


  • System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track


    Several problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...

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  • Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia Ser. B Invertebrata


    ISSN: 1895-3131



    ISSN: 0006-8993 , eISSN: 1872-6240

  • Underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen, at the front of the Hans Glacier

    Open Research Data
    open access
    • J. Tegowski
    • O. Glowacki
    • M. Ciepły
    • M. Błaszczyk
    • J. Jania
    • M. Moskalik
    • P. Blondel
    • G. Deane

    The data includes underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen at the front of the Hans Glacier between 05/09/2013 and 30/09/2013. A description of the data is in the article

  • On the deficiency of bipartite graphs


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  • Strategic balance in graphs

    For a given graph G, a nonempty subset S contained in V ( G ) is an alliance iff for each vertex v ∈ S there are at least as many vertices from the closed neighbourhood of v in S as in V ( G ) − S. An alliance is global if it is also a dominating set of G. The alliance partition number of G was defined in Hedetniemi et al. (2004) to be the maximum number of sets in a partition of V ( G ) such that each set is an alliance. Similarly,...

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  • Named Property Graphs


    - Year 2018

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  • Serialization for Property Graphs


    - Year 2019

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  • Rank Coloring of Graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Rozdział jest poświęcony uporządkowanemu kolorowaniu grafów. Przedstawiono jego podstawowe własności oraz zastosowania praktyczne.

  • Circular colorings of graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Rozdział poświęcony jest cyrkularnemu modelowi kolorowania krawędzi. Rozważana jest zarówno wersja wierzchołkowa i krawędziowa. Szczególny nacisk położono na złożoność obliczeniową i zastosowania dla omawianych modeli kolorowania.

  • Harmonions Coloring of Graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Problem kolorowania grafów jest motywowany radionawigacją lotniczą, kompresją obrazów i in. W rozdziale podano podstawowe fakty dotyczące tego modelu kolorowania, a wsród nich dolne i górne oszacowania na liczbę harmoniczną i algorytm o złożoności 0 (mm3) dający bardzo dobre pokolorowania przybliżone.

  • T-coloring of graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Niniejszy rozdział omawia kontrastowe kolorowanie grafów. Podana została jego definicja i podstawowe własności, zastosowania oraz złożoność obliczeniowa problemów rozważanych w ramach tej dziedziny.

  • Classical coloring of graphs.


    Rozdział obejmuje klasyczne kolorowanie krawędzi i wierzołków w grafach prostych. Oprócz podstawowych definicji podane zostały najczęściej stosowane metody przybliżone oraz ich właściwości. Dodatkowo rozdział zawiera przegląd znanych benczmarków dla podanych metod w kontekście klasycznego modelu kolorowania.

  • Sum Coloring of Graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Rozdział jest poświęcony sumacyjnemu kolorowaniu grafów. Przedstawiono jego podstawowe własności oraz zastosowania praktyczne.

  • Dynamic coloring of graphs



    Dynamics is an inherent feature of many real life systems so it is natural to define and investigate the properties of models that reflect their dynamic nature. Dynamic graph colorings can be naturally applied in system modeling, e.g. for scheduling threads of parallel programs, time sharing in wireless networks, session scheduling in high-speed LAN's, channel assignment in WDM optical networks as well as traffic scheduling. In...

  • 2-bondage in graphs

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that gamma_2(G-E') > gamma_2(G). If for every E' subseteq E we have...

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  • Double bondage in graphs


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. The double bondage number of G, denoted by b_d(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets...

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  • Common Independence in Graphs


    - Symmetry-Basel - Year 2021

    Abstract: The cardinality of a largest independent set of G, denoted by α(G), is called the independence number of G. The independent domination number i(G) of a graph G is the cardinality of a smallest independent dominating set of G. We introduce the concept of the common independence number of a graph G, denoted by αc(G), as the greatest integer r such that every vertex of G belongs to some independent subset X of VG with |X|...

