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Search results for: titanium complexes
Access to Side-On Bonded Tungsten Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes
PublicationMetathesis reactions between diimido complexes of tungsten(VI)[(ArN)2WCl2] (Ar = 2,6-iPr2C6H3) and lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R2P-P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu and iPr) yield two anionic diimido complexes of tungsten with side-on bonded phosphanylphosphinidene ligands, [(ArN)2WCl(η2-R2P-P)]-. Both complexes are structurally characterized. A possible reaction mechanism and the role of donor solvents are discussed on the basis of...
Photophysics of Untethered ZnTPP-Fullerene Complexes in Solution
PublicationThe spectroscopy and dynamic behavior of the self-assembled, Soret-excited zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP) plus fullerene (C60) model system in solution has been examined using steady state fluorescence quenching, nanosecond time-correlated single photon counting, picosecond fluorescence upconversion, and picosecond transient absorption methods. Evidence of ground state complexation is presented. Steady-state quenching of the...
Iron complexes with terminal and nonbridging phosphanido ligands
PublicationThis review discusses known iron complexes with terminal-bonded and nonbridging phosphanido ligands R2Pand their analogs, such as phosphanylphosphanido, borylphosphanido and oligophosphanido groups, that have been reported since 1960s. Particular attention is focused on the synthesis and structural features of these complexes, which have a direct impact on their philicity and further reactivity. Moreover, their application in catalysis...
Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress Measurements of Grade IV Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr Titanium Alloys after Laser Treatment
PublicationNowadays, surface engineering focuses on research into materials for medical applications. Titanium and its alloys are prominent, especially Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr. Samples made of pure grade IV titanium and the titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr were modified via laser treatment with laser beam frequency f = 25 Hz and laser beam power P = 1000 W during a laser pulse with duration t = 1 ms. Subsequently, to analyze...
Environmental degradation of titanium biomaterials: mechanisms, effects, testing and evaluation
PublicationPrzedyskutowano możliwe przyczyny oraz mechanizmy degradacji biomateriałów tytanowych, używanych jako długoterminowe implanty stawów. Dokonano przeglądu wpływu impalntów metalicznych w ludzkim ciele. Przedstawiono bieżące procedury badania oraz ich wady. Zaproponowano procedurę oszacowania biomateriałów na implanty.
Physicochemical and photocatalytic characterization of mesoporous carbon/titanium dioxide spheres
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Anodized multi – component titanium alloys carrying antibacterial features
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Modification of titanium dioxide towards photocatalytic activity in visible light
Photocatalytic activity and surface properties of carbon-doped titanium dioxide
PublicationTiO2 domieszkowany węglem otrzymano poprzez hydrolizę izopropanolanu tytanu(IV) i kalcynację w 350ºC w atmosferze powietrza przez 2h. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że fenol (0.21 mM) jest efektywnie degradowany w fazie wodnej, w obecności otrzymanego fotokatalizatora oraz światła z zakresu widzialnego (λ>400 nm). Pole powierzchni właściwej otrzymanego C-TiO2 wynosiło około 127 m2/g, fotokatalizator absorbuje światło z zakresu...
Optimalization of titanium acaffold design using fuzzy reasoning approach
PublicationOpracowano metodę wnioskowania rozmytego do oszacowania geometrii scaffoldu Ti6Al4V, otrzymanego przy użyciu metody metalurgii proszków. Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia oszacowanie i optymalizację architektury scaffoldu poprzez dobór odpowiednich parametrów procesu. Zaprojektowano i przeprowadzono symulację działania sterownika rozmytego (FLC) za pomocą oprogramowania Matlab.
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of iron-modified titanium dioxide photocatalysts
PublicationTiO2 modyfikowany żelazem otrzymano dwiema metodami: metodą zol-żel oraz metodą impregnacji powierzchniowej. Fotokatalizatory kalcynowano w temperaturze 400C. Jako matrycę TiO2 zastosowano komercyjnie dostępne proszki ditlenku tytanu: P25 (Evonik, Niemcy, 50m2/g) oraz ST-01 (Ishihara Sangyo, Japonia, 300m2/g). Charakterystyka otrzymanych fotokatalizatorów obejmowała wyznaczenie właściwości absorpcyjnych, powierzchni właściwej BET...
