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Search results for: SMART JAMMING

Search results for: SMART JAMMING



    - Year 2013

    The Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is proposed as a new technological platform providing a common knowledge management approach that allows mass embedded systems for experiential knowledge capturing, storage, involving, and sharing. Knowledge in the EOSES is represented as SOEKS, and organized as Decisional DNA. The platform is mainly based on conceptual principles from Embedded Systems and Knowledge Management....

  • Smart Email - Almost an Agent Platform


    Network organizations suffer today of information overload and strain that rise their operational costs. One of the reasons of that is the dominance of email messaging as the princi-pal means of document exchange between their workers. Proac-tive documents can rationalize these costs and augment email systems with a process view based on collaboration patterns.

  • Systemy Smart Cities - studium przypadku

    The paper presents the architecture of an enterprise service bus used in the construction of information systems processing large amounts of data for decision-making needs at the City Hall in Gdańsk. The key concept of processes of bus development involves installation of developing environment, database connection, flow mechanisms and data presentation. The issue was supported by models such as KPI (Key Processes Identifier) and...

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  • Smart sustainable cities : Reconnaissance Study


    - Year 2016

    The global urban population is expected to grow by 63 percent between 2014 and 2050 – compared to an overall global population growth of 32 percent during the same period. Megacities with over 20-million inhabitants will see the fastest increase in population – and at least 13 new megacities are expected by 2030, in addition to the 28 existing today. The fastest growing urban centres contain around one-million inhabitants, and...

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  • An Overview of Sport and the Future Smart Cities


    One of the main challenges for future cities is to strengthen the role of people and their activities. Therefore, sport provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, connecting citizens to the city. The question of how sport influences the development of cities and the concept of future smart cities arises. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sport and the concept of smart cities by identifying...

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  • The role of sport in the Smart City concept

    Sport brings to cities innovative solutions that influence urban life, yet considerations about sport still rarely contribute to the development of the very popular smart city concept. This raises the question: what is the perception of sport in the city from the perspective of the smart city concept? One of the challenges of future urban policy is to provide initiatives that ensure the wellbeing and promote the model of a healthy...

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  • IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid


    ISSN: 1949-3053 , eISSN: 1949-3061

  • Interactive Technology and Smart Education


    ISSN: 1741-5659 , eISSN: 1758-8510

  • Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth


    ISSN: 2253-1564

  • Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems


    ISSN: 2520-6478 , eISSN: 2572-3928

  • Smart and Sustainable Built Environment


    ISSN: 2046-6099 , eISSN: 2046-6102

  • Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy


    eISSN: 2731-8087

  • Grease effect on fretting wear of mild steel

    Na stanowisku laboratoryjnym przeprowadzono badania zużycia frettingowego miękkiej stali smarowanej mineralnymi i syntetycznymi smarami zawierającymi także różne dodatki: grafit dwusiarczek molibdenu ZDDP i ditiocarbamat molibdenu, w różnych stężeniach.Badania wykazały istotny wpływ konsystencji smaru i jego właściwości smarnych na zużycie frettingowe miękkiej stali oraz zróżnicowany wpływ testowanych dodatków. Obecność smaru...

  • Approximation of the non-linear roll damping


    - Year 2010

    Artykuł omawia, jak otrzymać oszacowanie nieliniowego momentu tłumiącehgo kołysania boczne okretu za pomocą zapisu przebiegu kołysań swobodnych modelu okrętu. Udowadnia, że 1) moment tłumiący w kategoriach aproksymacji jest nieanalityczną funkcją nieparzystą prędkosci kołysań, 2) standardowa metoda, oparta na stosunku dwóch kolejnych amplitud, ma ograniczone zastosowanie, do niezbyt dużych amplitud kołysań. Zaproponowano nową metodą...

  • AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming


    - Year 2025

    In this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...

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  • Blockchain based Secure Data Exchange between Cloud Networks and Smart Hand-held Devices for use in Smart Cities


    - Year 2022

    In relation to smart city planning and management, processing huge amounts of generated data and execution of non-lightweight cryptographic algorithms on resource constraint devices at disposal, is the primary focus of researchers today. To enable secure exchange of data between cloud networks and mobile devices, in particular smart hand held devices, this paper presents Blockchain based approach that disperses a public/free key...

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  • Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid

    Security evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...

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  • A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid


    Assuring cybersecurity of the smart grid is indispensable for the reliable operation of this new form of the electricity network. Experts agree that standardised solutions and practices should be applied in the first place. In recent years many new standards for smart grids have been published, which paradoxically results in the difficulty of finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents results...

