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Search results for: led lamp
Analiza wyników pomiarów szumów m. cz. diod LED transoptorów CNY 17
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów szumów m. cz. diod transoptorów oraz wyniki badań stacjonarności tych przebiegów. Test stacjonarności został zastosowany do parametrów statystycznych przebiegów szumowych takich jak wartość średnia, wariancja, skośność oraz kurtoza. Stwierdzono, że niemal wszystkie przebiegi szumowe diod transoptorów były stacjonarne.
Oprawy do oświetlania wnętrz ze źródłami LED. Trendy i tendencje projektowe.
PublicationW artykule omówiowiono trendy i prognozy dotyczące rozwoju i projektowania opraw oświetleniowych ze źródłami LED do oświetlenia wnętrz.
Efficiency limit of excitonic photovoltaic cells under phosphor-based white LED illumination
PublicationThe limit of energy conversion of excitonic photovoltaic cells working under white light illumination generated by phosphor-based LED is analysed using the modified Giebink approach. Particularly, the impact of the optical energy gap and energy loss associated with the excitons dissociation at the heterojunction interface on power conversion efficiency of the device are discussed. From the results of our study it follows that the...
Monitoring of single-side lap grinding with electroplated tools
PublicationThe results presented in the paper show that utilising microphones as audible sound sensors is a suitable approach for monitoring a single-side lap grinding process due to the low levels of noise generated by the drives of a machine tool. The results confirm that sound signal analysis is a feasible and relatively simple method to monitor a lap grinding process with the use of an audible sound sensor. Proposed method can be used...
Influence on micrograins size on the distance between the workpiece and the lap.
PublicationNa kształtowanie powierzchni docieranej główny wpływ ma błąd kształtu zastosowanego narzędzia. Intensywność docierania zależy od wielkości zastosowanych ziaren ściernych, które również wpływają na błędy kształtu przedmiotu. W referacie przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń odległości przedmiotu od powierzchni narzędzia w funkcji wielkości ziaren ściernych.
Ler Histόria
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Lex Portus
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Lex Humana
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Enhanced Ethylene Removal in a Fluidized Bed Photoreactor with Polystyrene as a Novel Bed
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Lead in human teeth dentine as a bio-indicator of environmental exposure to lead
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The structure and melting of lead nanocrystalline layer in reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationNanokrystaliczna warstwa granul Pb na powierzchni szkieł ołowiowo-germanianowych została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wysokich temperaturach, w atmosferze wodoru. Właściwości tej warstwy silnie zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł prezentuje rentgenowskie i mikroskopowe badania struktury warstwy oraz wpływ topnienia i krzepnięcia granul Pb na jej przewodnictwo.
Les catastrophes naturelles dans les romans caribéens d’expression française
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Ramp and chain-lift-launched lifeboats - radical concepts for evacuating cruise ships
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dwie oryginalne koncepcje systemów ewakuacyjnych statków pasażerskich. Pierwsza z nich polega na zastosowaniu otwieranej rampy i pochylni z rolkami, na których umieszczone są w rzędzie łodzie ratunkowe, zaczepione do elementów wyciągu łańcuchowego. Druga koncepcja polega na umieszczeniu łodzi, jedna nad drugą, na wyciągu łańcuchowym. W obu systemach w trakcie ewakuacji łodzie opuszczane są grawitacyjnie...
Cointegration approach for temperature effect compensation in Lamb-wave-based damage detection
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Assessment of the physical fitness of road cyclists in the step and ramp protocols of the incremental test
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Corrosivity of environment and the current state of the steel elements at the former Auschwitz concentration camp
PublicationThe objective of this study was to assess corrosivity of the atmospheric environment in the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, and to identify the protective properties of existing corrosion products in order to estimate the actual corrosion rate of original steel elements located there. The current atmospheric corrosivity of the former Auschwitz camp, specified during one year of exposure...
Efficient algorithm for blinking LED detection dedicated to embedded systems equipped with high performance cameras
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and implementation of an efficient algorithm for detection of blinking LED or similar signal sources. Algorithm is designed for embedded devices equipped with high performance cameras being a part of an indoor positioning embedded system. An algorithm to be implemented in such a system should be efficient in terms of computational power what is hard to be achieved when large amount of data from camera...
Effects of metallic silver particles on resonance energy transfer in label-led bovine serum albumin
PublicationZbadano wpływ cząstek metalicznego srebra na rezonansowe przekazywanie energii od wewnętrznych residów tryptofanowych w proteinie do zewnętrznie dowiązanego akceptora. W tych warunkach zaobserwowano istotny wzrost odległości Fórstera z 28,6 A do 63 A, co wskazuje na możliwość użycia cząstek srebra przy mierzeniu dużych odległości między molekułami i ich o przydatność w zastosowaniach biotechnologicznych.