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  • Influence of analysis of features geometrical abrasive grains stress, strain and displacement of material in zone microgrinding

    • W. Kacalak
    • Ł. Rypina
    • T. Królikowski

    - Mechanik - Year 2015

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  • Silicon nanoparticles enhanced the growth and reduced the cadmium accumulation in grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

    • S. Ali
    • M. Rizwan
    • A. Hussain
    • M. Zia
    • B. Ali
    • B. Yousaf
    • L. Wijaya
    • M. Alyemeni
    • P. Ahmad


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  • Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stainless steel



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  • Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stanless steel

    Praca prezentuje wyniki badań uzyskane z pomiarów techniką lokalnej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (LIS) wykonanych w trybie kontaktowym mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM), które zostały przeprowadzone w lokalnych obszarach powierzchni ziarna austenitu i na granicy ziarna austenitu wysokostopowej stali austenitycznej AISI 304 poddanej procesowi uczulania oraz na próbkach odniesienia nie poddanych obróbce cieplnej.Badania LIS-AFM były...



    ISSN: 0032-0447

  • Influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials


    - Year 2009

    We performed series of numerical vertical compression tests on assemblies of 2D granular material using a Discrete Element code and studied the results in regard to the grain shape. The samples consist of 5000 grains made either of 3 overlapping discs (clump - grain with concavities) or of six-edged polygons (convex grain). These two types of grains have a similar external envelope, ruled with a geometrical parameter α. In the...

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  • Influence of the grain boundaries on conductivity of yttrium stabilized zirconia


    - Year 2005

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przewodności domieszkowanego tlenku cyrkonu. Przygotowano tlenk cyrkonu o krystalitach od 100nm to 10um. Badania impedancyjne pozwoliły na określenie przedności ziaren oraz obszarów międzyziarnowych.

  • Biodiversity of Weeds in Fields of Grain in South-Eastern Poland

    • B. Sawicka
    • B. Krochmal-Marczak
    • P. Barbaś
    • P. Pszczółkowski
    • M. Ćwintal

    - Agriculture-Basel - Year 2020

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  • Use of Sustainable Fine-Grain Aggregates in Cement Composites


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  • Trans Theorizing


    - SSRN Electronic Journal - Year 2016

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  • Trans Theorizing


    - Year 2016

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  • The Brain of the city

    • Z. Aferdita
    • L. Aleksandra
    • V. Milutin
    • A. Nataly
    • W. M. Mazurkiewicz
    • J. L. Cazorla
    • L. Adrianna
    • N. Anita
    • R. Kamil

    - Year 2017

    In order to highlight the characteristics of the West End of Wrocław, we conducted a site analysis. Using the strengths of the site, we were able to create a unique concept of the district while minimizing the impacts of weaknesses by design. The purpose of redesigning the West End of Wrocław is to attract new people to the district through the transformation of an identity. Initially, we conducted a SWOT analysis to identify the...

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  • Bondage number of grid graphs


    The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of G. Here we study the bondage number of some grid-like graphs. In this sense, we obtain some bounds or exact values of the bondage number of some strong product and direct product of two paths.

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  • Interval Edge-Coloring of Graphs


    - Year 2004

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  • Total restrained bondage in graphs



    Podzbiór D zbioru wierzchołków grafu nazywamy zewnętrznie totalnym dominującym w grafie, jeśli każdy wierzchołek spoza D ma sąsiada zarówno w D jak i poza D. Moc najmniejszego zbioru o tej własności nazywamy liczbą dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego. W artykule badamy wpływ usuwania krawędzi na liczbę dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego, czyli liczbę zewnętrznego totalnego zniewolenie w grafach.

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  • Global edge alliances in graphs

    In the paper we introduce and study a new problem of finding a minimum global edge alliance in a graph which is related to the global defensive alliance (Haynes et al., 2013; Hedetniemi, 2004) and the global defensive set (Lewoń et al., 2016). We proved the NP-completeness of the global edge alliance problem for subcubic graphs and we constructed polynomial time algorithms for trees. We found the exact values of the size of the...

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  • Global defensive sets in graphs

    In the paper we study a new problem of finding a minimum global defensive set in a graph which is a generalization of the global alliance problem. For a given graph G and a subset S of a vertex set of G, we define for every subset X of S the predicate SEC ( X ) = true if and only if | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N [ X ] \ S | holds, where N [ X ] is a closed neighbourhood of X in graph G. A set S is a defensive alliance if and only if for...

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  • Correction to: Serialization for Property Graphs


    - Year 2021

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  • Interval edge-coloring of graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Rozdział poświęcony prezentacji modelu zwartego kolorowania krawędziowego grafów i jego znanych własności. Szczególny nacisk położono na opis klas grafów dających się pokolorować zwarcie w czasie wielomianowym. Omówiono także stratność jako miarę niepodatności grafu na kolorowanie zwarte.

  • Path Coloring and Routing in Graphs.


