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Search results for: zol - zel
Optical measurements of LTO:Cu sol-gel derived thin films
Open Research DataLithium titanate doped by copper thin films were manufactured by chemical, sol-gel method. Flms were deposited on a Corning glass substrated by spin coater. To calculated optical band gap and other optcal parameters, UV-VIS spectroscopy measurements were performed. For measurements selected samples with various content of Cu.
Atomic force microscopy technique for the surface characterization of sol–gel derived multi-component silica nanocomposites
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Cobalt doping of nickel ferrites via sol gel approach: effect of doping on the structural and dielectric properties
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Tailoring of structural and magnetic properties of nanosized lithium ferrites synthesized by sol–gel self-combustion method
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Photocatalytic Removal of Phenol Under UV Irradiation on WO x –TiO2 Prepared by Sol–Gel Method
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Quinto Sol
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Bioactive monolithic composites of silica/polydimethylsiloxane/calcium phosphate obtained at room temperature in sol–gel micromolding technique
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Sol–gel glasses with enhanced luminescence of laser dye Rhodamine B due to plasmonic coupling by copper nanoparticles
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Thickness and structure change of titanium(IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
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Dielectric and thermal studies of the segmental dynamics of poly(methyl methacrylate)/silica nanocomposites prepared by the sol–gel method
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Thickness and structure change of titanium (IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
PublicationTitanium dioxide is a well-known material in nanotechnology, while it provides new opportunities due to its interesting properties, for example, as a semiconductor with a quite significant forbidden band gap energy of 3.2 eV. In this study, thin films of titanium dioxide (TiO2) were synthesized in amorphous and crystallographic systems using the sol–gel process. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction...
Surface properties and visible light activity of W-TiO2 photocatalysts prepared by surface impregnation and sol-gel method
PublicationTiO2 modyfikowany wolframem otrzymano dwiema metodami: metodą zol-żel oraz metodą impregnacji powierzchniowej. Fotokatalizatory kalcynowano w temperaturze 400C. Jako matrycę TiO2 zastosowano ST-01 (Ishihara Sangyo, Japonia, 300m2/g). jako prekursory wolframu zastosowano tlenek wolframu oraz heksakarbonylek wolframu. Badania obejmowały wpływ ilości domieszki na aktywność fotokatalityczną. Charakterystyka otrzymanych fotokatalizatorów...
Application of sol-gel-developed integrated optic devices to biochemical fiber optic sensors based on polarimetric interferometry.
PublicationW pracy omówiono zasady działania sensorów optycznych wykonanych w technologii optyki zintegrowanej i wykorzystujących interferometrię polaryzacyjną. Zaproponowano konstrukcję jednorazowego przetwornika pomiarowego, wykonanego w technologii sol-żel z materiałów hybrydowych, która umożliwia wykorzystanie nieodwracalnych reakcji chemicznych do pomiarów w medycynie, chemii i ochronie środowiska. Omówiono technologię syntezy materiałów...
Sol-gel derived lithium titanate powders measured by XPS method
Open Research DataFor sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate from Alfa Aesar GmbH &Co and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% from Aldrich were used as reagents. Copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar was used as a source of Cu dopant. It was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal 0, 0.1 and 0.2. In the first step lithium acetate and copper nitrate were dissolved...
Optical measurements of lithium titanate sol-gel derived thin films
Open Research DataNanocrystalline thin films with 800 nm thickness were prepared by sol–gel method. To examine the influence of the annealing time on as-prepared films crystallization, the coatings were heated at 550 °C for 10, 20 and 80 h. On the basis of transmission characteristic optical properties were calculated. It was found that transmission through the thin...
Metody modyfikacji warstw wierzchnich nanomateriałami
PublicationPrzedstawiono aktualnie stosowane metody nakładania warstw wierzchnich z materiałów nanokrystalicznych; PVD, CVD, elektrochemiczne, zol-żel (sol-gel) i metodę sonochemiczną.
Monolithic polydimethylsiloxane-modified silica composites prepared by a low-temperature sol–gel micromolding technique for controlled drug release
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Influence of pH of sol-gel solution on phase composition and photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 under UV and visible light
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Enhanced Spectroscopic Insight into Acceptor-Modified Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films Deposited via the Sol–Gel Method
PublicationIn the present paper, composite thin films of barium strontium titanate (BaxSr1−xTiO3) with an acceptor modifier (magnesium oxide—MgO) were deposited on metal substrates (stainless steel type) using the sol–gel method. The composite thin films feature BaxSr1−xTiO3 ferroelectric solid solution as the matrix and MgO linear dielectric as the reinforcement, with MgO concentrations ranging from 1 to 5 mol%. Following thermal treatment...
