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Search results for: firm innovation

Search results for: firm innovation

  • Zalecenia dotyczące zarządzania procesowego w systemach jakości małych firm - etap planowania.


    - Year 2004

    Artykuł przedstawia założenia i zasadnicze elementy metodyki zarządzania procesami w systemach jakości, dostosowanej do specyfiki małych organizacji. Szczegółowo omówiono etap planowania zarządzania procesami.

  • How can HSR promote inter-city collaborative innovation across regional borders?


    - Year 2023

    Many studies have shown that high-speed rail (HSR) can reshape the spatial pattern of economic geography. However, there needs to be more logical argumentation and rigorous empirical design on the paths and mechanisms involved. This paper considers the impact of the border effect on HSR links and innovation clusters from the perspective of inter-regional collaborative innovation. It provides a logical and compact theoretical...

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  • Merton-type default risk and financial performance: the dynamic panel moderation of firm size


    - Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences - Year 2024

    Purpose – The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the probability of default and examine the relationship between default risk and financial performance, with dynamic panel moderation of firm size. Design/methodology/approach – This study utilizes a total of 1,500 firm-year observations from 2013 to 2018 using dynamic panel data approach of generalized method of moments to test the relationship between default risk and financial...

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  • Building Polish space sector – from small islands of excellence to a national innovation ecosystem


    In the paper a national potential of Poland to build its space industry after joining the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2012 is assessed, based on the series of survey reports published annually by POLSA since 2016. Their methodology was based on the ESA technology tree, classifying all the space-related technical knowhow and allowed identification of the most promising strengths to exploit and shortages to challenge by policymakers...

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  • Cooperation in Creating Innovation in Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Studies


    - Journal of Competitiveness - Year 2016

    Nowadays, sources of competitive advantage and economic development are sought in the sphere of innovation. They are at the centre of interest of representatives of the world of politics, science, and business. Moreover, they have been incorporated into governmental and international strategic development programmes. This article attempts to characterize and evaluate cooperation in creating innovation in small and medium-sized...

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  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Personal Branding. How to Derive Innovation From Project Teams?


    Innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge are key factors which determine a competitive advantage in the networked economy. A network serves as a contemporary form of market process coordination. Network economy, according to the idea of prosumerism, is founded on collaboration of individual creators based on a network of values instead of hierarchical dependencies. Another feature of a network is that it imposes symmetry...

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  • What fosters firm-level labour productivity in Eastern European and Central Asian countries?


    This study examines labour productivity performance and its determinants in Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) firms using micro-level data. We find significant differences in labour productivity among members of the European Union in Eastern Europe and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries. We also confirm the important impact of foreign ownership, exporter status, and highly skilled workers on productivity...

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  • Trouble in Paradise? Barriers to Open Innovation in Regional Clusters in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution

    The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the barriers faced by clusters as open innovation intermediaries. Literature review and an empirical study were performed, involving a nation-wide survey, case studies, and in-depth interviews with cluster actors involved in open innovation activities. This article conceptually links open innovation and clusters in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, empirically...

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  • Inter-governmental Collaborative Networks for Digital Government Innovation Transfer -Structure, Membership, Operation


    Digital government refers to the transformation of government organizations and their relationships with citizens, business and each other through digital technology. It entails digital innovation in processes, services, organizations, policies, etc. which are increasingly developed and tested in one country and transferred, after adaptation, to other countries. The process of innovation transfer and the underlying information...

