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Search results for: rain gardens
Dual-band antenna with improved gain for WLAN and ISM applications
PublicationIn this Letter, a dual-band antenna with an improved gain is proposed. The structure features 9.7 and 10.4 dBi gain within 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz to 6 GHz bands, respectively. This makes it suitable for WLAN and ISM applications. The structure comprises an asymmetrical pair of radiators and slots suspended over a reflector. The antenna is optimised in a two-stage process using a trust-region-based gradient search algorithm....
Badania i możliwości adaptacji ruin kościoła we Wocławach
PublicationW artykule opisano wyniki badań ruin kościoła z XIV w. we Wocławach. Przedstawiono też problem adaptacji ruin obiektów sakralnych, możliwości zagospodarowania oraz możliwe warianty odbudowy ruin. Po wojnie trzynastoletniej kościół został rozbudowany o nawy boczne i wieżę. Układ świątyni został zredukowany w czasie odbudowy po pożarze w XVIII w. W czasie II wojny światowej kościół został zniszczony. Do dziś nie został odbudowany...
Asymmetrical-Slot Antenna with Enhanced Gain for Dual-Band Applications
PublicationDual-band operation is an important feature of antennas to be applied in modern communication systems. Although high gain of radiators is rarely of concern in urban areas with densely located broadcasting stations, it becomes crucial for systems operating in more remote environments. In this work, a dual-band antenna with enhanced bandwidth is proposed. The structure consists of a driven element in the form of an asymmetrical radiator/slot...
Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology
PublicationOBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...
New Method for Determination of Adjustment Corrections for Crane Rail Axes
PublicationElectronic tacheometers are currently a standard instrument used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. One of the many applications of tacheometers in engineering geodesy are 3D control measurements of crane rail axes. This paper proposes a new method of computing adjustment corrections for crane rail axes based on 3D polar measurements performed with an electronic tacheometer. The intermediary method...
Fuzzy logic gain scheduling for non - linear servo tracking
PublicationArtykuł zawiera propozycję strojenia jako metodę sterowania serwomechanizmem z silnie nieliniowymi elementami. Serwomechanizm steruje dwoma elementami układu śledzącego zamontowanymi na okręcie znajdującym się w morzu. W układzie występuje tarcie spoczynkowe przy zerowej prędkości oraz nieliniowe tarcie przeciwdziałające ruchowi w każdej z osi układu śledzącego. Zastosowany został podwójny układ sterowania ze sprzężeniem zwrotnym....
Identification of slide bearing main parameters using neural networks.
PublicationWykazano, że sieci neuronowe jak najbardziej nadają się do identyfikacji głównych parametrów geometrycznych i ruchowych hydrodynamicznych łożysk ślizgowych.
The effect of exogenous application of methyl jasmonate on the lipid and carbohydrate content and composition of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) grain and the severity of fungal infections in triticale plants and grain
PublicationKernels of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm. cv. Dinaro) were analyzed. In the autumn of 2015, the effect of methyl jasmonate (MJ) on the germination of triticale kernels and the development of triticale seedlings was analyzed in a laboratory before kernels were sown in experimental plots. Kernels harvested from plots in August 2016 were analyzed to determine their lipid and carbohydrate content and composition and the severity...
A comprehensive evaluation of mimosa extract as a corrosion inhibitor on AA6060 alloy in acid rain solution: part I. Electrochemical AC methods
PublicationThe inhibition effect of mimosa extract on the corrosion of AA6060 aluminum alloy in acid rain solution was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). All the studied electrochemical parameters showed good corrosion inhibitive characteristics with respect to the aluminum alloy in the tested solution. Inhibitor efficiency increased with the concentration and...
Sweet grass protection against oxidative stress formation in the rat brain
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Impact of intense rains and flooding on mercury riverine input to the coastal zone
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Stochastic model of the load spectrum for main engines of sea-going ships
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania procesów semimarkowskich do probabilistycznego opisu widma obciążeń silników o zapłonie samoczynnym, zastosowanych do napędu statków - czyli silników głównych. W rozważaniach uwzględnione zostały charakterystyki zewnętrzne mocy tego rodzaju silników. Umożliwiły one sformułowanie czteroelementowego zbioru stanów procesu obciążeń tego rodzaju silników. Do opisu rzeczywistego procesu...
