Initial Investigation of Wave Interactions During Simultaneous Valve Closures in Hydraulic Piping Systems
PublicationThe effects of interference of pressure waves in simple piping systems were studied. A freeware computer code Allievi developed at the University of Valencia was used to simulate dynamic waveforms in simple and complex networks. The tests were carried out according to three scenarios. No pressure increases significantly exceeding the Joukowsky pressure in simple cases were noticed. When the effects of the simultaneous closing of...
Effectiveness of bluetooth scatternet coexisting with ieee 802.11b
PublicationArtykuł dotyka problematyki wzajemnych interferencji sieci Bluetooth i IEEE 802.11b. W szczególności analizowano wpływ transmisji 802.11b na pracę pojedynczej pikosieci w danym scatternecie BT.
Porównanie mechanizmów współistnienia sieci Bluetooth i IEEE802.11b
PublicationPasmo ISM wykorzystywane jest przez wiele różnych technologii transmisji bezprzewodowej. Tym samym pojawiają się problemy związane z zapewnieniem określonej efektywności dla sieci różnych technologii, ze względu na wzajemne interferencje. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane mechanizmy współistnienia sieci Bluetooth i IEEE802.11b.
Improved jamming resistance using electronically steerable parasitic antenna radiator
PublicationThis paper presents an idea of using an Electronically Steerable Parasitic Antenna Radiator (ESPAR) for jamming suppression in IEEE 802.11b networks. Jamming (intentional interference) attacks are known to be effective and easy to perform, which may impose connectivity problems in applications concerning Internet of Things (IoT). In our paper, theoretical considerations are presented and the results of experiments performed in...
Quantum mechanical which-way experiment with an internal degree of freedom
PublicationFor a particle travelling through an interferometer, the trade-off between the available which-way information and the interference visibility provides a lucid manifestation of the quantum mechanical wave-particle duality. Here we analyse this relation for a particle possessing an internal degree of freedom such as spin. We quantify the trade-off with a general inequality that paints an unexpectedly intricate picture of wave-particle...
Fiber optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO layers in transmission and reflective mode: comparative study
PublicationA construction of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer using a thin ZnO layer as a reflective surfaces was proposed and examined. In the investigated setup, the ZnO layer of thickness 200 nm were deposited on the face of the standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF-28). Measurements of interference signal were performed for the interferometer working in the transmission and reflective mode, as...
Ocena zagrożenia rurociągów podziemnych korozją wywoływaną przez prąd przemienny
PublicationScharakteryzowano interferencje prądu przemiennego na rurociągach podziemnych. Przedstawiono przyjętą w normie PKN-CEN/TS 15280 hipotezę mechanizmu korozji wywoływanej przez prąd przemienny w defektach powłoki rurociągów chronionych katodowo. Omówiono kryteria oceny zagrożenia korozyjnego rurociągów wraz z wynikami badań terenowych, które wykorzystywano przy opracowaniu normy.
Charakterystyki jakościowe i pojemnościowe interfejsu radiowego WCDMA/FDD w łączu w dół
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono analizę charakterystyk jakościowych i pojemnościowych interfejsu WCDMA/FDD w łączu w dół. Określono wpływ otrogonalności odbieranych sygnałów oraz interferencji zewnętrznych na jakość i pojemność w różnych środowiskach propagacyjnych.
Research on GNSS satellite navigation systems
PublicationThis article contains results of research on two GNSS systems, i.e. GPS and GLONASS. Architectures, signal structures and navigation messages of both systems have been described. Some selected investigation results, concerning receiver performance in presence of interference, have been presented.
Charakterystyki pojemnościowe interfejsu radiowego WCDMA/FDD w miejskim środowisku propagacyjnym
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono oryginalną metodologię analizy pojemności interfejsu WCDMA/FDD w łączu w górę i w dół. Określono wpływ ortogonalności sygnałów odbieranych oraz interferencji zewnętrznych na pojemność w środowisku miejskim o różnych charakterystykach propagacyjnych.
