Search results for: MANUFACTORING
Example applications of control charts as a quality tool for statistical process control in a small manufacturing company
PublicationPraca zawiera przykład wdrożenia kart kontrolnych w małym zakładzie produkcyjnym zajmującym się wytwarzaniem komponentów z blach. Pokazano jak z zastosowaniem dostępnego pakietu biurowego, można stworzyć statystyczną kontrolę procesu(SPC)w małej firmie. Artykuł zawiera wyniki z przykładowych analizowanych procesów.
Estimating of the rough green target size in lumber manufacturing on the twin shaft multi-rip saws
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę i wyniki badań doświadczalnych dokładności przecinania pryzm ze zmrożonego drewna brzozowego na dwuwrzecionowej pilarce tarczowej w warunkach przemysłowych. W badaniach wykorzystywano piły typu "Multix" oraz piły nowego typu. Ponadto, wykazano, że obecność w przekroju poprzecznym, zmiennego na długości przecinanej deski, stopnia po obu jej stronach ma znaczny wpływ na szacowanie wymiaru początkowego...
The Impact of Trade Integration with the European Union on Productivity in a Posttransition Economy: The Case of Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublicationThis paper addresses the relationship between productivity growth in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the European Union. Empirical analysis (1995-2006) is based on sector-level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish) and foreign (partner countries from the enlarged European Union) markets' characteristics and their degree of openness. The main results indicate that, both in...
World class manufacturing: integrated improvement program based on six sigma, lean and TPM methodologies
PublicationWCM jest integracją najlepszych praktyk zarządzania procesami produkcyjnymi. Jest filozofią bazującą na LEAN, SIX SIGMA oraz TPM.
PublicationThe 3D printing is a manufacturing technique belonging to the additive methods able to prepare the designed parts for various purposes. The present reasearch was aimed to fabricate the prosthetic foundations and bridges made of the new Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy by the selective laser melting (SLM) of a metal powder. The scanning electron examinations and micro scanning tomography were used to investigate the surface quality and intrinsic...
Adaptive Positioning Systems Based on Multiple Wireless Interfaces for Industrial IoT in Harsh Manufacturing Environments
PublicationAs the industrial sector is becoming ever more flexible in order to improve productivity, legacy interfaces for industrial applications must evolve to enhance efficiency and must adapt to achieve higher elasticity and reliability in harsh manufacturing environments. The localization of machines, sensors and workers inside the industrial premises is one of such interfaces used by many applications. Current localization-based systems...
More than just a beer—the potential applications of by-products from beer manufacturing in polymer technology
PublicationBeer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing. Currently, global beer production is estimated at around 2 billion hectoliters. Nevertheless, the increasing production capacity implicates the rising issue of generated by-products—brewers’ spent grain, spent hops, spent yeast, and wastewater. They are generated in massive amounts, so having in mind the current pro-ecological...
Linkages between services and manufacturing as a new channel for GVC development: Evidence from CEE countries
PublicationThe goal of the paper is to verify a causal relationship between forward linkages from domestic services to manufacturing and the participation/position of a country in global value chains (GVCs) in selected Central and Eastern European economies. We observed a strong polarisation pattern: the Baltic countries along with the Czech Republic strengthen their positions and participation in GVCs by having a strong relationship between...
A novel method of creating thermoplastic chitosan blends to produce cell scaffolds by FDM additive manufacturing
PublicationDue to its remarkable and promising biological and structural properties, chitosan has been widely studied in several potential applications in the biomedical sector. Attempts are being made to use this polymer and its properties in thermoplastics dedicated to 3D printing in FDM technology. However, chitosan can be processed only from acid solution, which limits its applications. The paper presents a new path for the production...
Linkages between services and manufacturing as a new channel for GVC growth: evidence from CEE countries
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to use a panel Granger causality test to verify the hypothesis of the existence of a causal relationship between forward linkages from domestic services to manufacturing and a country’s participation and position in GVCs in selected central and eastern European economies – the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia – for the period 2000-2014. Our results show that the Baltic...
