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Search results for: blind prediction
Determination of Propeller-Rudder-Hull Interaction Coefficients in Ship Manoeuvring Prediction
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Odour concentrations prediction based on odorants concentrations from biosolid emissions
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Prediction of the stability during optimal control of the 3-wheel mobile platform
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę badania stabilności sterowania optymalnego 3-kołową platformą mobilną podczas realizacji zadanej trajektorii ruchu. Badany robot posiada więzy nieholonomiczne. Model matematyczny robota 3-kołowego opisano za pomocą skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych. Stąd, prognozowanie ruchu takiego obiektu wymaga zastosowania efektywnych algorytmów.
Theoretical prediction of enthalpies and temperatures of sublimation of organochlorine compounds including pesticides
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Conformation-family Monte Carlo: A new method for crystal structure prediction
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Data Sampling-Based Feature Selection Framework for Software Defect Prediction
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Electromagnetic interference frequencies prediction model of flyback converter for snubber design
PublicationSnubber design for flyback converters usually requires experimental prototype measurements or simulation based on accurate and complex models. In this study simplified circuit modelling of a flyback converter has been described to dimension snubbers in early stage of design process. Simulation based prediction of the transistor and diode ringing frequencies has been validated by measurements in a prototype setup. In that way obtained...
Methods of Artificial Intelligence for Prediction and Prevention Crisis Situations in Banking Systems
PublicationIn this paper, a support vector machine has been studied due to prediction of bank crisis. To prevent outcomes of crisis situations, artificial neural networks have been characterized as applied to stock market investments, as well as to test the credibility of the bank's customers. Finally, some numerical experiments have been presented.
Electricity demand prediction by multi-agent system with history-based weighting
PublicationEnergy and load demand forecasting in short-horizons, over an interval ranging from one hour to one week, is crucial for on-line scheduling and security functions of power system. Many load forecasting methods have been developed in recent years which are usually complex solutions with many adjustable parameters. Best-matching models and their relevant parameters have to be determined in a search procedure. We propose a hybrid...
Adaptive prediction of stock exchange indices by state space wavelet networks
PublicationThe paper considers the forecasting of the Warsaw Stock Exchange price index WIG20 by applying a state space wavelet network model of the index price. The approach can be applied to the development of tools for predicting changes of other economic indicators, especially stock exchange indices. The paper presents a general state space wavelet network model and the underlying principles. The model is applied to produce one session...
The prediction method of the shear angle in the cutting zone during wood sawing
PublicationW artykule opisano metodę przewidywania kąta ścinania w strefie skrawania dla przypadku przecinania drewna. Kąt ścinania był określany z wykorzystaniem współczesnej mechaniki pękania. Nieliniowe równanie opisujące tą wielkość było rozwiązywane numerycznie za pomocą metody iteracyjnej Newton-Raphson. Otrzymane wyniki obliczeń wykazują możliwość rozszerzenia obszaru modelowania efektów energetycznych procesu przecinania drewna nawet...
Surrogate Modeling and Optimization Using Shape-Preserving Response Prediction: A Review
PublicationComputer simulation models are ubiquitous in modern engineering design. In many cases, they are the only way to evaluate a given design with sufficient fidelity. Unfortunately, an added computa-tional expense is associated with higher fidelity models. Moreover, the systems being considered are often highly nonlinear and may feature a large number of designable parameters. Therefore, it may be impractical to solve the design problem...
PublicationIn this paper we present our approach to RecSys Challenge 2015. Given a set of e-commerce events, the task is to predict whether a user will buy something in the current session and, if yes, which of the item will be bought. We show that the data preparation and enrichment are very important in finding the solution for the challenge and that simple ideas and intuitions could lead to satisfactory results. We also show that simple...
Rapid antenna design optimization using shape-preserving response prediction
PublicationAn approach to rapid optimization of antennas using the shape-preserving response-prediction (SPRP) technique and coarsediscretization electromagnetic (EM) simulations (as a low-fidelity model) is presented. SPRP allows us to estimate the response of the high-fidelity EM antenna model, e.g., its reflection coefficient versus frequency, using the properly selected set of so-called characteristic points of the low-fidelity model...
Prediction of Processor Utilization for Real-Time Multimedia Stream Processing Tasks
PublicationUtilization of MPUs in a computing cluster node for multimedia stream processing is considered. Non-linear increase of processor utilization is described and a related class of algorithms for multimedia real-time processing tasks is defined. For such conditions, experiments measuring the processor utilization and output data loss were proposed and their results presented. A new formula for prediction of utilization was proposed...