Preparation of nano-tubular oxide layers on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThe article presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr preformed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed using electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0,3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1h at 20V constant voltage. The corrosion tests heve been made with poteniodynamic method in Ringer's solution at pH ranged 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films, which...
Modification of titanium dioxide with platinum ions and clusters: application in photocatalysis
PublicationW celu polepszenia właściwości fotokatalitycznych, TiO2 (komercyjny-P25 oraz syntezowany metoda zol-żel) był domieszkowany za pomocą jonów lub klasterów [Pt3(CO)6]62- platyny. Własności fizyczne fotokatalizatorów były badane za pomocą elektronowego mikroskopu transmisyjnego (TEM), dyfraktometru rentgenowskiego (XRD) oraz analizatora powierzchni właściwej (BET). Dyfuzyjna spektrometria odbiciowa (DRS) została zastosowana w celu...
Application of titanium dioxide thin films in fiber optic sensors
PublicationThe advance in the nanotechnology and fabrication of micro- and nanostructures has significant impact on development of new optical sensors. Presented study focuses on the applications of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films in fiber optic sensors. The concept of a sensing fiber optic interferometer integrating TiO2 thin film is presented. The cavity of this interferometer is delimited by a 80 nm film fabricated on the end-face...
Electron interactions with Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) titanium(IV) dichloride and difluoride
PublicationWe present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the interaction of electrons with Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium(IV) dichloride (Cp∗2TiCl2) and difluoride (Cp∗2TiF2). We report the experimental measurements of partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and the electron ionization (EI) mass spectra of isolated molecules. Estimates of the absolute cross sections are done on the basis...
Preparation of the porous biomaterial based on titanium alloy for orthopaedic implants
PublicationObecnie tytan i jego stopy (Ti-6Al-4V lub Ti-13Nb-13Zr) są szeroko stosowane jako biomateriały dla implantów ortopedycznych. Stale prowadzone są badania nad ich najlepszą odpornością na korozję i zużycie ścierne oraz biozgodnością i bioaktywnością. Obecne badania również skoncentrowane są na projektowaniu, wytwarzaniu i właściwościach materiałów porowatych na podstawie na przykład stopu tytanu (Ti-13Nb-13Zr), które mogą być stosowane...
Influence of titanium layer on counter electrode on electrical parameters of DSSC
PublicationIn this paper the influence of the Ti layer thickness at counter-electrode on electrical parameters of DSSCs was examined. The transparent conductive oxide – less (TCO-less) counter electrodes (CE) with titanium layers and platinum as catalyst on Bk7 glass were prepared. Thin metallic films were deposited by means of magnetron sputtering (titanium) and Pulsed Laser Deposition (platinum). The counter electrode with Pt layer on Fluorine...
Aggregation of Rhodamine 6G in titanium dioxide nanolayers and bulk xerogels
PublicationNanolayers and bulk xerogels of Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) in titanium dioxide (Rh6G/TiO2) were prepared using the sol–gel method. The spectroscopic and structural properties of these two types of hybrid matrices were studied as a function of dye concentration. In both cases absorption, fluorescence and time resolved emission spectra show the formation of fluorescent aggregates. The observed stronger changes in characteristics of bulk...
Impedance Studies of Phosphate-iron Glasses Containing Niobium and Titanium
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in phosphate-iron-niobate glasses with addition of titanium oxide was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results show that all samples are amorphous but they...
Biological and mechanical research of titanium implants covered with bactericidal coating
PublicationThe paper concerns the biological and mechanical properties of titanium implants with an antibacterial coating. The Ti13Zr13Nb alloy samples were coated with hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings using the electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD). Subsequently, the surface of the samples was modified with silver, copper, and nickel nanoparticles by the immersion method. Different titanium sample types (i.e. HAp-only and nanometals-enriched...
NMR study of the complexes of tris(oxaalkyl) borates with SbCl5
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Biological Inspirations: Iron Complexes Mimicking the Catechol Dioxygenases
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Electrosynthesis of potato starch–whey protein isolate complexes
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Molecular Recognition in Complexes of TRF Proteins with Telomeric DNA
PublicationTelomeres are specialized nucleoprotein assemblies that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. In humans and many other species, telomeres consist of tandem TTAGGG repeats bound by a protein complex known as shelterin that remodels telomeric DNA into a protective loop structure and regulates telomere homeostasis. Shelterin recognizes telomeric repeats through its two major components known as Telomere Repeat-Binding Factors, TRF1...