PublicationThe dynamic development of additive manufacturing technologies, especially over the last few years, has increased the range of possible industrial applications of 3D printed elements. This is a consequence of the distinct advantages of additive techniques, which include the possibility of improving the mechanical strength of products and shortening lead times. Offshore industry is one of these promising areas for the application...
Advanced Manufacturing-Polymer & Composites Science
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International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies
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CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
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International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services
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International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
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International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
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The influence of sonication time on the biogenic amines formation as a critical point in uncured dry-fermented beef manufacturing
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Zarządzanie wiedzą pracowników operacyjnych w aspekcie wdrażania zmian zgodnie z koncepcją Lean Manufacturing.
PublicationKoncepcja Lean Manufacturing skupiona jest głównie na optymalizacji procesu wytwórczego. Podstawową rolę w procesie wytwórczym odgrywają pracownicy operacyjni, od których wiedzy i umiejętności zależy jakość realizowanego procesu. Wydobycie ukrytej w nich wiedzy, rozwijanie jej oraz prowadzenie w kierunku realizacji celów przedsiębiorstwa jest elementem kluczowym dla powodzenia transformacji Lean Manufacturing w przedsiębiorstwie....
Market Size, Competitiveness and Technological Frontier - the Impact of Trade Integration with the UE on Productivity in Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublicationThis paper addresses the relationship between growth of relative productivity in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the EU. We look at the productivity growth from the perspective of relations between Polish manufacturing sectors and the foreign ones, focusing on partner countries from the enlarged EU. Empirical analysis is based on sector level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish)...
Virtual engineering process (VEP): a knowledge representation approach for building bio-inspired distributed manufacturing DNA
PublicationThe objective of this research is to provide a user-friendly and effective way of representing engineering processes for distributed manufacturing systems so that they can develop, accumulate and share knowledge. The basic defini-tion and principle of the approach is introduced first and then the prototype version of the system is developed and demonstrated with case studies, which verify the feasibility of the proposed approach....
Development of Technical Creativity Featuring Modified TRIZ-AM Inventive Principle to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing
Publicationhe design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) processing was introduced to fully utilise the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM). Consequently, appropriate design methodologies have become essential for this technology. Recently, many studies have identified the importance of DFAM method utilisation to produce AM parts, and TRIZ is a strategy used to formalise design methodologies....
A novel approach in wood waste utilization for manufacturing of catalyst-free polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC)
PublicationIn recent decades, due to the increase in environmental awareness and noticeable environmental degradation, the area of wood waste management has attracted increasing attention. The purpose of this study is to develop a new type of highly filled polyurethane wood-composite (PU-WC) by the utilization of large amount of wood wastes without addition of a catalyst. Although wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are widely known, there is...
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
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Manufacturing and investigation of surface morphology and optical properties of composite thin films reinforced by TiO2, Bi2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles
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Integrated Processing: Quality Assurance Procedure of the Surface Layer of Machine Parts during the Manufacturing Step "Diamond Smoothing"
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On the use of black tea waste as a functional filler for manufacturing self-stabilizing polyethylene composites: In-depth thermal analysis
PublicationThermal and oxidative stabilization are critical aspects in the processing and exploitation of polyolefins. Black tea contains many natural antioxidants, the largest group of compounds in its composition. When used as a filler for composite manufacturing, the thermo-oxidation process of polyethylene can be slowed down. Black tea waste (BTW) generated during the process of packing tea into sachets was introduced into a bio-based...
Effects of manufacturing and face /core bonding on impact damage in glass/polyester - PVC foam core sandwich panels
PublicationZbadano podatność na inicjację uszkodzeń pod wpływem spadającego obciążenia w konstrukcjach przekładkowych poliestrowo szklanych z rdzeniem z pianki PVC przy dwóch sposobach łączenia okładek z rdzeniem: przy pomocy 2 klejów proponowanych do tego celu przez ich producentów oraz czystej żywicy. Zastosowano oprzyrządowany młot spadowy , określając rozmiar zniszczeń na powierzchni próbki metodą wizualna i ultradźwiękową. Inicjacja...
