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Search results for: BETA GALAKTOZYDAZA
Improved magnitude estimation of complex numbers using alpha max and beta min algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents an improved algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This problem, which is a special case of square rooting, occurs for example, in FFT processors and complex FIR filters. The proposed method of magnitude calculation makes use of the modified alpha max and beta min algorithm. The improved version of the algorithm allows to control the maximum magnitude approximation error by using an adequate...
Molecular Modeling of Meta II Rhodopsin
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Projecting procedure for meta-material fiber
PublicationWe would like to show new way of derivation evolution equation for short pulses in dielectric waveguide including one model of metamaterial waveguide. This derivation model rely on projecting to the orthogonal basis. In our case to orthogonal basis for cylindrical waveguide.
World Journal of Meta-Analysis
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Meta Gene
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The oxydiacetate and iminodiacetate complexes of oxidovanadium(IV) as the new series of the catalysts for the oligomerization of beta-olefin derivatives
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Transcriptomic profiling of the salt stress response in excised leaves of the halophyte Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima
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Thermostable Pyrococcus woesei beta-D-galactosidase - high level expression, purification and biochemical properties
PublicationGen kodujący termostabilną beta-D-galaktozydazę Pyrococcus woesei zamplifikowano z zastosowaniem techniki PCR i klonowano w komórkach Escherichia coli. Skonstruowany system ekspresji genu pozwolił na uzyskanie znacznej ilości termostabilnego białka w komórkach mezofilnego gospodarza. Enzym oczyszczono z zastosowaniem chromatografii powinowactwa po wcześniejszej denaturacji termicznej białek Escherichia coli i scharakteryzowano...
Analiza przyczyn pęknięcia drąga tłokowego sprężarki Dresser-Rand na platformie Baltic Beta
PublicationW ramach opracowanej ekspertyzy opisano przyczyny oraz mechanizm zniszczenia zespołu tłokowego sprężarki gazu Dresser Rand zainstalowanej na platformie wydobywczej Baltic Beta. Sformułowano wnioski i zalecenia dotyczące dalszej eksploatacji urządzenia.
Structural studies of a cold-adapted dimeric Beta-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublicationThe crystal structure of a novel dimeric [beta]-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d (Par[beta]DG) was solved in space group P212121 at a resolution of 2.4 Å by molecular replacement with multiple models using the BALBES software. This enzyme belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 2 (GH2), similar to the tetrameric and hexameric [beta]-D-galactosidases from Escherichia coli and Arthrobacter sp. C2-2, respectively. It is the second...
Molecular modelling of a psychrophilic β-galactosidase
PublicationAntarktyczny szczep, gram-ujemnych bakterii, wyizolowanych z przewodu pokarmowego kryla z gatunku Thyssanoessa macrura, sklasyfikowany na podstawie analizy sekwencji nukleotydowej geny 16S rDNA jako Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b jest producentem wewnątrzkomórkowej zimnolubnej beta-galaktozydazy. Ponieważ enzym ten wykazuje wysoką aktywność katalityczną w zakresie temperatur od 0 do 30 stC, stanowi on atrakcyjny biokatalizator, użyteczny...
Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity: A meta-analysis
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Microphone placement through meta-heuristic algorithms
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Controlled Drug Release and Cytotoxicity Studies of Beta-Lapachone and Doxorubicin Loaded into Cyclodextrins Attached to a Polyethyleneimine Matrix
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Age-dependent sympathetic neural responses to ß1 selective beta-blockade in untreated hypertension-related tachycardia
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Small-minus-big predicts betting-against-beta: Implications for international equity allocation and market timing
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Evaluation of differences in expression pattern of three isoforms of the transforming growth factor beta in patients with lumbosacral stenosis
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Implementation of magnitude calculation of complex numbers using improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents the hardware implementation of the improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This version of the algorithm requires the general division which is performed using a noniterative multiplicative division algorithm. We analyze in detail the division algorithm, its error and the impact of finite word-length signal representations on the assumed total computation error....
