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Search results for: COGGING TORQUE
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublicationThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
Measurements of the optical and thermal properties of the 2D black phosphorus coating
PublicationBlack phosphorus is a 2D material, which properties are still being discovered. In this paper, the sensitivity to the temperature of a few-layer black phosphorus coating deposited, on the surface of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor, by a dip-coating method is presented. The coating was investigated after 2, 3, and 5 deposition cycles and during temperature growth from 50 °C to 300 °C in an interferometric setup. The intensity...
Thermal Barrier as a technique of indirect heating and cooling for residential buildings
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano koncept pośredniego ogrzewania i chłodzenia budynków mieszkalnych promieniowaniem słonecznym zwany barierą termiczną. System składa się z polipropylenowych rurek umieszczonych w ścianach zewnętrznych, w których znajduje się płyn. Koncept jest zastosowany do stabilizacji i redukcji przepływu ciepła w kierunku prostopadłym do ścian. Wykonano obszerne obliczenia MES z zastosowaniem nowego systemu kontroli,...
Corrosion degradation of spacers – examination of changes in bone cement coating.
PublicationSpacer is a special implant used at the time of infection after endoprosthetic surgery. It consists of a metal core and bone cement coating with an antibiotic. In the human body spacers are exposed to degradation processes. This paper looks at the effect of corrosion on spacers. Electrochemical corrosion tests were performer on titanium pins with bone cement coating in two solutions: Ringer’s solution and artificial...
Porous structures in aspects of transpirating cooling of oxycombustion chamber walls
PublicationA wet oxycombustion chamber, which must be effectively cooled due to high temperature evolved during the oxy-combustion process, by using the phenomena of Reynolds thermal transpiration and Navier slip velocity. Closures needed to execute mass flow rate in a microchannel, which should be treated as a single porous structure in the walls of the combustion chamber, have been obtained by applying a local 3D approach. The Navier-Stokes...
Selection of Organic Coating Systems for Corrosion Protection of Industrial Equipment
PublicationThe most important element of corrosion protection in industrial conditions is the protective coating system. However, selecting the right coating can often be a real problem due to the sheer number of coating manufacturers and their products on the market. A quantitative approach based on the data mining technique used to analyze the obtained multi-site exposure data has been proposed. This was demonstrated by the example of the...
Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet – Microchannel cooling module
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet–microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper was...
Problems with modelling the strength properties of sailing vessels rigging ropes
PublicationThis article presents the basic parameters of soft ropes: natural fibre ropes, soft wire ropes and synthetic fibre ropes used for running rigging. There are only several materials still used for the production of natural fibre ropes, including cotton, jute, hemp, sisal and manila hemp. The most commonly used soft wire ropes are twisted pair ropes; for smaller diameters there is a 6x19M - FC rope and for larger diameters – 6x37M...
Experimental and theoretical study of surface cooling using a single microjet
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła przy pomocy pojedynczych strug wody i powietrza.Uzyskana na podstawie wyników korelacja, opisująca współczynnik przejmowania ciepła, posłużyła do weryfikacji modelu opracowanego wcześniej przez Mikielewicza (2007).
Desiccant cooling system with direct fired biogas reactivitation heater.
PublicationPraca przedstawia możliwości wykorzystania w chłodnictwie i klimatyzacji gazu pochodzącego z biomasy. Spalanie gazu może zapewnić ciepło do zasilania zarówno absorpcyjnych urządzeń chłodniczych, jak i adsorpcyjnych urządzeń klimatyzacyjnych. Przedstawiono bieżące trendy występujące w konstrukcjach adsorpcyjnych urządzeń klimatyzacyjnych.
Coping strategies and sexual satisfaction in bladder cancer males
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The Interrelationships of Coping Styles and Professional Burnout Among Physiotherapists
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Adaptive resolution-constrained scalar multiple-description coding
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The role of time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions in coping styles
PublicationBoth time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions are groups of traits that are connected to self-control abilities and might be important for coping styles. However, to date, no study has systematically investigated their utility in predicting coping styles with regard to their multidimensional nature. The current study was correlational and exploratory, aiming to discover what amount of variance in each of the three coping...
