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Search results for: PIECE RAFINERYJNE
Technologie Rafineryjno-Petrochemiczne-sem-2023
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Rectangular Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublicationIn this paper, a novel design for rectangular waveguide filters with deformed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators is demonstrated. The new resonant cavity shape is a result of applying shape deformation to the basic rectangular cavity to enable its dual-mode operation. Internal coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is realized by geometry deformation, eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The designs are...
Wykład pt. „Czy kryptowaluty zastąpią pieniądz tradycyjny?”
EventsDr hab. Krzysztof Piech z Uczelni Łazarskiego, dyrektor Centrum Technologii Blockchain będzie gościem prof. Piotra Dominiaka (WZiE) podczas jubileuszowego 25. spotkania z cyklu „Wieczór z Ekonomią”.
PublicationPrzedmiotem ekspertyzy było zbadanie właściwości mechanicznych poliwęglanu zaprojektowanego jako element zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku budowanego na mistrzostwa Europy w piłce nożnej EURO 2012. Ekspertyza obejmowała badania laboratoryjne poliwęglanu litego pod kątem zastosowania go jako materiału konstrukcyjnego oraz badania terenowe gotowych konstrukcyjnych elementów testowych w skali 1:1 w trakcie budowy stadionu.
Deformation and Surface Color Changes of Beech and Oak Wood Lamellas Resulting from the Drying Process
PublicationThe drying process was examined relative to parameters’ influence on the deformation and surface layer color changes of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak wood (Quercus robur L.). The goal was to analyze the impact of drying process conditions, wood and growth rings types, and load on the deformation and surface color changes of drying thin wooden elements. A further aim was to reduce the time of the lamella drying and minimize...
EURO 2012 - kreowanie produktu turystyki sportowej
PublicationJedną z form aktywnego spędzania wolnego czasu jest turystyka sportowa. Najważniejszą grupą turystów w tym wypadku są kibice sportowi, a przedmiotem ich konsumpcji są wydarzenia sportowe, np. Mistrzostwa Europy w piłce nożnej. W takim rozumieniu wydarzenie sportowe stanowi produkt turystyczny, którego wykreowanie jest niesłychanie trudnym zadaniem, co wynika przede wszystkim z faktu, iż jest w nie zaangażowane wiele niezależnych...
Software Tools to Measure the Duplication of Information
PublicationData stored in average computer system usually is not unique, portions of stored data are duplicated. When duplicated data are stored in separate files containing source code of computer program of student homework, a possibility of cheating should be seriously considered. This paper presents software tools built, in order to detect re-use of pieces of code in supplied text files. Three aspects of information atching are considered:...
Automatic Rhythm Retrieval from Musical Files
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of the effectiveness of two computational intelligence approaches applied to the task of retrieving rhythmic structure from musical files. The method proposed by the authors of this paper generates rhythmic levels first, and then uses these levels to compose rhythmic hypotheses. Three phases: creating periods, creating simplified hypotheses and creating full hypotheses are examined within this study....
Network society: a concept of smart information management
PublicationAutomatic enhancement of Internet broadcasted news has been recently gaining increasing importance and interest. Existing applications and models of textual Event Detection in online media are based on the analysis of news distributed via RSS (Rich Site Summary called also Really Simple Syndication) channels or available at news websites. It assumes that each piece of news is equally available to the reader and, therefore, describes...
Obszary doskonalenia jakości obsługi pacjentów na przykładzie gabinetów lekarzy rodzinnych
PublicationW niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano możliwość identyfikacji kluczowych obszarów mających wpływ na doskonalenie jakości obsługi pacjentów, na przykładzie najczestszej specjalizacji występującej w publicznej opiece zdrowotnej, jaką są lekarze rodzinni. W rozdziale zaprezentowano charakterystyke obszarów z uwzglednieniem różnych podejść. Tego typu analizy wraz z uwzględnieniem pacującego w przychodni personelu pozwoliły na jednoczesną...
The aluminium and polycarbonate covering of the canopy above the stadium in Gdansk
PublicationW artykule przestawiono informacje o elementach konstrukcyjnych poszycia zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku zrealizowanego z okazji rozgrywanych w Polsce i Ukrainie mistrzostw Europy w piłce nożnej. Omówione zostały elementy poszycia z poliwęglanu wraz z jego konstrukcją nośną oraz układem odwodnienia. Podano informacje o testach i badaniach przeprowadzonych przed wykonaniem obiektu, które zadecydowały o przyjętych rozwiązaniach...