    - Year 2004

    W rozdziale omówione zostały problemy kolorowania ścieżek i routingu w grafach. Podano podstawowe definicje związane z tymi problemami, znane wyniki wraz z dyskusją złożoności obliczeniowej dla grafów ogólnych i dla kilku podstawowych klas grafów oraz zastosowania.

  • Algorithms for testing security in graphs

    In this paper we propose new algorithmic methods giving with the high probability the correct answer to the decision problem of security in graphs. For a given graph G and a subset S of a vertex set of G we have to decide whether S is secure, i.e. every subset X of S fulfils the condition: |N[X] \cap S| >= |N[X] \ S|, where N[X] is a closed neighbourhood of X in graph G. We constructed a polynomial time property pseudotester based...

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  • Super Dominating Sets in Graphs


    In this paper some results on the super domination number are obtained. We prove that if T is a tree with at least three vertices, then n2≤γsp(T)≤n−s, where s is the number of support vertices in T and we characterize the extremal trees.

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  • A note on total reinforcement in graphs



    In this note we prove a conjecture and inprove some results presendet in a recent paper of N. Sridharan, M.D. Elias, V.S.A. Subramanian, Total reinforcement number of a graph, AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb. 4 (2) (2007) 197-202.

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  • Greedy T-colorings of graphs


    Treścią artykułu są pokolorowania kontrastowe wygenerowane przez algorytm zachłanny. Zbadane zostały ich własności, obejmujące liczbę kolororów, rozpiętość i rozpiętość krawędziową.

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  • Non-isolating bondage in graphs

    A dominating set of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $V(G) \setminus D$ has a neighbor in $D$. The domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of $G$. The non-isolating bondage number of $G$, denoted by $b'(G)$, is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges $E' \subseteq E$ such that $\delta(G-E') \ge 1$ and $\gamma(G-E')...

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  • Deterministic Rendezvous in Restricted Graphs


    - Year 2015

    In this paper we consider the problem of synchronous rendezvous in which two anonymous mobile entities (robots) A and B are expected to meet at the same time and point in a graph G = (V;E). Most of the work devoted to rendezvous in graphs assumes that robots have access to the same sets of nodes and edges, where the topology of connections may be initially known or unknown. In our work we assume the movement of robots is restricted...

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  • Parity vertex colouring of graphs


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Year 2011

    A parity path in a vertex colouring of a graph is a path along which each colour is used an even number of times. Let Xp(G) be the least number of colours in a proper vertex colouring of G having no parity path. It is proved that for any graph G we have the following tight bounds X(G) <= Xp(G) <=|V(G)|− a(G)+1, where X(G) and a(G) are the chromatic number and the independence number of G, respectively. The bounds are improved for...

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  • On efficient coloring of chordless graphs

    Artykuł omawia zagadnienie optymalnego, wielomianowego rozpoznawania i kolorowania grafów bezcięciwowych. Zawiera dowód tego, że takie grafy są zawsze 4-kolorowalne oraz opis wielomianowego algorytmu, który koloruje je minimalną możliwą liczbą kolorów.

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  • Three-fast-searchable graphs



    In the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates...

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  • On-line ranking of split graphs

    A vertex ranking of a graph G is an assignment of positive integers (colors) to the vertices of G such that each path connecting two vertices of the same color contains a vertex of a higher color. Our main goal is to find a vertex ranking using as few colors as possible. Considering on-line algorithms for vertex ranking of split graphs, we prove that the worst case ratio of the number of colors used by any on-line ranking algorithm...

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  • Some variations of perfect graphs


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Year 2016

    We consider (ψk−γk−1)-perfect graphs, i.e., graphs G for which ψk(H) =γk−1(H) for any induced subgraph H of G, where ψk and γk−1 are the k -path vertex cover number and the distance (k−1)-domination number, respectively. We study (ψk−γk−1)-perfect paths, cycles and complete graphs for k≥2. Moreover, we provide a complete characterisation of (ψ2−γ1)-perfect graphs describing the set of its forbidden induced subgraphs and providing...

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  • On-line P-coloring of graphs

    For a given induced hereditary property P, a P-coloring of a graph G is an assignment of one color to each vertex such that the subgraphs induced by each of the color classes have property P. We consider the effectiveness of on-line P-coloring algorithms and give the generalizations and extensions of selected results known for on-line proper coloring algorithms. We prove a linear lower bound for the performance guarantee function...

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