Search results for: apnoea
Effect of the welding environment and storage time of electrodes on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationIn the study the glycerin displacement method was used for determination of diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal. Specimens were welded in the air and in the water with covered rutile electrodes. The first part of the specimens was made immediately after opening the package of the electrodes. The electrodes were then stored in opened packages in laboratory conditions that allowed for contact with the air for three years....
Application of gas chromatographic data and 2D molecular descriptors for accurate global mobility potential prediction
PublicationMobility is a key feature affecting the environmental fate, which is of particular importance in the case of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging pollutants (EPs). In this study, the global mobility classification artificial neural networks-based models employing GC retention times (RT) and 2D molecular descriptors were constructed and validated. The high usability of RT was confirmed based on the feature selection...
Anterior subcutaneous transposition and simple decompression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow – the postoperative improvement in DASH score, VAS score and sonographic findings
PublicationIntroduction. Although a lot of studies have described long- term outcomes after surgical treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome, and the usefulness of sonography in diagnosing of this disorder, few studies have evaluated patients self-reporting outcomes or sonographic findings after surgery. Aim. We assessed patients self-reporting instruments and sonographic findings in patients with the cubital tunnel syndrome before and after...
Evaluation of Lombard Speech Models in the Context of Speech in Noise Enhancement
PublicationThe Lombard effect is one of the most well-known effects of noise on speech production. Speech with the Lombard effect is more easily recognizable in noisy environments than normal natural speech. Our previous investigations showed that speech synthesis models might retain Lombard-effect characteristics. In this study, we investigate several speech models, such as harmonic, source-filter, and sinusoidal, applied to Lombard speech...
Organisational Competence vs Transferability of Knowledge in Cluster Organisations and Technology Parks
PublicationPurpose. The main paper aims to evaluate the impact of organisational competence on knowledge and information flows within cluster organisations and technology parks, with particular emphasis on innovative content knowledge. The paper addresses the research question: “What set of competencies of cooperating companies allows access to information and knowledge in cluster and parks structures?" Methodology. The authors report their...
Modelling and optimisation of MXene-derived TiO2/Ti3C2 synthesis parameters using Response Surface Methodology based on the Box–Behnken factorial design. Enhanced carbamazepine degradation by the Cu-modified TiO2/Ti3C2 photocatalyst
PublicationIn the present study, a hydrothermal method in a water/ethanol environment was used for the first time to obtain novel Cu/TiO2/Ti3C2 composites with high photocatalytic activity for the degradation of carbamazepine (CBZ) under simulated solar light. The Box–Behnken factorial design was coupled with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for synthesis parameter optimisation. The effect of different synthesis parameters, including temperature, time...
Assessment of Sewage Molecular Markers: Linear Alkylbenzenes in Sediments of an Industrialized Region in Peninsular Malaysia
PublicationIn this study, the use of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) was employed to pinpoint the sources of human activity that cause detrimental impacts on the coastal environment and river ecosystems. LABs were detected using GC–MS in sediment samples assembled from Kim Kim River (KKR) and the Port Dickson coast (PDC). To assess the significance of variations in the distribution and concentrations of LABs across the sampling sites, this study...
Assessing Metal Distribution in Diverse Incineration Ashes: Implications for Sustainable Waste Management in Case of Different Incineration Facilities
PublicationIncineration contributes about 10% of metals emission in Europe and leaching of metals from reuse or landfilling of incineration products remains a global concern. Thus, evaluating metal distribution in incineration residues is critical. The present study highlights the distribution of selected metals, Zn, Mn, Ni, Co, Fe, Cr, Al, Cu, and Pb, in incineration ashes in relation to incinerator capacities/sizes. Al was most distributed...
