assembly Phase of RWG-Based MoM
PublicationIn this letter, the field-programmable-gate-array accelerated implementation of matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is presented. The solution is based on a discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions and their extension to wire-to-surface junctions. To take advantage of the given hardware resources (i.e., Xilinx Alveo U200 accelerator card),...
A Review of Hyperelastic Constitutive Models for Dielectric Elastomers
PublicationDielectric elastomers are smart materials that are essential components in soft systems and structures. The core element of a dielectric elastomer is soft matter, which is mainly rubber-like and elastomeric. These soft materials show a nonlinear behaviour and have a nonlinear strain-stress curve. The best candidates for modelling the nonlinear behaviour of such materials are hyperelastic strain energy functions. Hyperelastic functions...
Frequency and time domain characteristics of digital control of electric vehicle in-wheel drives
PublicationIn-wheel electric drives are promising as actuators in active safety systems of electric and hybrid vehicles. This new function requires dedicated control algorithms, making it essential to deliver models that reflect better the wheel-torque control dynamics of electric drives. The timing of digital control events, whose importance is stressed in current research, still lacks an analytical description allowing for modeling its...
Smart Document-Centric Processing of Human Oriented Information Flows
PublicationUsually people prefer to focus on creative rather than repetitive and schematic work patterns. Still, they must spend a lot of time complying with the procedures, selecting the information they receive and repeatedly restoring the previous state of work. This paper proposes the Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) - a document-centric uniform interface to provide both effective communication of content and coordination...
Towards Healthcare Cloud Computing
PublicationIn this paper we present construction of a software platform for supporting medical research teams, in the area of impedance cardiography, called IPMed. Using the platform, research tasks will be performed by the teams through computer-supported cooperative work. The platform enables secure medical data storing, access to the data for research group members, cooperative analysis of medical data and provide analysis supporting tools...
Postawy specjalistów ZZL wobec wykorzystywania potencjału pracy zespołowej
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badań, których celem było zbadanie, jakie postawy prezentują specjaliści ZZL wobec wykorzystania potencjału pracy zespołowej w zależności od rodzaju wykonywanych zadań i dotychczasowego doświadczenia zawodowego. Analiza otrzymanych wyników wykazała, że respondenci preferowali pracę zespołową tylko gdy zadanie wymagało kreatywności, przełamywania schematów oraz dużego doświadczenia. Natomiast praca indywidualna...
Postawy menadżerów ZZL wobec pracy w zespołach zróżnicowanych kulturowo
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań pilotażowych dotyczących postaw menadżerów ZZL wobec pracy w zespole zróżnicowanym versus jednolitym kulturowo w zależności od wymagań zadania stawianego przed zespołem. Postawy menadżerów, a tym bardziej menadżerów ZZL maja kluczowy wpływ na kształtowanie kultury organizacji a przez to na zachowania jej pracowników. Natomiast pozytywne postawy wobec zarządzania różnorodnością, a...
Testing the Wide-Sense Stationarity of Bandpass Signals for Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublicationThe Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems work in communication channels characterized by a large variety of multipath propagation conditions that can additionally change over time. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel. There is a need for the development of adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize the signal parameters of the physical...
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań pilotażowych dotyczących postaw menadżerów ZZL wobec pracy w zespole zróżnicowanym versus jednolitym kulturowo w zależności od wymagań zadania stawianego przed zespołem. Postawy menadżerów, a tym bardziej menadżerów ZZL maja kluczowy wpływ na kształtowanie kultury organizacji a przez to na zachowania jej pracowników. Natomiast pozytywne postawy wobec zarządzania różnorodnością, a...
Poly(ferrocenylsilane-block-methacrylates) via sequential anionic and atom transfer radical polymerization.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia sposób otrzymywania kopolimerów blokowych poli(ferrocenylosilanów) (PFS) i poli(metakrylanu metylu) (PMMA). W pierwszej kolejności syntezowany jest anionowo blok PFS, który po odpowiedniej terminacji służy jako makroinicjator dla syntezy bloku PMMA. Synteza ta jest realizowana przy użyciu polimeryzacji rodnikowej z przeniesieniem atomu (ATRP), katalizowanej przez kompleksy rutenu. Otrzymane w ten sposób kopolimery...
