Search results for: geminate recombination
Anticandidal Activity of Omiganan and Its Retro Analog Alone and in Combination with Fluconazole
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Combination of hydrodynamic cavitation and SR-AOPs for simultaneous degradation of BTEX in water
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is an emerging technology gaining interest in water treatment for use in elimination of a wide range of organic pollutants. The energy released during cavitation phenomenon has number of applications and, particularly, it can be utilized for activation of persulfate (PS) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS). In the present study, hybrid techniques: HC combined with persulfates – HC-PS and HC-PMS were tested...
On the modelling of anisotropy and destructuration of soft clays within the multi-laminate framework.
PublicationZaproponowano nowy model konstytutywny dla słabonośnych gruntów drobnoziarnistych, w którym anizotropię cech wytrzymałościowych połączono ze zmianami struktury szkieletu gruntowego. Model ten został sformułowany w ramach tzw. modeli wielopłaszczyznowych (multi-laminate) bazujących na teorii sprężysto-plastyczności. Przedstawiono praktyczne zastosowanie modelu do obliczeń nasypu drogowego na podłożu słabonośnym metodą elementów...
Analysis of upconversion processes in germanate and tellurite glasses codoped with Yb3+/Ho3+
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Nd3+ doped titanate-germanate glasses for near-IR laser applications
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Luminescent Studies on Germanate Glasses Doped with Europium Ions for Photonic Applications
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Near infrared luminescence in Yb3+/Ho3+: co-doped germanate glass
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Spectroscopic properties of Eu-doped antimony-germanate glass and glass-ceramics
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Degradation of Gel-Coat Layer in Glass/Polyester Laminate in Seawater Environment
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The structure and melting of lead nanocrystalline layer in reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationNanokrystaliczna warstwa granul Pb na powierzchni szkieł ołowiowo-germanianowych została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wysokich temperaturach, w atmosferze wodoru. Właściwości tej warstwy silnie zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł prezentuje rentgenowskie i mikroskopowe badania struktury warstwy oraz wpływ topnienia i krzepnięcia granul Pb na jej przewodnictwo.
Degradation of Gel-Coat Layer in Glass/Polyester Laminate in Seawater Environment
PublicationGlass/polyester laminate coated with gelcoat layer of different thickness 0,5; 1,5; 3 mm was studied in terms of blistering behaviour and water sorption in hot water environment. Blistering was found to be accelerated for thin (0,5 mm) gel-coat layer compared to the thick (1,5; 3 mm), however no significant difference in blistering behaviour was observed between the laminates with gel-coat thickness 1,5 and 3 mm which may suggest...
Nanoparticles associated with antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) promising combination for biomedical and veterinary applications
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More is Less? Optimal Combination Therapy for Adequate Blood Pressure Lowering in Hypertension
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Eradication of LIG4-deficient glioblastoma cells by the combination of PARP inhibitor and alkylating agent
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Overcome the tumor immunotherapy resistance by combination of the HDAC6 inhibitors with antitumor Immunomodulatory agents.
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Analysis of hull, propeller and engine interactions in regular waves by a combination of experiment and simulation
PublicationAnalysis of hull, propeller and engine interactions in regular waves by a combination of experiment and simulation
Simple multi-laminate model for soft soils incorporating structural anisotropy and destructuration
PublicationZaproponowano nowy model konstytutywny należący do rodziny tzw. modeli wielopłaszczyznowych (multi-laminate) dla gruntów słabonośnych. Oryginalnymi rozwiązaniami w modelu są: wprowadzenie kierunkowo zależnej prekonsolidacji oraz uwzględnienie zmian anizotropii wytrzymałości na ściskanie podczas destrukturyzacji naturalnych gruntów słabonośnych. Model zweryfikowano dla podstawowych badań elementowych.
Structural and electrical transport studies of reduced in hydrogen surfaceof bismuth germanate glass
PublicationOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy szkła germanowegooraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanegow atmosferze wodoru szkła Bi0.33Ge0.67O1.83. Zaproponowano prosty model bu-dowy zredukowanych szkieł bizmutowo-germanowych potwierdzony wynikami badańAFM i XRD. Zbadano wpływ czasu i temperatury redukcji oraz topnienia bizmu-tu na własności elektryczne badanych szkieł. Przeanalizowano...
Upconversion luminescence in bismuth-germanate oxide glasses co-doped with lanthanide ions
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Spectroscopic properties of bismuth-germanate glasses co-doped with erbium and holmium ions
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Blue Upconversion Emission in Germanate Glass Co‐Doped with Yb3+/Tm3+ Ions
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Photoluminescence of antimony-germanate-silicate glass doped with europium ions and silver nanoparticles
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Effect of Temperature on Upconversion Luminescence in Yb3+/Tb3+Co-Doped Germanate Glass
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White Upconversion in Yb3+/Tm3+/Ho3+Co-Doped Antimony-Germanate Glasses
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Superconducting lead granular layer prepared by reducting in hydrogen lead of germanate glass
PublicationCienka warstwa granul Pb została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wodorze, w wysokiej temperaturze. Struktura i nadprzewodzące właściwości warstwy ołowiu zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł analizuje wpływ warunków redukcji na wytworzoną warstwę granul Pb.