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  • Efficient Algorithm for Microarray Probes Re-annotation

    • P. Foszner
    • A. Gruca
    • A. Polanski
    • M. Marczyk
    • R. Jaksik
    • J. Polanska

    - Year 2011

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  • Research on Innovative Hybrid Excited Synchronous Machine

    • R. Palka
    • K. Cierzniewski
    • M. Wardach
    • P. Prajzendanc

    - ENERGIES - Year 2023

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  • An Efficient Algorithm for Microarray Probes Re-annotation

    • P. Foszner
    • A. Gruca
    • A. Polanski
    • M. Marczyk
    • R. Jaksik
    • J. Polanska

    - Year 2014

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  • Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service (MIDAS)


    - Year 2020

    MIDAS (Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service) is a custom-tailored tool for creating and managing datasets either for deep learning, as well as machine learning or any form of statistical research. The aim of the project is to provide one-fit-all platform for creating medical image datasets that could easily blend in hospital's workflow. In our work, we focus on the importance of medical data anonimization, discussing the...

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  • Innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel


    - Year 2013

    One of the most demanding task for European countries is rational transportation system taking into account fuel efficient and ecological propulsion. The paper presents innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel. The most important aspects regarding new design and technical solutions are being presented, including numerical and experimental research on hull form. Combined diesel-electric propulsion supported by solar panel...

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    Permanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light...

  • HDAC Inhibitors: Innovative Strategies for Their Design and Applications

    • M. Daśko
    • B. De Pascual-Teresa
    • I. Ortín
    • A. Ramos

    - MOLECULES - Year 2022

    Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a large family of epigenetic metalloenzymes that are involved in gene transcription and regulation, cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and death, as well as angiogenesis. Particularly, disorders of the HDACs expression are linked to the development of many types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, making them interesting molecular targets for the design of new efficient drugs...

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  • Innovative rehabilitation lifts – mechanics in medical devices


    - Mechanik - Year 2020

    Mechanical devices are now widely used in physiotherapy and other rehabilitation processes. Particular importance is attached to devices enabling easy and effective transport of disabled people. The article presents innovative designs of rehabilitation lifts offered by the Polish manufacturer of lifts and medical accessories, LeviCare company. Moreover, the main assumptions of the research and development project implemented by...

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  • Energy of change in commercial, innovative and inteligent spaces


    - Year 2012

    W artykule miasto zostanie zakwalifikowane do przestrzeni komercyjnych, które charakteryzuje ciągłe dążenie do atrakcyjności. Napędza to wykorzystywanie rozwiązań innowacyjnych w zakresie kształtowania przestrzeni, będących nowym źródłem miejskiej energii. W artykule uwaga skupi się innowacyjności przestrzeni, wynikającej z udziału technologii informacyjnych, które na styku z architekturą i sztuką czynią tą przestrzeń inteligentną....

  • Innovative Solutions for Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory


    The paper presents results of the work concerning the technical specification of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory to be opened in late summer 2014 at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland. The person immersed in VR space will be placed in a transparent sphere with a diameter of over 10 feet, supported on rollers and equipped with a motion tracking system....

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  • Investigation of the aerodynamics of an innovative verticalaxis wind turbine


    This paper presents a preliminary three dimensional analysis of the transient aerodynamic phenomena occurring in the innovative modification of classic Savonius wind turbine. An attempt to explain the increased efficiency of the innovative design in comparison with the traditional solution is undertaken. Several vorticity measures such as enstrophy, absolute helicity and the integral of the velocity gradient tensor second invariant...

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  • Innovative Solutions in Surface Water Quality Monitoring


    - Year 2014

    In 2010 a project entitled "Integrated Support System for Management and Protection of Water Dam Reservoir (ZiZOZap)” was initiated, to aid solving water management problems on a river and dam reservoir formed on it. An innovative system of continuous monitoring was created, that encompassed selected physical and chemical parameters of river and lake waters in three chosen sites. This article presents a selection of results, that...

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  • Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section

    This paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...

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  • Comparison of Poland, Germany and the European average using the components of the summary innovation index

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The analysis presents a comparison of the innovation policies of Poland and Germany using all the indicators included in the Summary Innovation Index (SII), then the obtained results were analyzed and conclusions were formulated.The indicators are divided into three main categories, each group of indicators shows a different aspect of the innovativeness...

