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Search results for: antena cylindryczna
Development of a compact microstrip resonant cell aimed at efficient microwave component size reduction
PublicationA comprehensive comparison of a wide collection of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) found in the extensive body of literature has been presented. The evaluation of different CMRC designs has led to the selection of the most promising CMRC geometry for the efficient miniaturisation of modern microwave components. In order to showcase the vital effectiveness of the approach, the initially selected CMRC has been notably...
A new approach to a fast and accurate design of microwave circuits with complex topologies
PublicationA robust simulation-driven design methodology of microwave circuits with complex topologies has been presented. The general method elaborated is suitable for a wide class of N-port unconventional microwave circuits constructed as a deviation from classic design solutions. The key idea of the approach proposed lies in an iterative redesign of a conventional circuit by a sequential modification and optimisation of its atomic building...
Measurement of Coherence Bandwidth in UHF Radio Channels for Narrowband Networks
PublicationThis paper presents results of investigation on the coherence bandwidth of narrowband radio channels in 430MHz band. The coherence bandwidth values were estimated froma power delay profile obtained by recording CDMA2000 forward channel signals during real-fieldmeasurements in various environments:mediumcity, flat terrain, and hilly terrain in northern Poland.The results of measurements are compared with characteristic parameters...
GPU-Accelerated Finite-Element Matrix Generation for Lossless, Lossy, and Tensor Media [EM Programmer's Notebook]
PublicationThis paper presents an optimization approach for limiting memory requirements and enhancing the performance of GPU-accelerated finite-element matrix generation applied in the implementation of the higher-order finite-element method (FEM). It emphasizes the details of the implementation of the matrix-generation algorithm for the simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in lossless, lossy, and tensor media. Moreover, the impact...
Accelerated simulation-driven design optimisation of compact couplers by means of two-level space mapping
PublicationIn this study, the authors discuss a robust and efficient technique for rapid design of compact couplers. The approach exploits two-level space mapping (SM) correction of an equivalent circuit model of the coupler structure under design. The first SM layer (local correction) is utilised to ensure good matching between the equivalent circuit and the electromagnetic model at the component level. Subsequent global correction allows...
Hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with ferrite posts
PublicationThis study presents a hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with axially symmetrical ferrite posts of irregular shape. The method is based on a combination of the finite-difference frequency- domain technique with a mode-matching technique. The proposed approach is validated by comparing the presented results with numerical ones obtained from commercial software. The application of a cylindrical...
Periodicity Matters: Grating or lattice resonances in the scattering by sparse arrays of subwavelength strips and wires.
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A new hybrid method for analysis of scattering from arbitrary configuration of cylindrical objects
PublicationArtykuł opisuje nową hybrydową metodę analizy rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej od obiektów cylindrycznych o dowolnym przekroju poprzecznym. W prezentowanym podejściu każdy obiekt jest traktowany jako efektywny cylinder o przekroju kołowym, opisany przez macierz impedancyjną. W celu uzyskania owej macierzy zastosowano połączenie metod różnic skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości (FDFD) i dopasowania rodzajów (MM). W celu...
Analysis and design of a polarizer rotator system
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę analizy wielosekcyjnego polaryzatora złożonego z periodycznych szyków obiektów cylindrycznych. W celu analizy badanej struktury zastosowano metodę pełnofalową opartą na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów. Opracowany algorytm został zweryfikowany poprzez porównanie uzyskanych wyników z wynikami otrzymanymi z przybliżonego modelu transmisyjnego oraz z własnymi pomiarami wykonanego prototypu.
Calculation of the propagation loss in urban radio-access systems
PublicationZweryfikowano eksperymentalnie modele propagacyjne opracowane dla telefonii komórkowej w mieście, stosowane przy analizach projektowych systemów dostępowych. Przeprowadzono obszerne badania pomiarowe i zebrano prawie 19 tys. pomiarów. Na tej podstawie, stosując wielowymiarową analize regresji oraz zaproponowaną charakterystykę propagacyjną radiowych łączy dostępowych, opracowano nowy wielowariantowy model propagacyjny przeznaczony...
Electromagnetic Problems Requiring High-Precision Computations
PublicationAn overview of the applications of multiple-precision arithmetic in CEM was presented in this paper for the first time. Although double-precision floating-point arithmetic is sufficient for most scientific computations, there is an expanding body of electromagnetic problems requiring multiple-precision arithmetic. Software libraries facilitating these computations were described, and investigations requiring multiple-precision...
