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Search results for: flocculent sludge
The effect of slowly biodegradable substrate on the kinetics of biochemical processes in activated sludge bioreactors
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej było określenie wpływu substratu wolnorozkładalnego (w postaci związków koloidalnych i zawiesinowych) na kinetykę wybranych procesów biochemicznych, zachodzących w komorach osadu czynnego (tj. denitryfikacja, uwalnianie i anoksyczny/tlenowy pobór fosforanów oraz pobór tlenu), opierając się na badaniach prowadzonych w dwóch dużych komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków "Wschód" w Gdańsku i "Dębogórze"...
PublicationThe fate of the surfactant LAS in the two different types of Waste Water Treatment Plants has been reviewed: the small “Swarzewo” WWTP (45 000 PE), and large WWTP “Wschód” (760 000 PE). The elimination of LAS from the water stream in Swarzewo (98,7%), is better than that found in Gdańsk (97,6%). In the sludge treatment course, the reduction of LAS in Swarzewo is greater than that in Gdańsk due to the greater biodegradation of LAS...
Assessment of diversity and composition of bacterial community in Sludge Treatment Reed Bed systems
PublicationDue to their low emission of odours and lack of the need to apply additional chemical agents, sludge treatment reed beds (STRBs) constitute an economically feasible and eco-friendly approach to sewage sludge management. Correctly designed and operated STRBs ensure effective reduction of the dry matter content coupled with the mineralisation of organic compounds. Successful operation of STRBs relies on complex interactions between...
A novel concept of negative CO2 emission power plant for utilization of sewage sludge
PublicationCarbon Capture and Storage (CSS) technology is considered an important “bridge technology”, allowing effective abatement of CO2 emissions for power units using fossil fuels. However, if biomass is used in a power plant, equipped with CCS system, negative CO2 emissions can be achieved. In practice, wide development of such technologies would enable not only reduction of CO2 emissions, but also reversal of the harm done so far. In...
Negative carbon dioxide gas power plant integrated with gasification of sewage sludge
PublicationOne of the primary objectives of the negative carbon dioxide gas power plant (nCO2PP) is to develop an innovative technology confirming the possibility of the use of sewage sludge to produce electricity while having a positive impact on the environment. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented to estimate thermodynamic parameters of the system in relation to the gasification process and changes in such parameters in the...
Entrained Flow Plasma Gasification of Sewage Sludge–Proof-of-Concept and Fate of Inorganics
PublicationSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water, organic matter, including dead and living pathogens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals, as well as organic and inorganic pollutants. Landfilling is on the decline, giving way to more environmentally friendly utilisation routes. This paper presents the results of a two-stage gasification–vitrification system, using...
Reclamation of phosphogypsum deposition site Wiślinka near Gdańsk with municipal sewage sludge.
PublicationOmówiono zastosowanie osadów ściekowych do rekultywacji składowiska fosfogipsów w Wiślince k. Gdańska. Głównie pojawiają się problemy ze stabilizacją stoków oraz z sukcesją roślinności i zwalczaniem erozji wiatrowej.
The utilization of sludge generated in coagulation of fish processing wastewater for liquid feed production
PublicationWykorzystano koagulację do wydzielenia ze ścieków z przemysłu rybnego białek i tłuszczów. Uzyskany osad pokoagulacyjny dodawano do produkcji rybnych hydrolizatów białkowych. Zmodyfikowano proces wytwarzania rybnych hydrolizatów z wykorzystaniem kwasów siarkowego (VI) oraz ortofosforowego (V).
Long-term simulation of the activated sludge process at the Hanover-Gümmerwald pilot WWTP
PublicationCelem badań było uzyskanie zweryfikowanego modelu ASM3P, który mógłby być wykorzystany jako narzędzie decyzyjne do wyznaczania maksymalnych przepływów w oczyszczalniach ścieków. Symulacje przeprowadzono w oparciu o wyniki badań obciążeń hydraulicznych w pilotowej oczyszczalni ścieków Hanower-Gummerwald. Wyniki symulacji zostały porównane z wynikami pomiarów on-line w komorach osadu czynnego (N-NH4, N-NO3) oraz w odpływie z osadnika...