Aluminiowo-poliwęglanowe poszycie przekrycia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku
PublicationPrzestawiono informacje o elementach konstrukcyjnych poszycia zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku zrealizowanego z okazji rozgrywanych w Polsce i Ukrainie mistrzostw Europy w piłce nożnej. Omówione zostały elementy poszycia z poliwęglanu wraz z jego konstrukcją nośną oraz układem odwodnienia. Podano informacje o testach i badaniach przeprowadzonych przed wykonaniem obiektu, które zadecydowały o przyjętych rozwiązaniach konstrukcyjnych...
Improving web user experience with caching user interface
PublicationIn human-computer interaction, response time is assumed generally not to exceed significantly 1-2 seconds. While the natural competition in the Internet public Web serving ensures adhering widely to such limits, some Web environments are less competitive and offer much worse user experience in terms of response time. This paper describes a solution to significantly improve user experience in terms of response time with only modification...
Scanning networks with cactus topology
PublicationThe family of Pursuit and Evasion problems is widelystudied because of its numerous practical applications,ranging from communication protocols to cybernetic andphysical security. Calculating the search number of a graphis one of most commonly analyzed members of this problemfamily. The search number is the smallest number of mobileagents required to capture an invisible and arbitrarily fastfugitive, for instance piece of malicious...
Product diversification, relative specialisation and economic development: import-export analysis.
PublicationThis paper contributes to trade diversification literature by comparing changes in relative (i.e. assessed in comparison with world patterns) heterogeneity of import and export structures in the process of economic development. In particular, by focusing on the diversification of imports, we add a missing piece to already analysed export trends. We use highly disaggregated trade statistics (4963 product lines) for 163 countries...
Agricultural utilisation of municipal sludge in willow plantation
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Dielectric response of electric-field distortions of the twist-bend nematic phase for LC dimers
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Syntactic modular decomposition of large ontologies with relational database
PublicationSupport for modularity allows complex ontologies to be separated into smaller pieces (modules) that are easier to maintain and compute. Instead of considering the entire complex ontology, users may benefit more by starting from a problem-specific set of concepts (signature of problem) from the ontology and exploring its surrounding logical modules. Additionally, an ontology modularization mechanism allows for the splitting up of...
Relative product diversification in the course of economic development: import-export analysis.
PublicationThis paper contributes to trade diversification literature by comparing changes in relative (i.e. assessed in comparison with world patterns) heterogeneity of import and export structures in the process of economic development. In particular, by focusing on the diversification of imports, we add a missing piece to already analysed export trends. We use highly disaggregated trade statistics (4963 product lines) for 163 countries...
On the Consumption of Multimedia Content Using Mobile Devices: a Year to Year User Case Study
PublicationIn the early days, consumption of multimedia content related with audio signals was only possible in a stationary manner. The music player was located at home, with a necessary physical drive. An alternative way for an individual was to attend a live performance at a concert hall or host a private concert at home. To sum up, audio-visual effects were only reserved for a narrow group of recipients. Today, thanks to portable players,...
PublicationThere are special cases in the marine industry, where additional material tests, such as the fracture toughness test, must be performed. Additional fracture toughness tests, such as CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement), are typically performed on three-point bend specimens. The dimension that defines all the specimen dimensions is the thickness of the material to be tested. It is recommended by classification societies (e.g. DNVGL)...
Evolutionary music composition system with statistically modeled criteria
PublicationThe paper concerns an original evolutionary music composition system. On the basis of available solutions, we have selected a finite set of music features which appear to have a key impact on the quality of composed musical phrases. Evaluation criteria have been divided into rule-based and statistical sub-sets. Elements of the cost function are modeled using a Gaussian distribution defined by the expected value and variance obtained...
Koncepcja pomiaru jakości obsługi klienta w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej.
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest problematyce zarządzania jakością w systemach gospodarczych. Dotyczy ona szczególności metodyki pomiaru jakości obsługi klienta w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Ustawiczna transformacja systemów opieki zdrowotnej, zarówno w Polsce i na świecie, jednocześnie niedostatek opracowań, dotyczących zarządzania jakością w opiece zdrowotnej (szczególnie w przychodniach), dowodzi konieczności poszukiwania...
Radiosensitization of DNA in presence of Pt(II)-based compounds
PublicationX-ray irradiation of plasmid DNA in presence of platinum (II)-based compounds was carried out in order to assess the radiosensitization capabilities of these drugs. In present investigations pBR322 plasmid DNA was used to monitor the effectiveness of chosen compounds in inducing strand breaks. Samples were incubated in the presence of potential radiosensitisers: platinum (II) bromide and cis-diamminedibromoplatinum (II). The results...
Entrepreneurs' intention to use tax relief
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the results of research conducted by the author among Polish entrepreneurs in 2017–2020. The diagnostic survey method was used to collect primary data among enterprises from the SME sector. The measurement instrument was a survey questionnaire developed by the author. This study is a key piece of research. The aim was to examine...