Expedite EM-driven generation of Pareto-optimal trade-off curves for variable-turn on-chip inductors
PublicationThis work presents a novel approach to computationally efficient Pareto front identification for variable-turn on-chip inductors. The final outcome is a set of solutions that correspond to the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives. Here, we consider minimising inductor area and, simultaneously, maximising its quality factor, while maintaining a specified inductance value at a given operating frequency. As opposed...
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm Based on Phase Analysis for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublicationA flexible and effective algorithm for complex roots and poles finding is presented. A wide class of analytic functions can be analyzed, and any arbitrarily shaped search region can be considered. The method is very simple and intuitive. It is based on sampling a function at the nodes of a regular mesh, and on the analysis of the function phase. As a result, a set of candidate regions is created and then the roots/poles are verified...
Scattering From a Cylindrical Object of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple and intuitive solution to scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The main idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of projection of the fields at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. Different convex shapes and various obstacle materials are considered to verify the validity of the method in open and closed structures. The...
Rapid design of miniaturised branch-line couplers through concurrent cell optimisation and surrogate-assisted fine-tuning
PublicationIn this study, the authors introduce a methodology for low-cost simulation-driven design optimisation of highly miniaturised branch-line couplers (BLCs). The first stage of their design approach exploits fast concurrent optimisation of geometrically dependent, but electromagnetically isolated cells that constitute a BLC. The cross-coupling effects between the cells are taken into account in the second stage, where a surrogate-assisted...
An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body channel model for body area networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in a realistic indoor office environment containing typical scatterers have been measured: five were static (three standing and two...
Rapid multi-objective design optimisation of compact microwave couplers by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationThe authors introduce a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimisation of miniaturised microwave couplers. The approach exploits the surrogate-based optimisation paradigm with an underlying low-fidelity model constructed from an equivalent circuit of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping. A fast prediction tool obtained this way is subsequently optimised by a multi-objective...
Rapid simulation-driven design of miniaturised dual-band microwave couplers by means of adaptive response scaling
PublicationOne of the major challenges in the design of compact microwave structures is the necessity of simultaneous handling of several objectives and the fact that expensive electromagnetic (EM) analysis is required for their reliable evaluation. Design of multi-band circuits where performance requirements are to be satisfied for several frequencies at the same time is even more difficult. In this work, a computationally efficient design...
Efficient Complex Root Tracing Algorithm for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublicationAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm for propagation and radiation problems is presented. The proposed approach is based on a discretization of Cauchy’s Argument Principle and its generalization to the C × R space. Moreover, an engagement of the tracing process with a global root finding algorithm recently presented in the literature is performed. In order to confirm a validity and efficiency of the proposed technique, a...
Low-cost and reliable geometry scaling of compact microstrip couplers with respect to operating frequency, power split ratio, and dielectric substrate parameters
PublicationA technique for rapid re-design of miniaturised microstrip couplers with respect to operating conditions as well as material parameters of the dielectric substrate is proposed. The dimension scaling process is based on a set of pre-optimised reference designs, obtained for an equivalent circuit model of the coupler at hand. The reference designs are utilised to construct an inverse surrogate model which – upon suitable correction...
Analytical Expression for the Time-Domain Green's Function of a Discrete Plane Wave Propagating in the 3-D FDTD Grid
PublicationIn this paper, a closed-form expression for the time-domain dyadic Green’s function of a discrete plane wave (DPW) propagating in a 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is derived. In order to verify our findings, the time-domain implementation of the DPW-injection technique is developed with the use of the derived expression for 3-D total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD simulations. This implementation requires computations...
Accurate modelling of microwave structures using shape-preserving response prediction
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodologię dokładnego modelowania struktur mikrofalowych. Jest to zmodyfikowana wersja techniki opartej na procedurze przewidywania odpowiedzi z zachowaniem kształtu (shape-preserving response prediction, SPRP), która oszacowuje odpowiedź struktury mikrofalowej otrzymanej poprzez kosztowną obliczeniowo symulację elektromagnetyczną za pomocą taniego obliczeniowo modelu tejże struktury. Modyfikacja polega na wykorzystaniu...
A Self-Adaptive Complex Root Tracing Algorithm for the Analysis of Propagation and Radiation Problem
PublicationAn improved complex root tracing algorithm for radiation and propagation issues is proposed. The approach is based on a self-adaptive discretization of Cauchy’s argument principle for a C × R space and requires a reduced number of function calls in comparison to other procedures presented in the literature. A few different examples concerning propagation and radiation problems have been considered to verify the validity and efficiency...