Performance Modeling and Prediction of Real Application Workload in a Volunteer-based System
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to present a model that predicts the real workload placed on a volunteer based system by an application, with incorporation of not only performance but also availability of volunteers. The application consists of multiple data packets that need to be processed. Knowing the computational workload demand of a single data packet we show how to estimate the application workload in a volunteer based system. Furthermore,...
Empirical analysis of tree-based classification models for customer churn prediction
PublicationCustomer churn is a vital and reoccurring problem facing most business industries, particularly the telecommunications industry. Considering the fierce competition among telecommunications firms and the high expenses of attracting and gaining new subscribers, keeping existing loyal subscribers becomes crucial. Early prediction of disgruntled subscribers can assist telecommunications firms in identifying the reasons for churn and...
Mobilenet-V2 Enhanced Parkinson's Disease Prediction with Hybrid Data Integration
PublicationThis study investigates the role of deep learning models, particularly MobileNet-v2, in Parkinson's Disease (PD) detection through handwriting spiral analysis. Handwriting difficulties often signal early signs of PD, necessitating early detection tools due to potential impacts on patients' work capacities. The study utilizes a three-fold approach, including data augmentation, algorithm development for simulated PD image datasets,...
A Review on Machine Learning Deployment Patterns and Key Features in the Prediction of Preeclampsia
PublicationPrevious reviews have investigated machine learning (ML) models used to predict the risk of developing preeclampsia. However, they have not addressed the intended deployment of these models throughout pregnancy, nor have they detailed feature performance. This study aims to provide an overview of existing ML models and their intended deployment patterns and performance, along with identified features of high importance. This review...
Nature-Inspired Driven Deep-AI Algorithms for Wind Speed Prediction
PublicationPredicting wind energy production accurately is crucial for enhancing grid management and dispatching capacity. However, the inherent unpredictability of wind speed poses significant challenges to achieving high prediction accuracy. To address this challenge, this study introduces a novel pre-processing framework that leverages thirteen nature-inspired optimization algorithms to extract and combine Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs)...
Impact of AlphaFold on structure prediction of protein complexes: The CASP15‐CAPRI experiment
PublicationWe present the results for CAPRI Round 54, the 5th joint CASP-CAPRI protein assembly prediction challenge. The Round offered 37 targets, including 14 homodimers, 3 homo-trimers, 13 heterodimers including 3 antibody–antigen complexes, and 7 large assemblies. On average 70 CASP and CAPRI predictor groups, including more than 20 automatics servers, submitted models for each target. A total of 21 941 models submitted by these groups...
Motion Trajectory Prediction in Warehouse Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationBackground: In the context of Warehouse Management Systems, knowledge related to motion trajectory prediction methods utilizing machine learning techniques seems to be scattered and fragmented. Objective: This study seeks to fill this research gap by using a systematic literature review approach. Methods: Based on the data collected from Google Scholar, a systematic literature review was performed, covering the period from 2016...
ColorNephroNet: Kidney tumor malignancy prediction using medical image colorization
PublicationRenal tumor malignancy classification is one of the crucial tasks in urology, being a primary factor included in the decision of whether to perform kidney removal surgery (nephrectomy) or not. Currently, tumor malignancy prediction is determined by the radiological diagnosis based on computed tomography (CT) images. However, it is estimated that up to 16% of nephrectomies could have been avoided because the tumor that had been...
Coastal Cliffs Monitoring and Prediction of Displacements Using Terrestial Laser Scanning
PublicationCoastal cliffs are very sensitive to degradation caused by erosion and abrasion. Thus, it is very important to monitor susceptibility of the cliffs in terms of slope angles and ground fall resulting from vertical morphology of the cliffs. The results could be used for example to establish the boundaries of the safe investments zone or retreat infrastructure buildings in case of real threat such as degradation of the objects of...
Evaluation of the prediction ability of air pollutants based on the electronic nose responses
PublicationElectronic noses are able to perform on-line measurements of the toxic volatile compounds in air. Due to their low cost and compact size they can be placed in the areas exposed to pollution, outside the laboratory. Those advantages, on the other side, force the need for development of the reliable sensors data analysis procedures. One of the most important issues connected with electronic noses is the lack of stability of the gas...
Prediction of the Biogenic Amines Index of Poultry Meat Using an Electronic Nose
PublicationThe biogenic amines index of fresh chicken meat samples during refrigerated storage was predicted based on the headspace analysis using an electronic nose equipped with an array of electrochemical sensors. The reference biogenic amines index values were obtained using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A prototype electronic nose with modular construction and a dedicated sample chamber...
Prediction of manoeuvring abilities of 10000 DWT pod-driven coastal tanker
PublicationThis paper aims to present a new approach in the prediction of manoeuvring abilities of pod-driven ships. A new mathematical model of motions based on MMG methodology was developed and a new type of description of forces acting on azimuth drives is presented. Captive model tests of medium-size coastal tanker and pod open water tests were carried out in CTO S.A. (Ship Design and Research Centre S.A.) to obtain hull hydrodynamic derivatives...
