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Search results for: AMINO COLUMN
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Preselection of a sorption model based on a column test: the algorithm and an example of its application
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Experimental Study and Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Column Having an Opening
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Column base fixity in steel moment frames: Observations from instrumented buildings
PublicationThe rotational fixity of column base connections in Steel Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs) strongly influences their seismic response. However, approaches for estimating base fixity have been validated only against laboratory test data. These approaches are examined based on strong motion recordings from four instrumented SMRF buildings in California to informbest practices for seismic response simulation. These buildings represent...
Effects of Column Base Flexibility on Seismic Response of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings
PublicationSteel Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs) are very popular lateral load resisting systems in many seismically active regions. However, their seismic response is strongly dependent on the rotational fixity of column base connections. Despite many studies (both experimental and numerical) in this particular area, available approaches for estimating column base flexibility have been validated only against laboratory test data. In the...
Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Properties of the 3-Column Spar Platform for Offshore Wind Turbines
PublicationThe article presents a design of a floating platform for offshore wind turbines. The concept is a modification of the Spar design and consists of three variable section columns connected to each other by a ballast tank in the lower part of the platform. This solution makes it possible to influence the position of the centre of buoyancy and the centre of mass of the structure. Compared to the classic Spar platform structure, the...
Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of I-columns
PublicationThe first order variation of critical buckling load of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section due to some variations of the design variables such as: cross-section dimensions, or material characteristics is derived. The influence of the residual welding stresses is taken into account. In the numerical examples dealing with I-column the functions describing the effect of the variation of the dimensions of the flange...
Advanced field investigations of screw piles and columns
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis badań pali i kolumn wkręcanych na terenowym poletku doświadczalnym, wykonanych w ramach projektu badawczego MNiSW. Badania statyczne pali i kolumn wykonano z zaawansowanym systemem do pomiaru rozkładu siły wzdłuż trzonów. Przedstawiono podstawowe wyniki badań z rozdziałem obciążenia na podstawę i pobocznicę pali i kolumn.
Diagnostics of historic columns using wave propagation
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in columns of historical buildings for diagnostics purposes. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method in the Abaqus software package. The analysis was carried out for three types of brick columns: a full column, a column filled with debris, and a column empty inside. The excitation was in the form of a wave packet and signals of propagating...
The experimental research on the axially compressed CFFT columns
PublicationThe research objectives is to test the behaviour of the axially compressed glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes CFFT (concrete-filled FRP tube) withe the R-C core.
CFFT columns in road through railroad crossings
PublicationThere were 12801 road through railroad one-level crossings in Poland in 2018. 215 accidents happened at them in 2018. In order to increase safety in rail and road traffic two-level crossings should be used. They are definitely safer and make the traffic more smooth. In the design and construction of two-level intersections of railway and road or path columns of circular cross-section are often used. They can be successfully replaced...
Spectroscopic Studies of Amino Acid Ionic Liquid-Supported Schiff Bases
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Benzalkonium Salts of Amino Acids – Physicochemical Properties and Anti-Microbial Activity
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Double amino acid – A novel molecule enabling peptide interpenetrating structures
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Oligomers and peptidomimetics consisting of methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxyhexopyranosiduronic acids
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Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amino acid and peptide derivatives of mycophenolic acid
PublicationThe series of 16 novel amino acid and peptide mycophenolic acid (MPA) derivatives was obtained as potential antibacterial agents. Coupling of MPA with respective amines was optimized with condensing reagents such as EDCI/DMAP and T3P/TEA. Amino acid analogs were received both as methyl esters and also with the free carboxylic group. The biological activity of the products was tested on five references bacterial strains: Klebsiella...
Synthesis of linear tuftsin analogues modified at the epsilon-amino group of lysine
PublicationZsyntetyzowano na fazie stałej nowe analogi tuftsyny i retro-tuftsyny zawierające wiązanie isopeptydowe na epsilon-aminowej grupie lizyny jako potencjalne immunostymulatory. Do syntezy wykorzystano standardową procedurę Fmoc. Po zdjęciu osłon kwasem TFA końcowe związki były oczyszczane, liofilizowane i charakteryzowane: MS, HPLC i NMR.
Synthesis of conjugates of amino-combretastatin with tuftsin derivatives as potential anticancer agents
PublicationOpisano syntezę nowych koniugatów 3'-N-(tuftsyno lub retro-tuftsyno)-amino-kombretastatyny jako potencjalnych związków przeciw-nowotworowych. Do syntezy amino-kombretastatyny (amino-CA-4) wykorzystano reakację Wittiga a koniugatów metodę DPPA. Mamy nadzieję, że połączenie pochodnych tuftsyny z amino-CA-4 wpłynie na polepszenie właściwości terapeutycznych CA-4.
N-alkyl derivatives of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose
PublicationMono- i di-N-alkilowe pochodne 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy (alkil = metyl, etyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, heksyl, benzyl) otrzymano w wyniku redukcyjnej alkilacji per-O-acetylo-D-glukozaminy. (N-etylo, N-propylo, N-butylo, N-pentylo, N-heksylo)-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy deacetylowano w celu podjęcia prób enzymatycznej fosforylacji. Wszystkie produkty scharakteryzowano za pomocą...
