Search results for: FORWARD MODELLING - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: FORWARD MODELLING

Search results for: FORWARD MODELLING

  • Centrifuge modelling of tapered wall jacked into dense sand


    - Year 2024

    A series of static penetration tests of trapezoidal walls in dense Fontainebleau sand were performed in the geotechnical centrifuge at Gustave Eiffel University. The models of wall with three different shapes (straight profile with thickness D=16mm, 0.75 degree and 1.5 degree of taper angle) but with the same volume were used. The soil mass was instrumented with five stress cells located at two levels at 2D, 4D and 6D distance...

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  • Wind Turbine Operation in Electric Power System.Advanced Modelling


    - Year 2003

    W monografii przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pracą elektrowni wiatrowych w systemie elektroenergetycznym, a w tym przedstawiono wpływ elektrowni wiatrowych na system elektroenergetyczny (jakość energii elektrycznej). Omówiono zasady modelowania elektrowni wiatrowych różnych typów, tj. z generatorami asynchronicznymi i synchronicznymi, pracujących w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Przestawiono wybrane modele elektrowni wiatrowych...

  • Modelling of vertical wall influence on the single bubble motion.


    - Year 2004

    W referacie zaprezentowano rezultaty badań eksperymentalnych i modelowania matematycznego siły odpychającej, działającej na model pęcherzyka przepływający wzdłuż ściany pionowej. Zaobserwowano okresowy charakter tej siły oraz stwierdzono, że zależy ona od liczby Reynoldsa. Porównanie obliczonych i zmierzonych wartości siły wykazało satysfakcjonującą zgodność.

  • Modelling of flow boiling process in small diameter tubes.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy zastosowano standardową korelację wrzenia w przepływie (wyprowadzoną dla rur o konwencjonalnych wymiarach) do przypadków wrzenia w rurach o małych średnicach. Porównanie wyników obliczeń z danymi literaturowymi wykazało nieużyteczność tej korelacji. Wykazano zatem potrzebę prowadzenia badań podstawowych celem uzyskania korelacji pozwalającej umiejętnie przewidywać warunki wymiany ciepła w kanałach o małych średnicach.

  • Modelling of shear zones in granular materials within hypoplasticity.

    • J. Tejchman

    - Year 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy ściskania w płaskim stanie odkształcenia dla materiałów granulowanych. Obliczenia przeprowadzono z modelem hipoplastycznym rozszerzonym o obroty, nielokalność i gradienty odkształceń.

  • Możliwości modelowania w biomechanice = Modelling capabilities in biomechanics


    Omówiono mozliwości modelowania w biomechanice. Zaprezentowano główne kierunki badań biomechanicznych oraz metody modelowania, w tym najbardziej popularne oprogramowania do symulacji komputerowej modeli biomechanicznych ciała człowieka. Przedstawiono metody wykorzystania programów komputerowych CHARM, SIMM oraz AnyBody System do utworzenia biomechanicznych modeli ramienia człowieka.

  • Modelling of Vertical Wall Influence on the Single Bubble Motion

    W referacie pokazano rezultaty badań eksperymentalnych i modelowania matematycznego siły odpychającej, działającej na model pęcherzyka przepływający wzdłuż ściany pionowej. Zaobserwowano okresowy charakter siły oraz stwierdzono, że zależy ona od liczby Reynoldsa. Porównanie obliczonych i zmierzonych wartości siły wykazało satysfakcjonującą zgodność.

  • Modelling of concrete behaviour in uniaxial compression and tension with DEM.


    W artykule omowiono wyniki modelowania betonu podczas jednoosiowego sciskania i rozciagania stosujac metode elementów dyskretnych. Beton zostal opisany jako material 3-fazowy (kruszywo, zaprawa cementowa i strefy kontaktu). Szczegolna uwage zwrocono na zjawiska mikro-strukturalne na poziomie kruszywa (lancuchy sil, wiry, obroty ziaren). Wyniki numeryczne zostaly porownano z wynikami badan doswiadczalnych.

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  • Modelling of concrete using lattice and discrete element method


    - Year 2012

    Modelowanie betonu przy zastosowaniu metody siatkowej i metody elementów dyskretnych.