Relationship between the betalain composition in Opuntia ficus indica and Beta vulgaris varieties and biological activity of their extracts
PublicationBetalains are a class of pigments that are much less com- monly found in nature than anthocyanins or carotenoids. They occur only in a few edible plants such as red beetroot (Beta vulgaris), prickly pears (Opuntia ficus indica), amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and some mushrooms. This group of pig- ments can be divided into two major groups: yellow vulgax- anthins and red betanins. Despite their structural similarity to compounds from...
Identyfikacja i izolacja genu kodującego zaadaptowaną do zimna β-galaktozydazę Paracoccus sp. = Identification and izolation of the gene encoding cold-active β-galactosidase from paracoccus sp.
PublicationZaprezentowane badania były prowadzone u eehi wyizolowania ze środo¬wiska organizmu psychrofilnego, zdolnego do hydrolizy laktozy w niskiej tempe¬raturze, oraz zidentyfikowania genu kodującego (i-galaktozydazę zaadaptowaną do zimna.Poszukiwan gen został w izolowany z psychrofilnego szczepu autarkicz¬nego Paracoccus sp. 321). Na podstawie sekwencji nukleotydowej genu kodują¬cego fS-galaktozdaze ustalono skład aminokwasów),...
High- and low-Molecular Weight oat Beta-Glucan Reveals Antitumor Activity in Human Epithelial Lung Cancer
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Coarse-grained model of the native cellulose $$\hbox {I}\alpha$$ and the transformation pathways to the $$\hbox {I}\beta$$ allomorph
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Predicting Value of Binding Constants of Organic Ligands to Beta-Cyclodextrin: Application of MARSplines and Descriptors Encoded in SMILES String
PublicationThe quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSPR) model was formulated to quantify values of the binding constant (lnK) of a series of ligands to beta–cyclodextrin (β-CD). For this purpose, the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARSplines) methodology was adopted with molecular descriptors derived from the simplified molecular input line entry specification (SMILES) strings. This approach allows discovery of regression...
Assessment of the Concentration of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1–3 in Degenerated Intervertebral Discs of the Lumbosacral Region of the Spine
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MM/PBSA analysis of molecular dynamics simulations of bovine beta-lactoglobulin: free energy gradients in conformational transitions?
PublicationPraca dotyczy pH zależnych zmian konformacyjnych EF pętli beta-laktoglobuliny. Zmiany te są śledzone za pomocą metod obliczeniowych chemii (dynamika molekularna oraz metody MM/PBSA).
A novel nucleotide found in human erythrocytes, 4-pyridone-3-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside triphosphate
PublicationZidentyfikowano nowy, nieznany nukleotyd, występujący w erytrocytach osób chorych na przewlekłą niewydolność nerek, w stężeniu porównywalnym do zawartości ATP. Nukleotyd ten wyizolowano chromatograficznie, a jego strukturę określono jako trójfosforan 4-piridono-3-karboksyamido-1-b-D-rybonukleozydu, na podstawie danych spektralnych UV, MS, IR i NMR.
Monitorowanie szybkości korozji oraz dobór materiałów konstrukcyjnych w instalacji wody morskiej platformy Baltic Beta
PublicationWykonano analizę szybkości korozji systemu monitorowania korozji z okresu od 25.11.2016 do 12.07.2017. Zdemontowano czujnik korozyjny w instalacji wody morskiej, Zainstalowani nowy czujnik z opcją pomiaru szybkości korozji metodą kuponową. Monitoringiem poddano następujące materiały: 1.7362, 1.5415, 1.0038
A novel cold-active beta-D-galactosidase from the Paracoccus sp. 32d - gene cloning, purification and characterization
PublicationBeta-D-galactosidase (EC catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing beta-D-galactose residues in beta-D-galactosides. Cold-active beta-D-galactosidases have recently become a focus of attention of researchers and dairy product manufactures owing to theirs ability to: (I) eliminate of lactose from refrigerated milk for people afflicted with lactose intolerance, (II) convert lactose to glucose and galactose which...
Sensitive Demonstration of the Twin-Core Couplers including Kerr Law Non-Linearity via Beta Derivative Evolution
PublicationTo obtain new solitary wave solutions for non-linear directional couplers using optical meta-materials, a new extended direct algebraic technique (EDAT) is used. This model investigates solitary wave propagation inside a fiber. As a result, twin couplers are the subject of this study. Kerr law is the sort of non-linearity addressed there. Because it offers solutions to problems with large tails or infinite fluctuations, the resulting...
