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Search results for: BAFFLE FACTOR
Application of dynamic factor models for inflation forecasting in Poland
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Estimating and Forecasting GDP in Poland with Dynamic Factor Model
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SERRATE: a key factor in coordinated RNA processing in plants
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Image as a key factor of brand value at social media
PublicationThe paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media presence and activities and brand value for the most valuable Global Brands 2012 (Interbrandt 2013). Social media communication is an innovative way of communication. Brand value is a key performance indicator of brand strategy for managers. Brand and category image realized to be the key factor of investigated relation.
Estimation of Rician K-factor Values in Urban Terrain
PublicationThis paper presents results of Rician K-factor estimation from CDMA2000 downlink signals recorded in the area of medium city. Signal and data processing methods used to estimate fading parameters are also briefly described.
Corrosion monitoring as a factor increasing the safety of hydrotechnical infrastructure
PublicationWater distribution systems at KGHM S.A. are of great importance for the efficient production of copper and environmental protection. For failures leading to perforation and leakage, the corrosion processes are responsible. This paper aims to assess corrosion on the basis of the analysis of the exposure of the Hydrotechnical Plant pipelines. To this end, the system of transfer and deposition of post-flotation waste as well as the...
The Influence of LED Lighting Sources on the Nature of Power Factor
PublicationThis article presents measurements of electric power absorbed by a newly built facility for office and scientific research activities. These measurements highlighted the need for compensation of capacitive reactive power—not predicted by the designer—due to the vast use of LED lighting in the facility. The article also describes a reactive power compensation system, designed on the basis of the above-mentioned measurements, and...
Share of the wage factor in national income – selected aspects
PublicationThe aim of this study is to examine changes in the share of the wage factor in national income, in selected EU countries against labour productivity and investment rates reflecting changes in capital-labour relations, indicated by researchers as determinants of change of the share of the wage factor in national income. The scope of the study includes a review of literature devoted to the issue of wage factor share in national income...
Technological logistics HL as a factor in distribution network effectivness
PublicationPrzedstawiono podział kompetencyjny logistyki i wskazano na znaczenie logistyki technicznej HL (HardLogistics). Jako przykład wpływu logistyki HL na efektywność ekonomiczną systemu dystrybucji zamieszczono wyniki symulacji wyniku eksploatacji pojazdów samochodowych o różnym wyposażeniu w urządzenia przeładunkowe.
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The convergence of gender wage differences - myth or fact - multi country multi sector analysis
PublicationThe Becker’s theory of discrimination predicts that in the long run the gender wage differences should disappear. In our empirical analysis we verify the testable implications of this mode considering the hypothesis of gender wage gap convergence. The study takes into account 31 sectors in 13 European countries for the period between 1970 and 2005. We distinguish between wages paid to different groups of workers classified according...
Functional safety and human factors
PublicationRozdział przedstawia istotny problem uwzględnienia czynników ludzkich (H&OF) w analizie bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego, które wpływają istotnie na bezpieczeństwo przemysłowych obiektów podwyższonego ryzyka, nie ujęty jednak w normach bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego. Przedstawia się metody analizy niezawodności człowieka (HRA) w kontekście tych czynników, które wpływają na błędy człowieka. Czynniki ludzkie i organizacyjne powinny być...
Factors causing degradation of sulfadimetoxine
PublicationSulfadimetoxine is a representative of sulfonamide drugs which presence inhibits growth of activated sludge bacteria, rhat is necessary for the effective mineralization of organic and inorganic contaminants. Therefore factors which con prevent this situation are searched. Aim of this study is selection of conditions causing efficien degradation of the drug- sulfadimetoxine. The impact of such aspects as : the type of oxidizing...
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
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DNA-reactive anticancer imidazoacridinone C-1311 is a new inhibitor of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, vascular endothelial growth factor and tumor angiogenesis
PublicationHypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) plays a critical role for tumor adaptation to hypoxia and promotes angiogenesis. Antitumor imidazoacridinone C-1311 is a DNA reactive topoisomerase II and FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor selected for phase II clinical trials for breast cancer. Here, we demonstrate the new mechanism of C-1311 action involving HIF-1a, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiogenesis as additional...
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Slovak Raptor Journal
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Public Sector Economics
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Development of Transport as a Factor of the Economic Miracle (Wirtschaftswunder) of West Germany
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Sustainable tourism as a factor in the development of protected areas in the Pomerania Euroregion
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Building a brand as a success factor for the employee and the enterprise - case study
PublicationThe article presents the factors that determines the profile of the manager ina corporation especially in the means of building an image and identity of a manager. The article provides a description of comprehensive characteristics that can be used by managers in corporation in management practice. The publication begins with an indication of image and identity aspects that are the part of public...