Issue of changes in technical states of a diesel engiene as the result of wear of its tribological systems
PublicationWskazano na konieczność rozpatrywania procesów obciążeń i zużywania układów tribologicznych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym (a zatem również zmiany ich stanów) w warunkach rzeczywistych jako procesów losowych. Oznacza to, że matematycznymi modelami tych procesów mogą być funkcje losowe o argumencie, którym jest czas (t) i o wartościach, którymi są zmienne losowe takie jak obciążenia i zużycia poszczególnych układów tribologicznych....
Kluczowe kompetencje jako narzędzie do tworzenia nowych modeli biznesu w przedsiębiorstwach
PublicationKoncepcja kluczowych kompetencji wywodzi się z nurtu zasobowego, który zakłada, iż o efektywności i konkurencyjności każdego podmiotu decydują odpowiednio dobrane zasoby i umiejętności ich optymalnego wykorzystania. Model biznesu to narzędzie do realizacji strategii organizacji, które wspomaga rozwój oraz zarządzanie strategiczne w przedsiębiorstwie. Dysertacja wypełnia lukę, jaką było wskazanie na zależność pomiędzy kluczowymi...
Opracowanie technologii spawania naprawczego szyn poddźwigowych A120 oraz badania nieniszczące jakości szyn w DCT w Porcie Północnym
PublicationEkspertyza dotyczy realizacji zlecenia związanego z naprawą spoin szyn poddźwigowych na terenie terminalu kontenerowego - Deep Water Terminal (DCT) w Porcie Północnym w Gdańsku. W ramach opracowania: 1. Wykonano badania ultradźwiękowe (UT) i magnetyczno-proszkowe (MT) spoin czołowych szyn poddźwigowych typu A120, według schematu dostarczonego przez firmę SKANSKA S.A. 2. Wykonano analizę wyników badań...
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach coraz większym problemem stają się podtopienia na terenach zurbanizowanych. Biorąc to pod uwagę, należy większą wagę przyłożyć do prawidłowego obliczania przepustowości koryta. Jednym z czynników wpływających na nie są warunki na odpływie. W przypadku potoków nadmorskich zależą one ściśle od poziomu morza. W pracy podjęto próbę wyznaczenia wpływu poziomu morza na przebieg wezbrań w nadmorskich ciekach powierzchniowych....
Modeling of unsaturated water flow in highly heterogeneous soils.
PublicationTematem pracy jest modelowanie przepływu wody w gruntach nienasyconych o podwójnej porowatości, które charakteryzują się obecnością dwóch podobszarów porowatych o skontrastowanych parametrach hydraulicznych. Jako punkt wyjścia przyjęto, że w skali lokalnej przepływ w obu podobszarach jest opisany równaniem Richardsa. Przedstawiono wyprowadzenie dwóch modeli przepływu w skali makroskopowej przy użyciu metody homogenizacji asymptotycznej....
Performance of the AMOEBA Water Model in the Vicinity of QM Solutes: A Diagnosis Using Energy Decomposition Analysis
PublicationThe importance of incorporating solvent polarization effects into the modeling of solvation processes has been well-recognized, and therefore a new generation of hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approaches that accounts for this effect is desirable. We present a fully self-consistent, mutually polarizable QM/MM scheme using the AMOEBA force field, in which the total energy of the system is variationally minimized...
Modelowanie konstrukcji mostowych - obliczenia i weryfikacja ''in situ''
PublicationObiekty mostowe są konstrukcjami inżynierskimi, które ze względu na ich odpowiedzialność i długi okres eksploatacji - przed oddaniem do użytkowania poddawane są wszechstronnej ocenie w formie badań, zwanych potocznie próbnym obciążeniem. Zadaniem tych badań jest sprawdzenie poprawności pracy konstrukcji i przyjętych założeń projektowych. Przyciągające uwagę społeczeństwa próbne obciążenie na moście poprzedza projekt jego badań....