  • Toward Prediction of Environmental Arctic Change



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  • Toward Human Chromosome Knowledge Engine



    Human chromosomes carry genetic information about our life. Chromosome classification is crucial for karyotype analysis. Existing chromosome classification methods do not take into account reasoning, such as: analyzing the relationship between variables, modeling uncertainty, and performing causal reasoning. In this paper, we introduce a knowledge engine for reasoning-based human chromosome classification that stores knowledge...

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  • Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics


    ISSN: 2080-0886 , eISSN: 2080-119X

  • International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and SImulation


    ISSN: 1755-9758 , eISSN: 1755-9766

  • International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management


    ISSN: 1759-1163 , eISSN: 1759-1171

  • International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing


    ISSN: 1745-6436

  • Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research


    ISSN: 2214-2487



    ISSN: 0927-6467 , eISSN: 1569-3988

  • The CFD modeling in bioreactor tracer studies


    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2007

    W artykule zaprezentowano badania traserowe w bioreaktorach z osadem czynnym. Przedstawiono efekty działania procesu dyspersji na podstawie obliczonych podłużnych profili koncentracji znacznika w komorach osadu czynnego zlokalizowanych na Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Wschód" w Gdańsku. W ramach badań wykonano symulację przepływu substancji nieaktywnej (bazując na pomierzonych profilach stężenia znacznika) stosując jednowymiarowe równanie...

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  • Grand Challenges on the Theory of Modeling and Simulation

    • S. J. E. Taylor
    • A. Khan
    • K. L. Morse
    • A. Tolk
    • L. Yilmaz
    • J. Zander

    - Year 2013

    Modeling & Simulation (M&S) is used in many different fields and has made many significant contributions. As a field in its own right, there have been many advances in methodologies and technologies. In 2002 a workshop was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, to reflect on the grand challenges facing M&S. Ten years on, a series of M& S Grand Challenge activities are marking a decade of progress and are providing an opportunity to reflect...

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  • Modeling of nonlinear generation in a bubble layer


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2009

    Praca prezentuje numeryczne podejście do zagadnienia liniowego i nieliniowego rozpraszania w warstwie z pęcherzykami. Badania numeryczne niekoherentnego rozpraszania wykonano stosując metodę Monte Carlo. Propagację i wsteczne rozpraszanie sygnałów badano w oparciu o równanie Rayleigha-Plesseta.

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  • Computer modeling and testing of structural metamaterials

    • T. Krolikowski
    • R. Knitter
    • A. Blazejewski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2019

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  • Molecular Modeling of Meta II Rhodopsin



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  • Modeling energy consumption of parallel applications

    The paper presents modeling and simulation of energy consumption of two types of parallel applications: geometric Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) and divide-and-conquer (DAC). Simulation is performed in a new MERPSYS environment. Model of an application uses the Java language with extension representing message exchange between processes working in parallel. Simulation is performed by running threads representing distinct process...

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  • Modeling SPMD Application Execution Time


    - Year 2016

    Parallel applications in a Single Process Multiple Data paradigm assume splitting huge amounts of data to multiple processors working in parallel at small data packets. As the individual data packets are not independent, the processors must interact with each other to exchange results of the calculations with their adjacent partners and take these results into account in their own computations. An example of SPMD is geometric parallelism...

  • Modeling DAC Application Execution Time


    - Year 2016

    An application written in the Divide And Conquer paradigm is more difficult to model than SPMD application because of complex algorithm, causing use of many coefficients in a computational complexity function. Processors are divided into various layers, each layer contains different number of processors. Data packets processed in different layers and transferred between layers have different length. Moreover first layer processors use...

  • Modeling bioaugmentation with nitrifiers in membrane bioreactors

    • A. Mannucci
    • G. Munz
    • G. Mori
    • J. Mąkinia
    • C. Lubello
    • J. A. Oleszkiewicz


    Bioaugmentation with nitrifiers was studied using two pilot-scale membrane bioreactors, with the purpose of assessing the suitability of state-of-the-art activated sludge models (ASMs) in predicting the efficiency of bioaugmentation as a function of operating conditions. It was demonstrated that the temperature difference between seeding and seeded reactors (ΔT) affects bioaugmentation efficiency. Experimental data were accurately...