Posadzki przemysłowe pod regały jezdne oraz torowe systemy magazynowe
PublicationDynamiczny rozwój systemów magazynowania w kierunku zwiększenia pojemności i przepustowości magazynów związany jest z automatyzacją procesów logistycznych i zaostrzeniem wymagań dotyczących betonowych posadzek przemysłowych, na których są instalowane systemy magazynowe. Projektowane i realizowane obecnie hale magazynowe i produkcyjne, centra logistyczne oraz chłodnie i mroźnie w zdecydowanej większości wyposażone są w nowoczesne...
Critical review of electronic nose and tongue instruments prospects in pharmaceutical analysis
PublicationElectronic nose (enose, EN) and electronic tongue (etongue, ET) have been designed to simulate human senses of smell and taste in the best possible way. The signals acquired from a sensor array, combined with suitable data analysis system, are the basis for holistic analysis of samples. The efficiency of these instruments, regarding classification, discrimination, detection, monitoring and analytics of samples in different types...
Visualisation of the influence of habitat on lichen occurrence, Toruń, Poland
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XIII Festiwal Performance Koło Czasu - Toruń 2019
Publication28 listopada - 1 grudnia, XIII Festiwal Performance Koło Czasu w ramach wystawy "Konstelacje - Poza horyzont" Otwarcie Festiwalu Koło Czasu - 28 listopada, godz. 17:00, finisaż wystawy pt. "Z innej perspektywy" autorstwa Mariana Stępaka w Galerii ZPAP Nurt, następnie od godz 18:00 pokaz wybranych dokumentacji z minionych edycji Koła Czasu wraz z omówieniem kuratora Festiwalu. Działania w ramach Festiwalu Performance – 29 listopada...
9 triennale małych form malarskich, Toruń 2013
PublicationKatalog towarzyszący wystawie 9 triennale małych form malarskich, która odbyła się w galerii sztuki Wozownia w Toruniu w 2013 roku. Katalog liczy 96 stron i zawiera teksty krytyczne i noty biograficzne laureatów w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 123 kolorowe reprodukcje prac. ISBN 978-83-63211-21-9.
A note on the weakly convex and convex domination numbers of a torus
PublicationW pracy określone są liczby liczby dominowania i dominowania wypukłego torusów, czyli iloczynów kartezjańskich dwóch cykli.
Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Vibrationally Relaxing Gases. Acoustic Cooling
PublicationThe dynamic equation which governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode in vibrationally relaxing gas is derived. The nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy to the energy of the thermal mode in a relaxing gas causes slow variation of temperature with time. The nal dynamic equation is instantaneous. All types of sound, including aperiodic, may be considered as an acoustic source of corresponding heating or cooling....
Comparison of single microjet cooling with water, ethanol and HFE7100 as test fluids
PublicationThe paper presents the investigation of a single microjet cooling forming an thin liquid film on the impingement surface of specially designed rig. The basis of microjet technology is to produce laminar jets, which when impinging the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point. Applied technology of jet production can result with the size of jets ranging from 20 to 500μm in breadth and 20 to 100μm in width....
Influence of polyaniline primer on the corrosion properties of St3S steel - coating system
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań wpływu podkładu z polianiliny osadzonej elektrochemicznie na właściwości antykorozyjne powłoki epoksydowej na stali niskowęglowej St3S. Wykonano badania próbek nieuszkodzonych, a także próbek ze sztucznym defektem powłoki. Próbki były eksponowane na środowisko korozyjne przez 63 dni i były sukcesywnie badane za pomocą elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Postępy korozji były również oceniane...
Quantification of interlayer adhesion in protective coating systems using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationNowoczesne systemy powłokowe stosowane w praktyce są wielowarstwowe. Potencjalnie słabymi obszarami z punktu widzenia właściwości ochronnych są obszary międzywarstwowe. Osiągnięcie odpowiedniej przyczepności pomiędzy warstwami pozwala na polepszenie zdolności ochronnych całego zestawu. Tradycyjne metody pomiaru adhezji międzywarstwowej są destrukcyjne. Zaproponowano nową metodę oceny przyczepności międzywarstwowej przy użyciu...