Computing dynamical curlicues
Open Research DataA curlicue is a piece-wise linear curve in the complex plane which can be generated by an arbitrary sequence of real numbers u_n. It can be interpreted as a trajectory of a particle in the plane which starts in the origin at time t=0 and moves with a constant velocity, changing its direction at instances t=0,1,2,3,..., where the new direction is given...
Content-Based Approach to Automatic Recommendation of Music
PublicationThis paper presents a content-based approach to music recommendation. For this purpose, a database which contains more than 50000 music excerpts acquired from public repositories was built. Datasets contain tracks of distinct performers within several music genres. All music pieces were converted to mp3 format and then parameterized based on MPEG-7, mel-cepstral and time-related dedicated parameters. All feature vectors are stored...
Research Equipment -
Badanie wierności brzmienia dźwięku instrumentów wirtualnych VST/TRTAS
PublicationTematem referatu jest subiektywne badanie wierności brzmienia instrumentów wirtualnych (VST/TRTAS) wykorzystujących próbkowanie dźwięków rzeczywistych instrumentów muzycznych. Na potrzeby przedstawionej pracy wybrano kilka utworów muzyki orkiestrowej z epoki romantyzmu i klasycyzmu, nagranych przy użyciu instrumentów akustycznych. Następnie zaaranżowano fragmenty tych utworów, wykorzystując do tego instrumenty wirtualne i efekty...
Reliability model of slide bearings with particular attention given to lubricating oil
PublicationThe paper presents the slide bearing with circulating lubrication as a system of series three-element structure, where lubricating oil is the weakest link. In accordance with the Pierce statement that ''strength of chain is the strength of its weakest link'', a bearing reliability model has been developed. It allows to use the lubricating oil to evaluate the probability of correct working of the whole slide bearing, i.e. the reliability....
Decisional DNA based intelligent knowledge model for flexible manufacturing system
PublicationModeling an effective mechanism for design and control strategies for the implementation of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) has been a challenge. Consequently, to overcome this issue various techniques have applied in the past but most of these models are effective only for some specific situation or an element of FMS. In this study, the knowledge representation technique of Decisional DNA (DDNA) is applied to FMS to develop...
Music Information Retrieval – Soft Computing versus Statistics . Wyszukiwanie informacji muzycznej - algorytmy uczące versus metody statystyczne
PublicationMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary research area that covers automated extraction of information from audio signals, music databases and services enabling the indexed information searching. In the early stages the primary focus of MIR was on music information through Query-by-Humming (QBH) applications, i.e. on identifying a piece of music by singing (singing/whistling), while more advanced implementations...
Creating Shared Value by the University
PublicationPurpose Works that link creating shared value (CSV) with the university are arising, and there is a hope for a great future of this combination. The main problem with these works is that they are based on the wrong assumptions of what CSV is. The aim of the paper is to properly explain the concept of CSV and match it with university social responsibility (USR) at a strategic level. Design/methodology/approach A literature review...
Iterative Algorithms for Multilayer Optimizing Control
PublicationMonografia przedstawia struktury, koncepcje i algorytmy dla wielowarstwowego sterowania optymalizującego procesami przemysłowymi będące w przeważającym stopniu wynikiem badań prowadzonych przez jej autorów. Metodologie i algorytmy sterowania są starannie ilustrowane wynikami symulacji dla wybranych przykładowych systemów. Oprócz tego przedstawione są zastosowania do realnych obiektów przemysłowych: kolumny destylacyjnej etyliny,...
Monitoring uciążliwości zapachowej pochodzenia rafineryjno-bytowego w Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej przy wykorzystaniu technologii elektronicznego nosa
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to PBS2/B2/24/2013 agreement from 2013-12-13
New Class of Antimicrobial Agents: SBA-15 Silica Containing Anchored Copper Ions
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Investigation of the C-1311 glucuronidation: an electrochemical approach
Open Research DataThis study was undertaken to investigate the glucuronidation of the compound C-1311 (5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone – the model anticancer acridine derivative) using electrochemistry/mass spectrometry (EC/MS) as a complementary technique to in vitro (liver microsomes) and in silico approaches.
PublicationThis paper presents a modelling of accumulation and dissipation energy in simple drive system. The simple drive system is presented by laboratory stand designed for calculate fatigue life of material for bending and rotation tests pieces. The laboratory stand was prepared to diagnosis of fatigue life of material by use energetic methods. This idea was submitted as utility model to Polish Patent Office. This laboratory stand gives...
Koszty administracyjne w szpitalu
PublicationNa całym świecie obserwuje się wzrost kosztów opieki zdrowotnej. Rosną zarówno koszty świadczeń zdrowotnych, jak i koszty obsługi świadczeń zdrowotnych, czyli koszty administracyjne. Można zauważyć również wzrost obciążeń administracyjnych po stronie personelu medycznego oraz niemedycznego podmiotów leczniczych. Zdecydowanie większa ilość informacji przekazywana jest także płatnikowi. Działania te przyczyniają się do wzrostu kosztów...