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  • Modeling emotions for affect-aware applications

    The chapter concerns emotional states representation and modeling for software systems, that deal with human affect. A review of emotion representation models is provided, including discrete, dimensional and componential models. The paper provides also analysis of emotion models used in diverse types of affect-aware applications: games, mood trackers or tutoring systems. The analysis is supported with two design cases. The study...

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  • Alternative Modeling of Volunteer Based Systems


    - Year 2016

    The canonical approach to model a flow of a voluntary based computing, as presented in Chapter 7 may tax the capacity of the simulator, especially when a more complex model of Voluntary Computing, proposed in [1], is used which would imply that, for typical heterogeneous groups of volunteers, several thousands of threads would have to be run inside the simulator, to mimic closely the behaviour of every volunteer. This chapter presents...

  • Modeling Parallel Applications in the MERPSYS Environment


    - Year 2016

    The chapter presents how to model parallel computational applications for which simulation of execution in a large-scale parallel or distributed environment is performed within the MERPSYS environment. Specifically, it is shown what approaches can be adopted to model key paradigms often used for parallel applications: master-slave, geometric parallelism (single program multiple data), pipelined and divide-and-conquer applications....

  • Modeling of light propagation in canine gingiva


    - Year 2017

    This study is a preliminary evaluation of the effectivenes of laser-based surgery of maxillary and mandibular bone in dogs. Current methods of gingivial surgery in dogs require the use of general anaesthesia.1, 2 The proposed methods of laser surgery can be performed on conscious dogs, which substantially reduces the associated risks. Two choices of lasers, Nd:YAG and a 930 nm semiconductor lasers were evaluated. The former is...

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    Depending on the process behavior, available know-how and organizational goals, different techniques and tools can be used for business process modeling. We concentrate on e-commerce, and try to find the best marketing strategy for the sales process improvement. In the paper we present the multilayer approach to define enterprise scenarios. This allows us to collect the suitable knowledge necessary for enterprise analysis and improvement....

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  • Numerical modeling of quantum dynamical processes


    - Year 2023

    In this dissertation I present a high-precision (15, 18 or 33 decimal places) C++ implementation of quantum dynamics time propagation algorithms for both time-independent and time-dependent Hamiltonian with an inhomogeneous source term. Moreover I present an extension of both algorithms for time propagation to handle arbitrary number of coupled electronic levels. I have performed a careful validation of these implementations comparing...

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  • Application of muscle model to the musculoskeletal modeling

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate new fusiform muscle models. Each of these models treats a muscle as a system composedof parts characterized by different mechanical properties. These models explain the influence of differences in the stiffness of lateral parts and the degree of muscle model discretization. Each muscle model is described by a system of differential equations and a single integro-differential equation....

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  • Modeling of Human Tissue for Medical Purposes

    The paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods...

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  • Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling


    The primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...

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  • Fundamentals of Physics-Based Surrogate Modeling


    Chapter 1 was focused on data-driven (or approximation-based) modeling methods. The second major class of surrogates are physics-based models outlined in this chapter. Although they are not as popular, their importance is growing because of the challenges related to construction and handling of approximation surrogates for many real-world problems. The high cost of evaluating computational models, nonlinearity of system responses,...

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  • Modeling Dynamics of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.


    Artykuł dotyczy budowy modelu autonomicznego pojazdu podwodnego do celów syntezy układu sterowania pojazdem. Rozważany pojazd ma długośc ok. 1 m i 30 cm średnicy. Wyposażony jest w 5 pędników, które pozwalają na sterowanie w pięciu stopniach swobody. Do badań wykorzystano model o 4 stopniach swobody. Dokonano identyfikacji parametrycznej modelu. Model zrealizowano w środowisku programowym Matlab/Simulink.

  • Systems modeling and simulation for environmental management.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy omówiono podstawy systemowego modelowania i symulacji w szerokim zakresie zagadnień związanych z zarządzaniem przepływami informacji w środowisko naturalnym.