Superconducting lead granular layer prepared by reducting in hydrogen lead of germanate glass
PublicationCienka warstwa granul Pb została wytworzona poprzez wygrzewanie w wodorze, w wysokiej temperaturze. Struktura i nadprzewodzące właściwości warstwy ołowiu zależą od temperatury i czasu redukcji. Artykuł analizuje wpływ warunków redukcji na wytworzoną warstwę granul Pb.
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An English afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason's: scenariusz lekcji
PublicationNiniejszy scenariusz lekcji prezentuje jedną z flagowych tradycji Wielkiej Brytanii – afternoon tea, znaną w języku polskim jako popołudniowa herbatka lub, bardziej poprawnie, podwieczorek. Uczeń wirtualnie wyrusza do londyńskiej herbaciarni Fortnum & Mason, gdzie poznaje słownictwo dotyczące rezerwacji stolika oraz uczy się, jak zamówić podwieczorek. Ponadto...
Diagnostics of bolted lap joint using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper presents numerical and experimental analyses of elastic waves propagation in a bolted lap joint. In experimental investigations condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of symmetric waves excited by a piezoactuator. Numerical calculations were conducted in commercial finite element method software Abaqus. The influence of number of bolts and the value of the initial stress on recorded signals was examined....
Damage detection in a bolted lap joint using guided waves
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental investigation of guided waves application to the condition assessment of prestressed bolted connections and a concept of new quantitative indicator. The main goal of the research was the analysis of the influence of the contact conditions changes to the characteristics of a propagating disturbance. The experimental tests were carried out for a single bolted lap joint. The excitation and acquisition...
Offal Chemical Composition from Veal, Beef, and Lamb Maintained in Organic Production Systems
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Chemical composition of edible aerial parts of meadow bistort (Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp.)
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Phylogenetic analysis of mysterious burials revealed in the former penal labor camp Treblinka I
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Lamb wave based structural damage detection using cointegration and fractal signal processing
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Damage Detection Using Cointegration Technique and Wavelet Analysis of the Post-Cointegrated Lamb Waves
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Cointegration and wavelet-analysis-based approach for Lamb-wave-based structural damage detection
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Wave Frequency Effects on Damage Imaging in Adhesive Joints Using Lamb Waves and RMS
PublicationStructural adhesive joints have numerous applications in many fields of industry. The gradual deterioration of adhesive material over time causes a possibility of unexpected failure and the need for non-destructive testing of existing joints. The Lamb wave propagation method is one of the most promising techniques for the damage identification of such connections. The aim of this study was experimental and numerical research on...
Restoration and preservation of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp
PublicationThe objective of this study was to assess the present state of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The poles were subjected to renovation about 10 years ago. After this time some deficiencies of applied renovation method were noticed. Cracks appeared between fresh and original part of concrete cover. Analysis of the reasons of these failures...
Imaging of Increasing Damage in Steel Plates Using Lamb Waves and Ultrasound Computed Tomography
PublicationThis paper concerns inspection of steel plates, with particular emphasis on the assessment of in-creasing damage. Non-destructive tests were performed on four plates, one of which was un-damaged, while the remaining three had a defects in the form of circular holes with a diameter of 2, 5, and 10 cm. Guided Lamb waves were used in the research, and the image reconstruction was performed using ultrasound computed tomography. The...
Restoration and preservation of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp
PublicationThe objective of this study was to assess the present state of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The poles were subjected to renovation about 10 years ago. After this time some deficiencies of applied renovation method were noticed. Cracks appeared between fresh and original part of concrete cover. Analysis of the reasons of these failures...
Condition of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Their Degradation Mechanism at the Former Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations on reinforced concrete structures present in the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Field inspection employing the non-destructive method of reinforcement potential measurement according to the ASTM-C 876–15 standard, followed by laboratory investigations performed on genuine historic reinforced concrete samples collected from the...
Monitoring the curing process of epoxy adhesive using ultrasound and Lamb wave dispersion curves
PublicationMonitoring the stiffness of adhesives is a crucial issue when considering the durability andstrength of adhesive joints. While there are many studies conducted on specimens madeonly from adhesive, the problem of curing of an adhesive film in real joints is moderatelyconsidered. This paper presents the monitoring of stiffening of epoxy adhesive using ultra-sound. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method was firstly applied for monitoring...
Emission spectra of UV and fluorescent lamps
Open Research DataData contain emision spectra of two different UV lamps: Special "TL"E 22W/10 Black light (Philips) and Semilac UV, 36 W and also Fluorescent lamp: L22W/840 Circular Cool White, Lumilux (Osram). These spectra were recorded by USB4000 Fiber Optic Spectrometer.