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  • Fabrication methods of smart composite coatings - review

    Postoperative bacterial infections are one of the main reasons for unsuccessful implantation of long-term implants. The development of bacterial infection requires antibiotic therapy, in extreme cases a reimplantation procedure is necessary. In order to provide materials for implants with antibacterial properties, they are subjected to modifications to create a coating that will release the drug substance, when the inflammation...

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  • Smart Weighing Scale with Feet-Sampled ECG


    In a smart home, health and well-being monitoring systems could be embedded in everyday devices providing a pervasive care. A home bathroom scale is an example of such a device, typically used to measure body weight and very often its composition (e.g. body water/fat percentage). In this paper, we analyzed a potential use of the bathroom scale to measure electrocardiogram (ECG) from electrodes located on the scale's tile. In particular...

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  • High Frequency Harmonics Emission in Smart Grids


    - Year 2013

    Pulse-width modulated rectifiers are nowadays commonly used for AC to DC power conversion. PWM rectification technology is very effective and allows for bidirectional power flow with the possibility of power factor improvement and low-order harmonic emission limitation. Unfortunately, employed PWM boost topology results with generation of input current harmonic distortions in a frequency range tightly correlated to modulation frequency....

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  • Smart Underwater Positioning System and Simultaneous Communication


    - Year 2016

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  • Knowledge mangement: towards smart it suport system


    W pracy zaprezentowano problematykę wykorzystania wiedzy w projektowaniu systemów inteligentnych. wydaje się, bowiem, że przy realizacji przedsięwzięcia zarządzanie wiedzą w procesach analizy wymagań ma kluczowe znaczenie dla sukcesu przedsięwzięcia. Omówiono metody pozyskiwania i przetwarzania wiedzy na potrzeby semantic web, scharakteryzowano to podejście, a także wykazano jego przydatność dla systemów informatycznych wspomagających...

  • A compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller


    - Year 2011

    Przedstawiono nowe rozwiązanie inteligentnego czujnika rezystancyjnego bazującego na mikrokontrolerze, w którym czujnik rezystancyjny jest elementem składowym filtra anty-aliazingowego przetwornika A/C. Procedura pomiaru temperatury obejmuje pobudzenie filtra dwoma impulsami prostokątnymi o zadanym czasie trwania oraz próbkowanie jego odpowiedzi czasowej. Następnie na podstawie wartości pomierzonych próbek napięcia wyznaczana jest...

  • Interactions with recognized patients using smart glasses


    - Year 2015

    Recently, different smart glasses solutions have been proposed on the market. The rapid development of this wearable technology has led to several research projects related to applications of smart glasses in healthcare. In this paper we propose a general architecture of the system enabling data integration for the recognized person. In the proposed system smart glasses integrates data obtained for the recognized patient from health...

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  • Volunteer Computing System Comcute with Smart Scheduler

    In this paper, a volunteer grid called Comcute is studied. Moreover, the harmony search scheduler is proposed. This scheduler has been designed for efficient using some resources of volunteer grid. The harmony search scheduler optimizes both a workload of a bottleneck computer and the cost of grid. Finally, some experiment outcomes have been discussed.

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  • Experimental Researches of Hydraulic Clutches with Smart Fluids


    - International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME) - Year 2016

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    - Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series - Year 2020

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  • Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology


    The goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...

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  • Network society: a concept of smart information management


    Automatic enhancement of Internet broadcasted news has been recently gaining increasing importance and interest. Existing applications and models of textual Event Detection in online media are based on the analysis of news distributed via RSS (Rich Site Summary called also Really Simple Syndication) channels or available at news websites. It assumes that each piece of news is equally available to the reader and, therefore, describes...

  • Power Electronic Transformer For Smart Grid Application


    In this paper the control system of Power Electronic Transformer (PET) for the Smart Grid application is proposed. The structure of PET is based on two Cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converters. The electrical energy is transferred between converters using Dual-Active-Bridges (DAB) and high-frequency transformers. This type of coupling has been used to connect the DC-links of all H-bridges. The proposed control system for PET makes it...

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  • Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle


    The present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...

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  • Searching for smart solutions:Comparative study of Gdansk and Glasgow


    - Year 2015

    This chapter is the executive summary of undertaken comparative study between Gdansk and Glasgow.

  • On a 3D material modelling of smart nanocomposite structures



    Smart composites (SCs) are utilized in electro-mechanical systems such as actuators and energy harvesters. Typically, thin-walled components such as beams, plates, and shells are employed as structural elements to achieve the mechanical behavior desired in these composites. SCs exhibit various advanced properties, ranging from lower order phenomena like piezoelectricity and piezomagneticity, to higher order effects including flexoelectricity...