An optimization approach to coexistence of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi networks operating in ISM environment
PublicationW artykule rozważono problem wzajemnych interferencji pomiedzy urządzeniami standardów IEEE 802.11b oraz Bluetooth (BT). Zaproponowano model optymalizacyjny bazujący na podejściu programowania liniowego. Uzyskano znaczącą porawę wykorzystania pasma ISM w przypadku koegzystencji sieci rozważanych standardów.
Electromagnetic compatibility tests of warship antitorpedo jamming system
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie interferencji elektromagnetycznych na okręcie wojennym spowodowanych pracą antytorpedowego systemu zakłócającego. W warunkach laboratoryjnych, dla wybranej konfiguracji systemu, zostały przeprowadzone badania kompatybilnościowe i na podstawie otrzymanych rezultatów zostały sformułowane wnioski praktyczne.
Can Historic Interiors with Large Cubature be Turned Acoustically Correct?
PublicationHistoric interiors with large cubature, such as reception, theatrical, and concert halls, need to be renovated periodically if they are to be preserved as cultural heritage for future generations. In such cases it is necessary to maintain appropriate balance between requirements imposed by heritage conservation authorities office which are usually being given a higher priority, applicable safety regulations, and the comfort of...
A Nyquist filter of fractional delay
PublicationIn the paper a novel discrete-time FIR fractonal delay specjal filter is investigated. This is a Nyquist filter which, besides the traditional its attribute (interymbol interference (ISI) free property), has the ability to compensate for subsample transmission delay involved, for example, in multipath propagation channel. The performance of the filter is analysed and illustrated.
Suppression of distortions in signals received from Doppler sensor for vehicle speed measurement
PublicationDoppler sensors are commonly used for movement detection and speed measurement. However, electromagnetic interference and imperfections in sensor construction result in degradation of the signal to noise ratio. As a result, detection of signals reflected from moving objects becomes problematic. The paper proposes an algorithm for reduction of distortions and noise in the signal received from a simple, dual-channel type of a Doppler...
Zasady projektowania sieci radiokomunikacyjnej UMTS-LTE
PublicationW referacie opisano zasady projektowania sieci radiokomunikacyjnej UMTS-LTE. Omówiono procedurę projektowania oraz podano metodologię określania rzeczywistych przepływności sygnałów dla różnych wariantów transmisyjnych. Opisano zagadnienie określania parametrów bilansu łącza radiowego oraz przedyskutowano wpływ szumu i interferencji na pracę interfejsu radiowego.
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.
People -
Multiple-channel frequency-adaptive active vibration control using SONIC
PublicationSONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller) is an acronym of a new approach to rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discretetime stable linear plant with unknown and possibly timevarying dynamics. The paper presents two frequency-adaptive extensions of the multivariate SONIC algorithm. The efficacy of the proposed solutions is tested using our laboratory-scale active vibration control plant.
Wstępne rozmycie modelu do prognozowania wielkości sprzedaży kredytów hipotecznych w Internecie
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody modelowania rozmytego w odniesieniu do opracowanego wcześniej regułowego modelu służącego do prognozowania sprzedaży kredytów hipotecznych w Internecie na rynku polskim. Prezentowane są: zagadnienia dotyczące rynku, stworzony model regułowy wraz z nanoszonymi zmianami, szczegółowy przebieg procesów fuzyfikacji i interferencj oraz perspektywy rozwoju.
An improved frequency estimator for an adaptive active noise control scheme
PublicationAn improved frequency tracker is proposed for the recently introduced self optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC). The scheme is designed for disturbances with quasi-linear frequency modulation and, under second-order Gaussian random-walk assumption, can be shown to be statistically efficient. One real-world experiment and several simulations show that a considerable improvement in disturbance rejection may be achieved...
Estymacja odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału w cyfrowych systemach radiokomunikacji ruchomej.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono najpierw model kanału radiokomunikacyjnego z propagacją wielodrogową i efektem Dopplera, które wywołują zjawiska zaników i interferencji międzysymbolowych odbieranych sygnałów. Następnie omówiono sposoby przeciwdziałania skutkom tych zjawisk na podstawie estymacji bieżącej odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału. Porównano metody estymacji stosowane w systemach GSM, UMTS i IEEE 802.11a.