Propriétés macroscopiques équivalentes pour représenter les pertes dans les bobines conductrices
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Recovery of Pure Lead-Tin Alloy from Recycling Spent Lead-Acid Batteries
PublicationSpent lead–acid batteries have become the primary raw material for global lead production. In the current lead refining process, the tin oxidizes to slag, making its recovery problematic and expensive. This paper aims to present an innovative method for the fire refining of lead, which enables the retention of tin contained in lead from recycled lead–acid batteries. The proposed method uses aluminium scrap to remove impurities...
Computer study of the lead-germanium alloy formation in over-reduced lead-germanate glass
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest badaniom dynamiczno-molekularnym struktury zredukowanego szkła ołowiowo-germanianowego o składzie 1Pb 1Ge 1GeO2. Analizie poddano strukturę matrycy szkła, GeO2 i osadzonej w niej fazy metalicznej, którą formują neutralne atomy Pb i Ge.
Trwałość łączeniowa i udarowa źródeł oświetlenia LED w środowiskach z występującymi zaburzeniami harmonicznymi
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań trwałości łączeniowej i udarowej źródeł światła LED w przypadku występowania zaburzeń harmonicznymi w napięciu zasilania. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują na znaczący wpływ odkształceń napięcia zasilania zarówno na trwałość łączeniową jak i na badania wytrzymałości udarowej przeprowadzane wg zaleceń zawartych w EN 61000-4-5.
LED Light Sources and Their Complex Set-Up for Visually and Biologically Effective Illumination for Ornamental Indoor Plants
PublicationOrnamental plants are often used in indoor environments as part of biophilic design to improve the health and wellbeing of occupants, and to support sustainable, green architecture. Unfortunately, many plants do not thrive and need to be continuously replaced, which is economically unsustainable. The wavelengths and spectrum ratio of commonly used light sources such as light emitting diode (LED), and the lack of an appropriate...
Demonstrator technologii C-IED
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia budowę i działanie opracowanego na Politechnice Gdańskiej demonstratora technologicznego systemu AEGIS, przeznaczonego do przeciwdziałania atakom z wykorzystaniem prowizorycznych urządzeń wybuchowych detonowanych drogą radiową (RCIED — Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices). Przedstawiono zaimplementowaną oryginalną metodę generowania sygnału zagłuszającego o dowolnie ukształtowanym widmie częstotliwościowym,...
Wave energy attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes – Part 1: Discrete-element modelling of dissipation due to ice–water drag
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New kinematic systems in single-sided lapping and their influence on lap wear
PublicationPrevious studies on one-sided lapping allow to state that not only parameters of lapping elements (i.e. properties of workpiece, abrasive grains and lapping plate) impact on a lapping efficiency. Influential are also kinematics and dynamics of the process. It is crucial to control an average velocity of lapping (v), a distribution of tangential acceleration (at), a nominal pressure (p), a lapping time (t) and disposal of workpiece...
Wear of electroplated diamond tools in lap-grinding of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublicationCurrent development of modern products, together with ever-increasing demands for their operation and usage, necessitate the search for new processing methods. Abrasive machining is widely used in many industrial areas, especially for processing difficult-to-machine materials such as advanced ceramics. Grinding with lapping kinematics, also called lap-grinding, is still one of the innovative methods of abrasive processing being...
Methodology of research on the impact of ramp metering on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe methods currently used to assess the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services on traffic safety and efficiency are mainly based on expert assessments, statistical studies or traffic models that need further development. There is no structured, uniform evaluation method to compare the impact of different ITS services and their different configurations. The impact of ITS deployment on the road network adjacent to...
Photolytic and Photocatalytic Recreational Water Treatment
PublicationDisinfection is one of the most important steps during recreational water treatment. Nevertheless, disinfection by-products are formed by conventional disinfectants, which pose several health threats. The concentration of disinfection by-products can be decreased by photolytic and photocatalytic treatment. Medium-pressure mercury lamp, UV-LEDs and solar irradiation were investigated and evaluated considering emitted wavelength,...
Multicolor up-conversion emission in tellurite glasses co-doped with rare earth ions for white LED applications
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Historic Urban Settings, LED Illumination and its Impact on Nighttime Perception, Visual Appearance, and Cultural Heritage Identity
PublicationMany cities, towns and villages around the world have adopted new Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) technology in order to save energy, operational and maintenance costs. While energy-efficient, these light sources have a critical effect on the appearance of historic sites at night and the technology has unique properties and numerous inherent drawbacks that present challenges to decision makers as well as inexperienced lighting...