total: 2728
- Publications 1727 available results
- Journals 169 available results
- Conferences 12 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 31 available results
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- Open Research Data 509 available results
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Impact of Demographic Changes onto National Economy Development
PublicationThe effects of population decline and their influence onto the national economy need to be analyzed with reference to modern demographic trends regarding society ageing process. The problem of demographic changes does not only concern the birth rate, life span and migration, but it also refers to economic phenomena and thus, the economic and demographic trend interrelation becomes quite obvious. Macroeconomic approach defines the...
Share of the wage factor in national income – selected aspects
PublicationThe aim of this study is to examine changes in the share of the wage factor in national income, in selected EU countries against labour productivity and investment rates reflecting changes in capital-labour relations, indicated by researchers as determinants of change of the share of the wage factor in national income. The scope of the study includes a review of literature devoted to the issue of wage factor share in national income...
Power devices in Polish National Silicon Carbide Program
PublicationArtykuł zawiera informacje o polskim rządowym programie ''Nowe technologie na bazie węglika krzemu i ich zastosowania w elektronice wielkich częstotliwości, dużych mocy i wysokich temperatur''. Program zawiera trzy główne zadania zawierające następujące cele: wytworzenie podłoży z SiC, wytworzenie przyrządów z SiC oraz ocenę działania wybranych przyrządów w układach aplikacyjnych. Omówiono zastosowane metody wytwarzania podłoży,...
Prevalence of diabetes in Poland: a combined analysis of national databases
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Financing of protected areas on the example of Białowieża national park
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The Efficiency and Productivity Evaluation of National Innovation Systems in Europe
PublicationPurpose: An efficient innovation system currently plays a crucial role in creating competitive prevalence, contributing to the economic growth of individual states. The innovation system is influenced by many socioeconomic factors, including in international rankings of innovativeness of economies. These classifications have some limitations. Primarily, they do not examine the efficiency, which means they do not analyze the...
Organization of technical rescue operations in the national rescue system
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The Efficiency and Productivity Evaluation of National Innovation Systems in Europe
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Speed monitoring and management in national road safety program
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono system długoterminowych badań prędkości pojazdów umozliwiający śledzenie ich zmian. Zmiany te są analizowane w powiązaniu z wdrażanymi środkami nadzoru oraz edukacyjnymi oddziaływaniami na uczestników ruchu, a także ze zmianami infrastruktury drogowej. Podano też ogólne zalecenia do programu GAMBIT 2005, wynikające z dotychczasowych badań prędkości.
Driver Fatigue and Road Safety on Poland's National Roads
PublicationThis paper presents an overview of factors causing driver fatigue as described in the literature. Next, a traffic crash database for 2003–2007 is used to identify the causes, circumstances and consequences of accidents caused by driver fatigue on Poland’s national roads. The results of the study were used to build a model showing the relationship between the concentration of road accidents and casualties, and the time of day. Finally,...
CSR and small business from the international and national perspective
PublicationCorporate and social responsibility is nowadays quite a popular topic among large companies but thanks to numerous popularization activities undertaken by national and international institutions, also small entrepreneurs become more and more interested in exploring this fairly new approach. This paper outlines the main differences between the implementation of the CSR approach in large companies and in SMEs, which are not able...
Driver Fatigue and Road Safety on Poland’s National Roads
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PublicationThis paper presents characteristics of the Biovac® wastewater treatment plants operating in the mountain areas of the Polish national parks (NP): Tatrzanski NP and Babiogórski NP as well as in the West Spitsbergen NP. On the basis of the laboratory tests performed on raw sewage and the final effluent the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plants was evaluated. It was found that high COD values and rather high COD / BOD5 ratios...
Functional delay fractional equations
PublicationIn this paper, we discuss functional delay fractional equations. A Banach fixed point theorem is applied to obtain the existence (uniqueness) theorem. We also discuss such problems when a delay argument has a form α(t) = αt, 0 < α < 1, by Rusing the method of successive approximations. Some existence results are also formulated in this case. An example illustrates the main result.
A Note on Fractional Curl Operator
PublicationIn this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...