Operational loads of power systems of bucket dredgers in main service states
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych silników spalinowych układów energetycznych pogłębiarek wieloczerpakowych. Badania dotyczyły obciążeń silników głównych i pomocniczych w podstawowych stanach eksploatacji pogłębiarki wieloczerpakowej.
Brain/blood distribution described by a combination of partition coefficient and molecular mass
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Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor
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Wound Healing Properties of Jasione montana Extracts and Their Main Secondary Metabolites
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A method for predicting main propulsion power for inland waterways push trains
PublicationPraca zawiera założenia teoretyczne i model matematyczny metody służącej do wyznaczania wstępnej, przybliżonej prognozy wielkości zapotrzebowanej mocy napędu głównego śródlądowego zestawu pchanego.
Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal
PublicationThe main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...
Horizontally-split-drain MAGFET - a highly sensitive magnetic field sensor
PublicationWe propose a novel magnetic field sensitive semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Magnetic-Field Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (HSDMAGFET) which can be used to measure or detect steady or variable magnetic fields. Operating principle of the transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE) and is very similar to that of Popovic and Baltes's SDMAGFET. The...
Slot harmonics in cage motors due to saturation of a main magnetic circuit
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Mixture model of NMR - its application to diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer
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Determination of grain shape of laser-irradiated FePdCu thin alloy films
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Types of convictions concerning coping with pain of the participants of territory defence activities
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Optimization of multilayer rail substrate under moving load, using metamaterials.
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Site environment type – The main factor of urban road dust toxicity?
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Diagnosis of Brain Tumors Through Global Specific DNA Methylation Analysis
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Molecular Diagnostics of Brain Tumours by Measuring the 5-Methylcytosine Level in Their DNA
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Recent weight gain in patients with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea
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Constant vs. Variable Efficiency of Electric Drive in Train Run Simulations
PublicationTrain run simulations, which focus on various power- and energy-oriented aspects, should reflect the losses in the electric powertrain. In general, the powertrain efficiency varies with respect to load and speed. Including this relation in simulation requires knowledge about detailed drivetrain parameters, which are often unavailable. This paper verifies the possibility to approximate the drivetrain efficiency in train run simulations...
Effect of coarse grain aggregate on strength parameters of two-stage concrete
Publication. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is a special type of concrete that the method of its construction and implementation is different from conventional one. In TSC, coarse aggregate particles are first placed in the formwork and voids between them are subsequently injected with a special cementations mixture. TSC has been successfully used in many applications, such as underwater construction, casting concrete sections congested with reinforcement...
Gain deficit effect in the fractional delay filter design by the window method
PublicationMetoda okien jest sposobem szybkiego i skutecznego projektowania filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających. Jednakże wzmocnienie tak zaprojektowanego filtru różni się od zakładanej wartości idealnej. To zjawisko, nazywane deficytem wzmocnienia, negatywnie wpływa na jakoś projektowanego filtru. Artykuł poświęcono wynikom badań oraz metodom korekcji tego problemu. Omówiono wpływ współczynnika korekcji deficytu wzmocnienia na charakterystykę...
Induction motor control application in high-speed train electric drive
PublicationThe chapter presents an application of induction motor mechanical speed and load torque observers in high-speed train drives. The observers are applied for a 1.2-MW electric drive with an induction motor. The goal of using such observers is to utilize computed variables for diagnostic purposes of speed sensors and torque transmission system. The concept of diagnostic system is presented in this paper, and proper criteria are proposed....
Failure model of main elements of the ship engine crankshaft-piston assembly
PublicationThe paper presents a failure model of main elements of the crankshaft-piston assembly, based on failures ofcrankshaft-piston assembly and timing gear system of the Sulzer RD engines, retrieved from the equipment reliabilitydata of selected ships.
In-tube extraction for the determination of the main volatile compounds in Physalis peruviana L
PublicationAn analytical procedure based on in-tube extraction followed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry has been developed for the analysis of 24 main volatile components in cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) samples. According to their chemical structure, the compounds were organized into different groups: one hydrocarbon, one aldehyde, four alcohols, four esters, and 14 monoterpenes. By single-factor experiments, incubation...
Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: Review of Main Theoretical Concepts
PublicationThe objective of the article is to present key theoretical relationships between economic integration and FDI flows. The research method used is a comprehensive literature review. Most influential publications, including books, articles, working papers, etc. contributing to the subject were identified. The review consists of two essential parts: theory of FDI, and theoretical relationships between economic integration and FDI flows....
Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges regions
PublicationDynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres (Shuguang et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022; Ram-zan et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022). The literature also points to the signif-icant impact of the digitization of the global...
The analytical design method of railway route’s main directions intersection area
PublicationThe paper presents a design method related to railway track sections situated in a bend. In the method advantage is taken of an analytical form of description by using appropriate mathematical formulae. This may becomeparticularly usefulwhen the investigations are based on the data obtained from mobile satellite measurements. In the paper attention is concentrated on an universal approach creating an opportunity to diversify the...
Monument of History in Gdynia - Problems with Protection of the Main Representative Axis of the City
PublicationThe spatial idea of the main representative axis was presented in 1938 in the project of the Representative District of Gdynia and partly realised in 1938-1939. Although the whole area was included in the Gdynia's Monument of History, now its spatial integration is on thread by the controversial current development plans
Method for Clustering of Brain Activity Data Derived from EEG Signals
PublicationA method for assessing separability of EEG signals associated with three classes of brain activity is proposed. The EEG signals are acquired from 23 subjects, gathered from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes. Data are processed by applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the signal analysis and an autoencoder neural network for the brain activity separation. Processing involves 74 wavelets from 3 DWT families: Coiflets,...
Selection of main engines for hopper suction dredgers with the use oobability models
PublicationThis paper presents a new original method of selection of main engines for hopper suction dredgers with regard to probabilistic models. It was proposed to use the normal distribution to describe the operational loads of the main receivers. The principles for determination of parameters of load distribution and design power of the main engines were formulated. Lastly, the principles of selection of the size and number of main engines...
Direct brain stimulation modulates encoding states and memory performance in humans
PublicationPeople often forget information because they fail to effectively encode it. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted electrical stimulation can modulate neural encoding states and subsequent memory outcomes. Using recordings from neurosurgical epilepsy patients with intracranially implanted electrodes, we trained multivariate classifiers to discriminate spectral activity during learning that predicted remembering from forgetting,...
Optimization of Train Energy Cooperation Using Scheduled Service Time Reserve
PublicationThe main aim of the paper was to develop an innovative approach to the preliminary estimation possibility of train energy cooperation based on data from timetables, without traction calculations. The article points out the need to strive for sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. It was pointed out that rail transport using electric traction is one of the more ecological branches of transport. It also offers a number...
Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface
PublicationIn this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...
Unity-Gain Zero-Offset CMOS Buffer with Improved Feedforward Path
PublicationA voltage unity-gain zero-offset CMOS amplifier with reduced gain error and increased PSRR (power supply rejection ratio) is proposed. The amplifier uses two feed mechanisms, negative feedback and supporting positive feedforward, to achieve low deviation from unit gain over the entire input range. The circuit, designed in a standard 180-nanometer 1.8-voltage CMOS process, is compared with two known buffers of similar topology,...
A Power-Efficient Digital Technique for Gain and Offset Correction in Slope ADCs
PublicationIn this brief, a power-efficient digital technique for gain and offset correction in slope analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) has been proposed. The technique is especially useful for imaging arrays with massively parallel image acquisition where simultaneous compensation of dark signal non-uniformity (DSNU) as well as photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) is critical. The presented approach is based on stopping the ADC clock by...
Shiyou Huagong Gaodeng Xuexiao Xuebao/Journal of Petrochemical Universities
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Burn depths evaluation based on active dynamic IR thermal imaging - A preliminary study
Sklepy typu pop-up – od Guerilla Stores marki Comme de Garcons przez unikalne doświadczenie zakupowe Bikini Berlin do ... ?
PublicationObiekty, sklepy typu pop- up pojawiały się w miastach ponad dziesięć lat temu. Otwierane są na krótki okres czasu w celu promocji marki i nawiązania bezp o- średniego kontaktu z odbiorcą. Pop -up’y różnią się od tradycyjnych, stacjona r- nych sklepów rodzajem prowadzonej w nich działalności, mającym na celu przede wszystkim promocję marki. Pierwsze tymczasowe obiekty, tzw. Guerilla stores , stworzone zostały w 2004 roku...