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Search results for: D-TAGATOZA
3 d 3 system – Comparison of Mn 4+ and Cr 3+ in different lattices
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Fowl adenovirus strains 1/A and 11/D isolated from birds with reovirus infection
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Alleviative effects of chitosan and ascorbic acid on Petunia × atkinsiana D. Don under salinity
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Application of Chitosan in vitro to Minimize the Adverse Effects of Salinity in Petunia × atkinsiana D. don
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Synthesis of 3-D Graphene via Combustion Synthesis of Magnesium and Calcium/Magnesium Oxalates
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Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and d-Wave Pairing in a Model of a Superconductor with Non-Retarded Attraction
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Nuclear magnetic relaxation and d-wave pairing in an extended Hubbard model with diagonal disorder
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Complexation studies of 3-substituted β-diketones with selected d- and f-metal ions
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Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine and its derivatives
Publication6-Sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine (GlcN6S), 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosaminitol (ADGS) and their N-acetyl and methyl ester derivatives have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of enzymes catalyzing reactions of the UDP-GlcNAc pathway in bacteria and yeasts. GlcN6S and ADGS at micromolar concentrations inhibited glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P) synthase of microbial origin. The former was also inhibitory towards fungal GlcN6P N-acetyl...
Synthesis of phosphono and phosphate derivatives of hydroxyimino-D-alditols as new potential antifungal agents
PublicationIn search for new effective we antyfungals we focus on two enzymes involved in biosynthesis of the fungal cell wall. The first enzyme is glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlmS), which catalyzes transformation of D-fructose-6-phosphate (Fru-6P) to D-glucosamine-6-phodphate (GlcN-6P) in the chitin biosynthesis pathway. The second enzyme is phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) repored to play a crucial role in biosynthesis of many mannosylated structures,...
Dyfuzyjne spalanie turbulentne metanu w strudze: analiza numeryczna płomienia Sandia D
PublicationDyfuzyjne spalanie turbulentne jest najpowszechniej występującym w zastosowa-niach przemysłowych rodzajem tego procesu. Jednak jego dokładny opis wciąż sprawia trudności i obserwuje się rozwój konkurujących modeli implementowanych w podejściu RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes), a współcześnie coraz częściej także w metodzie dużych wirów (LES) o czym świadczą liczne publikacje [13, 16, 18, 21]. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono...
Low-Cost 3-D Printed Lens Antenna for Ka-Band Connectivity Applications
PublicationThis paper discusses the use of low-cost 3-D printing technology to fabricate dielectric lenses for Ka-band wireless networks. A low-cost FDM alternative to previously presented 3-D printed lens in SLA technology with high performance resin is presented. The presented approach has been demonstrated for a 39 GHz MU-MIMO antenna array modified to realize multibeam or switched-beam antenna that can support demanding energy-efficient...
Analysis of electromagnetic plane wave scattering from 2-d periodic arrangements of posts
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę analizy rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej od układu periodycznie rozłożonych obiektów cylindrycznych na płaszczyźnie. Opisywane podejście analizy wykorzystuje pełnofalowe rozwiązanie oparte na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów. Wynikiem analizy jest wielorodzajowa macierz rozproszenia badanych powierzchni periodycznych.
Regression points in non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion method and D-optimal design
PublicationThe paper addresses selected issues of uncertainty quantification in the modelling of a system containing surgical mesh used in ventral hernia repair. Uncertainties in the models occur e.g. due to variability of abdominal wall properties among others. In order to include them, a non-intrusive regression-based polynomial chaos expansion method is employed. Its accuracy depends on the choice of regression points. In the study a relation...
A spline-based FE approach to modelling of high frequency dynamics of 1-D structures
PublicationIn this paper a computational methodology leading to the development of a new class of FEs, based on the application of continuous and smooth approximation polynomials, being splines, has been presented. Application of the splines as appropriately defined piecewise elemental shape functions led the authors to the formulation of a new approach for FEM, named as spFEM, where contrary to the well-known NURBS approach, the boundaries...
A fast high-resolution 3-D Finite Difference Time-Domain scheme with macromodels.
PublicationZaprezentowano szybki trójwymiarowy wysokorozdzielczy algorytm różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu. Zwiększona rozdzielczość osiągnięta została poprzez połączenie standardowego schematu FDTD z makromodelami silnie zagęszczonych objętości stworzonych przez zastosowanie redukcji rzędu modelu. Nowy schemat FDTD z makromodelami jest wyprowadzony. Koszt numeryczny nowej metody jest wyestymowany. Doskonałe wyniki zostały zaobserwowane...
Performance of a commercial optical CT scanner and polymer gel dosimeters for 3‐D dose verification
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Diosgenyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-galactopyranoside: synthesis, derivatives and antimicrobial activity
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Seasonal pattern of vitamin D hydroxyl metabolite concentrations and their association with cardiac medications – An observational study
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Exploration of vitamin D hydroxy metabolites C3 epimers in patients with cardiovascular disease: an observational study
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Bayesian separation algorithm of THz spectral sources applied to D-glucose monohydrate dehydration kinetics
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Experimental evidence about misconception of Terzaghi's 1-D consolidation theory in terms of degree of consolidation
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Modulating D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) substrate specificity through facilitated solvent access
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Toward Innovation-Driven Competitiveness Across African Countries: An Analysis of Efficiency of R&D Expenditures
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Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Shells Based on 2-D Cosserat Constitutive Model
PublicationIn this paper geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded shells in 6-parameter shell theory is presented. It is assumed that the shell consists of two constituents: ceramic and metal. The mechanical properties are graded through the thickness and are described by power law distribution. Formulation based on 2-D Cosserat constitutive model is used to derive constitutive relation for functionally graded shells. Numerical...
