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Search results for: EKONOMIA WINA
Nova Economia
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Economic correlates of physical activity in adults
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Economic growth dynamics across countries
PublicationRozdział w monografii stanowi analizę statystyczną dynamiki wzrostu gospodarczego w krajach świata, w latach 1989-2010. Dodatkowo autorka analizuje relacje statystyczne zachodzące pomiędzy stopą wzrostu gospodarczego, a wybranymi wskaźnikami rozwoju społecznego.
Economic migrations to Poland in 2008-2018
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the stream and structure of economic migrants to Poland between 2008-2018. The first part presents economic migrations in its theoretical aspects, explaining the concept and presenting definitions. Then, the institutional and legal conditions of economic migration to Poland with particular emphasis on documents recquired by Polish labor market were presented i.e. work permits, seasonal work...
The impact of ICTs on women’s economic empowerment
PublicationIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
Information and Communication Technologies for Economic Development
PublicationThis chapter is intended to explain why and how information and communication technologies may affect the process of socio-economic development, especially with regard to economically backward economies. It sheds light on why technological changes constitute prerequisites enabling advancements along the socio-economic development pattern. It is also designed to exhibit the special relevance of information and communication technologies...
The Impact of ICTs on Women’s Economic Empowerment
PublicationIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
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Socio-economic research in protected areas of the Euroregion Pomerania: Visitor satisfaction, economic impacts and park–people relationships
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Are women importanf for economic development? Women`s participation in the labor market and their contribution to economic growth in 83 countries.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia ilościowe zależności między partycypacją kobiet w rynku pracy a wzrostem i rozwojem gospodarczym. Analiza została przeprowadzona dla 83 krajów świata w latach 1990-2011.
Validation of odor concentration from mechanical-biological treatment piles using static chamber and wind tunnel with different wind speed values
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Kształcenie ustawiczne - przykład Wydziału Zarzadzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej.
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstwiono ewolucję oferty studiów podyplomowych prowadzonych na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej na tle rozwoju kształcenia podyplomowego w polskich wyższych uczelniach. W drugiej części opracowania przedstwiono nowe rozwiązania organizacyjne oraz źródła finansowania studiów podyplomowych i innych form kształcenia ustawicznego, omawiając inicjatywę wspólnotową EQUAL, której partnerem jest...
Assessment of the Reliability of Wind Farm Devices in the Operation Process
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Nonlinear Cointegration Approach for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines
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Wind wave variability in Hornsund fjord, west Spitsbergen
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Wind Turbine Operation in Electric Power System.Advanced Modelling
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pracą elektrowni wiatrowych w systemie elektroenergetycznym, a w tym przedstawiono wpływ elektrowni wiatrowych na system elektroenergetyczny (jakość energii elektrycznej). Omówiono zasady modelowania elektrowni wiatrowych różnych typów, tj. z generatorami asynchronicznymi i synchronicznymi, pracujących w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Przestawiono wybrane modele elektrowni wiatrowych...
Experimental study on ice drift under the wind effect
PublicationThis study aims at wind and free ice drift interaction, which is an important aspect in sea ice, and low flow inland waters. Ice drift is caused by dynamic balance of water drag, gravitational acceleration, resistance force and wind drag. To have a clear point of view on wind to ice interaction, the external forces for this experimental study were limited to wind effect. The experiments were conducted in the Institute of Hydro-Engineering...
Vertical axis wind engines using Magnus effect.
PublicationZaprezentowano krótki zarys historii wykorzystania energii wiatru. Opisano efekt Magnusa oraz dotychczasowe próby wykorzystania go w budowie silników wiatrowych. Przedstawiono obliczenia, za pomocą, których oszacowano możliwe do osiągnięcia sprawności silników wiatrowych o osi pionowej wyposażonych w rotory Magnusa.
Heave Plates with Holes for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
PublicationThe paper presents an innovative solution which is heave plates with holes. The long-known heave plates are designed to damp the heave motion of platforms. They are most often used for Spar platforms. The growing interest in this type of platform as supporting structures for offshore wind turbines makes it necessary to look for new solutions. Based on the available literature and the authors’ own research, it was concluded that...
Evaluation of the influence of grapevine growing conditions on wine quality
PublicationScientists are increasingly interested in the viticulture concept of terroir, which states that unique properties of wine are strictly related to the environmental conditions under which grapes are cultivated. The aim of the research was to compare the parameters characterizing wines produced in Poland, such as pH, conductivity, total organic carbon (TOC), and concentration of anions (F−, Cl−, NO2−, NO3−, PO43−, SO42−). It was...
The system for remote monitoring of a vertical axis wind farm
PublicationThe article presents a system for remote monitoring of working parameters of a wind turbine with a vertical axis. The monitoring system was built using a Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer with the Raspbian operating system and a MicroDAQ E2000 measuring card. The developed system enables monitoring the power output of the generator, torque on the turbine shaft, turbine speed and wind speed. The values of the monitored parameters are...
Wind Conditions in Urban Layout – Numerical and Experimental Research
PublicationThis paper presents research which compares the numerical and the experimental results for different cases of airflow around a few urban layouts. The study is concerned mostly with the analysis of parameters, such as pressure and velocity fields, which are essential in the building industry. Numerical simulations have been performed by the commercial software Fluent, with the use of a few different turbulence models, including...