Impedance-based sensing of the interlayer adhesion loss in organic coating systems.
PublicationZmienne parametry środowiska takie jak: temperatura,wilgotność i promieniowanie UV powodują degradację własności ochronnych powłok organicznych. Stosując sensor w postaci elektrod wykonanych z prądoprzewodzącego tuszu umieszczonych pomiędzy warstwami zestawu oraz technikę spektroskopii impedancyjnej stwierdzono możliwość monitorowania utraty adhezji międzywarstwowej.
Aplication of impedance imaging to evaluation of organic coating degradation at a local scale
PublicationZaproponowano nowe podejście do oceny lokalnych właściwości elektrycznych powłok organicznych. Wykorzystuje ono mikroskop sił atomowych pracujący w trybie kontaktowym. Pomiędzy igłę mikroskopu i podłoże metalowe pokryte powłoką przykładany jest sinusoidalny napięciowy sygnał pobudzenia o zadanej częstotliwości i mierzony jest prądowy sygnał odpowiedzi. Zalety tego podejścia zostały zaprezentowane na przykładzie powłoki akrylowej...
Characteristics of silver-dopped carbon nanotube coating destined for medical applications
PublicationCarbon nanotubes are materials demonstrating outstanding mechanical, chemical, and physical properties and are considered coatings of titanium implants. The present research is aimed to characterize the microstructure and properties of the multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) layer decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy destined for long-term implants. The electrophoretic deposition of coatings...
Enhancing middle ear implants: Study of biocompatible materials with hydroxyapatite coating
PublicationIn this manuscript, the application of hydroxyapatite coatings to total ossicular reconstruction prostheses (TORPs) using finite element modeling simulations was investigated to enhance the biocompatibility and mechanical performance of these prosthetic devices for middle ear implants. We focused on evaluating biocompatible materials, particularly polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and titanium, by analyzing their mechanical behavior...
Application of impedance imaging to evaluation of organic coating degradation at a local scale
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Impedance-based sensing of the interlayer adhesion loss in organic coating systems
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Siloxane Containing Polyether Groups—Synthesis and Use as an Anti-Biocorrosion Coating
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Interlayer defect evolution in an coating system on steel under hydromechanical loading
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów impedancyjnych obszaru międzywarstwowego w systemie powłokowym poddanym naprężeniom. Przedstawiono nowy sensor który jest zdolny do detekcji defektów w obszarze międzywarstwowym. Dwuwarstwowy system powłokowy przeznacziony do zastosowań morskich zbadano w celu określenia jego odporności na oddziaływanie cyklicznych naprężeń i zanurzeń w 3% roztworze NaCl.
Client’s Expectations vs Contractor’s Pricing. Fair Prices or Bid Rigging
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Collusion and bid rigging in the construction industry: case studies from Poland
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Analysis of Efficiency of Thermoelectric Personal Cooling System Based on Utility Tests
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The influence of the cooling conditions on the cutting tool wear and the chip formation mechanism
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Ceramic dispersion effect on composite coating properties after plastic working
PublicationW pracy określono wpływ fazy dyspersyjnej Al2O3 na wybrane potencjalne właściwości powłok kompozytowych o osnowie niklowej. Powłoki Ni-Al-Al2O3 zostały nałożone na próbki stalowe przy użyciu technologii poddźwiękowego płomieniowego natryskiwania cieplnego. Następnie poddane zostały obróbce plastycznej na zimno i na gorąco poprzez walcowanie, a także prasowania na zimno na prasie hydraulicznej. Omówiono wpływ obróbki plastycznej...
FEM approach to estimate the behaviour of biocomposite metal-surface coating system
PublicationA three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced byknown external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6Al4V) and thehydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model weregenerated for investigating relations between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude ofexternal force and the thickness of the...
