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Search results for: GRAFICZNY EDYTOR
24/25 Praktyki WZiE
e-Learning Courses -
2024 Waste Management and Waste Disposal
e-Learning Courses -
2025 Gospodarka odpadami i utylizacja odpadów komunalnych
e-Learning CoursesGospodarka odpadami i utylizacja odpadów komunalnych studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, semestr letni osoba odpowiedzialna za przedmiot: dr inż Ilona Kłosowska-Chomiczewska nauczyciele współprowadzący: dr. inż. Aneta Pacyna-Kuchta
e-Learning Courses -
Waste managment and waste disposal 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
Podstawy marketingu Zarządzanie Niestacjonarne lato 2024
e-Learning Courses -
Wastewater and water quality control 2022/23
e-Learning Courses -
Market Analysis 2023/24
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e-Learning Courses -
Praktyki studenckie WZiE
e-Learning Courses -
Podstawy marketingu Zarządzanie Niestacjonarne lato 2025
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
Metody Analizy Technicznej - Laboratorium
e-Learning Courses -
Marcin Ciecholewski dr hab.
People -
Hepatic proteome changes induced by dietary supplementation with two levels of native chicory inulin in young pigs
Publication -
Morphology, dynamics, and order development in a thermoplastic polyurethane with melt blended POSS
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PHB+aPHA Blends: From Polymer Bacterial Synthesis through Blend Preparation to Final Processing by Extrusion for Sustainable Materials Design
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Synthesis and morphology of rigid polyurethane foams with POSS as pendant groups or chemical crosslinks
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Molecular and charge mobility of a poloxamer in the bulk and as soft component in polyurethanes
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Effects of Segment Length and Crosslinking via POSS on the Calorimetric and Dynamic Glass Transition of Polyurethanes with Aliphatic Hard Segments
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Microbial Diversity in Deep-Subsurface Hot Brines of Northwest Poland: from Community Structure to Isolate Characteristics
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The activity of antioxidant enzymes in blood platelets in different types of renal replacement therapy: a cross-sectional study
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Sliding Wear Performance of AlCrN Coating on TiB2/Ti Composites at High Temperatures
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Reduced graphene oxide doping with nanometer-sized ferrocene moieties – New active material for glucose redox sensors
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The aberrant overexpression of vimentin is linked to a more aggressive status in tumours of the gastrointestinal tract
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Carotid Artery Stenting and Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability in Subjects with Chronic Carotid Artery Stenosis
PublicationFailure of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a critical event in the development and progression of diseases such as acute ischemic stroke, chronic ischemia or small vessels disease that affect the central nervous system. It is not known whether BBB breakdown in subjects with chronic carotid artery stenosis can be restrained with postoperative recovery of cerebral perfusion. The aim of the study was to assess the short-term effect...
A Comparability of Renal Length and Volume Measurements in MRI and Ultrasound in Children
PublicationIntroduction: Despite the significant increase in use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in children, there is still a lack of normal reference values of renal size in this method and reference values are being interpolated from the ultrasound (US) studies. The study provides comparative analysis of agreement in renal length and volume measurements between MRI and ultrasound. Materials and Methods: Ninety-three children with a...
Polyurethane based hybrid ciprofloxacin-releasing wound dressings designed for skin engineering purpose
PublicationPurpose Even in the 21st century, chronic wounds still pose a major challenge due to potentially inappropriate treatment options, so the latest wound dressings are hybrid systems that enable clinical management, such as a hybrid of hydrogels, antibiotics and polymers. These wound dressings are mainly used for chronic and complex wounds, which can easily be infected by bacteria. Materials and methods Six Composite Porous Matrices...
HPK PP The Horizontal Contact Point for the EU Framework Program Horizon Europe
ProjectsProject realized in Vice-Rector for Research according to 5/HPK/2022 agreement from 2022-02-15
Edyta Hejmann
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Edyta Skiba
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Katarzyna Świerk doktor
People -
Jaroslaw Tegowski prof. dr hab.
PeopleJaroslaw Tegowski was born in Olsztyn, Poland, in 1955. He received the M.S. degree in physics from the University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree in physical oceanography in 1995 and the habilitation degree from the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, in 2007. From 1983 to 2008, he was a Research Assistant and a next Associate Professor at the Marine Acoustical Laboratory,...
The role of MR imaging in detection of hepatic iron overload in patients with cirrhosis of different origins
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Diverse behavioral, monoaminergic and Fos protein responses to opioids in Warsaw high-alcohol preferring and Warsaw low-alcohol preferring rats
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Using anticipatory and drug-evoked appetitive ultrasonic vocalization for monitoring the rewarding effect of amphetamine in a rat model of drug self-administration
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Analyzing the relationship between sound, color, and emotion based on subjective and machine-learning approaches
PublicationThe aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between sound, color, and emotion. For this purpose, a survey application was prepared, enabling the assignment of a color to a given speaker’s/singer’s voice recordings. Subjective tests were then conducted, enabling the respondents to assign colors to voice/singing samples. In addition, a database of voice/singing recordings of people speaking in a natural way and with expressed...
Zasady związane z dawstwem mleka ludzkiego i kryteria rekrutacji dawczyń – stanowisko ekspertów w świetle wyników najnowszych badań
Publicationgodnie z rekomendacjami Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (World Health Organization, WHO), Amerykańskiej Akademii Pediatrii (American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP), Europejskiego Towarzystwa Gastroenterologii, Hepatologii i Żywienia Dzieci (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, ESPGHAN) oraz Polskiej Grupy Ekspertów, mleko pochodzące z banków mleka kobiecego (BMK) jest preferowanym sposobem żywienia...