A Nyquist filter of fractional delay
PublicationIn the paper a novel discrete-time FIR fractonal delay specjal filter is investigated. This is a Nyquist filter which, besides the traditional its attribute (interymbol interference (ISI) free property), has the ability to compensate for subsample transmission delay involved, for example, in multipath propagation channel. The performance of the filter is analysed and illustrated.
Fractional problems with advanced arguments
PublicationThis paper concerns boundary fractional differential problems with advanced arguments. We investigate the existence of initial value problems when the initial point is given at the end point of an interval. Nonhomogeneous linear fractional differential equations are also studied. The existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with advanced arguments and with boundary value problems has been investigated by using...
Spatial planning on regional level
PublicationPolish spatial planning results from typical for countries of Central and Eastern Europe transition . They have undergone the transformation from decentralized management system based on the dominance of state to the system of representative democracy, based on self-government administration; also territorial on regional level.
Continuum wave functions for estimating the electric dipole moment: Calculation based on a multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock approximation
PublicationThe multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method is employed to calculate the continuum electron wave functions, which are then used to estimate their contribution to the atomic electric dipole moment (EDM) of 129Xe. The EDM arises from (P,T)-odd electron-nucleon tensor-pseudotensor and pseudoscalar-scalar interactions, the nuclear Schiff moment, the interaction of the electron electric dipole moment with nuclear magnetic moments,...
Regional Studies Regional Science
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The role of support institutions (including the regional development agencies) in the implementation system of the new regional policy
PublicationArtykul prezentuje instytucjonalne aspekty rozwoju regionalnego.
A review on computer‐aided chemogenomics and drug repositioning for rational COVID ‐19 drug discovery
PublicationApplication of materials capable of energy harvesting to increase the efficiency and environmental adaptability is sometimes reflected in the ability of discovery of some traces in an environment―either experimentally or computationally―to enlarge practical application window. The emergence of computational methods, particularly computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), provides ample opportunities for the rapid discovery and development...
Clinical and conventional pharmacy services in Polish hospitals: a national survey
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Preparation and implementation of the National Road Safety Programme GAMBIT 2005
PublicationKrajowy Program BRD GAMBIT 2005 jest spójny z najwazniejszymi dokumentami dotyczącymi rozwoju systemu transportu w Polsce (Polityka Transportowa, Strategia Rozwoju Transportu). Jest też spójny z III Planem BRD Unii Europejskiej. Program ten daje możliwość zintensyfikowania działań prewencyjnych, prowadzonych w celu ochrony zycia i zdrowia uczestników ruchu drogowego. Efektem tego programu będzie uratowanie życia kilkunastu tysiącom...
Configuration of the reference stations as the element of national reference frame reliability
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The 2021 National Census in Poland – addressing the challenges of a digital census
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The idea of a geothermal power station working in national geological conditions.
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję elektrowni geotermalnej pracującej w krajowych warunkach geologicznych. Przeprowadzono analizę obiegu Clausiusa-Rankine'a i na tej podstawie dobrano parametry obiegu na czynnik niskowrzący - izobutan. Określono główne wymiary urządzeń do realizacji technicznej takiej elektrowni. Przeprowadzono uproszczoną analizę ekonomiczną takiej inwestycji.
Prevalence of insomnia in Poland — results of the National Health Interview Survey
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Influence of operation of national experimental nuclear reactor on the natural environment
PublicationThis paper presents the impact of experimental nuclear reactor operations on the national environment, based on assessment reports of the radiological protection of active nuclear technology sources. Using the analysis of measurements carried out in the last 15 years, the trends are presented in selected elements of the environment on the Świerk Nuclear Centre site and its surroundings. In addition, the impact of research results...
CAES – Energy storage providing stability for national power system
PublicationThis paper presents a short characteristics of the power system. It also describes various types of energy storage technologies. The suggested solution of accumulation and generation of electric power is based on the cooperation of gas turbine with Compressed Air Storage Energy systems – CAES. This analysis describes also various types of cooperation of CAES and renewable sources of energy, particularly wind power systems.
