Search results for: SKETCHING
EMI attenuation in a DC-DC buck converter using GaN HEMT
PublicationA dc-dc buck converter using gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) is experimentally investigated at the discontinuous current mode (DCM) and at the triangular current mode (TCM) operation. The paper objective is to specify the power conversion efficiency and attenuation of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) noise voltage, measured at the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for compared...
Optimal Components Design for Modified Z-Source Based IPT Approach
PublicationThis paper describes components estimation process for IPT approach based on Z-source network. Proposed model covers main parameters of the system and gives efficient way to evaluate optimal parameters for fixed switching frequency and distance.
Mechanical response of human thoracic spine ligaments under quasi-static loading (Raw Data)
Open Research DataThe RawDataSet contains experimental results from quasi-static uniaxial stretching tests of the ligaments of the human thoracic spine. The data includes results for the tensioning of Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments, Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments, Capsular Ligaments, Ligamentum Flavum, Interspinous Ligaments, and Supraspinous Ligaments.
Urbanistyka i polityka rozwoju II. Przedmioty do wyboru - Urban Sketching. Sem. VI GP 2019/2020
e-Learning CoursesKurs dla studentów VI semestru I stopnia studiów Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Szkic, jako narzędzie poznania architektury i przestrzeni miasta, analizy struktury i relacji przestrzennych oraz sposobów funkcjonowania. Odnośnik do zewnętrznego kursu: Konsultacje mailowe:
Recovery of silver metallization from damaged silicon cells
PublicationMetallization is one of the key process steps to fabricate solar cells with high performance in a cost-effective way. Majority of photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing uses thick film screen print metallization with Ag containing paste to produce solar cells. The average lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years. The disposal of PV systems will become a problem in view of the continually increasing production...
Recovery and re-use of photovoltaic solar cells from crystalline silicon
PublicationCrystalline silicon-type PV modules consist, in order of mass, of glass, an aluminium frame, an EVA coating, solar cells, a terminal box, back film and tapping screws. From the economic point of view, pure silicon, recoverable from spent cells, is the most important material owing to its cost and shortage. For crystalline, silicon-based PV cells, the following chemical treatments were performed: removal of the metal coating, followed...
Technological substitution in Asia
PublicationThis book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development diffusion patterns, unveils specific ‘network effects’ that enhance rapid spread of ICT, and detect major macroeconomic determinants of this process, across 36 Asian economies over the period 1980-2015. Moreover, this research traces country-specific patterns of the unique process. We consider two types of technological substitution,...
SiC-based T-type modules for multi-pulse inverter with coupled inductors
PublicationThe paper presents SiC-based three-level T-type modules designed for a high-performance 30kVA DC/AC inverter operating at high frequency 85 kHz with low THD of the output voltage. This inverter system consists of two integrated parts. The first part is active and contains three parallelconnected three-phase T-type modules built with fast-switching SiC power transistors. The second, passive part of the system is a set of inductors...
System Supporting Speech Perception in Special Educational Needs Schoolchildren
PublicationThe system supporting speech perception during the classes is presented in the paper. The system is a combination of portable device, which enables real-time speech stretching, with the workstation designed in order to perform hearing tests. System was designed to help children suffering from Central Auditory Processing Disorders.
Impact of digital signal processing on FOC current feedback in high-speed PMSM drive
PublicationIn applications where size and weight of the electric motor are among major design concerns, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) with wide operational speed-range are commonly preferred. Due to limited inverter switching frequency, high-speed operation of a drive results in a low ratio between the switching frequency and the fundamental frequency of motor voltage. Such operating conditions have been recently identified...
Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter
PublicationThis paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...
Common-Mode Voltage and Bearing Currents in PWM Inverters: Causes, Effects and Prevention
PublicationIn modern induction motor drives an increase of transistors' switching frequency and a decrease of switching times are the sources of some serious problems. The high dv/dt and the common mode voltage generated by the inverter PWM control results in the appearances of bearing currents, shaft voltages, motor terminal overvoltages, the decrease of motor efficiency, and electromagnetic interference. The aspects of common mode (CM)...