Serum levels of stem cell factor for predicting embryo quality
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B13 Can Dna Methylation Be A Factor In The Pathogenesis Of Huntington's Disease?
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Is there momentum in factor premia? Evidence from international equity markets
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Ecological trends in machining as a key factor in sustainable production – A review
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Shading of River Channels as an Important Factor Reducing Macrophyte Biodiversity
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Notch signalling pathway as an oncogenic factor involved in cancer development
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The role of Snail1 transcription factor in colorectal cancer progression and metastasis
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Blood Pressure in 2016: increased impact factor and change of editors
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C-reactive Protein as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Factor of Endometrial Cancer
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Substance P – a potent risk factor in childhood lymphoblastic leukaemia
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C-reactive protein as a diagnostic and prognostic factor of endometrial cancer
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Nonlinear Properties of Seawater as a Factor Determining Nonlinear Wave Propagation
PublicationTaking practical advantage of nonlinear acoustical interactions occurring in seawater [1, 2] requires knowledge of the parameter of nonlinearity B=A of this medium. The literature does not offer much reports on B=A parameter value for seawater. In the few papers concerning that address the issue, results concerning ocean waters with high salinity and at large depths are given [3], while studies concerning seawater with low salinity...
Scaling of numbers in residue arithmetic with the flexible selection of scaling factor
PublicationA scaling technique of numbers in resudue arithmetic with the flexible selection of the scaling factor is presented. The required scaling factor can be selected from the set of moduli products of the Residue Number System (RNS) base. By permutation of moduli of the number system base it is possible to create many auxilliary Mixed-Radix Systems associated with the given RNS with respect to the base, but they have different sets...
Risk factor assessment in agricultural supply chain by fuzzy logic
PublicationSignificant uncertainty characterizes the harvest period. This aspect is due to various risks impacting agrifood supply chains. The occurrence of risks is due to hazards: technological failures, technical breakdowns, or adverse weather conditions. Hence, the operational time of the agricultural supply chain during the harvest period increases due to such risk factors. In essence, some hazards are fuzzy, and the nature of most threats...
Factors of change in the planning and control process
PublicationZmianom podlegajš wszystkie procesy realizowane w organizacji, również proces planowania i sterowania. W rozdziale przedstawiono klasyfikację czynników zmiany tego procesu i scharakteryzowano poszczególne rodzaje czynników. Przedstawiono również ogólne wytyczne dla procesu identyfikacji i pomiaru czynników zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania. Zaprezentowano też przykładowe mierniki czynników zmiany, zgodne z atrybutami modelu...
Factors affecting the quality of bottled water
PublicationThe ever-increasing popularity of bottled water means that it is important to analyze not only its mineral content but also, above all,its content of possible contaminants, especially the organic ones. In this respect, bottled waters are a special case, because apartfrom organic chemical contaminants derived from the well from which they were acquired, their secondary contamination is alwayspossible, during treatment or storage...
Factors Affecting the Rheological Properties of Foods
PublicationIn this chapter, engineering aspects concerning real body mechanics and the impact of respective food ingredients on said properties are presented together. Food is a complex matrix and each of macro and micro ingredients plays its role in the formation of rheologic properties, and minor changes in the basic ingredient structure may affect the change of these properties significantly. Basic analytic techniques are presented for...
Featured based CAVE software factory
PublicationIn the paper we convey the lessons learned along the path we have gone through several years since establishing a room-sized CAVE installation at our university, from craft manufacturing and ad-hoc software reuse of VR software products to the robust feature driven software product line (SPL) implementing the Product Line Engineering (PLE) factory paradigm. With that we can serve all our departments and other entities from the...
Senior Housing Universal Design as a Development Factor of Sustainable-Oriented Economy
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Arterial hypertension as a factor in the choice of conflict resolution strategies by the older persons
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Digesting anomalies in emerging European markets: A comparison of factor pricing models
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Explaining Equity Anomalies in Frontier Markets: A Horserace of Factor Pricing Models
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Fluoride as a factor initiating and potentiating inflammation in THP1 differentiated monocytes/macrophages
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Site environment type – The main factor of urban road dust toxicity?
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Dental Condition as A Factor Modifying the Transmission of the Sound Vibration in the Skull Bones
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C-reactive protein as a diagnostic and prognostic factor in inflammatory bowel diseases