How to provide fair service for V2I communications in VANETs?
PublicationIn this paper, we focus on fairness issues of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. In particular, we show that under a common technique of selection of RSUs by OBUs based on the received signal strength, a vast variability of a number of OBUs connected to RSUs can be observed leading to inefficient/unfair service provided by RSUs. To overcome this problem, we propose an algorithm for RSU selection called RSEL to obtain...
PublicationPoszczególnym poziomom SIL projektowanego systemu elektrycznego/elektronicznego/programowalnego elektr onicznego E/E/PE (BPCS lub SIS) odpowiadają ilościowe kryteria probabilistyczne. Dowód spełnienia przez system zabezpieczeń wymagań SIL nazywa się weryfikacją. Model probabilistyczny dowolnego systemu zabezpieczeń SIS można przedstawić za pomocą schematów blokowych niezawodności RBD, grafów Markowa, równań uproszczonych oraz drzew niezdatności...
Incomplete Cross-Bonding in the MV Line. Experience from the Operation of MV Single Cable Lines
PublicationCable lines are one of the basic components of power systems. Medium and high voltage cables mainly comprise a metallic sheath, which is concentric to the main core conductor. There are several operating schemes of such cable lines, which differ in the place of earthing of sheaths and the possible use of the sheaths and/or conductors crossing. The sheaths cross-bonding is typically done in two places of one cable line section,...
Low-power microwave-induced fabrication of functionalised few-layer black phosphorus electrodes: A novel route towards Haemophilus Influenzae pathogen biosensing devices
PublicationIn this paper, various passivation schemes were applied at few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) to achieve covalent functionalisation with 4-azidobenzoic acid, improving its electrochemical response intended for analytical and biosensing applications. The thermal and microwave assisted modification procedures in toluene and dime-thylformamide resulted in high reversibility of reactions on functionalised FLBP using a ferricyanide/ferrocya-nide...
Wartość dodana akademickiej biblioteki „mobilnej” w kontekście programu Erasmus+ na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationMobilność wynikająca z założeń programu Erasmus+ w uczelniach i bibliotekach akademickich to wszelkie działania polegające na realizowaniu zagranicznych wyjazdów szkoleniowych w tzw. stażowych miejscach docelowych w krajach-sygnatariuszach programu. Erasmus+ w bibliotekach akademickich umożliwia szeroko pojęte doskonalenie zawodowe, rezultatem którego może być uzyskana wartość dodana uwidoczniona w nabywaniu nowych doświadczeń...
Squashed entanglement for multipartite states and entanglement measures based on the mixed convex roof
PublicationNew measures of multipartite entanglement are constructedbased on two definitions of multipartite information anddifferent methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. Oneis a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takesthe mutual information of parties conditioned on the state's extensionand takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity ofthe multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for both versionsof...
Solution of the dike-break problem using finite volume method and splitting technique
PublicationIn the paper the finite volume method (FVM) is presented for the solution of two-dimensional shallow water equations. These equations are frequently used to simulate the dam-break and dike-break induced flows. The applied numerical algorithm of FVM is based on the wave-propagation algorithm which ensures a stable solution and simultaneously minimizes the numerical errors. The dimensional decomposition according to the coordinate...
From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...
On the Matano Plane Position in Multicomponent Diffusion Couples
PublicationEven though several methods of diffusion analysis avoid a necessity for the Matano plane determination, the Matano plane locations are of interest in the multicomponent couples and when tracer experiments are performed. The positions of the Matano plane calculated from the concentration profiles should be exactly the same. However, due to experimental errors, the results can differ significantly. In the paper we consider Matano...
On the Matano Plane Position in Multicomponent Diffusion Couples
PublicationEven though several methods of diffusion analysis avoid a necessity for the Matano plane determination, the Matano plane locations are of interest in the multicomponent couples and when tracer experiments are performed. The positions of the Matano plane calculated from the concentration profiles should be exactly the same. However, due to experimental errors, the results can differ significantly. In the paper we consider Matano...