Performance Evaluation of a 650V E-HEMT GaN Power Switch
PublicationGaN power switches have better characteristics compared to the state-of-the-art Si power transistors. These devices offer high operating temperature and current densities, fast switching and low on-resistance. However, currently only a few producers offer technology of high voltage GaN transistors. Immaturity of this technology is the reason why experimental evaluation of GaN parameters must be performed to properly exploit their...
The Issues of Reactive Power Compensation in High-voltage Transmission Lines
PublicationThis paper discusses the selection of compensation shunt reactors for a double-circuit 400 kV transmission line using the example of the newly built Elk Bis – Alytus transmission line. The analysis takes into account various conditions of the power system. The published results relate to voltage levels in steady states and during switching processes and short circuits.
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataFor Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were performed in air in the temperature range of 450-800 ℃ after switching water partial pressure between...
Nitrogen sorption isotherm for V2CTx
Open Research DataData of points for nitrogen sorption isotherm for sample V2CTx (only sorption branch). The V2CTx was prepared via selective etching of aluminium from MAX matrice V2AlC using 50% HF for 96 h at room temperature.
Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM For a Cascaded Multi-level Inverter
PublicationThis paper deals with the selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) technique. This technique is used for the elimination of selected dominant low order harmonics in the multi-level inverter output voltage. The presence of these harmonics is the essential drawback of such kind of inverters; especially when it is used for the control of different AC drivers. The SHE-PWM is based...
PublicationHydraulic systems are used in many different industries, such as multi-source hydrostatic drive systems. In traditional hydraulic systems, a proportional servo valve is used to control the position of hydraulic actuators. The low energy efficiency and high cost of these control valves are two major problems with these systems. Digital hydraulics is one of the most unique ideas on how to solve these problems. Researchers like digital...
Real-time speech-rate modification experiments
PublicationAn algorithm designed for real-time speech time scale modification (stretching) is proposed, providing a combination of typical synchronous overlap and add based time scale modification algorithm and signal redundancy detection algorithms that allow to remove parts of the speech signal and replace them with the stretched speech signal fragments. Effectiveness of signal processing algorithms are examined experimentally together...
Optimized Space-Vector Modulation Schemes for Five-Phase Precision Low-Speed Drives with Minimizing the Stator Current Ripple
PublicationOne of the main ways to improve the quality of a precision electric drive is minimization of the stator current pulsations generated by the voltage inverter. The solution of this problem can be achieved by using of multiphase inverters, as well as improving control algorithms. This paper considers the influence of the space-vector modulation algorithm with different switching sequences of basic vectors on the stator current pulsations...
Comparative analysis of three‐phase dual active bridge converter with different transformer topology and modern universal control for DC microgrids
PublicationThe presented work discusses issues related to the use of modern multiphase topologies of Dual Active Bridge (DAB)-type converters. Converters of this type are widely used in most DC microgrid applications. The introduction emphasizes a comparative analysis between single-phase and multi-phase DAB topologies within high-power DC microgrids, delving into their respective advantages, drawbacks, design procedures, and considerations...
Evaluation of IEEE 802.21 Handover between IEEE 802.11 and UMTS Networks
PublicationThe paper presents IEEE 802.21 - the ongoing standard for network handovers - illustrating its functional features, and considering and simulating a set of scenarios of mobile stations moving between IEEE 802.11 and UMTS networks. In order to evaluate the performance of IEEE 802.21 hanover packet loses and switching delays caused by hanover procedures are investigated. The authors discuss example results of simulation experiments...
Intelligent multimedia solutions supporting special education needs.
PublicationThe role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....
Intelligent video and audio applications for learning enhancement
PublicationThe role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....
Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator
PublicationElectrodynamic actuators are used in hybrid switching systems where a very quick contact separation as well as operation repeatability and long-term reliability are required. The article presents selected results of thermal studies in the electrodynamic drive system. Study was carried out on the basis of the 3D electromagneto-thermal model implemented in the Ansys_Maxwell environment. The present model allows to determine the critical...
Hybrid Approach to Networked Control System
PublicationEffcient control of Networked Control System (NCS) is a challenge, as the control methods need to deal with non-deterministic variable delays and data loss. This paper presents a novel hybrid approach to NCS where Model Predictive Control (MPC) is applied as a main controller and implicit switching MPC is used for data transmission control in event-driven shared communication medium, leading to complex control system with active...