ADDPRIV Automatic Data relevancy Discrimination for a PRIVacy-sensitive video surveillance
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to 261653 agreement from 2011-01-27
Wpływ sposobu suszenia na wiązkość i naprężenia tnące przy przecinaniu wybranych gatunków drewna
PublicationW rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono wpływ sposobów suszenia na wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie skrawania, które zgodnie ze współczesną mechaniką pękania można uznać za energetyczne wskaźniki skrawalności. Badania zostały przeprowadzone dla próbek z drewna sosnowego (Pinus sylvestris L.) i bukowego (Fagus silvatica L.) suszonego czterema sposobami. Trzy z nich, to najczęściej wykorzystywane w przemyśle, suszenie w sposób...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part II: Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Tests
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, and vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe and interpret the results of statistical analysis of the influence of the temperature of...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part I: Research Methodology and Results
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate bottles, commonly called PET, are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe the statistical analysis methodology of the influence of the temperature of the...
Evaluation of Sicilian landraces of broccoli (B. oleracea var. italica Plenck) for quality traits
PublicationBrassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck is one of the most popular vegetables which belong to Brassicaceae family. It is getting attention as an important source of bioactive compounds such as glucosinolates, and many other phytochemicals. In the frame of the H2020 BRESOV project, we evaluated three landraces (‘Broccolo nero', ‘Ramoso calabrese' and ‘Sparaceddu') and two commercial F1 hybrid cultivars (‘Marathon' and ‘Naxos')....
Unlocking the Secrets of River Pollution: Analyzing Organic Pollutants in Sediments—Experimental Study
PublicationUntreated wastewater released into rivers can result in water pollution, the spread of waterborne diseases, harm to ecosystems, contamination of soil and groundwater, as well as air pollution and respiratory problems for nearby humans and animals due to the release of greenhouse gases. The current study aims to investigate the recent input of anthropogenic loads into the rivers using linear alkylbenzene (LAB), which is one of the...
Study of a Multicriterion Decision-Making Approach to the MQL Turning of AISI 304 Steel Using Hybrid Nanocutting Fluid
PublicationThe enormous use of cutting fluid in machining leads to an increase in machining costs, along with different health hazards. Cutting fluid can be used efficiently using the MQL (minimum quantity lubrication) method, which aids in improving the machining performance. This paper contains multiple responses, namely, force, surface roughness, and temperature, so there arises a need for a multicriteria optimization technique. Therefore,...
Mechanical response of human thoracic spine ligaments under quasi-static loading: An experimental study
PublicationPurpose This study aimed to investigate the geometrical and mechanical properties of human thoracic spine ligaments subjected to uniaxial quasi-static tensile test. Methods Four human thoracic spines, obtained through a body donation program, were utilized for the study. The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL), posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), capsular ligament (CL), ligamenta flava (LF), and the interspinous ligament and...
Ocena wpływu dawki DME na wybrane wskaźniki procesu spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest analiza wpływu różnej ilości odparowanego DME wprowadzonego do kolektora dolotowego na wybrane wskaźniki spalania DME/ON dla wielu punktów pracy, turbodoładowanego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Jako punkty pracy silnika, wybrano punkty najbardziej reprezentujące cykl jazdy WLTP dla samochodu Volkswagen Golf IV. Analizę procesu współspalania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem danych pomiarowych, uzyskanych...
Badanie jednorodności i trwałości kandydatów na materiały odniesienia (gleba, osad denny, tkanka śledzia, tkanka dorsza, tkanka kormorana) na podstawie wyników oznaczania całkowitej zawartości rtęci i metylortęci
PublicationZe względu na specyficzne właściwości rtęci oraz możliwość utworzenia połączeń, które wykazują zdolność do bioakumulacji w tkankach i narządach organizmów na różnych poziomach łańcucha troficznego, konieczne stało się uzyskanie szczegółowych informacji na temat źródeł emisji do środowiska oraz losu środowiskowego rtęci. W związku z tym, że pomiary analityczne ukierunkowane są na identyfikację oraz ilościowe oznaczanie trucizn środowiskowych...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
Surgeons’ practice and preferences for the anal fissure treatment: results from an international survey
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Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Effects of hospital facilities on patient outcomes after cancer surgery: an international, prospective, observational study
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Global variation in postoperative mortality and complications after cancer surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study in 82 countries