Characterization of Slow and Fast Fading in Off-Body Communication at 2.45 GHz with Space Diversity Scheme in an Indoor Environment
PublicationThe characterization of slow and fast fading in wireless body area networks with space diversity scheme has been presented. The analysis, based on the measurements at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment, has shown that for all investigated configurations of receiving wearable antennas, the correlation coefficient values of the received signals’ parameters are below the assumed value of 0.5, being close to zero for the vast majority...
Variable-fidelity response feature surrogates for accelerated statistical analysis and yield estimation of compact microwave components
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances is an essential part of a reliable microwave design process. Yet, quantification of geometry and/or material parameter uncertainties is challenging at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This is due to inherently high cost of EM analysis and massive simulations necessary to conduct the statistical analysis. Here, a low-cost and accurate yield estimation procedure...
Communication Model Order Reduction in Hybrid Methods Involving Generalized Impedance Matrix
PublicationA novel strategy for the efficient analysis of frequency-domain scattering electromagnetic problems in open and closed domains is presented. A fully automatic model-order reduction technique, called the enhanced reduced-basis method, is applied to increase the efficiency of the hybrid approach, which combines the finite-element and mode-matching methods. Numerical tests show that the proposed algorithm yields reliable and highly...
Bandwidth-size design trade-offs for compact spline-parameterised patch couplers by means of electromagnetic-driven multi-objective optimisation
PublicationBroad bandwidth and small size are the key performance figures for contemporary microwave couplers. These requirements are conflicting, i.e. improvement of one generally leads to degradation of the other assuming fixed topology of the circuit at hand. From a designer's perspective, the knowledge about available design trade-offs is indispensable as it permits for tailoring the circuit for particular applications as well as comparing...
Measurement Stand and Methodology for Research of the Off-Body and Body-to-Body Radio Channels in WBANs with Different Diversity Schemes
PublicationThe concept of an experimental test bed for system loss and channel impulse response measurements for off-body and body-to-body radio channels in wireless body area networks (WBANs) is fully described. The possible measurement scenarios that may occur in investigation of off-body and body-to-body channels are classified and described in detail. Additionally, an evaluation is provided of the standard and expanded uncertainties of...
Low-cost data-driven modelling of microwave components using domain confinement and PCA-based dimensionality reduction
PublicationFast data-driven surrogate models can be employed as replacements of computationally demanding full-wave electromagnetic simulations to facilitate the microwave design procedures. Unfortunately, practical application of surrogate modelling is often hindered by the curse of dimensionality and/or considerable nonlinearity of the component characteristics. This paper proposes a simple yet reliable approach to cost-efficient modelling...
Calculation of Resonance in Planar and Cylindrical Microstrip Structures Using a Hybrid Technique
PublicationA hybrid technique was employed for the analysis of the resonance frequency of thin planar and cylindrical microstrip structures with the patches of arbitrary geometry. The proposed technique utilizes a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and a finite-element method (FEM). In this approach, an FEM is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and a method of moments is utilized to calculate the resonance frequencies...
Propagation in the Open Cylindrical Guide of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple solution to propagation problem in open waveguides and dielectric fibers of arbitrary convex cross section is presented. The idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of the field projection at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. A complex root tracing algorithm is utilized to find the propagation coefficients of the investigated guides. Different convex...
Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN
PublicationW niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...
Progress in the post weld residual stress evaluation using Barkhausen effect meter with a novel rotating magnetic field probe
PublicationWe report the progress in post weld residual stress evaluation using Barkhausen effect (BE) meter with rotating magnetic field probe. The novel probe of the BE meter contains two C-core electromagnets and searching coil with ferrite antenna. This meter allows automatic measurements of BE intensity envelopes at different angles of magnetizing field. The full process of measurement at given position of the probe takes about only...
Laboratory investigation with subbottom parametric echosounder SES-2000 standard with an emphasis on reflected pure signals analysis
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe correlations between measurements results of trials taken on Gulf of Gdańsk bottom sounded with parametric echosounder SES-2000 Standard and laboratory research where collected during survey sediments were measured. Stationary tests took place at Gdansk University of Technology where 30 meters long 1.8 meter deep and 3 meters wide water tank is located. Main lobe of antenna was directed...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublicationIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublicationIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Visible-light-driven lanthanide-organic-frameworks modified TiO2 photocatalysts utilizing up-conversion effect
PublicationHighly efficient and quite stable composite with core-shell-like architecture reported herein, responds to the challenge of sunlight-driven photocatalysts. The Ln(ndc)/TiO2 photocatalytic system comprises active lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks (Nd, Er, Ho, and Tm as metal ions, and 2,6-naphthalene dicar-boxylic acid as the organic linker) and inert titanium dioxide and allow to convert incompatible visible radiation...