Chemometrics for Selection, Prediction, and Classification of Sustainable Solutions for Green Chemistry—A Review
PublicationIn this review, we present the applications of chemometric techniques for green and sustainable chemistry. The techniques, such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis, artificial neural networks, and multivariate ranking techniques, are applied for dealing with missing data, grouping or classification purposes, selection of green material, or processes. The areas of application are mainly finding sustainable solutions...
A CNN based coronavirus disease prediction system for chest X-rays
PublicationCoronavirus disease (COVID-19) proliferated globally in early 2020, causing existential dread in the whole world. Radiography is crucial in the clinical staging and diagnosis of COVID-19 and offers high potential to improve healthcare plans for tackling the pandemic. However high variations in infection characteristics and low contrast between normal and infected regions pose great challenges in preparing radiological reports....
On long-term prediction of stresses in principal members of ship hull structures.
PublicationOpisano krytycznie wymagania towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych dotyczące oceny wytrzymałości wzdłużnych wiązarów i wzdłużnych usztywnień poszycia kadłuba statku. Przedstawiono sposób prognozowania długoterminowego dynamicznych składowych tych naprężeń oraz zaproponowano sposób składania charakterystycznych wartości poszczególnych składowych naprężeń do zastosowania w przepisach Polskiego Rejestru Statków. Sposób ten bazuje na koncepcji...
Foil capacitors relability prediction based on fluctuation and non-linear phenomena
PublicationPrzeanalizowano właściwości nieliniowe i zjawiska fluktuacyjne kondensatorów w celu wytypowania kryterium selekcji kondensatorów przeciwzakłóceniowych na grupy o różnej trwałości i niezwodności. Może to poprawić proces oceny jakości kondensatorów o podwyższonej niezawodności. Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki eksperymentalne pomiaru kondensatorów wytwarzanych przez ZR MIFLEX w Kutnie. Opisano rozwiązanie implementacji technik pomiaru...
Accidental wow evaluation based on sinusoidal modeling and neural nets prediction
PublicationReferat przedstawia opis algorytmu do określenia charakterystyki zniekształcenia kołysania dźwięku. Prezentowane podejście wykorzystuje sinusoidalną analizę dźwięku bazującą zarówno na amplitudowym jak i fazowym widmie sygnału fonicznego. Trajektorie poszczególnych składowych tonalnych, obrazujące zniekształcenie kołysania, określane są na podstawie analizy ich chwilowych amplitud, częstotliwości i faz. Dodatkowo referat przedstawia...
Early prediction of macrocrack location in concrete and other granular composite materials
PublicationHeterogeniczne kruche kompozyty, takie jak beton, ceramika i skały składają się z ziaren połączonych wiązaniami. Pytanie, czy ścieżka pęknięcia, która prowadzi do zniszczenia może być przewidziania na podstawie znanych cech mikrostrukturalnych, a mianowicie łączności wiązań, rozmiaru, energii pękania, wytrzymałości pozostają otwarte. Istnieje wiele kryteriów pęknięć. Najczęściej używane są oparte na postulowanym ekstremum naprężenia...
Small-lot Production with Additive Production Using Reverse Logistics and IT Solutions in COVID-19 Era
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How proteins bind to DNA: target discrimination and dynamic sequence search by the telomeric protein TRF1
PublicationTarget search as performed by DNA-binding proteins is a complex process, in which multiple factors contribute to both thermodynamic discrimination of the target sequence from overwhelmingly abundant off-target sites and kinetic acceleration of dynamic sequence interrogation. TRF1, the protein that binds to telomeric tandem repeats, faces an intriguing variant of the search problem where target sites are clustered within short fragments...
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
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ESci Journal of Crop production
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Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
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Advances in Production Engineering & Management
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Production Engineering-Research and Development
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Food Production Processing and Nutrition
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International Journal of Plant Production
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Journal of Animal Health and Production
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Distributed Learning with Data Reduction
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Substrate Reduction Therapies for Mucopolysaccharidoses
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Multilevel model order reduction.
PublicationPrezentujemy wielopoziomowy algorytm redukcji rzędu modelu wykorzystany do zwiększenia efektywnosci analizy struktur mikrofalowych metodami siatkowymi.Schemat pozwala tworzyć makromodele zagniezdzone i laczyc te technike z szybkim przemiataniem częstotliwości (FFS). Implementacja metody pokazana jest na przukladzie różnic skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości i metody redukcji ENOR, lecz koncept moze być łatwo użyty w innych...