Colon and Rectum
Journals -
Experimental study of bubble size distribution in a liquid column exposed to a rotating magnetic field
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Simulation of reactive materials in column and reservoir tests. Sensitivity analysis for a linear coupled model
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Evaluation of the usefulness and optimization of the separation conditions in Empty Column Gas Chromatography (EC-GC)
PublicationDotychczasowe badania wykazały, że możliwe jest rozdzielanie wysokowrzących mieszanin techniką chromatografii gazowej z zastosowaniem pustej rurki kapilarnej z topionej krzemionki, zamiast kolumn zawierających fazę stacjonarną. Operacja rozdzielania chromatograficznego ma miejsce jedynie na zasadzie różnicy temperatur wrzenia rozdzielanych substancji. Wysoki stopień podobieństwa warunków rozdzielania, osiąganych w ten sposób, z...
The buckling analysis of a cold-formed steel C-sectional column resting on an elastic foundation
PublicationThe paper is focused on stability analysis of different models of steel cold-formed C-section column. The analysed element may be applied as a primary load-bearing member in steel trusses or silo columns. The column can be used as a support for a wall of roof plates made of corrugated sheets. The wall sheeting that restrains the column against buckling may be considered as an elastic foundation. Due to the design solutions the...
Influence of a Lighting Column in the Working Width of a W-Beam Barrier on TB51 Crash Test
PublicationRoad equipment, such as, e.g., road safety barriers and lighting columns, are subject to certification according to the EN1317 standard to be allowed for use on European roads. In engineering practice, due to the terrain conditions, there are cases where other road equipment is installed within the working width of road safety barriers. Such situations are not considered during the certification process. Hence, the aim of this...
The effect of nonlinear restraint on torsional buckling and post-buckling behaviour of a thin-walled column
PublicationW pracy rozważa się wyboczenie skrętne i zachowanie pokrytyczne osiowo ściskanego swobodnie podpartego pręta cienkosciennego o przekroju otwartym ze sprężytą nieliniową podporą w środku rozpietości. Rozwiązanie problemu wyznaczono za pomocą metody małego parametru. W przykładzie numerycznym wyznaczono siłę krytyczną i ścieżkę początkowego zachowania pokrytycznego dwuteowego pręta z podporą sprężystą o charakterystyce składającej...
Separation of CO2 from biogas using absorption columns
PublicationBiogaz zawiera ok. 50-70% metanu, 30-40% di tlenku węgla oraz niewielkie ilości innych związków jak siarkowodór czy amoniaku. Dla uzyskania wysokokalorycznego gazu konieczne jest usunięcie ze strumienia di tlenku węgla. Praca opisuje potencjał użycia do tego celu kolumn absorpcyjnych oraz cieczy jonowych jako absorbenta
Wyniki badań terenowych pali i kolumn wkręcanych
PublicationOpisano badania pali i kolumn wkręcanych na kilku terenowych poletkach doświadczalnych, wykonanych w ramach projektu badawczego MNiSW. Badania statyczne pali i kolumn wykonano z pomiarem rozdziału siły na podstawę i pobocznicę oraz w powiązaniu z badaniami CPT podłoża gruntowego. Przedstawiono wyniki badań. Określono wartości oporów jednostkowych gruntów niespoistych wzdłuż pobocznicy i pod podstawą pali wkręcanych oraz przedstawiono...
Nanometer structural columns and frustration of magnetic ordering inNb12O29
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Torsional Stability Assessment of Columns Using Photometry and FEM
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Ultrasonic Tomography of Brick Columns Based on FEM Calculations
PublicationUltrasonic tomography is one of the most developed method of non-destructive testing. Despite being used mainly in medicine, it is becoming more and more popular as a method for monitoring of structural elements. It allows to examine the internal structure and technical condition of the tested element. This paper investigates the influence of crosssectional geometry on an obtained tomographic image. Wave propagation signals were...
Corrosion mechanisms in columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil
PublicationThe paper presents the most common corrosion processes occurring in the columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It describes the mechanisms leading to formation of the chemical compounds, which contribute to corrosion phenomena. The main technological factors influencing corrosion processes have been indicated. The paper also presents the interactions between particular corrosion mechanisms resulting in acceleration...
Selected Stability Problems of Thin-Walled Columns and Beams
PublicationThe article reviews a number of papers in the light of buckling analy- sis of thin-walled columns and beams. Stability of thin-walled columns and beams are considered a vital engineering science issue in both historical and present-day approaches. The paper refers to the recent authors’ works of the 2012–2019 period, published in leading journals. Similar review of stability problems of thin-walled structures developed at Gdansk...
