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Search results for: GINI Index
Changes of augmentation index early after ischaemic stroke predict functional outcome
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Properties of nano-Fe3O4 incorporated epoxy coatings from Cure Index perspective
PublicationThe mission of an advanced epoxy-based nanocomposite coating is to provide a given substrate with protection against an unwelcome guest; e.g. corrosive molecules/media, environmental stress, flame, thermal degradation or microorganisms. In such systems, the degree to which superior properties can be guaranteed depends on the state of network formation in the epoxy in the presence of nanoparticles. For low-filled epoxy nanocomposite coatings,...
GPU based implementation of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index for AVHRR3 Satellite Data
PublicationPaper presents an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland. All phases of TVDI implementation on GPU are modified in respect to CUDA platform....
Linear Time-Varying Dynamic-Algebraic Equations of Index One on Time Scales
PublicationIn this paper, we introduce a class of linear time-varying dynamic-algebraic equations (LTVDAE) of tractability index one on ar- bitrary time scales. We propose a procedure for the decoupling of the considered class LTVDAE. Explicit formulae are written down both for transfer operator and the obtained decoupled system. A projector ap- proach is used to prove the main statement of the paper and sufficient conditions of decoupling...
A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublicationA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
ZnO coated fiber optic microsphere sensor for the enhanced refractive index sensing
PublicationOptical fiber-based sensors are expected to become key components in the control of industrial processes,and the tuning and the enhancement of their sensing properties are crucial for the further developmentof this technology. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a vapor phase technique allowing for the deposition ofconformal thin films, is particularly suited for the deposition of controllable thin films on challenging sub-strates....
PublicationIn this paper, we present a fibre-optic sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of liquid layers. We designed an experimental low-coherence setup with two broadband light sources and an extrinsic fibre-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer acting as the sensing head. We examined how the refractive index of a liquid film and its thickness affect spectrum at the output of a fibre-optic interferometer. We...
The E-Cohomological Conley Index, Cup-Lengths and the Arnold Conjecture on T 2n
PublicationWe show that the E-cohomological Conley index, that was introduced by the first author recently, has a natural module structure. This yields a new cup-length and a lower bound for the number of critical points of functionals on Hilbert spaces. When applied to the setting of the Arnold conjecture, this paves the way to a short proof on tori, where it was first shown by C. Conley and E. Zehnder in 1983.
Statistical evaluation of physical and index properties of Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils
PublicationThis paper provides statistical evaluation of physical and index parameters of the Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils using three datasets. Soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands are grouped into the four categories: (1) silty/sandy loams, (2) organic clays, (3) organic silts and (4) peats. Variability of basic and derivative physical properties as well as Atterberg's limits and plasticity index is studied. It is found that...
Effect of temperature change on refractive index of an egg white and yolk: a preliminary study
PublicationIn this article, the refractive index of an egg white and yolk depending on temperature in range 30 - 47 °C over 1550 nm was determined. The measurement head was constructed as fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer with interference between polished fiber end-face and aluminum weighing dish. The measurement setup has been made of an optical spectrum analyzer, a superluminescent diode with a central wevelength of 1550 nm, 2:1 fiber...
Changes in the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 Methodology: The Improved Approach of Competitiveness Benchmarking
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is used as a standard for measuring a country’s competitiveness. However, in literature, the GCI has been accused of numerous methodological flaws. Consequently, in 2018, the WEF introduced significant methodological changes. This study aims to examine whether the methodological modifications in the GCI’s structure increase its ability to capture...
Determination of Odor Air Quality Index (OAQII) Using Gas Sensor Matrix
PublicationThis article presents a new way to determine odor nuisance based on the proposed odor air quality index (OAQII), using an instrumental method. This indicator relates the most important odor features, such as intensity, hedonic tone and odor concentration. The research was conducted at the compost screening yard of the municipal treatment plant in Central Poland, on which a self-constructed gas sensor array was placed. It consisted...
A possibility of vibration surveillance of the hybrid systems by the optimal control at energy performance index.