Socioekonomické a humanitní studie
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Studie o rukopisech
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Ecological and Economic Aspects of the Application of Sewage Sludge in Energetic Plant Plantations - A Swot Analysis
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Selecting Bacteria Candidates for the Bioaugmentation of Activated Sludge to Improve the Aerobic Treatment of Landfill Leachate
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Transcriptome sequencing of Brassica napus highlights the complex issues with soil supplementation with sewage sludge
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Disperser-induced bacterial disintegration of partially digested anaerobic sludge for efficient biomethane recovery
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The properties of fish silage produced with addition of sludge generated in coagulation of fish processing water
PublicationProces koagulacji przy pomocy soli żelaza stosowany jest do usuwania z wód poprocesowych przemysłu spożywczego zanieczyszczeń tłuszczowych i białkowych. Tak uzyskany osad pokoagulacyjny może być dodawany do produkcji rybnych hydrolizatów białkowych. Wytwarzano hydrolizaty białkowe ze szprota z dodatkiem osadów pokoagulacyjnych z przemysłu rybnego. Zmodyfikowano metodę wytwarzania rybnych hydrolizatów białkowych przez zmianę kwasu...
A mechanistic model for fate and removal of estrogens in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationTwo estrogen fate and transformation models were integrated with a comprehensive activated sludge model (ASM) to predict estrogen removal based on biomass and solids production. Model predictions were evaluated against published full-scale plant data as well as results from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed synthetic wastewater. The estrogen fate model relating the rate of total estrogen degradation to soluble...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
Integrated dewatering and stabilization system as an environmentally friendly technology in sewage sludge management in Poland
PublicationSludge treatment reed beds (STRBs) are an environmentally friendly technology which provides integrated dewatering and stabilization of sewage sludge. STRBs do not require the use of chemicals to improve the dewatering process. STRB is both, a low-emission and a low-energy-consuming method. After the stabilization process, sludge is characterized by the chemical composition similar to that of humus. The aim of the paper is to present...
Influence of Cement Replacement with Sewage Sludge Ash (SSA) on the Heat of Hydration of Cement Mortar
PublicationThe amount of fly ash from the incineration of sewage sludge is increasing all over the world, and its utilization is becoming a serious environmental problem. In the study, a type of sewage sludge ash (SSA) collected directly from the municipal sewage treatment plant was used. Five levels of cement replacement (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 20%) and unchanged water-to-binder (w/b) ratio (0.55) were used. The purpose of the study was...
Determination of COD Fractionation as a Key Factor for Appropriate Modelling and Monitoring of Activated Sludge Processes
PublicationAn operation of wastewater treatment plant is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time, sludge age, concentration of ammonia and dissolved oxygen, etc. It is considered that, together with the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD), those parameters indirectly exhibit the effectiveness of activated sludge processes. Especially the BOD indicate the amount of organic pollution that...
Rearrangements of the nitrifiers population in an activated sludge system under decreasing solids retention times
PublicationDue to the key role of nitrite in novel nitrogen removal systems, nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) have been receiving increasing attention. In this study, the coexistence and interactions of nitrifying bacteria were explored at decreasing solids retention times (SRTs). Four 5-week washout experiments were carried out in laboratory-scale (V=10 L) sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) with mixed liquor from two full-scale activated sludge...
Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
PublicationActivated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system...
Sewage sludge co-pyrolysis with agricultural/forest residues: A comparative life-cycle assessment
PublicationThis study aims to determine the sustainability and energy efficiency of co-pyrolysis scenarios as treatment processes for municipal sewage sludge through a life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, sensitivity and energy recovery analyses are conducted to determine the possible methods for optimizing the co-pyrolysis process from a circular bioeconomy perspective. Corncob and wood residue have been selected as potential co-feed...
Elementary analysis and energetic potential of the sludge from the Gdynia Dębogórze and Lębork wastewater treatment plants
PublicationThe paper aims to show the results of the elementary analysis of the sewage sludges from wastewater treatment plants in Gdynia Dębogórze and Lębork as well as measurements of the heat of combustion and the calculated calorific values according to regulation PN-93/Z-15008, taking into account water content and the composition of sewage sludge at different utilisation stages. The results presented in this paper are based on the analysis...
The role of slowly biodegradable substrate in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThis paper contains futher results obtained at ''Wschod'' WWTP in Gdańsk under transient conditions (spring season) and comparation of similar experiments carried out at a recently upgraded ''Debogorze'' WWTP in Gdynia. The removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in similar effects (reduced process rates) at both plants. For example, the initial denitrification rates (NUR1) were up to 30% lower during the ''conventional''...