Axial capacity of steel built-up battened columns
PublicationThis paper deals with the numerical investigation aimed to study the axial capacity of pin-ended steel built-up columns. Three methods of calculating forces in chords and batten, taking into account the material and geometric imperfections specified in the Eurocode 3 are considered. The aim of this study was to compare different methods allowing the calculation of the column load capacity and determine a simpler and faster method...
On the paradox of torsional buckling of thin-walled I columns
PublicationAnaliza wyboczenia skrętnego pręta cienkościennego o dwuteowym przekroju poprzecznym ze zmienną, w pewnych granicach, szerokością półek wykazała, że siła krytyczna wyboczenia skrętnego może przekraczać granice wyznaczone przez siły odpowiadające prętom o stałych ekstremalnych szerokościach półek. Ten paradoksalny wynik uzyskano w ramach teorii prętów cienkościennch o przekroju nieodkształcalnym. Ponadto wykazano, że punkt bifurkacji...
Nanometer structural columns and frustration of magnetic ordering in Nb12O29
PublicationDyskutowana jest synteza i właściwości magnetyczne tlenku niobu Nb12O29. Polimorfizm Nb12O29 przejawia się występowaniem dwóch faz: jednoskośnej i ortorombowej. Pomiar podatności magnetycznej pokazuje, że faza jednoskośna wykazuje antyferromagnetyczne przejście ok. 12K.
Determination of amino acids in urine of patients with prostate cancer and benign prostate growth
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Thermal properties of lanthanide(III) complexes with 5-amino-1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid
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Synthesis of 5-arylidene-2-amino-4-azolones and evaluation of their anticancer activity
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Crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of 5-arylidene-2-amino-imidazol-4-ones
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Characterization of naproxen salts with amino acid esters and their application in topical skin preparations
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β2-Homo-Amino Acid Scan of µ-Selective Opioid Tetrapeptide TAPP
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Chirality sensing of bioactive compounds with amino alcohol unit via circular dichroism
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Complexation of amino acids derivatives in water by calix[4]arene phosphonic acids
PublicationSeries of the calix[4]arene phosphonic acids with various substituents at the lower rim was synthesized. Complexing properties of these receptors towards methyl esters of six amino acids strongly depended on the calix[4]arene conformation flexibility. The complex formation processes were monitored using 1H NMR spectroscopy (deuterated phosphate buffer at pD 7.3, 22 oC) and association constant values were evaluated. Inherently...
Application of surface active amino acid ionic liquids as phase-transfer catalyst
PublicationFive structurally related morpholinium derived ionic liquids containing N-acetyl-glycinate anion were synthesized and their thermal stability, surface properties and activity as phase transfer catalysts investigated. The thermal properties were studied by differential scanning calorimetry, while the adsorption at the air/water interface and micellization behavior was analyzed by surface tension measurements, conductometry and isothermal...
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Azobenzene Derivatives Modified with an (Amino)naphthalene Moiety
PublicationThe design of two-photon absorbing azobenzene (AB) derivatives has received much attention; however, the two-photon absorption (2PA) properties of bis-conjugated azobenzene systems are relatively less explored. Here, we present the synthesis of six azobenzene derivatives and three bisazobenzenes substituted (or not) at para position(s) with one or two amino group(s). Their linear and nonlinear absorption properties are studied...
How acidic amino acid residues facilitate DNA target site selection
PublicationDespite the negative charge of the DNA backbone, acidic residues (Asp/Glu) commonly participate in the base readout, with a strong preference for cytosine. In fact, in the solved DNA/protein structures, cytosine is recognized almost exclusively by Asp/Glu through a direct hydrogen bond, while at the same time, adenine, regardless of its amino group, shows no propensity for Asp/Glu. Here, we analyzed the contribution of Asp/Glu...
A research on the optimal conditions for separation and identyfication of the components from the Droseraceae extracts by column liquid chromatography
PublicationThe isolation of the components with anticipated biological properties i.e. antimicrobial, fungicidal, antioxidant and perhaps anticancer activity is for many years a one of the biggest issues of modern separation science. Their obtaining based on the isolation of the components with the biological activity from in vitro cultured plants by extraction techniques is often more difficult than their production by the chemical synthesis.The...
Precipitation of Spherical Vaterite Particles via Carbonation Route in the Bubble Column and the Gas-Lift Reactor
PublicationSpherical vaterite particles were produced by carbonation of calcium chloride solution with addition of ammonia to facilitate CO2 absorption. Synthesis of calcium carbonate was carried out in a bubble column or gas-lift reactor. The course of the reaction was monitored by pH measurements. Precipitated solids were analyzed by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy, x-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, and...
Application of the ‘CPT 2012’model of AFNOR standard for column design in Poland–Jazowa case study
Publicationhis paper presents the ‘CPT 2012’ model incorporated into the AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-07, French standard for pile design fully compatible with Eurocode 7, to the wider Polish audience. The bearing capacity of three reference columns for Vistula Marshlands have been calculated according to ‘CPT 2012’ model and AFNOR recommendations. Then, the design resistances have been compared with ultimate column bearing capacity measured during...