What Makes Bariatric Operations Difficult–Results of a National Survey
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Modeling of traffic safety indictors on Polish national road network
PublicationAlthough decreased from 2001 to 2013, Poland’s road deaths improved at a slower rate than the rest of the EU, leaving Poland as one of the worst road safety performing countries in the EU. The national road network in Poland, despite the dynamic transformation and development, still does not conform to the EU safety standards. Similar situation exists in other EU countries, particularly those in Central and Eastern Europe. Safety...
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Density of Fatalities on National Roads in Poland
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Approximation of Message Inter-Arrival and Inter-Departure Time Distributions in IMS/NGN Architecture Using Phase-Type Distributions
PublicationCurrently it is assumed that requirements of the information society for delivering multimedia services will be satisfied by the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. In order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), NGN has to be appropriately designed and dimensioned. Therefore, proper traffic models should be proposed and applied. This requires determination...
Modelling fatalities on regional road networks
PublicationDuring the last decade Poland’s road fatalities went down by 44%. The trend differs from region to region. Effective road safetymanagement in regions requires tools for forecasting road safety measures and identifying factors influencing road fatality numbers. Mathematical models can provide such tools. They take into account local characteristics such as: demography, economy, infrastructure and motorization. Such models could...
Informal work in Poland - a regional approach
PublicationIn our paper we try to combine the theories explaining the prevalence of informal work, using a regional approach. Reviewing the literature, we observe that, there is no evidence to confirm that the relationships that occur in cross-country comparisons remain significant when we use regional data and analyse cross-regional variations. Our general question is therefore whether there is simply more informal work in less-developed...
The Relational Benefits and the Quality of Services in Tourism
PublicationIn a very competitive environment, it is highly important to identify the indicators that exert a major influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the current relationship marketing concept of relational benefits (Gwinner, Gremler, Bitner, 1998; Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Gremler, 2002) and destination quality (Blazquez-Resino, Molina, Esteban-Talaya, 2015), a conceptual model was built. The present paper aims to analyse...
Fractional differential equations with deviating arguments
PublicationDla równań różniczkowych typu ułamkowego, zostały podane warunki dostateczne na istnienie jednego rozwiązania lub rozwiazań ekstremalnych. Nierówności różniczkowe są też doskutowane.
The influence of vocational orientation on regional competitiveness
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Some applications of fractional order calculus
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Fractional Order Models of Dynamic Systems
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Optimal Control for Discrete Fractional Systems
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Boundary problems for fractional differential equations
PublicationIn this paper, the existence of solutions of fractional differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions is investigated. The monotone iterative method combined with lower and upper solutions is applied. Fractional differential inequalities are also discussed. Two examples are added to illustrate the results.
Study of rotational separators operation and design
PublicationOmówiono zasadę działania i podstawy projektowania separatorów cyrkulacyjnych, wyrózniając separatory wirowe oraz cyklony.Przeanalizowano bilans sił, działających na cząstkę usuwanej zawiesiny. Na przykładzie obliczeniowym wykazano wady istniejących metod projektowych. Przedstawiono ogólną koncepcję nowej metody.
Fractional differential equations with causal operators
PublicationWe study fractional differential equations with causal operators. The existence of solutions is obtained by applying the successive approximate method. Some applications are discussed including also the case when causal operator Q is a linear operator. Examples illustrate some results.
Fractional Order Dynamic Positioning Controller
PublicationImproving the performance of Dynamic Positioning System in such applications as station keeping, position mooring and slow speed references tracking requires improving the position and heading control precision. These goals can be achieved through the improvement of the ship control system. Fractional-order calculus is a very useful tool which extends classical, integer-order calculus and is used in contemporary modeling and control...
Demographic Changes in Poland – The Regional Dimension
PublicationThe article notes that the ageing process does not occur uniformly across all Polish regions, i.e. at the same pace and with the same intensity. The results of studies indicating the regions being most vulnerable to the ageing of the regional community and the negative consequences of this process in the next two decades are presented.
Systems of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations
PublicationUsing the iterative method, this paper investigates the existence of a unique solution to systems of nonlinear fractional differential equations, which involve the right-handed Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives D(T)(q)x and D(T)(q)y. Systems of linear fractional differential equations are also discussed. Two examples are added to illustrate the results.