An integrated assessment of the long-term impact of municipal sewage sludge on the chemical and biological properties of soil
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Influence of microbial adaptation and supplementation of nutrients on the biodegradation of ionic liquids in sewage sludge treatment processes
PublicationCiecze jonowe przyciągają coraz większą uwagę ze strony przemysłu, ze względu na możliwość zastosowania ich jako zamiennik dla bardziej niebezpiecznych substancji. Jednakże część ich struktury może stać się trwałym zanieczyszczeniem dlatego niezbędne jest prowadzenie badań w celu określenia zagrożenia dla środowiska, związanego z obecnością w nim cieczy jonowych, np. dotyczących możliwości ich biodegradacji w warunkach rzeczywistych....
Mild hydrogen peroxide interceded bacterial disintegration of waste activated sludge for efficient biomethane production
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Combined sodium citrate and ultrasonic pretreatment of waste activated sludge for cost effective production of biogas
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The effect of anionic surfactant concentration on activated sludge condition and phosphate release in biological treatment plant
PublicationThis paper discusses the influence of a wide range of anionic surfactant concentrations on activated sludge. Linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) was chosen as an example of a commonly used anionic surfactant. The fate of the surfactant during biological treatment of wastewater was tested. The effect of surfactant on glucose and starch removal was studied.
Mobility and biodegradability of an imidazolium based ionic liquid in soil and soil amended with waste sewage sludge
PublicationSorption on solids and biodegradation are main phenomena that can mitigate the pollution of soil and water by ionic liquids (ILs). ILs sorbed on soil particles become immobilized (temporarily or permanently) which prevents them from spreading into deeper layers of soil or groundwater but which also makes them less bioavailable. In this study we attempt to examine if amendment of soil with waste sludge has a potential to mitigate...
Effects of different hydraulic models on predicting longitudinal profiles of reactive pollutants in activated sludge reactors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ dyspersji na prognozowanie stężeń azotu amonowego w komorach osadu czynnego w oczyszczalni ścieków Gdańsk-Wschód. W tym celu wykorzystano jednowymiarowe równanie adwekcji-dyspersji z członem źródłowym (szybkością nitryfikacji). Współczynnik dyspersji został wyznaczony na podstawie pomiarów znacznika fluoroscencyjnego. Model został zweryfikowany w oparciu o pomiary stężeń azotu w 6 sekcjach komory tlenowej...
1-Methyl-3-octylimidazolium Chloride − Sorption and Primary Biodegradation Analysis in Activated Sewage Sludge
PublicationCiecze jonowe są nielotne i z tego względu nie przedostają się do atmosfery, jednakże mogą zanieczyszczać wodę i gleby. Badania sposobów redukcji stężenia cieczy jonowych w środowisku jest istotne ze względu na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na biodegradowalne związki chemiczne. Ustalono, że górny limit stężeń dla pierwotnej biodegradacji chlorku 1-metylo-3-oktyloimidazolu wynosi 0.2 mM. Powyżej tego stężenia aktywność dehydrogenaz znacząco...
Preliminary Investigation on Rapid Potassium Efflux from Activated Sludge in Response to Use of Peroxyacetic Acid
PublicationPreliminary research on activated sludge potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) as a result of peroxyacetic acid (PAA) dosing were performed. Similarily as in case of chlorine dosing the PAA dosing causes initiation of bacteria defense mechanisms, related to the transformations of glutathione tripeptide, resulting in the increase of potassium ions concentration in the activated sludge environment. In the range...
The role of biodegradable particulate and colloidal organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe efficiency of denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems is strongly dependent on the availability of appropriate carbon sources. Due to high costs of commercial compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, etc.) and acclimation periods (usually) required, the effective use of internal substrates is preferred. The aim of this study was to determine...
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and is known to be the ratelimiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The influence of the readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand fraction in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about the effects of slowly biodegradable substrate (XS) on denitrification and...
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and has been known as the rate limiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The biodegradation of XS is initiated by hydrolysis which is an integral part of activated sludge models, such as the Activated Sludge Model no. 2d (ASM2d). The aim of this study was to evaluate different concepts of modeling the hydrolysis process...
Improving in-situ biomethanation of sewage sludge under mesophilic conditions: Performance and microbial community analysis
PublicationThis research investigated the application of in-situ biological hydrogen methanation within a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system under mesophilic conditions, with sewage sludge used as the substrate. Two CSTRs with an effective capacity of 5 L were installed and loaded with inoculum sludge with a volatile solid (VS) concentration of 1.2–1.5 %. They were fed mixed waste sludge with an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.5...