  • Dirk Dreheim, Gerald Weber: Form-oriented analysis : a new methodology to model form-based applications


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł stanowi omówienie nowej metodyki modelowania interfesu użytkownika, przeznaczonej do projektowania aplikacji opartych na pracy z formularzami elektronicznymi. Metodyka ta, przedstawiona w książce Dreheima i Webera, stanowi interesującą notacje graficzną, która umożliwia projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika o wysokich własciwościach ergonomicznych i użytkowych. Szczególnie interesujace sa w tej metodyce możliwości elastycznego...

  • Wear of Farm Buildings in Selected Farms


    - Agricultural Engineering - Year 2016

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  • A city and a wind farm. Landscape perspective


    - Year 2015

    The aim of the paper is to present the problems of the location of the wind farms in close neighbourhood to the historical cities, and the ways to minimize the potential landscape threats. The production of clean energy is obligatory in EU. In spite of how positive to the environment the wind energy production is, it may cause negative effects. The results of landscape studies of two towns in Poland prove that the location of such...

  • Elektroenergetyczna automatyka zabezpieczeniowa farm wiatrowych


    - Year 2014

    Książka prezentuje zagadnienia związane z elektroenergetyczną automatyką zabezpieczeniową farm wiatrowych. Przedstawiono zasady doboru zabezpieczeń sieci farmy wiatrowej (w tym przekładników zabezpieczeniowych) oraz elementów systemu elektroenergetycznego przylegających do farmy wiatrowej. Rozważania powyższe poparto przykładem doboru zabezpieczeń, nastaw zabezpieczeń, przekładników prądowych i napięciowych zabezpieczeniowych dla...

  • "Etyczna firma" i odpowiedzialność korporacyjna


    - Prakseologia - Year 2002

    W artykule przeprowadzona analiza podstawowych stanowisk w kwestii odpowiedzialności firmy i ich filozoficznych uzasadnień. Naświetlone zagadnienie korporacji jako instancji moralnej.

  • Intensification of fire-fighting wastewater biotreatment


    - Year 2005

    Duża ilość ścieków pożarniczych powstała w trakcie akcji gaśniczej w jednej z rafinerii w północnej Polsce w 2003 roku. Bakterie wyizolowane ze ścieków pożarniczych dodano do osadu czynnego w celu zintensyfikowania procesów biologicznych. Zbadano efektywność biologicznego oczyszczania tychże ścieków, uwzględniając nitryfikację, w laboratoryjnym reaktorze z osadem czynnym. Ok. 50 % lepszy efekt redukcji ChZT oraz ok. 40 % zmniejszenie...

  • Kapitał ludzki strategicznym zasobem firmy


    - Year 2003

    Autorka na tle ogólnie zarysowanej globalizacji rynku zwróciła uwagę na kapitał ludzki jako zasób strategiczny firmy i siła konkurencyjna przedsiębiorstwa. Mówiąc o kapitale ludzkim należy mieć na uwadze jego potencjał intelektualny czyli wiedzę, która stanowi istotny czynnik symulacji rozwoju zarówno przedsiębiorstwa jak i jego pracowników. Dlatego ważnym zagadnieniem staje się umiejętność zarządzania wiedzą.



    Chapter presents different aspects of fire risk assessment in industrial sites

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    - Year 2022

    Chapter presents common causes of fires in industrial places

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  • 11 Triennale Małych Form Malarskich


    - Year 2019

    Triennale Małych Form Malarskich to cykliczny ogólnopolski konkurs zwieńczony wystawą, prezentujący poszukiwania artystów w dziedzinie kameralnej twórczości malarskiej we wszystkich jej odmianach. Organizatorzy pozostawiają malarzom pełną swobodę w wyborze techniki i tematu. Jedyne ograniczenie stanowią wymiary pracy – jej format nie może przekraczać 600 cm2. „Ograniczenie formatowe stawia przed artystami zadanie poszukania nowych...