High precision and accuracy using low cost GNSS receivers and supporting technologies
PublicationThis chapter focuses on methods and techniques of positioning, based on the highly accurate and precise Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which are available at a relatively low price. In this context, a comparison of different positioning methods provided by the free and open source software (FOSS) package called RTKLIB is given. Other aspects related to price reduction are also considered, including availability and...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for Body Area Networks in a ferry environment is described. A mobile, heterogeneous measurement stand, that consists of three types of devices: miniaturized mobile nodes, stationary reference nodes and a data acquisition server was developed. A detailed analysis of both radio channels parameters in untypical indoor environment was carried out. An analysis of...
Metody radiotransmisji w aplikacjach biomedycznych - 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącym systemów i sieci radiokomunikacyjnych w pod kątem możliwych zastosowań w biomedycynie. Plan wykładu Podstawowe pojęcia w telekomunikacji (telekomunikacja, informacja, źródła informacji, sygnał, usługa telekomunikacyjna, system telekomunikacyjny, kanał telekomunikacyjny, sieć telekomunikacyjna). Opis sygnałów analogowych w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości;...
Metody radiotransmisji w aplikacjach biomedycznych - 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącym systemów i sieci radiokomunikacyjnych w pod kątem możliwych zastosowań w biomedycynie. Plan wykładu Podstawowe pojęcia w telekomunikacji (telekomunikacja, informacja, źródła informacji, sygnał, usługa telekomunikacyjna, system telekomunikacyjny, kanał telekomunikacyjny, sieć telekomunikacyjna). Opis sygnałów analogowych w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości;...
Metody radiotransmisji w aplikacjach biomedycznych - 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącym systemów i sieci radiokomunikacyjnych w pod kątem możliwych zastosowań w biomedycynie. Plan wykładu Podstawowe pojęcia w telekomunikacji (telekomunikacja, informacja, źródła informacji, sygnał, usługa telekomunikacyjna, system telekomunikacyjny, kanał telekomunikacyjny, sieć telekomunikacyjna). Opis sygnałów analogowych w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości;...
PublicationW strukturze związku tytułowego występują słabe oddziaływania C-H...S oraz C-H...O.
Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku
PublicationStreszczenie: Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli inicjatyw społecznych w budzeniu poczucia odpowiedzialności za dziedzictwo materialne i kulturowe. Przyjęto założenie, że dla lokalnych społeczności miasto jest przestrzenią pamięci. Nastrój, atmosfera i klimat miejsca to słowa, które określają fizyczny...
Investigation of the C-1311 glucuronidation: an electrochemical approach
Open Research DataThis study was undertaken to investigate the glucuronidation of the compound C-1311 (5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone – the model anticancer acridine derivative) using electrochemistry/mass spectrometry (EC/MS) as a complementary technique to in vitro (liver microsomes) and in silico approaches.
A ship domain-based model of collision risk for near-miss detection and Collision Alert Systems
PublicationThe paper presents a new model of ship collision risk, which utilises a ship domain concept and the related domain-based collision risk parameters. An encounter is here described by five variables representing: degree of domain violation (DDV), relative speed of the two vessels, combination of the vessels’ courses, arena violations and encounter complexity. As for the first three variables, their values can be directly computed...
Powikłania po rekonstrukcji piersi: problem zakażeń i strategii prewencyjnej - przegląd literaturowy
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące powikłań po rekonstrukcji piersi. Manuskrypt ma na celu usystematyzowanie wyników badań z ostatnich lat wraz z aspektami, takimi jak: częstotliwość występowania powikłań oraz ich rodzaj, czynniki predysponujące, a także możliwości profilaktyki. Przeanalizowano dane literaturowe z ogólnie dostępnych artykułów z okresu ostatnich pięciu lat, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zakażeń. Do...
Photocatalytic Activity ofTiO2-WO3Composites
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TiO2-Nitrogen Modified for Water Decolourisation under VIS Radiation
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The role of adsorption in decomposition of dyes on TiO2 and N-modified TiO2 photocatalysts under UV and visible light irradiations