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Empagliflozin in patients with myocardial infarction: an updated meta-analysis
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Neta-sieć kooperacji i konkurencyjności północnej Europy.
PublicationPrzedstawiono strategiczne opcje polityki rozwojowej korytarza NETA (NorthEuropean Trade Axis Project). Porównano działanie regionalne w polskiej części NETA z działaniami innych regionów europejskich.
The Effect of Probiotics on Symptoms, Gut Microbiota and Inflammatory Markers in Infantile Colic: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Randomized Controlled Trials
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Journal of Eta Maritime Science
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Marta Wanarska dr hab. inż.
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Reduction of human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit expression by modified U1 snRNA caused apoptosis in cervical cancer cells
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Stromal-Epithelial Cross-Talk in the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche is Mediated by a Regulatory Network that Involves TGF-Beta and CTGF
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Does Porcine Oocytes Maturation in Vitro is Regulated by Genes Involved in Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor Signaling Pathway?
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Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal unit: control of an outbreak using a new ADSRRS technique
PublicationSzczepy Klebsiella pneumoniae (EPKP)produkujące beta-laktamazy o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (ESBL)stanowią często problem zakażeń na oddziałach noworodkowych. Izolaty od 149 pacjentów poddano typowaniu nową metodą opartą na zjawisku supresji PCR, ADSRRS-fingerprinting, wykazując pochodzenie klonalne badanych szczepów. Użyteczność techniki ADSRRS-finerprinting została potwierdzona innymi metodami - RAPD i PFGE.
Active Site Architecture and Reaction Mechanism Determination of Cold Adapted beta-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublicationArthbetaDG is a dimeric, cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase that exhibits high hydrolytic and transglycosylation activity. A series of crystal structures of its wild form, as well as its ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein complexes with ligands were obtained in order to describe the mode of its action. The ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein is an inactive form of the enzyme designed to enable observation of enzyme interaction with its substrate. The...
The Effect of Probiotics and Synbiotics on Risk Factors Associated with Cardiometabolic Diseases in Healthy People—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Meta-Regression of Randomized Controlled Trials
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Meta-narracja jako aranżacja miasta innowacyjnego...Studium przypadku miasta nadmorskiego = Meta-Narrative as an innovative arrangement of the city...Seaside town case study
PublicationW miastach współczesnych praktykowane jest "wdrażanie" nowo realizowanych elementów tkanki fizycznej w nowej meta-skali. Dotyczy to przestrzeni zabudowanej a także tkanki krajobrazowej, dzieje się bez względu na zastałe uwarunkowania. Meta-narracja to idea fragmentaryczna, niemająca związku z polityka architektoniczną w skali regionalnej czy narodowej, to opowieść nadmiernie rozbudowana: wzdłuż, wszerz i wzwyż. Sylwetka miasta...
Antioxidant Potential of Curcumin—A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
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Meta-Design and the Triple Learning Organization in Architectural Design Process
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Osteotomies and Total Knee Arthroplasty: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Interventions reducing car usage: Systematic review and meta-analysis
PublicationThis systematic literature review aimed to investigate the extent to which transport-related interventions induced a reduction in car use. Both qualitative synthesis and meta-analysis were employed. The synthesis included 31 original studies, while the meta-analysis included 21. Of the qualitatively synthesised studies, 74 % demonstrated that interventions were effective in reducing car use. The pooled estimates of the effects...
Effect of beta-blocker therapy on heart rate response in patients with hypertension and newly diagnosed untreated obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
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A new cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 32c - gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties
PublicationThe development of a new cold-active β-D-galactosidases and microorganisms that efficiently ferment lactose is of high biotechnological interest, particularly for lactose removal in milk and dairy products at low temperatures and for cheese whey bioremediation processes with simultaneous bio-ethanol production. In this article, we present a new β-D-galactosidase as a candidate to be applied in the above mentioned biotechnological...
The Effect of Herbal Supplements on Blood Pressure: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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