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest nadzorowaniu drgań niestacjonarnych układów mechanicznych modelowanych metodą elementów skończonych. W celu redukcji poziomu drgań wprowadzono zewnętrzne sygnały sterujące. Zdefiniowano uzmienniony w czasie energetyczny wskaźnik jakości. Uwzględnienie założenia o możliwości podziału układu na podukład modalny, podukład strukturalny oraz podukład łączący umożliwiło opis układu sterowanego we współrzędnych hybrydowych....
Risk characterisation of the required index R in the new probabilistic rules for damage stability
PublicationWymagany wskaźnik podziału grodziowego R jest miarą bezpieczeństwa statku w wypadku kolizji. Zwykle wyznacza się go w oparciu o wskaźniki dla wybranych, istniejących statków. W pracy podano jak ustalić ten wskaźnik w oparciu o dane dotyczące kolizji (wypadkowości) statków.
Construction of tournament robot Mirror taking part in Mini Sumo competition
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano projekt budowy robota turniejowego, startującego w zawodach Mini Sumo. Omówiono założenia dyscypliny Mini Sumo oraz konstrukcję mechaniczną, algorytmy sterujące i elektronikę zawartą w robocie.
Comparison of various flow maldistribution quantification methods in mini heat exchangers
PublicationThe aim of study is to compare various flow maldistribution quantification methods, using velocity, mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature. An experimentally validated numerical study has been prepared and a heat exchanger with 34 semi-circular channels with a diameter of 3.1 mm has been tested. The minichannels were heated from the bottom with a heat flux of 50, 60, 70, and 80 kW/m2. The cases for various inlet velocities of...
High-efficiency mini and micro heat exchangers for dispersed power generation
PublicationTaking into account the dispersed systems technologies and their development, the ORC systems seem to be promising technology amongst various micro-CHP domestic units (electrical power production below 10 kWe), however practical realization of the ORC cycle in a micro-scale is technically challenging. The system consists in devices such as the vapour generation unit (boiler), expansion device and heat exchangers. Each of them should...
Recovering Evaluation of Narrow-Kerf Teeth of Mini Sash Gang Saws
PublicationSash gang saws with narrow-kerf saw blades are used in the production of glued laminate flooring elements in plants where dry technology is applied. This means that boards or friezes are sawn into top layer lamellae in dry conditions (moisture content of about 10–12%) from expensive wood species, often exotic. The object of this research was stellite-tipped teeth of narrow kerf saw blades sharpened under industrial conditions....
Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar
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Colour Image Quality Assessment Using Structural Similarity Index and Singular Value Decomposition
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Effect of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on affective temperament, depression and body mass index in obesity
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Assessment of the glycaemic index, content of bioactive compounds, and their in vitro bioaccessibility in oat-buckwheat breads
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Water Footprint Index (WFTP) for Poznań as a Tool for Assessing Water Management in Urban Areas
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20+ years of Polish residential real estate prices – a house price index proxy
PublicationInformation on house prices is often considered crucial when assessing developments in economy. However, in Poland for the long time house prices haven’t been tracked in an organized manner. Recent developments, most notably house price indices developed by Poland’s national bank and by the statistical office do not go back more than 10 years, therefore data series are relatively short compared to those of other macroeconomic data. In...
Stakeholders Satisfaction Index as an Important Factor of Improving Quality Management Systems of Universities in Poland
PublicationThe following article analyses the role of stakeholders in selected methods of assessing the quality of educational services of universities and discusses quality management systems according to Common Assessment Framework for education. Furthermore, it presents the example of method of stakeholder satisfaction measurement called Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI) which is an original proposal of an aggregate measure of satisfaction...
approximation of photonic crystal fibres with large air holes by the step index fibre model
PublicationAn equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters...
A method of vibration surveillance with a use of the optimal control at energy performance index and the acceleration feedback
PublicationDokonano twórczej modyfikacji metody nadzorowania drgań za pomocą sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Zaproponowano oryginalną modyfikację, która polega na bezpośrednim powiązaniu sygnału pomiarowego z akcelerometru i optymalnego sygnału sterującego. Przewidziano obiecujące perspektywy zastosowań praktycznych zmodyfikowanej metody do przypadków frezowania szybkościowego.
Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile robots following dynamically created trajectories
PublicationIn practice, the problem of motion control of the wheeled mobile robots is often neglected. Wheeled mobile robots are strongly nonlinear systems and restricted by non-holonomic constraints. Motion control of such systems is not trivial task and usage of non-optimal control signals can lead to deterioration of the overall robot system’s performance. In case of autonomous application of the mobile robots all parts of its control...
Blue applicability grade index (BAGI) and software: a new tool for the evaluation of method practicality
PublicationIn this work, blue applicability grade index (BAGI) is proposed as a new metric tool for evaluating the practicality of an analytical method. BAGI can be considered complementary to the well-established green metrics, and it is mainly focused on the practical aspects of White Analytical Chemistry. This tool evaluates ten main attributes including the type of analysis, the number of analytes that are simultaneously determined, the...
Lab-in-syringe as a practical technique for automatic microextraction: Evaluation by Blue Applicability Grade Index
PublicationLab-in-syringe (LIS) is a powerful automatic technique that is derived from sequential injection analysis. In LIS, a computer-controlled syringe pump is employed, and its syringe barrel serves as a mixing, reaction, and/or extraction chamber. Until now, the LIS concept has been efficiently employed for the automation of solid-phase microextraction and liquid-phase microextraction protocols as a front-end to a plethora of chromatographic...
Xanthone synthetic derivatives with high anticandidal activity and positive mycostatic selectivity index values
PublicationWith the current massive increases in drug-resistant microbial infection as well as the significant role of fungal infections in the death toll of COVID-19, discovering new antifungals is extremely important. Natural and synthetic xanthones are promising derivatives, although only few reports have demonstrated their antifungal mechanism of action in detail. Newly synthetized by us xanthone derivative 44 exhibited strong antifungal...
Digital Access Index - pomiar dostępu kraju do technik informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych
PublicationArtykuł podaje syntetyczne informacje dotyczące jednego z ostatnich indeksów mierzących pomiar dostępu kraju do najnowszych technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych. Autorka poddaje analizie konstrukcję indeksu oraz jego komponentów
Justyna Płotka-Wasylka dr hab. inż.
PeopleUrodziła się w Słupsku (24.03.1986).W 2005 roku ukończyła I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana II Sobieskiego w Wejherowie i rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich ukończeniu w 2010 rozpoczęła pracę naukową na tej uczelni, uzyskując w 2014 roku stopień doktora nauk chemicznych. Tematem jej rozprawy doktorskiej, wykonywanej pod kierunkiem prof. Marka Biziuka oraz dr Caluma Morrisona (Uniwersytet w...
Broccoli by-products improve the nutraceutical potential of gluten-free mini sponge cakes
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Mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Application in Security, Safety, and Defence Studies
PublicationThe aim of the article is to analyse the use of mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Reality Environment (mini-CAVE) in academic studies on security, safety, and defence. The literature review based on Web of Science database and the case study of the War Studies University research activities indicated the mini-CAVE can be used in two areas as a research infrastructure and as a didactic tool. It can be concluded that due to the development...
Wykorzystanie bezzałogowych aparatów latających (mini śmigłowców) do wykonywania fotogrametrycznych zdjęć lotniczych z niskich pułapów = The use of unmaned aerial vehicles (mini helicoptes) in photogrammetry from low level
PublicationW artykule przedstawione zostały założenia wykorzystania bezzałogowego statku powietrznego do wykonywania zdjęć fotogrametrycznych z niskich pułapów.
A frequency-domain surveillance of the robot's structural vibration with a use of modal control at energy performance index
PublicationRozważano drgania niestacjonarnego układu nośnego robota IRb-6. W celu nadzorowania drgań zastosowano algorytm sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Podejście takie umożliwia wykorzystanie elementów projektowania mechatronicznego do nadzorowania drgań, którego celem jest minimalizacja amplitudy drgań końcówek manipulacyjnych, a w konsekwencji - poprawa dokładności i powtarzalności...