Comparison and Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Alkaline Pre-Treated Triticale Straw for Acid and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Followed by Ethanol Fermentation
PublicationThis paper concerns the comparison of the efficiency of two-stage hydrolysis processes, i.e., alkaline pre-treatment and acid hydrolysis, as well as alkaline pre-treatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, carried out in order to obtain reducing sugars from triticale straw. For each of the analyzed systems, the optimization of the processing conditions was carried out with respect to the glucose yield. For the alkaline pre-treatment,...
Morphometric evaluation of the delayed cerebral arteries response to acetazolamide test in patients with chronic carotid artery stenosis using computed tomography angiography
PublicationBackground: The evidence accumulates that the response to acetazolamide test is delayed on the ipsilateral side to stenosis. However, the effect of acetazolamide beyond 30 minutes after acetazolamide administration remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the diameters of: anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs), middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) and posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) before and 60 minutes after the acetazolamide...
Influence of alkaline and oxidative pre-treatment of waste corn cobs on biohydrogen generation efficiency via dark fermentation
PublicationStages of waste corn cobs processing leading to the production of biohydrogen via dark fermentation are presented and discussed in this paper. Firstly, the effects of pretreatment conditions i.e. alkaline, alkaline-oxidizing and Fenton oxidizing pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass on the removal of lignin were examined. The solid residue obtained in the first stage was subjected to saccharification by means of enzymatic hydrolysis....
Effect of oxidation and in vitro intestinal hydrolysis on phospholipid toxicity towards HT29 cell line serving as a model of human intestinal epithelium
PublicationOxidation of food-derived phospholipids (PLs) can influence nutrient digestion and induce oxidative stress in gastrointestinal epithelium. In this study, hen egg yolk PL fraction was used to evaluate the effect of lipoxygenase (LOX)-induced PL oxidation on the rate of PL hydrolysis catalyzed by pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in the presence of bile salts (BSs). Then, PL/BS solutions containing native or oxidized PLs were used...
Plener rysunkowy, Katedra Sztuk Wizualnych - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesPlener malarski jest realizowany w okresie wakacyjnym. Jest podsumowaniem umiejętności studentów z zakresu rysunku i malarstwa. Plener malarski obejmuje realizację czterech zadań: dwóch prac rysunkowych (technika ołówkowa) oraz dwóch prac wykonanych w technice malarskiej (temperowej). Realizacja prac plenerowych jest pracą samodzielną.
e-Learning CoursesART WORKSHOP PLEIN AIR Outdoor classes in the field of painting for students of the first year of the Faculty of Architecture are aimed at shaping basic painting skills. Students continue to learn the basics of the tempera painting technique, which they learned in the second semester. Learning the basics of the painting workshop is carried out by looking for combinations of forms, mutual color relationships and the influence...
ZT_Technologie ochrony powietrza - laboratorium - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesZajęcia terenowe Oczyszczanie spalin w Porcie Czystej Energii. Obliczanie przygruntowych stężeń zanieczyszczeń. Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń powietrza w procesach absorpcyjnych. Zapobieganie emisji SO2 za pomocą ZnO lub CaCO3. Oczyszczanie powietrza z lotnych związków organicznych. Powierzchnie samoczyszczące w technologiach ochrony powietrza. Biofiltracja powietrza zanieczyszczonego związkami odorowymi. Pomiary wybranych parametrów...
Metody Analizy Technicznej - laboratorium - 2022
e-Learning CoursesLaboratorium z przedmiotu Metody Analizy Technicznej dla kierunku Technologia Chemiczna, spec. Analityka techniczna i przemysłowa.
Techniki rozdzielania - laboratorium - 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesTechniki rozdzielania - laboratorium Zasady zaliczenia przedmiotu: Ocena jest liczona jako średnia zdobytych punktów z wejściówek oraz sprawozdania. Maksymalna ilość punktów z wejściówek 40 pkt (10 pkt x 4 wejściówki) Maksymalna ilość punktów z sprawozdania 4 pkt ( 1 pkt x 4 sprawozdania) Maksymalna ilość punktów: 44 Jeżeli była poprawiana wejściówka liczona zostaje średnia punktów, która brana jest do wyliczenia średniej. Progi...
Pracownia Plastyczna III
e-Learning CoursesBadanie wpływu światła na formę i przestrzeń. Kształtowanie umiejętności syntezy na podstawie analizy zjawisk i form zaobserwowanych w naturze. Zapoznanie się z podstawowymi elementami warsztatu rzeźbiarskiego. Przykładowe zagadnienia: kontrast światła i cienia; rysunkowe studium światła na podstawie obserwacji pojedynczego przedmiotu, światło we wnętrzu i przestrzeni architektonicznej; rysunek, malarstwo, popiersie – interpretacja;...
Art Workshop III
e-Learning CoursesExploring the influence of light on form and space. Developing the ability to synthesise on the basis of analysis of phenomena and forms observed in nature. To become familiar with the basic elements of the sculpture workshop. Examples of issues: contrast of light and shadow; drawing study of light based on observation of a single object, light in interiors and architectural space; painting, sculpture: bust - interpretation;...
Test diagnostyczny - język niemiecki
e-Learning Courses