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Suicidology Online-SOL
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International Zoo Yearbook
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Enhancing the Fresh and Early Age Performances of Portland Cement Pastes via Sol-Gel Silica Coating of Metal Oxides (Bi2O3 and Gd2O3)
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Green capsule phase microextraction employing hydrophobic monolithic sol-gel octadecyl siloxane platforms for the monitoring of organophosphorus pesticides in environmental water samples
PublicationIn this study, a novel, facile and green capsule phase microextraction (CPME) method is presented for the extraction and preconcentration of organophosphorus pesticides (i.e., chlorpyrifos, disulfoton, ethoprophos, fenchlorphos, prothiofos, and parathion-methyl) from environmental water samples. Monolithic sol-gel octadecyl siloxane (sol-gel C18) sorbent encapsulated within porous polypropylene capsules was synthesized, characterized,...
The Influence of Limiters UEL and OEL (The power angle, stator's current and excitation current) ot the possibility of voltage collapse development
PublicationVoltage stability has been a major concern for power system utilities because of event of voltage collapses in the recent past. Sometimes, power system events have shown the need for generators to operate in the overexcited and underexcited region to support stable operation. Modern excitation systems include devices for controlling or limiting machine terminal voltage (overvoltage limiters), volts per hertz ratio (V/Hz limiters),...
Bol og by. Landbohistorisk tidskrift
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Revista Rol de Enfermeria
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Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
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Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOL
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Ionic liquid-assisted sol-gel synthesis of Fe2O3-TiO2 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol a under UV illumination: Modeling and optimization using response surface methodology
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Ekomiasto Hel?
PublicationPowojskowe miasto Hel jest wyjątkowym obszarem w Polsce. Wycofywanie funkcji związanych z obsługą armii oraz upadek przemysłu przetwórczego związanego z portem rybackim wymusza przyjęcie nowej opcji rozwojowej. Konieczne są działania na poziomie regionalnym lub wręcz krajowym, by nie tylko miasto, ale cały półwysep zachować mogły swoje cenne walory przyrodnicze. Rozwój turystyki doprowadzić może do degeneracji krajobrazu naturalnego,...
KOL-POL Projektowanie bezpośrednie kolumn CMC na podstawie badań polowych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geotechnics, Geology and Marine Civil Engineering according to PBS3/B2/18/2015 agreement from 2015-12-14
Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr Monika WILAMOWSKA-ZAWŁOCKA obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2011 at Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology. She then was a post-doctoral fellow at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Since 2013 she has worked at Gdańsk University of Technology, since 2019 as an Associate Professor. Her research interests include composite materials for energy storage devices, especially for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries,...
Clinical characteristics of patients with resistant hypertension: the RESIST-POL study
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The importance of a place in a small or medium - Sized Town.- Vol. 2
PublicationPublic space is a matter of concern for international humanitarian organisations. The paper describes the initiative of UNHabitat organisation for the creation of Charter of Public Space and the draft of this document. Next the definition of “place” is provided and the definitions of social capital and the bond between social capital and place attachment are presented. The actions proposed nowadays to create places are described....
wycieczka dydaktyczna: KPŚ. Architektura spotyka sztukę. Vol.1.23
PublicationWycieczka dydaktyczna będzie miała charakter oprowadzania tematycznego po wystawie czasowej pt. “Sainer. Koloor” z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań wystawienniczych w zabytkowym budynku Pałacu Opatów. Studenci będą mogli wziąć udział w samodzielnej pracy pozwalającej twórczo odnieść się do zaobserwowanych zjawisk, w oparciu o autorską kartę zadań.
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Tb gels
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Tb gel. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of terbium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The sol was...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Dy gels
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Dy gel. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of dysprosium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The sol...
Determining optimal gel sensitivity in optical CT scanning of gel dosimeters
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The effects of NP-POL, the nonapeptide constituent of Colostrinin, on intracellular antioxidant system
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The outdoor market places in the public space of a modern city. - Vol. I
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wycieczka dydaktyczna "KPŚ. spotkania sztuki z architekturą. vol. 2.22"
PublicationWycieczka dydaktyczna włączyła się w wydarzenie NARRACJE # 13. Wybrane zostały 4 spośród propozycji artystycznych przygotowanych na dwa jesienne wieczory (18-19 XI). Spotkanie rozpoczęło się 18 listopada o godzinie 17:00 przed Punktem Info (Siennicka 10a, Gdańsk-Przeróbka). Doświadczaliśmy i analizowaliśmy miejskie emocje, miejskie gry, miejskie historie i miejską przyrodę.
e-Learning Courses -
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Eu gels
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Eu gels. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of europium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The sol...
Isolation and Characterization of NP-POL Nonapeptide for Possible Therapeutic Use in Parkinson’s Disease
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Carbon–silica gel adsorbents
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Luminescence properties of TeOx-Eu thin films
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Eu thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of europium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions. The...
Luminescence properties of TeOx-Dy thin films
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the emission and excitation spectra of TeOx-Dy thin films. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. Next, the 5% mol of dysprosium ions were added, the nitrates were used as a source of rare-earth ions....