Structural studies of a cold-adapted dimeric Beta-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublicationThe crystal structure of a novel dimeric [beta]-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d (Par[beta]DG) was solved in space group P212121 at a resolution of 2.4 Å by molecular replacement with multiple models using the BALBES software. This enzyme belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 2 (GH2), similar to the tetrameric and hexameric [beta]-D-galactosidases from Escherichia coli and Arthrobacter sp. C2-2, respectively. It is the second...
Multilevel model order reduction with generalized compression of boundaries for 3-d FEM electromagnetic analysis
PublicationThis paper presents a multilevel Model Order Reduction technique for a 3-D electromagnetic Finite Element Method analysis. The reduction process is carried out in a hierarchical way and involves several steps which are repeated at each level. This approach brings about versatility and allows one to efficiently analyze complex electromagnetic structures. In the proposed multilevel reduction the entire computational domain is covered...
High prevalence of Escherichia coli belonging to the B2+D phylogenetic group in inflammatory bowel disease
PublicationBACKGROUND: It is not clear which species of bacteria may be involved in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). One way of determining which bacteria might be likely candidates is to use culture-independent methods to identify microorganisms that are present in diseased tissues but not in controls. AIMS: (1) To assess the diversity of microbial communities of biopsy tissue using culture-independent methods; (2) to culture the bacteria...
Assessment Of the Relevance of Best Practices in The Development of Medical R&D Projects Based on Machine Learning
PublicationMachine learning has emerged as a fundamental tool for numerous endeavors within health informatics, bioinformatics, and medicine. However, novices among biomedical researchers and IT developers frequently lack the requisite experience to effectively execute a machine learning project, thereby increasing the likelihood of adopting erroneous practices that may result in common pitfalls or overly optimistic predictions. The paper...
3-D Printable Metal-Dielectric Metasurface for Risley Prism-Based Beam-Steering Antennas
PublicationA 3-D printable, planar, metal-dielectric metasurface-based, 2-D beam-steering system for aperture-type antennas is presented in this paper. This beam steering system, also known as the near-field meta-steering system, comprises two fully passive phase-gradient metasurfaces placed in the antenna’s nearfield region to steer the radiation beam. To address the non-uniform electric field phase of the aperture antenna, phase correction...
D-Band High Gain Planer Slot Array Antenna using Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationA D-band high gain slot array antenna with corporate-fed distribution network based on gap waveguide structures is proposed at 140GHz. To overcome the fabrication challenges at such high frequency, the gap waveguide technology is deployed in which good electrical contact between different parts of the waveguide structure is not required. The proposed sub-array has four radiating slots that are excited by a groove gap cavity and...
2-D constitutive equations for orthotropic Cosserat type laminated shells in finite element analysis
PublicationWe propose 2-D Cosserat type orthotropic constitutive equations for laminated shells for the purpose of initial failure estimation in a laminate layer. We use nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with asymmetric membrane strain measures and Cosserat kinematics as the framework. This theory is specially dedicated to the analysis of irregular shells, inter alia, with orthogonal intersections, since it takes into account the drilling...
PublicationSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Thermostable Pyrococcus woesei beta-D-galactosidase - high level expression, purification and biochemical properties
PublicationGen kodujący termostabilną beta-D-galaktozydazę Pyrococcus woesei zamplifikowano z zastosowaniem techniki PCR i klonowano w komórkach Escherichia coli. Skonstruowany system ekspresji genu pozwolił na uzyskanie znacznej ilości termostabilnego białka w komórkach mezofilnego gospodarza. Enzym oczyszczono z zastosowaniem chromatografii powinowactwa po wcześniejszej denaturacji termicznej białek Escherichia coli i scharakteryzowano...
A novel nucleotide found in human erythrocytes, 4-pyridone-3-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside triphosphate
PublicationZidentyfikowano nowy, nieznany nukleotyd, występujący w erytrocytach osób chorych na przewlekłą niewydolność nerek, w stężeniu porównywalnym do zawartości ATP. Nukleotyd ten wyizolowano chromatograficznie, a jego strukturę określono jako trójfosforan 4-piridono-3-karboksyamido-1-b-D-rybonukleozydu, na podstawie danych spektralnych UV, MS, IR i NMR.
Maciej Niedostatkiewicz dr hab. inż.
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Rebuttal from L. E. K. Ratcliffe, W. Pijacka, F. D. McBryde, A. P. Abdala, D. J. Moraes, P. A. Sobotka, E. C. Hart, K. Narkiewicz, A. K. Nightingale and J. F. R. Paton
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Cercles-Revista d Historia Cultural
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Journal Africain d Hepato-Gastroenterologie
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Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
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Attic-Revista d Innovacio Educativa
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Revue d Anthropologie des Connaissances
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Revista CIDOB d Afers Internationals
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Revue d Oncologie Hematologie Pediatrique
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Possibility of determination of transport coefficients D and k from relaxation experiments for sphere-shaped powder samples
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<title>Recurrent neural network application to image filtering: 2-D Kalman filtering approach</title>
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Biological study on carboxymethylated (1→3)-α-d-glucans from fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum
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Hepatitis D, B and C virus (HDV/HBV/HCV) coinfection as a diagnostic problem and therapeutic challenge