Gross Exports Versus Value-Added Exports: Determinants and Policy Implications for Manufacturing Sectors in Selected CEE Countries
PublicationThis article assesses the impact of selected determinants on both value-added exports and gross exports for seven CEE economies, based on thirteen manufacturing subsectors for the years 1995–2011. The results show a decrease in domestic value-added, especially in high-tech industries. The impact of the determinants, except for vertical specialization, is similar for exports in value-added and in gross terms. The results indicate...
A pilot study to assess manufacturing processes using selected point measures of vibroacoustic signals generated on a multitasking machine
PublicationThe article presents the method for the evaluation of selected manufacturing processes using the analysis of vibration and sound signals. This method is based on the use of sensors installed outside the machining zone, allowing to be used quickly and reliably in real production conditions. The article contains a developed measurement methodology based on the specific location of microphones and vibration transducers mounted on...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublicationThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
PublicationWind power plants are considered as ecologically-clean source of energy. However, manufacturing processes cannot be treated that way. Manufacturing processes consume huge amount of electrical and thermal energy and significant amount of materials, e.g. steel, polymers, oils and lubricants. All of the above could be potentially harmful for environment. There are not many works and publications regarding life-cycle analysis of wind...
The Impact Of The Selected Parameters Of Fdm Manufacturing Technology On Tribological Performance Of Abs–Steel Pair Under Dry Friction
PublicationThe paper presents the result of tribological test of ABS and steel samples sliding under dry friction. Polymeric samples were manufactured of ABS material using FDM technology. Testing was carried out in unidirectional sliding in a ring-on-flat contact in a PT-3 tribometer. The scope of tested parameters included volumetric and mass wear, the friction coefficient, and polymeric specimen temperature. Polymeric specimens used in...
A New Era Is Beginning in Central and Eastern Europe: Information and Communication Technology Services Exceed Manufacturing in the Global Production Chain
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Effect of multiaxial bending-torsion loading on fracture surface parameters in high-strength steels processed by conventional and additive manufacturing
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Structural and Material Determinants Influencing the Behavior of Porous Ti and Its Alloys Made by Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Biomedical Applications
PublicationOne of the biggest challenges in tissue engineering is the manufacturing of porous structures that are customized in size and shape and that mimic natural bone structure. Additive manufacturing is known as a sufficient method to produce 3D porous structures used as bone substitutes in large segmental bone defects. The literature indicates that the mechanical and biological properties of scaffolds highly depend on geometrical features...
Resonator-Loaded Waveguide Notch Filters with Broad Tuning Range and Additive-Manufacturing-Based Operating Frequency Adjustment Procedure
PublicationThis article presents a new class of ring-resonator-loaded waveguide notch filters with a broad tuning range, low cost, and improved performance. The proposed approach employs a comple-mentary asymmetric split ring resonator coupled to a microstrip transmission line and excited in a rectangular waveguide. An equivalent circuit model is proposed to explain the working principle of the proposed notch filter. The adjustment of the...
IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
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International Journal of Manufacturing Materials and Mechanical Engineering
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International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing - IJIDeM
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Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and Manufacturing
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M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
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<title>Manufacturing and measurements of triple-core, double-core, and twin-core single-mode soft-glass optical fibers</title>
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Możliwości zwiększenia jakości części maszyn w elastycznie zautomatyzowanej produkcji.Abilities of quality improvement of machine's parts in flexible automated manufacturing.
PublicationWzrastające wymagania dotyczące obniżania kosztów oraz coraz to wyższe wymagania stawiane wyrobom pod względem jakościowym powodują, że działania związane z zapewnieniem jakości stają się decydującym czynnikiem konkurencyjności. Integracja tych działań w systemach sterowania elastycznych urządzeń wytwórczych jest konieczna w celu zapewnienia ekonomicznie efektywnej produkcji realizowanej pod nadzorem takich systemów.Elastyczny...
Mariusz Deja prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleAssistant Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. He graduated in 1993, obtaining Master degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of study: Mechanical Engineering, specialization: Technological Process Design. After graduation he worked for the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation and his main research area was associated with...