On Effective Bending Stiffness of a Laminate Nanoplate Considering Steigmann–Ogden Surface Elasticity
PublicationAs at the nanoscale the surface-to-volume ratio may be comparable with any characteristic length, while the material properties may essentially depend on surface/interface energy properties. In order to get effective material properties at the nanoscale, one can use various generalized models of continuum. In particular, within the framework of continuum mechanics, the surface elasticity is applied to the modelling of surface-related...
Stiffness assessment of the laminate recovered from end-of-life wind turbine blade
PublicationIn the paper the stiffness parameters of the laminate recovered from an aerodynamic shell of a decommissioned wind turbine blade are evaluated. The aim of the work is to assess selected methods for identifying material data, as well as to estimate the level of stiffness degradation during turbine operation. Several practical identification methods are presented and compared. Two concepts of a single laminate layer are considered,...
Combination of therapy with 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin with electroporation in human ovarian carcinoma model in vitro
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Cellular and Gene Expression Response to the Combination of Genistein and Kaempferol in the Treatment of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I
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The enhancement of anti-staphylococcal potential of plant derived naphthoquinones as a result of combination with silver nanoparticles
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The Current Use of Mass Spectrometry in Combination with Other Separation Techniques in Drug Discovery Arena
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Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Combination with Immunotherapy in Treatment of Advanced Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx
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VXSlate: Exploring Combination of Head Movements and Mobile Touch for Large Virtual Display Interaction
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Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublicationThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...
Combination of instrumental and qualitative descriptive analysis for evaluation of selected tonic waters quality features
PublicationThe combination of sensory and instrumental analysis was applied for quality assurance of selected tonic waters. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) in terms of fourteen sensory attributes (aroma, astringency, bite, burn, numbing, tongue heaviness, carbonation, mouth coating, sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, sour aftertaste, bitter aftertaste) of selected tonic waters was performed by sensory experts....
Effective Photoimmunotherapy of Murine Colon Carcinoma Induced by the Combination of Photodynamic Therapy and Dendritic Cells
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A Proposal for Using Modified Site-specific Recombination Systems for Making Insertions into a Chosen Chromosomal Sitein vivoBased on the Analysis of I Phage Integration
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Microstructure and nanomechanical properties of single stalks from diatom Didymosphenia geminata and their change due to adsorption of selected metal ions
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Computer study of the lead-germanium alloy formation in over-reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest badaniom dynamiczno-molekularnym struktury zredukowanego szkła ołowiowo-germanianowego o składzie 1Pb 1Ge 1GeO2. Analizie poddano strukturę matrycy szkła, GeO2 i osadzonej w niej fazy metalicznej, którą formują neutralne atomy Pb i Ge.
Analysis of thermal and structural properties of germanate glasses co-doped with Yb3+/Tb3+ ions
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Rare earth-doped barium gallo-germanate glasses for broadband near-infrared luminescence
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Rare earth-doped barium gallo-germanate glasses and their near-infrared luminescence properties
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Fixed-Dose Combination of NSAIDs and Spasmolytic Agents in the Treatment of Different Types of Pain—A Practical Review
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Environmental Phage-Based Cocktail and Antibiotic Combination Effects onAcinetobacter baumanniiBiofilm in a Human Urine Model
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The effect of fennel essential oil in combination with antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from carriers
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The Antibacterial Activity of Lavender Essential Oil Alone and In Combination with Octenidine Dihydrochloride against MRSA Strains
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PublicationIncreasing a city’s resilience against climate change is one of the major concerns of today. Sustainable stormwater management, using Green Infrastructure units (GI) integrated with an urban area, has proved to be effective in flooding control and to offer extra benefits encompassing groundwater recharge, stormwater treatment, mitigation of air pollution, and an urban micro-climate. Moreover, GI brings cultural benefits for the...
A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
Environmental risk- based ranking of solvents by the combination of multimedia model and multi-criteria decision analysis
PublicationA novel procedure for assessing the environmental risk related to solvents emissions has been developed. The assessment of risk is based on hazard and exposure detailed investigations. The potential exposure related to different environmental phases is calculated with basic multimedia model, that gives the percentage distribution of solvent in environmental compartments as a result. Specific hazards– toxicological, environmental...
Supramolecular Synthesis Based on a Combination of Se···N Secondary Bonding Interactions with Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds
PublicationExamination of the solid state structures of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole complexes with hydrogen or halogen bond donors has demonstrated that the 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole molecules preferably form centrosymmetric dimers with use of [Se–N]2 supramolecular synthon, whereas the two remaining nitrogen atoms not involved in the [Se–N]2 supramolecular interactions can act as acceptors of hydrogen or halogen bonds. Cocrystallization of selenadiazoles...