Styrene epoxidation over heterogeneous manganese(III) complexes
PublicationThe manganes(III) complex functionalised with 2,3-dihydropyridazine has been encapsulated in the supercages of the NaY zeolite using two different procedures, flexible ligand and in situ complex. The parent zeolite and the encapsulated manganese(III) complexes were screened as catalysts for styrene oxidation by using t-BOOH as the oxygen source in acetonitrile. Under the optimized conditions, the catalysts exhibited moderate activity...
Complexes of silanethiolate ligands: Synthesis, structure, properties and application
PublicationThe purposeful syntheses of silanethiolate complexes started approximately in the mid-eighties of the 20th century but no summary of the synthetic efforts has been reported till now. The synthetic methods and the resulting complexes have some common features, which are emphasized throughout the review. Thereby specific difficulties during synthesis are outlined and the structures, properties and possible applications of the resulting...
Nitrate and nitrite silver complexes with weakly coordinating nitriles
PublicationSimple system of weak nitrile ligands and silver nitrite/nitrate allowed the formation and isolation of coordination compounds of diverse nuclearity and dimensionality. The extension of the network does not enhance the luminescent properties of the ligands however it gives rise to the new MLCT bands in the visible region.
Formation of polyphosphorus ligands mediated by zirconium and hafnium complexes
PublicationThe reactions of R2P–P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu, iPr, iPr2N) with [Cp2MCl2] (M = Zr, Hf), [Cp∗CpZrCl2] and [CpZrCl3] yielded polyphosphorus (mainly hexaphosphorus) compounds which can be viewed as intermediates between R2P–P(SiMe3)Li and derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetraphosphabicyclo[1.1.0] butane. Thus R2P–P(SiMe3)Li can act as a building block for the formation of the P2 ligand and the R2P–P(P2) and R2P–P(P2)P–PR2 moieties. Solid state...
Spectroscopic and cytotoxic characteristics of (p-cymene)Ru(II) complexes with bidentate coumarins and density functional theory comparison with selected Pd(II) complexes
PublicationThis paper presents the synthesis of two new (p-cymene)-ruthenium(II) complexes with the bidentate coumarin ligands. Both complexes were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MS, elemental analysis and DFT calculations. The X-ray structure of complex 3a was also solved. The cytotoxic properties of both complexes were examined on human leukemia NALM-6 and HL-60 cells and melanoma WM-115 cells. The complexes possess...
Reactions of Lithiated Diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu and iPr) with [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] and [MeNacnacTiCl3]. Formation and Structure of TitaniumIII and TitaniumIV β‑Diketiminato Complexes Bearing the Side-on Phosphanylphosphido and Phosphanylphosphinidene Functionalities
Publicationβ-Diketiminate complexes of TiIII-containing phosphanylphosphido ligands [MeNacnacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)- PR2}] (MeNacnac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6- iPr2C6H3) were prepared by reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2· THF] with lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3) Li (R = tBu, iPr) in toluene solutions. Surprisingly, reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] with R2P−P(SiMe3)Li in THF solutions led to TiIV complexes containing phosphanylphosphinidene ligands...
The oxidation of limonene at raised pressure and over the various titanium-silicate catalysts
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Ammonium Hydroxide Mediated Hydrothermal Crystallization of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Titanium Substrate
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The Influence of ZnO Oxide Layer on the Physicochemical Behavior of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy
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Characterisation of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot stamping of titanium alloys
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The influence of implantation on mechanical degradation of the nanotubular oxide layer on titanium screws
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Characteristics of titanium nano-oxide (IV) as potent polymethyl metacrylate modifier
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The Use of 3D Titanium Miniplates in Surgical Treatment of Patients with Condylar Fractures
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Chitosan/poly(4-vinylpyridine) coatings formed on AgNPs-decorated titanium
PublicationElectrophoretic deposition (EPD) of chitosan/poly(4-vinylpyridine) (chit/P4VP) coatings on titanium substrates previously decorated with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was performed at different content of P4VP in the suspension and different voltage values. The results revealed that the composite coatings were formed, well-adjacent to the titanium substrate, of suitable roughness, hydrophilicity, and corrosion resistance. The voltage...