Exergetic Analysis of the nCO2PP Cycle with Particular Reference to the Exergy Destruction of Sewage Sludge Due to Gasification
PublicationAn exergy analysis is carried out on the negative CO2 emission gas power plant (nCO2PP), which integrates the process sections of fuel preparation, power generation and carbon capture. Processes of exergy destruction are studied with particular focus on the process in the gasification unit of the fuel preparation section, where a large amount of exergy is destroyed in various chemical reactions from sewage sludge to producer gas...
Stabilizing lactate production through repeated batch fermentation of food waste and waste activated sludge
PublicationBio-valorization of organic waste streams, such as food waste and waste activated sludge, to lactic acid (LA) has recently drawn much attention. It offers an opportunity for resource recovery, alleviates environmental issues and potentially turns a profit. In this study, both stable and high LA yield (0.72 ± 0.15 g/g total chemical oxygen demand) and productivity rate (0.53 g/L•h) were obtained through repeated batch fermentation....
Challenges and opportunities related to the use of sewage sludge ash in cement-based building materials – A review
PublicationDue to the increasingly demanding legal regulations, regarding both sewage sludge (SS) and solid residues obtained during its thermal utilization processes, new solutions to limit their negative impact on the environment are sought. One approach that eliminates the risk of sewage sludge ash (SSA) is its use in cement building materials. The article contains a detailed literature review regarding the use of SSA in mortars and concretes,...
Spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals in conventional wastewater treatment plant with Sludge Treatment Reed Beds technology
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are an emerging environmental problem. It is strongly confirmed that pharmaceuticals are present in soils and environmental waters (surface, marine and even groundwater), and that wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are the main source of pharmaceuticals in the watershed. The aim of this studywas to recognize the spatial distribution and seasonal changes of selected pharmaceuticals in conventional WWTP...
The Relationship between Gene Activity and Nitrous Oxide Production during Nitrification in Activated Sludge Systems
PublicationNitrite is an important factor which inhibits the first stage of the nitrification, the effect is stronger with the decrease of the DO concentrations. NO2- presence at concentration above 15 mg N – NO2 in the aeration tanks stimulates N2O production regardless of the DO concentration. The significant nirS gene induction, observed especially during the experiments with the nitrite addition indicates that N2O production is basically...
Model-based identification of the dominant N2O emission pathway in a full-scale activated sludge system
PublicationActivated sludge models (ASMs), extended with an N2O emission module, are powerful tools to describe the operation of full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Specifically, such models can investigate the most contributive N2O production pathways and guide towards N2O and carbon footprint (CF) mitigation measures. A common practice is to develop and validate models using data from a single WWTP. In this study, a successfully...
The Influence of Low-Temperature Disintegration on the Co-Fermentation Process of Distillation Residue and Waste-Activated Sludge
Publication: Innovative low-temperature disintegration (process temperature 55 ◦C and oxygen concentration 0.2 mg/dm3 ) can be an economically rational technology to intensifying energy production from renewable sources. The proposed process can achieve a degree of disintegration—under optimal conditions—of about 50%, which is excellent when compared with other methods of feed pre-treatment. The low-temperature disintegration of distillation...
Mathematical modelling of gasification process of sewage sludge in reactor of negative CO2 emission power plant
PublicationSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water,organic matter, including dead and alive pathogens, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants suchas polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Due to the nature of sewage sludge and itspossible influence on human health and wellbeing, it is a subject of various regulations. Currently,sewage sludge is considered...
Integration of the sulfate reduction and anammox processes for enhancing sustainable nitrogen removal in granular sludge reactors
PublicationThe Anammox and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation processes were compared in two granular sequencing batch reactors operated for 160 days under anammox conditions. It was hypothesized that increasing the concentration of SO42− may positively influence the rate of N removal under anaerobic conditions and it was tested whether SO42− reduction and anammox occur independently or are related to each other. The cooperation of N-S...
Energy consumption optimization in wastewater treatment plants: Machine learning for monitoring incineration of sewage sludge
PublicationBiomass management in terms of energy consumption optimization has become a recent challenge for developed countries. Nevertheless, the multiplicity of materials and operating parameters controlling energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants necessitates the need for sophisticated well-organized disciplines in order to minimize energy consumption and dissipation. Sewage sludge (SS) disposal management is the key stage of...