  • On constitutive modeling for technical woven fabric


    W pracy przestawiono kilka modeli konstytutywnych przyjmowanych do opisu zachowania się tkanin technicznych. Oprócz modeli zaczerpniętych z literatury autorzy prezentują własną koncepcje modelu stanowiąca rozszerzenie modelu sieci gęstej.This paper describes several types of the constitutive models used for the technical woven fabric description. Besides of the literatures examples of the constitutive models, the authors presented...

  • A methodology of visual modeling language evaluation


    - Year 2005

    Metody oceny jakości metod modelowania są istotnym elementem inżynierii języków modelowania wizualnego. W referacie zaproponowano metodę oceny języków modelowania wizualnego na podstawie wymiarów poznawczych. Zaprezentowano metodologiczną dyskusję zastosowania nauk psychologicznych do oceny metod modelowania, metodologię CD-VML, powiązaną z nią metodę CD-VML-UC do oceny przypadków użycia oraz weryfikację metodologii.

  • Numerical Modelling of Connections Between Stones in Foundations of Historical Buildings

    The aim of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of old building foundations composed of stones (the main load-bearing elements) and mortar, based on numerical analysis. Some basic aspects of historical foundations are briefly discussed, with an emphasis on their development, techniques, and material. The behaviour of a foundation subjected to the loads transmitted from the upper parts of the structure is described...

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  • Context-aware User Modelling and Generation of Recommendations in Recommender Systems


    - Year 2018

    Recommender systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may be of interest to a user. This dissertation is focused on four problems in recommender systems domain. The first one is context-awareness, i.e. how to obtain relevant contextual information, how to model user preferences in a context and use them to make predictions. The second one is multi-domain recommendation, which aim at suggesting...

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  • Modelling of the Movement of Designed Vehicles on Parking Space for Designing Parking


    - Year 2019

    Nowadays, in all cities there is an acute problem of lack of parking spaces. The vehicles are becoming more and more not only in megacities, but also in small cities of the country, and there are no more parking places - the pace of solving the problem is several times slower than the speed of transport growth among the citizens. The article is dedicated to determination of the optimum sizes parking place for designing vehicles...

  • Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of activated sludge systems.Second edition


    Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems – Second Edition, provides, from the process engineering perspective, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview regarding various aspects of the mechanistic (“white box”) modelling and simulation of advanced activated sludge systems performing biological nutrient removal. In the new edition of the book, a special focus is given to nitrogen removal and an overview...

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    - Year 2003

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  • Numerical modelling of thermodynamics and dynamics of sea ice in the Baltic Sea


    - Ocean Science - Year 2011

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  • Comparison of modelling and measurement results of spectra emitted by a programmable lamp

    Nowadays artificial light with an optimized spectrum is used in many different applications. For instance, it is widely used in museums and exhibitions to illuminate the art. Moreover, such light stimulates the growth of plants, or can be applied in industry and healthcare. To achieve the best results for each application, the adjusting of a dedicated spectrum is required, which is a complicated task. The ongoing research is focused...

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    The main purpose of this research is to determine the stress distributions on the contact surfaces between the logs of the historical carpentry corner joints. The additional purpose is to compare the stress distribution for four different boundary conditions in the case of dry and wet pine wood. The paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the shortcorner dovetail connection and the saddle notch corner joint, which are...

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  • Modelling of sequencing batch reactor operating at various aeration modes


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Year 2019

    The presented study involved designing a computer model of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) at laboratory scale. The data pertaining to the technical aspects of the bioreactor and quality indicators of wastewater constituted the input for the employed simulation tool, i.e. GPS-X software package. The results of a simulation involving a 12-hour operation cycle are presented in this work; each cycle included 6 phases: filling, mixing,...

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  • Chapter 2: Modelling and analysis of rotor with magnetic bearing system


    - Year 2008

    The paper is concerned with rotor magnetic bearing system modelling. Such system is a relatively complex electromechanical system and can be considered as typical mechatronic one. The port-based modelling of physical systems has been used to obtain discrete-continuous model of considered system. Proposed approach enables to obtain reduced low-order lumped parameter representation of the system including gyroscopic interactions....