The Hypothesis of Trace Elements Involvement in the Coronary Arteries Atherosclerotic Plaques’ Location
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Proximal fibular osteotomy as a treatment for degenerative meniscal extrusion
PublicationMeniscal extrusion treatment is a key focus area for research and clinical study of degenerative knee pathology. The contact forces between the meniscus and the bones cause external displacements of the meniscus that are resisted by the circumferential fibres. The main risk factors for the excessive deformation of the meniscus are meniscal root tears, disruption of the circumferential fibres, knee malalignment and high body mass...
Low-Loss 3D-Printed Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublicationThis paper introduces a new type of waveguide filter with smooth profile, based on specially designed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators. The DM cavity design is achieved by applying a shape deformation scheme. The coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is implemented by breaking the symmetry of the structure, thus eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The modes operating in the cavity are carefully analyzed...
Commercial function as a treat to the monument - 25 years of experience in the commercialization of monuments in Gdansk, Poland
PublicationThe principles of the market economy adopted in Poland in the nineties have significantly touched the resources of immovable monuments. As a result, monuments have become a product of culture subject to the rules of the free market; and state ownership, patronage and decision-making practice has now been replaced by private interest. Practical monument use has also changed with the shift in ownership of objects after privatization...
Self Portrait with a Mask
PublicationPaweł SASIN - Self Portrait with a Mask “Every work of art is the child of its time, and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions. “ Wassily Kandynsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art The two years 2020 and 2021 were marked by the COVID-19 pandemic – a lengthy period of time in which everyone felt in danger of losing one’s health or life. As a result, many people were experiencing negative emotion, becoming subject to psychological...
Power System Stabilizer as a Part of a Generator MPC Adaptive Predictive Control System
PublicationIn this paper, a model predictive controller based on a generator model for prediction purposes is proposed to replace a standard generator controller with a stabilizer of a power system. Such a local controller utilizes an input-output model of the system taking into consideration not only a generator voltage Ug but also an additional, auxiliary signal (e.g., α, Pg, or ωg). This additional piece of information allows for taking...
Wykorzystanie chromatografii gazowej do destylacji symulowanej (SIMDIS). Aktualny stan wiedzy i nowe perspektywy
PublicationChromatografia gazowa (GC) zajmuje szczególne miejsce w analityce przemysłu rafineryjnego i petrochemicznego. Początki chromatografii gazowej i jej dalszy rozwój wielokrotnie podyktowane były potrzebami w zakresie analityki naftowej. Jednym z ważnych zastosowań GC jest możliwość wykonywania destylacji symulowanej (SIMDIS, ang. Simulated Distillation). Na podstawie wartości czasu retencji mieszaniny wzorcowych n-parafin o znanej...
The Evaluation of Use of Colors in Graphical User-Interfaces in Healthcare
PublicationIn this paper, color difference/contrast measures are investigated in reference to results of experiments with the participation of average, color-normal observers and with individuals with deuteranopia. Additionally, a new method for the automatic analysis of color contrast is proposed, which supports designers of graphical user- interfaces in healthcare. The method was verified using the GUI phantom of a vital signs monitor (the...
On the crack front curvature in bonded joints
PublicationStandard tests of adhesively bonded specimens are likely to produce heterogeneous stress distribution along the crack front and its vicinity. High separation rate mode I dominated fracture test is performed.Observation of post mortem fractured surfaces with an optical microscope reveals characteristic features of mixed mode I/III fracture near the sides of the specimen but not in the middle. At first, finite elements calculations...
Transformation of Small and Medium - Sized Enterprises in Pomerania due to staging the EURO 2012 with particular emphasis on the hotel industry
PublicationKluczowym motywem rozważań w opracowaniu jest kwestia transformacji biznesu. Przedmiotem analizy jest przekształcanie impulsów i procesów przebiegających w sferze publicznej na działalność przedsiębiorstw sektora MŚP. Bezpośrednim impulsem ilustrującym reaktywność małych przedsiębiorstw była decyzja o mistrzostwach Europy w piłce nożnej w Polsce w 2012 roku. Przedsiębiorczość wyraziła się znacznym rozwojem bazy hotelowej w wielu...
Urban lighting masterplan – origins, definitions, methodologies and collaborations
PublicationAwareness of the significance and benefits of properly designed urban lighting masterplans has been growing since the early 21 st century. There are many factors driving this notable change, such as developments in lighting technology, energy conservation, city branding design and economics, environmental impacts, human health and wellbeing, and people-oriented sociological aspects. As the profession of ‘independent urban lighting...