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  • Smart Urban Growth - Myth or New Paradigm?


    - Year 2012

    Artykuł prezentuje wizję 'smart growth' na przykładzie miast regionu morza Bałtyckiego.

  • Practical Trial for Low-Energy Effective Jamming on Private Networks With 5G-NR and NB-IoT Radio Interfaces


    - IEEE Access - Year 2024

    Fourth-generation (4G) mobile networks are successively replaced by fifth-generation (5G) ones, based on the new releases of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. 5G generation is dedicated to civilian users and the conducted analytical work shows that it has numerous technological gaps that prevent its direct implementation in military communications systems. However, the recent armed world conflicts showed that...

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  • Assessment of the Current Potential of Hydropower for Water Damming in Poland in the Context of Energy Transformation


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The present paper indicates that hydropower, including small hydropower plants (SHPs), may play a very important role in Poland’s energy transformation in the near future. The development of SHPs may also increase water resources in the steppe Poland. Additionally, the aim of the present research is to conduct the PEST analysis of SHPs in Poland, taking into account the SHP potential. For the first time, maps showing the power...

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  • Wave damping and smoothing in the unsteady pipe flow


    laboratoryjne eksperymenty wykonane dla rur polietylenowych o różnej długości wykazały obecność takich zjawisk jak zmienna prędkość propagującej fali ciśnienia oraz jej intensywne tłumienie i wygładzanie. w artykule zaproponowano modyfikacje standardowych równań przepływu nieustalonego. polega ona na wprowadzeniu zmiennej prędkości fali oraz dyssypacji energii na jej czole opisanej członem dyfuzyjnym. do rozwiązania równań zaproponowano...

  • Web ware housing in web farming methodology.


    - Year 2002

    W artykule przedstawiono rolę hurtowni danych w technologii Web Farming.Zbieranie i systematyczne gromadzenie danych z sieci WWW jest szczególnie utrudnione z uwagi na różnorodność formatów danych i sposobów prezentacji.Stąd też problem systematycznego gromadzenia takich danych w hurtowni danych jest poważnym wyzwaniem. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe problemy z tym związane i propozycje ich rozwiązania.

  • Smart Innovation Engineering: Toward Intelligent Industries of the Future



    Knowledge-based Engineering Systems are founded upon integration of knowledge into computer systems and are one of the core requirements for the future Industry 4.0. This paper presents a system called Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) capable of facilitating product innovation process semi-automatically. It enhances decision-making processes by using the explicit knowledge of formal decision events. The SIE system carries the...

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  • Smart Services supporting Drivers in Effective Cars Parking


    - Year 2017

    The paper shows how to design and implement intelligent, service oriented systems for management of free places in distributed car parks. The idea of SOA technology is widely used. It is assumed that a state of every car park is automatically determined by a special electronic infrastructure including IoT solutions. The information received from such an infrastructure is sent to the main management system, which processes it and,...

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  • Smart Embedded Systems with Decisional DNA Knowledge Representation


    - Year 2020

    Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited computing power, limited memories, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial...

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  • The Neural Knowledge DNA Based Smart Internet of Things



    ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet...

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  • Analysis of the Accuracy of Pulse Estimation Using Smart Watches


    The purpose of this paper is to perform an analysis of the accuracy of the pulse estimation by comparing readings from a smartwatch with readings from medical devices. The study required writing applications that allow continuous pulse measurement. As a result, two applications were created for the smartwatch. The first one is dedicated to Android Wear devices, while the other one is compatible with Tizen watches. The next step...

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  • Standards with cybersecurity controls for smart grid - A systematic analysis

    In recent years numerous standards related to the cybersecurity of smart grids have been published, which led to the challenge for operators in obtaining indications that match their specific objectives and contexts. Although several studies approached this problem by providing more or less comprehensive surveys and overviews of smart grid cybersecurity standards, none of them was dedicated to the actual and important subject of...

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  • Defining the smart-city in the context of regenerative design and planning


    - Year 2021


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  • Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges



    New Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...

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  • The Ethernet POWERLINK Protocol for smart grids elements integration

    • M. Wlas
    • M. Gackowski
    • W. Kolbusz

    - Year 2011

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  • Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city


    - Year 2018

    Social media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...

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  • Social media for e-learning of citizens in smart city


    - Year 2018

    The rapid development of social media can be applied for citizens’ e-learning in a smart city. Big cities have to cope with several open issues like a growing population or a traffic congestion. Especially, a home and public space is supposed to be used in more efficient way. Sustainable homes and buildings can be planned with using some modern techniques. Even currently, there is a huge problem with a lack of key resources like...

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