Effect of interconnect coating procedure on solid oxide fuel cell performance
PublicationChromium (Cr) species vaporizing from chromia-forming alloy interconnects is known as a source of degradation in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks called “cathode poisoning”. (Mn,Co)3O4 spinel coatings offer good protection against Cr evaporation during operation. In this study, Crofer 22 APU steel interconnects were electrophoretically deposited in different mediums to obtain high packing of green coating layer. The optimized...
Novel application of dynamic electrochemical impedance monitoring to a cataphoretic coating process
PublicationThe paper presents a novel method of on-line impedance monitoring of cataphoretic coating application process. Utilization of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) overcame the fundamental problem connected with non-stationarity of the aforementioned coating deposition process, which eliminates classical impedance spectroscopy technique from a real-time description of cataphoresis. The paper illustrates selected examples...
In Vitro Biological Characterization of Silver-Doped Anodic Oxide Coating on Titanium
PublicationDespite the high biocompatibility and clinical effectiveness of Ti-based implants, surface functionalization (with complex osteointegrative/antibacterial strategies) is still required. To enhance the dental implant surface and to provide additional osteoinductive and antibacterial properties, plasma electrolytic oxidation of a pure Ti was performed using a nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)-based Ag nanoparticles (AgNP)-loaded calcium–phosphate...
The use of can in automation test bench to test the engine cooling system
PublicationW publikacji opisano zasady rejestracji danych pomiarowych w hamowni silnikowej do badań układów chłodzenia silników samochodowych. Założeniami projektu stanowiska było użycie standardu przesyłu danych typu CAN. Opracowano metodę dużej gęstości zapisu przesyłanych danych.
Effect of conventional cooking on changes in the contents of basic composition and glucosinolates in kale
PublicationBrassica vegetables have been strongly recommended as part of human diet because of its high content of bioactive sulphur compounds, eg glucosinolates. The nutrient and health promoting compounds in kale are significantly affected by traditional cooking. The study investigated changes in the levels of dry mass, ash, fat, total protein, dietary fibre as well as total and individual glucosinolates in the kale due to the traditional...
Metrological analysis of surface quality aspects in minimum quantity cooling lubrication
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Effect of electrode waterproof coating on quality of underwater wet welded joints
PublicationIn this paper, the effects of different hydrophobic coatings on the surface of covered electrodes on the quality of wet welded carbon steel joints were discussed. Commonly available hydrophobic substances used in industrial applications were selected for the research. The aim of using waterproof coatings was to check the possibility to decreasing the susceptibility of highstrength low-alloy S460N steel to cold cracking. During...
Effect of cooking on the contents of glucosinolates and their degradation products in selected Brassica vegetables
PublicationChanges in the levels of glucosinolates and their degradation products in selected Brassica vegetables due to the cooking process were investigated. The purple cauliflower was found to be the best source of aliphatic and indole glucosinolates, and it was also abundant in compounds such as sinigrin, glucoraphanin and glucobrassicin. As a result of cooking rutabaga, green cauliflower and purple cauliflower, a significant decrease...
Effect of Coating Material Properties on Tilting-pad Thrust Bearing Performance
PublicationPolymer lined tilting-pad bearings demonstrate many advantages over traditional bearing systems. Bearings with a polymer layer in comparison with a babbitted layer show, for example: lower value of friction coefficient (important during start/stops), higher fatigue strength of the coating, better distribution of the load on individual pads due to lower elasticity of the polymers, wider range of operational temperatures or the ability...
PublicationDevelopment of digital technology has resulted in significant transformations of designer workshops. Computer applications replaced the previously existing tools and methods for drawing up of projects. Professional, sophisticated drawing instruments and tools for manual plotting, as well as basic drawing aids, have gradually fallen into oblivion and become relicts of a bygone era - the objects of collectors' interest. Gdansk University...
Research on the phenomena of warming up and free cooling down the car engine
PublicationThe average cold start temperature in Europe is 9 degrees C. However, not the average is the most important for the composition of exhaust gases and associated air pollution. The most onerous for the environment are the winter starts when automotive emissions of harmful gases add up in cities with those of home heating systems. The paper presents preliminary studies of warming up and cooling down processes in various environmental conditions....