Augmentation index, pulse pressure amplification and superoxide anion production in patients with coronary artery disease
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Enhance Color Rendering Index via Full Spectrum Employing the Important Key of Cyan Phosphor
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Brassica Napus Florescence Modeling Based on Modified Vegetation Index Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
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The Gluten-Free Diet and Glycaemic Index in the Management of Coeliac Disease Associated with Type 1 Diabetes
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Cure Index demonstrates curing of epoxy composites containing silica nanoparticles of variable morphology and porosity
PublicationAn image was taken by Cure Index on curability of epoxy with silica nanoparticles having variable morphology and porosity. Three kinds of silica nanoparticles with non-porous curved-rod, non-porous spherical, and mesoporous spherical microstructures were synthesized and characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analyses. Epoxy nanocomposites containing...
Response of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer to refractive index and absorption changes – modelling and experiments
PublicationThis paper describes how the refractive index and the absorption of investigated substances change the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer. The modeling of the operation of the interferometer takes into account not only the spectra of the refractive index and the absorption of the medium that is inside the cavity, but also spectra of the refractive indices of the core and...
Mechatronics in the design of three wheeled mobile platform controlled by surveillance system at energy performance index
PublicationPraca jest poświęcona projektowaniu mechatronicznemu trójkołowej platformy mobilnej, sterowanej systemem nadzorowania bazującym na energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Zdefiniowany zakres badań i silna nieliniowość obiektu wymagały niezawodnego systemu sterowania. Warunki deterministyczne i zastosowany algorytm wpłynęły na wybór metody opracowania systemu. Przedstawione techniki projektowania mechatronicznego i przeprowadzone warianty...
Konkurencyjność międzynarodowa kraju w świetle analizy krytycznej metodologii pomiaru Global Competitiveness Index
PublicationW artykule zostały przedstawione wnioski z analizy krytycznej metodologii pomiaru Global Competitiveness Index, którą stosował do 2019 roku World Economic Forum (WEF). Przeprowadzone ba-dania autorskie umożliwiły również falsyfikację przyjmowanej przez WEF hipotezy, że konkurencyjność międzynarodowa determinuje poziom produktywności gospodarki. Wieloletnie badania dały asumpt do opracowania autorskiej propozycji podejścia do pomiaru...
Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Films as Reflective Layers for Fiber-Optic Sensors of Refractive Index of Liquids
PublicationThis paper reports the application of doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films—nitrogen-doped NCD and boron-doped NCD—as reflective surfaces in an interferometric sensor of refractive index dedicated to the measurements of liquids. The sensor is constructed as a Fabry–Pérot interferometer, working in the reflective mode. The diamond films were deposited on silicon substrates by a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition...
Preparation and Characterization of Microsphere ZnO ALD Coating Dedicated for the Fiber-Optic Refractive Index Sensor
PublicationWe report the fabrication of a novel fiber-optic sensor device, based on the use of a microsphere conformally coated with a thin layer of zinc oxide (ZnO) by atomic layer deposition (ALD), and its use as a refractive index sensor. The microsphere was prepared on the tip of a single-mode optical fiber, on which a conformal ZnO thin film of 200 nm was deposited using an ALD process based on diethyl zinc (DEZ) and water at 100 °C....
The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublicationBackground A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of physical activity (PA). This article describes the development process of the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework, a tool to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This involved a review of policy...
Multiple solutions of indefinite elliptic systems via a Galerkin-type Con- ley index theory
PublicationW pracy wykazano prawdziwość hipotezy Angenenta i van der Vorsta dotyczącąilości rozwiązań pewnego układu eliptycznego. Liczbę rozwiazań szacuje się zdołu przy pomocy niezmiennika topologicznego zwanego uogólnionym indeksemMorse`a. W dowodzie stosuje sie niezmienniczy index Conleya w przestrzeniachHilberta.
Modification of the structural model of manipulator's carrying system for a use of modal control at energy performance index.
PublicationW pracy rozważa się drgania niestacjonarnego układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6 modelowanego dyskretnie metodą sztywnych elementów skończonych. Z uwagi na gwałtowne ruchy (start, zatrzymanie) poszczególnych członów manipulatora, jest to problem o dużym znaczeniu praktycznym. Jednym ze sposobów nadzorowania tych drgań jest wykorzystanie sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Uwzględnia on zmianę w czasie względem...