RF Multi-Functional Input-Reflectionless Dispersive-Delay Structure With Sharp-Rejection Filtering Using Channelization Techniques
PublicationA class of RF multi-functional input-reflectionless dispersive-delay structure (DDS) with linear-type in-band groupdelay variation and sharp-rejection bandpass-filtering capability is reported. It exploits a two-branch-channelized/balanced-type circuit with similar low-order reflective DDS units inside its channels, which are connected through input/output 3-dB quadrature wideband couplers. The adopted DDS unit is based on a coupledresonator...
Robust algorithm for active feedback control of narrowband noise
PublicationThe problem of active control of narrowband acoustic noise is considered. It is shown that the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), based on minimization of the L2-norm performance measure, can be re-derived using the L1 approach. The resulting robust SONIC algorithm is more robust to heavy-tailed measurement noise, such as the αlpha-stable noise, than the...
Performance analysis of co-existing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks
PublicationPasmo ISM wykorzystywane jest przez wiele różnych technologii transmisji bezprzewodowej. Tym samym pojawiają się problemy związane z zapewnieniem określonej efektywności dla sieci różnych technologii. W artykule analizowano wpływ wzajemnych interferencji nadajników sieci Bluetooth i IEEE802.11b, badano przykładowe scenariusze pracy oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących techniki AFH (ang. Adaptive Frequency Hopping).
Algorithms of chemicals detection using raman spectra
PublicationRaman spectrometers are devices which enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices utilize the Raman phenomenon to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives)without the necessity of their preparation. Now, Raman devices can be portable and therefore can be more widely used to improve security at public places. Unfortunately, Raman spectra measurements is a challenge...
Effect of temperature change on refractive index of an egg white and yolk: a preliminary study
PublicationIn this article, the refractive index of an egg white and yolk depending on temperature in range 30 - 47 °C over 1550 nm was determined. The measurement head was constructed as fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer with interference between polished fiber end-face and aluminum weighing dish. The measurement setup has been made of an optical spectrum analyzer, a superluminescent diode with a central wevelength of 1550 nm, 2:1 fiber...
Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for Thin Layer and Foil Measurements
PublicationThe main goal of this research was to assess if it is possible to evaluate the thickness of thin layers (both thin films on the surface and thin layers below the surface of the tested object) and foils using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for thickness assessment under the resolution of the standard commercially available OCT measurement system. In the proposed solution, light backscattered from the evaluated thin layer has...
Distortion of speech signals in the listening area: its mechanism and measurements
PublicationThe paper deals with a problem of the influence of the number and distribution of loudspeakers in speech reinforcement systems on the quality of publicly addressed voice messages, namely on speech intelligibility in the listening area. Linear superposition of time-shifted broadband waves of a same form and slightly different magnitudes that reach a listener from numerous coherent sources, is accompanied by interference effects...
Electrochemical glucose sensor based on the glucose oxidase entrapped in chitosan immobilized onto laser-processed Au-Ti electrode
PublicationThe study on novel electrode material composed of structured titanium foil with embedded Au nanoparticles and modified with chitosan with entrapped glucose oxidase is presented. To confirm the successful immobilization of glucose oxidase FT-IR analysis was performed. The response of electrodes were tested towards glucose in the presence of different interference compounds and biological fluids. The prepared material exhibits excellent...
The concept of anti-collision system of autonomous surface vehicle
PublicationThe use of unmanned vehicles in various fields of science and the economy is becoming more common. An extremely important aspect of creating this type of solution is to provide autonomous vehicle navigation, which does not require interference of the human factor or in which it is limited to a minimum. This article discusses the concept of autonomous anti-collision system of unmanned surface vehicle. It proposed a sensor system...
Demonstrator technologii wykrywania sygnałów z widmem rozproszonym poniżej poziomu szumu
PublicationW artykule opisano budowę i zasadę działania laboratoryjnego stanowiska do wykrywania sygnałów z widmem rozproszonym o małej mocy. Ponadto przedstawiono charakterystykę oprogramowania, realizującego cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów oraz stanowiącego interfejs użytkownika dla operatora stanowiska. Podano również wybrane wyniki przeprowadzonych badań, które pozwalają na oszacowanie możliwości detekcji przy założonym stosunku mocy sygnału...