  • Memory and Imagination: Artwork as a Form of Testimony


    - Year 2016

    As the generation of witnesses is passing away and the testimonies of Shoah survivors are replaced by an inherited, culturally constructed memory - post-memory – art becomes a meaningful landmark in the landscape of memory. Although the narration of history - being the researchers’ discourse rather than an objective view - has been considered to a certain extent fictitious, the difference between real and fictional, between remembering...

  • Barriers to using of Quintuple Helix model to create innovations in Polish regions


    - Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series - Year 2020

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  • How Sport Innovations Can Shape Sustainable Cities: An Interdisciplinary Approach


    Leveraging the potential of sport can play a significant role in shaping cities of tomorrow, generate environmental and social change. The integration of sport into city planning can provide multiple benefits, such as promoting physical activity, health, well-being, and enhancing social cohesion. However to date, there is a lack of research on the potential of sport innovations to enhance the sustainable development of cities....

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  • Influence of Honing Parameters on the Quality of the Machined Parts and Innovations in Honing Processes


    - Metals - Year 2023

    The article presents a literature review dealing with the effect of the honing parameters on the quality of the machined parts, as well as with the recent innovations in honing processes. First, an overview about the honing and the plateau-honing processes is presented, considering the main parameters that can be varied during machining. Then, the influence of the honing parameters on surface finish, shape deviation and material...

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  • Medica Innovatica


    ISSN: 2278-7526

  • Innovative Marketing


    ISSN: 1814-2427

  • Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities

    Digital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...

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  • Wzorce internacjonalizacji firm rodzinnych działających w branżach high-tech. Wyniki badań ankietowych

    Zagadnienia związane z internacjonalizacją firm rodzinnych są podejmowane od mniej więcej dekady, przy czym w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat znacząco wzrosła liczba badań i publikacji na ten temat. Mimo iż przegląd światowej i krajowej literatury przedmiotu pokazuje pewne rozbieżności między wzorcami internacjonalizacji firm rodzinnych i nierodzinnych, to jednak wyniki badań prowadzą do zróżnicowanych wniosków . Ponadto, istnieją znaczące...

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  • Adam Kupryjanow mgr inż.


  • Innovacion Educativa-Mexico


    ISSN: 1665-2673

  • Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications


    ISSN: 2009-8618 , eISSN: 2009-8782

  • Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience


    ISSN: 2158-8333

  • Critical Care Innovations


    ISSN: 2545-2533

  • Innovations in Incidence Geometry


    ISSN: 2640-7337 , eISSN: 2640-7345

  • Kid car seat with innovative seat belts system


    - Year 2009

    Zaprezentowano fotelik samochodowy do przewozu dzieci. Omówiono proces projektowania, badania i wdrożenia do produkcji tego fotelika. Przedstawiono innowacyjny system pasów bezpieczństwa zastosowany w tym foteliku. Podano wyniki prób zderzeniowych, którym poddany był ten fotelik.

  • Innovative strategies: Combining treatments for advanced wastewater purification

    • R. A. de Jesus
    • N. Łukasik
    • A. Kumar
    • L. F. R. Ferreira

    - Year 2024

    Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, driving the urgent need for effective wastewater treatment solutions. With untreated wastewater extensively employed, particularly in agriculture, the significance of proper treatment becomes evident, as it presents a more practical and ecologically responsible alternative. This chapter explores the diverse treatment approaches encompassing chemical, physical, and biological methods,...

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  • Renovation works in buildings in the area of former defensive fortifications

    he paperpresents the Complex of Buildings which was created in Gdańsk as a result of the reconstruction and development of the remains of the defensive fortifications of Redita Napoleońska. Some of the buildings of the Building Complex, after many years of operation, were in an emergency condition and required urgent renovation and repair work. The papercontains a detailed analysis of the technicalcondition of individual...

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