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublicationIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
Nanotubular Titanium Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity
PublicationThe present paper describes the techniques to improve the bioactivity of titanium and enhance the bone-implant bonding ability by the electrochemical anodization to fabricate titania nanotube arrays (TiO2).
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Biological Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublicationAn increasing interest in the fabrication of implants made of titanium and its alloys results from their capacity to be integrated into the bone system. This integration is facilitated by different modifications of the implant surface. Here, we assessed the bioactivity of amorphous titania nanoporous and nanotubular coatings (TNTs), produced by electrochemical oxidation of Ti6Al4V orthopedic implants’ surface. The chemical composition...
Characterization and photocatalytic activity of rare earth metal-doped titanium dioxide
PublicationW publikacji została przedstawiona metoda otrzymywania fotokatalizatorów na bazie TiO2 modyfikowanego erbem i iterbem. Otrzymane nanocząstki zostały scharakteryzowane za pomocą powierzchni właściwej BET, objętości porów. Zostały przedstawione widma absorpcyjne UV-Vis oraz właściwości fluorescencyjne otrzymanych nanoproszków. Dokonano również przedstawienia wyników pomiaru aktywności fotokatalitycznej pod wpływem promieniowania...
Stabilization of the titanium vibration damping wires in the steam turbine blades system
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody stabilizacji drutów tłumiących w systemie łopatkowym turbin parowych. Na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych mikrostruktury i własności mechanicznych wykazano przydatność metody stabilizacji na gorąco drutów tłumiących wykonywanych ze stopu tytanu WT3-1.
Modification of Titanium (IV) Dioxide with Small Silver Nanoparticles: Application in Photocatalysis
PublicationThe surface of commercial TiO2 compounds (P25 and ST01) has been modified with Ag nanoparticles induced by radiolysis. On P25, the Ag nanoclusters are very small (1−2 nm) and homogeneous in size while on ST01, two populations of nanoparticles are obtained, small nanoparticles (1−2 nm) and larger ones (mean diameter 7 to 12 nm depending on the silver loading). The photocatalytic properties of Ag-modified TiO2 have been studied for...
Photophysics of a Ruthenium 4H-Imidazole Panchromatic Dye in Interaction with Titanium Dioxide
PublicationThe photophysics of bis(4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine-κ2N,N′)[2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(p-tolylimino-κN)imidazolato]ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate is investigated, both in solution and attached to a nanocrystalline TiO2 film. The studied substitution pattern of the 4H-imidazole ligand is observed to block a photoinduced structural reorganization pathway within the 4H-imidazole ligand that has been previously investigated....
In Vitro Biological Characterization of Silver-Doped Anodic Oxide Coating on Titanium
PublicationDespite the high biocompatibility and clinical effectiveness of Ti-based implants, surface functionalization (with complex osteointegrative/antibacterial strategies) is still required. To enhance the dental implant surface and to provide additional osteoinductive and antibacterial properties, plasma electrolytic oxidation of a pure Ti was performed using a nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)-based Ag nanoparticles (AgNP)-loaded calcium–phosphate...
Effects of the Origin and Deacetylation Degree of Chitosan on Properties of Its Coatings on Titanium
PublicationThe properties of chitosan coatings on titanium surfaces may be influenced by a variety of factors, including their chemical characteristics and the deposition method. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of a chitosan’s origin (a type of shrimp) and deacetylation degree (DD), when deposited on a very smooth titanium surface, on adhesion and biological behavior. The tests were performed using chitosan of a degree...
Effect of double thermal and electrochemical oxidation on titanium alloys for medical applications
PublicationThe research focuses on the development and characterization of innovative thin hybrid oxide coatings obtained in subsequent processes of thermal (TO) and electrochemical (EO) oxidation. Four different surface modifications were investigated and the microstructure was determined, the mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy were assessed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersion analysis,...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThe surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...
Potentiometric and AM1d studies of silicon podands—silver(I) complexes