White-light interferometric temperature sensor for biomedical diagnostic.
PublicationW artykule opisano opracowany model miniaturowego, światłowodowego czujnika temperatury z interferometrem Fabry-Perot wykorzystującego interferencję światła białego przeznaczonego do zastosowań biomedycznych. Analizowano czujnik wykonany ze światłowodu wielomodowego o skokowym profilu współczynnika załamania oraz ze światłowodu monomodowego. Zasadniczym celem był dobór parametrów mający na celu uzyskania maksymalnej widzialności...
Raman Spectra Measurements for Chemical Identifications - Aspect of Uncertainty Sources and Reduction of Their Effects
PublicationRaman spectrometers enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices measure Raman spectra and compare with the spectra database to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives) usually without any sample preparation. Raman spectra measurements are a challenge due to noise and interferences present outside the laboratories (field applications). The design of a portable Raman...
Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter
PublicationIn order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...
System of wireless magnetic sensors for detection and identification of ferromagnetic vehicles
PublicationThe paper presents the results of deformation of the Earth's magnetic field by land vehicles. Basing on the analysis of the shape of the magnetic field deformation, it is possible to detect and identify a vehicle. In order to eliminate the interference of the Earth's magnetic field by the environment, the measurements were performed in a differential configuration. Under a development project a wireless system of magnetic sensors...
Interactive Application for Visualization of the Basic Phenomena in RF and Microwave Devices
PublicationAn interactive computer application visualizing the basic phenomena in RF and microwave devices is presented. Such kind of educational package can be a very helpful tool for the students as well as for the teachers (of electronics and related fields). This paper is focused on three exemplary problems only and involves: movement of electric charge, filtering of electromagnetic waves and interference phenomena in antenna arrays. The...
Non-Contact Temperature Measurements Dataset
PublicationThe dataset titled The influence of the distance of the pyrometer from the surface of the radiating object on the accuracy of measurements contains temperature measurements using a selection of four commercially available pyrometers (CHY 314P, TM-F03B, TFA 31.1125 and AB-8855) as a function of the measuring distance. The dataset allows a comparison of the accuracy and measuring precision of the devices, which are very important...
Mixed electromagnetic - circuits modeling and parallelization for rigorouscharacterization of cosite interference in wireless communication channels. W: UGC 2002 Homepage [online]. Department of Defense High Performance Com- puting Modernization Program. Users Group Conference 2002. Austin, Texas, USA. June 10-14, 2002. [Dostęp: 15 grudnia**2002]. Dostępny w World Wide Web:[45 slajdów]. Modelowanie układów elektromagnetycznych i zrównoleglanie w celu określenia wzajemnych oddziaływań w bezprzewodowych kanałach komunikacyjnych.
PublicationRównoległe działanie sąsiadujące modułów nadawczo-odbiorczych typowo prowa-dzi do efektów ubocznych z powodu wzajemnych oddziaływań, które obniżają pa-rametry sieci. W celu scharakteryzowania takich efektów, zaprezentowano roz-wiązanie równań Maxwella w dziedzinie czasu z modelowaniem efektów nielinio-wych.
Optical profilometer
PublicationThe profilometry plays a huge role in the most fields of science and technology. It allows to measure the profile of the surface with high-resolution. This technique is used in the fields like optic, electronic, medicine, automotive, and much more. The aim of the current work was to design and build optical profilometer based on the interference phenomena. The developed device has been working with He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). The optical...
Accuracy of a low-cost autonomous hexacopter platforms navigation module for a photogrammetric and environmental measurements
PublicationA photogrammetry and environmental measurements from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are a low-cost alternative for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS) offers a variety of cheap components that a suitable to be used on board a UAV. In this paper a low-cost navigation module based on Ublox NEO-M8N GPS and Pixhawk flight controller have been described, as a main extrinsic parameters source...