Simulation Model of IMS/NGN with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology
PublicationIn the paper we continue our research on traffic modelling in the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. A simulation model of a single NGN domain with transport stratum based on the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology is proposed, which allows evaluation of mean response time of this stratum. The simulation model is applied to verify the results obtained...
A method for the three-dimensional and synchronous resolution of functional and spatial matters in architectural design
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of applied methods of teaching architectural design at Polish universities. The authors review the common methods based on conceptual drawings solving design problems in only two dimensions. After completing the floor plans' sketching process carried out in 2D way the 3D virtual models are made - seldom cardboard mock-ups - to illustrate the final spatial form of the designed object. At the Faculty...
Multipulse inverter structures with low voltage distortion
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse three-level...
Mechanical Properties of Human Stomach Tissue
PublicationThe dataset entitled Determination of mechanical properties of human stomach tissues subjected to uniaxial stretching contains: the length of the sample as a function of the corresponding load (tensile force) and the initial values of the average width and average thickness of the sample. All tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine: PG TissueTester. The dataset allows the coefficients of various models of...
Hybridized Space-Vector Pulsewidth Modulation for Multiphase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter
PublicationIn space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for multiphase two-level voltage source inverters (VSI), the components of active vectors in all orthogonal spaces have to be calculated within the processor and stored in its memory. These necessitate intensive computational efforts of the processor and large memory space. This article presents a hybridized SVPWM for multiphase two-level VSI. In this algorithm, elements...
Automatyczne urządzenia przełączające nn - oferta firmy Siemens
PublicationUkłady samoczynnego załaczania rezerwy zasilania (SZR), okrełslane w PN-EN 60947-6-1 jako automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające (ATSE ang. Automatic Transfer Switching Equipment) są przeznaczone do zapewnienia ciągłosci zasilania odbiorców energii elektrycznej. W artykule omówiono klasyfikację ATSE, budowę blokad aparatów wykonawczych oraz zalecane czasy zadzialania ATSE. Przedstawiono automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające oferowane...
Automatyczne urządzenia przełączające niskiego napięcia
PublicationUkłady samoczynnego załaczania rezerwy zasilania (SZR), okrełslane w PN-EN 60947-6-1 jako automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające (ATSE ang. Automatic Transfer Switching Equipment) są przeznaczone do zapewnienia ciągłosci zasilania odbiorców energii elektrycznej. W artykule omówiono klasyfikację ATSE, budowę elektrycznych blokad aparatów wykonawczych oraz zalecane czasy zadzialania ATSE. Przedstawiono automatyczne urządzenia przełaczające...
Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter
PublicationThe Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...
SEM images of Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo2Ga2C before and after catalytic dry reforming of methane
Open Research DataThe dataset includes SEM images of Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo2Ga2C catalysts before and after the dry reforming of methane.
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - oxidation and reduction of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction in dry conditions and in humid conditions. For Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were...
Supervised Model Reference Adaptive Control of Chlorine Residuals in Water Distribution Systems
PublicationControl of integrated quality and quantity in Drinking Water Distribution Systems within recently proposed hierarchical framework is considered in the paper. A supervised nonlinear Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller is derived for the lower control level of the control structure to operate as the fast feedback controller of chlorine residuals in the monitored nodes. The major supervisor role is to manage switching between...
Sieć wielodomenowa wykorzystująca MPLS i SDN
PublicationTechnologia Wieloprotokołowej Komutacji Etykietowej (MPLS – MultiProtocol Label Switching) dostarcza odpowiednie mechanizmy wspierające proces zachowania jakości usług, jednak wymaga nadrzędnego elementu sterującego. Takim elementem może być kontroler zrealizowany w koncepcji Sieci Definiowanych Programowo (SDN – Software Defined Networking), wprowadzający abstrakcję, rozdzielającą płaszczyznę przekazywania od płaszczyzny sterowania....
Modular multipulse voltage source inverters with integrating coupled reactors
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse and twenty-four-pulse...
QoS Resource Reservation Mechanisms for Switched Optical Networks
PublicationThe paper regards the problem of resource reservation mechanisms for Quality of Service support in switched optical networks. The authors propose modifications and extensions for resources reservation strategy algorithms with resources pools, link capacity threshold and adaptive advance reservation approach. They examine proposed solutions in Automatically Switched Optical Network with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching...
Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Activity of a 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Phospholipid Hybrid Bilayer: Retrieving Orientational Parameters from a DFT Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThe vibrational nonlinear activity of films of 2,4-dinitrophenyl phospholipid (DNP) at the solid interface is measured by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG). Hybrid bilayers are formed by a LangmuirSchaefer approach in which the lipid layer is physisorbed on top of a self-assembled monolayer of dodecanethiol on Pt with the polar heads pointing out from the surface. The SFG response is investigated in two vibrational frequency...
The parallel environment for endoscopic image analysis
PublicationThe jPVM-oriented environment to support high performance computing required for the Endoscopy Recommender System (ERS) is defined. SPMD model of image matching is considered and its two implementations are proposed: Lexicographical Searching Algorithm (LSA) and Gradient Serching Algorithm (GSA). Three classes of experiments are considered and the relative degree of similarity and execution time of each algorithm are analysed....
Modelowanie bezpiecznika rozłącznikowego w układach formowania impulsów wielkiej mocy
PublicationProblem modelowania bezpieczników o dużej dynamice wyłączania prądu jest zagadnieniem szeroko opisywanym w literaturze. Układy takie mogą być wykorzystane w szczególności do formowania impulsów wysokiego napięcia o wartościach rzędu setek kV, charakteryzujących się czasem trwania rzędu ułamka μs. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono empiryczny model bezpiecznika wielotopikowego, rozszerzony w oparciu o wyniki badań eksperymentalnych.
Low harmonic multipulse voltage converters using coupled reactors
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach to the multi pulse voltage converters (VC), especially voltage source inverters (VSI) and matrix converters (MC) based on several typical identical modules connected in parallel using coupled reactors. Such arrangements resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The proposed arrangement was validated by simulation. Laboratory models of 18- and 24pulse 3-level...
Proces zmiany sprzedawcy energii elektrycznej w Polsce
PublicationOstatnie kilkanaście lat w polskiej energetyce to okres dynamicznych zmian. Jednym z istotnych przykładów tych przemian jest liberalizacja rynku energii. Wprowadzone, w krajowej energetyce, mechanizmy rynku konkurencyjnego umożliwiają odbiorcom energii swobodny wybór sprzedawcy energii elektrycznej w formule TPA. W artykule przedstawiony został proces zmiany sprzedawcy bazujący na generalnej umowie dystrybucji (GUD). W trakcie...
Plasma-Based Deposition and Processing Techniques for Optical Fiber Sensing
PublicationPlasma-based techniques are widely applied for well-controlled deposition, etching or surface functionalization of a number of materials. It is difficult to imagine fabrication of novel microelectronic and optoelectronic devices without using plasma-enhanced deposition of thin films, their selective etching or functionalization of their surfaces for subsequent selective binding of chemical or biological molecules. Depending on...
Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter for multilevel propulsion converters for electrical multiple units (EMU)
PublicationSemiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in power converters. Two different approaches to implementation of modern traction converters in electric multiple units (EMU) have been presented in recent years: (i) 3.3-kV SiC MOSFET-based three-level PWM inverter with regenerative braking and (ii) 6.5-kV IGBT-based four-quadrant power electronic traction transformer...
A new hyperbolic-polynomial higher-order elasticity theory for mechanics of thick FGM beams with imperfection in the material composition
PublicationA drawback to the material composition of thick functionally graded materials (FGM) beams is checked out in this research in conjunction with a novel hyperbolic‐polynomial higher‐order elasticity beam theory (HPET). The proposed beam model consists of a novel shape function for the distribution of shear stress deformation in the transverse coordinate. The beam theory also incorporates the stretching effect to present an indirect...
Solar light driven degradation of textile dye contaminants for wastewater treatment – studies of novel polycationic selenide photocatalyst and process optimization by response surface methodology desirability factor
PublicationThe unplanned anthropogenic activities and raced industrial revolution detrimentally causes serious threat to terrestrial and aquatic life. A high discharge of wastewater from industries using dyes affects living organisms and the environment. This paper presents studies on polycationic selenides (PCS) synthesized by hydrothermal methods for photocatalytic degradation of dyes. The synthesized PCS were confirmed by various characterization...
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation, etching a certain % of the electrochemically-exposed electrode size. The % value is in the name of each file. The goal...