Detection, identification and determination of resveratrol in wine. Problems and challenges
PublicationResveratrol is a compound synthesized by plants in response to unfavorable conditions of growth like mechanical injury, siege of bacteria or fungi and UV exposure. It is concentrated mostly in grapes skin and further more in the products made from grapes especially red wines. Each wine is characterized by different amount of given stilbene since its occurrence is affected by many factors like: types of grapes, environment (climate,...
Strength analysis of the support structure of the offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe global power demand from renewable sources is growing. One of a very favorable solution which meets severe environmental protection requirements are the offshore wind turbines. The offshore wind energy sector has experienced very fast development over last decade. Offshore wind farms, in comparison with onshore applications, can provide increased efficiency with reduced noise, visual, transportation and installation con-flicts....
Investigation of the Aerodynamics of an Innovative Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experimental investigation and a three dimensional numerical analysis of the transient aerodynamic phenomena occurring in the innovative modification of classic Savonius wind turbine. An attempt to explain the increased efficiency of the innovative design a comparison with the traditional solution is undertaken. A vorticity measure based on the integral of the velocity gradient tensor second...
Effective Short -term Forecasting of Wind Farms Power
PublicationForecasting a specific wind farm's generation capacity within a 24 hour perpective requires both a reliable forecast of wind, as well as supporting tools. This tool is a dedicated model of wind farm power. This model should include not only general rules of wind to mechanical energy conversion, but also the farm's specific features. This paper present analytical, statistical, and neuron models of wind farm power. The study is based...
ICT for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: Economic, Cultural, and Social Innovations for Human Capital in Transition Economies
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Does technology matter in economic development and why?
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Intra-provincial inequalities and economic growth in China
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Poles Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development
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Economic determinants of happiness among European nations
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Discussion of Modelling Perspectives for Complex Economic Systems.
PublicationW artykule opisano rolę modelowania w ekonomicznych systemach złożonych w kontekście trzech funkcji naukowych: opisu, wyjaśniania i przewidywania. Fazy dekompozycji i opisu jakościowego modelowanych systemów, w tym ekonomicznych, są nieodzowne w całym procesie.
Skandynawska ochrona. Ekologia widziana ze Szwecji
PublicationOmówiono kierunki rozwoju alternatywnych rozwiązań infrastruktury oraz działania w zakresie ekologii. Sprawozdanie z roboczej wzyty studialnej w Szwecji.
A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences
Publicationthe aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...
PublicationThe scope of Polish macro-economic data for assessing the level of socio-economic development of the country is largely limited because of the regional variation. Therefore there is a need for cyclic selection and the verification of criteria which allow identifying regions with a similar level of socio-economic development or those that clearly differ from the mean values. The aim of the study is to compare Poland’s provinces...
Technological progress and its contribution to economic development
PublicationArtykuł stanowi analizę zależności pomiędzy poziom rozwoju i wdrożenia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w kraju z poziomem jego rozwoju gospodarczego.
Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDiesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce...
Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology in the face of knowledge-based society challenges.
Publicationw artykule przedstawiono Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej w obliczu wyzwań, jakie niesie ze sobą rozwój społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. W ocenie wydziału posłużono się kryteriami baldrige'a.
Specjalność Marketing na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii - początki i perspektywy
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów specjalność Marketing. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że: powołanie specjalności Marketing było decyzją trafną. Program wymaga modyfikacji w kierunku zwiększenia liczby przedmiotów kierunkowych oraz zajęć praktycznych. Wskazane jest kontynuowanie badań w roku przyszłym.
Pomiar dobrobytu i nierówności ekonomicznych w ramach indywidualistycznego paradygmatu ekonomii.
PublicationRozdział ten poświęcony jest metodom pomiaru dobrobytu ekonomicznego. Indywidualistyczny paradygmat dobrobytu bazuje na funkcjach użyteczności dochodu pojedynczej osoby, a jego podstawę stanowi teoria zachowań konsumenta. W tym rozdziale przedstawiono pomiar dobrobytu za pomocą nadwyżki konsumenta oraz indeksów Konusa, Malmquista i skal ekwiwalentności . Dobrobyt społeczny oblicza się poprzez agregację indywidualnego dobrobytu...
Przedsiębiorczość nieproduktywna w świetle ekonomii instytucjonalnej. Analiza zjawiska w Polsce
PublicationGiuseppe Volpi di Misurata represented a mediation point between different interests both in the economic field and in the complex national – but also regional and local – political balance that long underpinned the fascist regime. This article intends to revisit this figure between the 1920s and the Second World War. The attempt will be made to identify, through an approach that will be chronological and thematic, the passages...
Nina Rizun dr
PeopleNina Rizun is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In October 1999, she obtained a PhD in Technical Sciences from the Faculty of Enterprise Economy and Production Organization, National Mining Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. PhD thesis title: Development of Complex Subsystem of the Organization and Planning of Mining and Transport Processes. From 1993-2000,...
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e-Learning CoursesKurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów Ekonomii, specjalność Ekonomia menadżerska
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel EPFL
Open Research DataData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA63418 at EPFL wind tunnel.