A new role-switching mechanism optimizing the coexistence of bluetooth and wi-fi networks
PublicationPasmo ISM jest wykorzystywane przez sieci bezprzewodowe różnych technologii. Z tego powodu niezbędne jest opracowanie odpowiednich mechanizmów podnoszących efektywność pracy urządeń w środowisku współistniejących sieci. W artykule rozpatrywany jest problem wzajemnych interferencji pomiędzy nadajnikami IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi) oraz urządzeniami Bluetooth. Zaproponowano metodę optymalizacji określania topologii sieci BT, skutkującą...
Efektywność scatternetu Bluetooth współistniejącego z siecią IEEE 802.11b
PublicationPasmo ISM wykorzystywane jest przez wiele różnych technologii transmisji bezprzewodowej. Tym samym pojawiają się problemy związane z zapewnieniem określonej efektywności dla tych sieci. W artykule analizowano przykład interferencji pochodzących ze strony nadajników IEEE 802.11b (pot. Wi-Fi) oraz innych pikosieci Bluetooth (BT), które mają wpływ na transmisję w scatternecie Bluetooth oraz zaproponowano metodę wyznaczania pakietowej...
Application of IR UWB Spectrum Shaping to IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
PublicationCoexistence of existing narrowband systems and new ultra wideband devices in the same frequency range requires using some interference mitigation techniques, for example based on spectrum shaping. This paper presents efficiency of impulse radio spectrum shaping methods, applied to IEEE 802.15.4a UWB alternate physical layer signals. Basic parameters of 802.15.4a signal structure and outline of proposed spectrum shaping methods...
Towards Emotion Acquisition in IT Usability Evaluation Context
PublicationThe paper concerns extension of IT usability studies with automatic analysis of the emotional state of a user. Affect recognition methods and emotion representation models are reviewed and evaluated for applicability in usability testing procedures. Accuracy of emotion recognition, susceptibility to disturbances, independence on human will and interference with usability testing procedures are...
Tuning transfer function of fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer via introduction of birefringence in the cavity
PublicationThe study investigates the impact of birefringence exhibited by the cavity material of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer on its transfer function. The theoretical approach to analyze the effect of birefringence in the cavity of a plane Fabry-Pérot interferometer is described. The case of high- and low-finesse interferometer is investigated. It is shown that introduction of a birefringent medium of optimized parameters can...
Multiple jets impingement – numerical analysis by the ζ-f and hybrid VLES turbulence models
PublicationPresented paper summarizes the Authors findings referring to the numerical analyses of the jet impinging phenomena in the case of complex jets configurations in various applications e.g. in the heat exchangers. Multiple jets interference resulting in the cross-flow and the surface curvature are the factors which impose the need of advanced turbulence models utilization. The outcome of the research based on the ζ-f turbulence model...
Low-Coherence Interferometer with Nanocrystalline Diamond Films with Potential Application to Measure Small Biological Samples
PublicationThe study investigates a case of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry–Prerot interferometer with a nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) mirror. The method of achieving double density of interference fringes is proposed by the application of birefringent material in the cavity of the interferometer. It can be used to reduce sample volume in comparison to conventional interferometers. The use of a biocompatible diamond mirror makes it specifically...
IEEE 802.15.4a Impulse Radio Spectrum Shaping by Changes in Pulse Sequence
PublicationThis paper presents one of possible techniques of IEEE 802.15.4a ultra-wideband signal spectrum control, based on changes in sequences of transmitted pulses with very short duration time. This technique can reduce probability of mutual interferences between new ultra-wideband and existing narrowband devices, which may be helpful in further studies on allowing UWB transmission in wider range of spectrum in theEuropean Union.
Boron-doped diamond nanosheet volume-enriched screen-printed carbon electrodes: a platform for electroanalytical and impedimetric biosensor applications
PublicationThis paper focuses on the development of a novel electrode based on boron-doped diamond nanosheet full-volume-enriched screen-printed carbon electrodes (BDDPE) for use as an impedimetric biosensor. Impedimetric biosensors offer high sensitivity and selectivity for virus detection, but their use as point-of-care devices is limited by the complexity of nanomaterials’ architecture and the receptor immobilisation procedures. The study...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothing revisited
PublicationThe problem of identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of parameter estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithm...