total: 2799
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Single-Slope ADC With Embedded Convolution Filter for Global-Shutter CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThis brief presents an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) suitable for acquisition and processing of images in the global-shutter mode at the pixel level. The ADC consists of an analog comparator, a multi-directional shift register for the comparator states, and a 16-bit reversible binary counter with programmable step size. It works in the traditional single-slope mode. The novelty is that during each step of the reference ramp,...
Uncertainty Quantification of Additive Manufacturing Post-Fabrication Tuning of Resonator-Based Microwave Sensors
PublicationReconfigurability, especially in terms of the ability of adjusting the operating frequency, has become an important prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components and systems. It is also pertinent to microwave sensors developed for a variety of applications such as characterization of material properties of solids or liquids. This paper discusses uncertainty quantification of additive-manufacturing-based post-fabrication...
Determination of bulk solid concentration changes during granular flow in a silo with ECT sensors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń pomiaru zmian koncentracji materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Zmiany zostały pomierzone przy pomocy tomografu. Doświadczenia wykonano w silosie cylindrycznym dla 2 różnych szorstkości ścian i różnych zagęszczeń suchego piasku.
Optoelektroniczne sensory fluorescencyjne dla monitoringu zanieczyszczeń środowiska
Publicationw pracy zaproponowano i opisano optoelektroniczny fluorescencyjny sensor do pomiaru stężenia kobaltu w wodzie. opisano zasadę działania tego typu sensorów. zaproponowano konfigurację laboratoryjnego stanowiska pomiarowego i przeprowadzono dobór niektórych jego komponentów. przedstawiono także etapy dalszych prac badawczych nad konstrukcją sensora.
PublicationThis paper discusses the design of sensory gardens, created especially to provide for the needs of sight impaired children and youth. These gardens should be inclusively available to general public. A sensory garden may have both therapeutic and educational effects. The research findings concerning therapeutic effects of contact with nature on children and youth are reviewed. The design problems related to providing a space for...
S&YP + Mentors + Peace + Love = Science and Growing
PublicationIn this extraordinarily difficult time, we understand better that only peace, love, and cooperation are the keys to growing in technology for humanity. Let us learn from our mentors how they grow from their hard work and international cooperation. Thanks to Prof. Giuseppe Buja and Prof. Zbigniew Krzemiński, we have unique schools of adjustable speed drives that are helping people convert electrical to mechanical power and vice...
Variational Method of Finding Streamlines in Ring Cascades for Creeping Flows
PublicationThis paper presents a new, analytical method of finding streamlinesfor creeping flows inside a ring cascade which is composed of an infinite number of infinitely thin blades. An analytical solution has been obtained through minimisation of a dissipation functional by means of variational calculus method. The necessary condition for optimum of a functional gives the Stokes equation if some additional assumptions are introduced....
Metric entropy and digital image correlation in deformation dynamics analysis of fibre glass reinforced composite under uniaxial tension
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PublicationIn this paper, we examined whether entropy-based methods are able to differentiate healthy individuals from patients with congestive heart failure. To this aim, we applied two methods: Permutation Entropy and Block Entropy. Long-term ECG recordings (75 000 RR intervals) were analyzed. The results proved that both methods can distinguish those groups on condition that the parameters are appropriately chosen.
Galerkin Finite Element Process for Entropy Production and Thermal Evaluation of Third-Grade Fluid Flow: A Thermal Case Study
Publication: A fluid’s moving class improves its heat transmission capability, as well as its rigidity, owing to multivariate molecule suspension. In this way, nanofluids are superior to common fluids. In this study, we evaluated the features of ease and heat transfer. Furthermore, we investigated permeable media, heat source, variable heat conductivity, and warm irradiation results. A mathematical technique known as the Galerkin finite element...
Marek Krawczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific background 1987 - graduated Gdansk Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Machine Design 1991 - PhD - Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Gdansk 1995 - DSc - Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Gdansk 2003 - Prof. - Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Gdansk Profesional bakground 1987-1989 Gdansk University of Technology 1989 -2007 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Gdansk 2001-2003 Univeristy of Warmia and Mazury Olsztyn 2003...
Sensor data fusion techniques for environment modelling
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Er3+ Wireless Temperature Sensor for Hyperthermia Treatment
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Luminescent optical fibre sensor for UV-A detection
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Investigations of a new humidity sensor with polymer film
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań impedancyjnych nowego czujnika wilgotności z filmem polimerowym. Jako polimer wykorzystano chemicznie modyfikowaną polietylenoiminę.
Reconstruction of input signal of sensor with frequency output
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PublicationThe research problem considered in this paper is how to protect wireless sensor networks (WSN) against cyber-threats by applying trust management and how to strengthen network resilience to attacks targeting the trust management mechanism itself. A new method, called WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method (WCT2M), of distributed trust management in multi-layer wireless sensor networks is proposed and its performance is evaluated....
Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor
PublicationBasic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...
Design of Microwave-Based Angular Displacement Sensor
PublicationThis letter presents a novel microwave-based rotation sensor having a wide dynamic range to detect and measure the angular displacement in terms of the change in resonant frequency. The proposed sensor is based on the microstrip technology, where a rotor comprised of a complementary splitring resonator (CSRR) placed on the ground plane of the microstrip line is free to rotate around its axis. The mechanical rotation of CSRR determines...
PublicationThe benefits of the additional measurement of rotational degrees of free-dom on the performance of the vibration diagnosis of bridges are studied in this paper. The common vibrational diagnostics that uses translational degrees of freedom is extended by measurements of rotations. The study is curried out on a footbridge and the presence of damage as well as its location and size is determined with use of FEM updating procedure....
Distributed wireless sensor for measuring humidity and temperature
PublicationHumidity and temperature monitoring is often required in industrial halls and laboratories and can be crucial, because many properties of electrical devices deteriorates under influence of these parameters. There are several useful commercial methods for measuring humidity and temperature, such as commercial hygrometers and humidity recorders. However, they do not allow data acquisition simultaneously from multiple sensors. This...
On a design of a torque sensor for the iCub humanoid robot
PublicationThe paper presents the evaluation process of a first version of the one axis torque sensor designed for the iCub humanoid robot. Newly designed strain gauges equipped sensor was found to show a significant readouts hysteresis, therefore several tests were run to define the reason of the hysteresis. Some of the design issues met while testing the new sensor are discussed including the screws connection and relative rigidity of the...
electrocatalytic sensor based on nasicon with auxiliary layer
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań czujników elektrokatalitycznych z dodatkową warstwą. Właściwości takiego czujnika porównano z czujnikiem o tradycyjnej budowie.
A compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowe rozwiązanie inteligentnego czujnika rezystancyjnego bazującego na mikrokontrolerze, w którym czujnik rezystancyjny jest elementem składowym filtra anty-aliazingowego przetwornika A/C. Procedura pomiaru temperatury obejmuje pobudzenie filtra dwoma impulsami prostokątnymi o zadanym czasie trwania oraz próbkowanie jego odpowiedzi czasowej. Następnie na podstawie wartości pomierzonych próbek napięcia wyznaczana jest...
Interoperability analysis of sensor interface in ubiquitous environments
PublicationSystemy przetwarzania wszechobecnego pozwalają na integrację różnorodnych sensorów monitorujących i dostarczających informacje dotyczące środowiska oraz jego kontekstu.Fakt, że sensory te implementowane są przez niezależnych dostawców skutkuje problemami integracyjnymi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy interfejsów sensorów w trzech warstwach: fizycznej, protokołów oraz usług sensorów.Usługa sensora implementuje interfejs...
The Transmission Protocol of Sensor Ad Hoc Networks
PublicationThis paper presents a secure protocol for a radio Ad Hoc sensor network. This network uses the TDMA multiple access method. The transmission rate on the radio channel is 57.6 kbps. The paper presents the construction of frames, types of packets and procedures for the authentication, assignment of time slots available to the node, releasing assigned slots and slots assignment conflict detection.
Polypyrrole based gas sensor for ammonia detection
PublicationThe nature of polypyrrole response to toxic gases does not allow using the sensor in a conventional way. The main aim of this study is to acquire the information about the concentration using different approaches: a linear approximation, a non-linear approximation and a tangent method. In this paper a two-steps procedure for sensor response measurements has been utilized. Polypyrrole films were electrochemically synthesized on...
Voltammetric response of ceramic Nasicon ammonia sensor
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych odpowiedzi czujnika w różnych stężeniach amoniaku. Czujnik został wykonany w technologii ceramicznej na bazie elektrolitu stałego - NASICONu.
Staircase Voltammetry Application to Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań czujnika elektrokatalicznego pobudzanego sygnałem schodkowym w różnych mieszaninach gazowych .
Application of wavelength division multiplexing in sensor networks
PublicationOver the past few years the need to acquire data on various parameters from a number of sensors grew. The need that led to the development of a network of sensors which enables simultaneous control and measurement in a wide range of applications. The aim of this article is to discuss a possibility of connecting a variety of sensors in a network that would utilize WDM technology. Wavelength Division Multiplexing is commonly used...
Wireless multimodal localization sensor for industrial applications
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and design of a wireless multimodal localization sensor for hybrid localization systems combining vision-based, radio-based and inertial techniques in order to alleviate problems in harsh and complex industrial environments. It supports two radio technologies, 868 MHz UHF RFID and 2.4 GHz WSN, for positioning purposes and communications. The sensor includes LED light transmitters for vision-based...
Trust Management Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
PublicationA Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data to the main location. The first wireless network that bore any real resemblance to a modern WSN is the Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), developed by the United States Military in the 1950s to detect and track Soviet...
Microwave Ring Resonator Based Pressure Sensor
PublicationThis paper demonstrates a microwave pressure sensor, which is based on microstrip line-fed ring resonators. The first ring resonator is loaded with the concentric cylindrical shafts, while the same number of the hollow shanks as the shafts are mounted on the second ring resonator. The arrangement of the cylindrical shaft and hollow shank allows for mechanical movement between two substrates while maintaining electrical contact....
Thick film Lisicon sensor with gold electrodes.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono preparatykę i badania czujnika gazowego na bazie litowego jonoprzewodzącego elektrolitu stałego. Czujnik został przygotowany w technologii grubowarstwowej. Jego zasada działania polega na pomiarze prądu elektrycznego w czasie liniowych zmian napięcia. Charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe czujnika mają unikalny kształt, zależny od rodzaju gazu oraz jego koncentracji. Pomiary wykonano w mieszaninach dwutlenku...
Lisicon solid electrolyte electrocatalytic gas sensor
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sposób przygotowania oraz wyniki badań elektrokatalitycznego czujnika gazów na bazie Lisicon'owego elektrolitu stałego. Przedstawiono charakterystyki czujnika w mieszaninie dwutlenku azotu oraz dwutlenku siarki w syntetycznym powietrzu. Odpowiedź I-V czujnika w unikalny sposób zależy od stężenia i rodzaju gazu w otoczeniu czujnika.
Application of a cationic surfactant in the multichanel taste sensor
PublicationSubstancje należaće do czterech klas smaku były badane za pomocą pięciokanałowego sensora smaku składającego się z elektrod z membranami polimerowo-lipidowymi. Wykazanano, że elektroda zbudowana z membrany polimerowej zawierajacej kationowy surfaktant może byc z powodzeniem zastosoana w sensorze smaku do rozpoznania napojów składających sie głównie z sacharozy i kwasu cytrynowego produkowanych przez rózne firmy.
Near Field Coupled Wireless Microwave Sensor
PublicationThis paper presents a wireless planar microwave sensor operating at industrial scientific and medical (ISM) frequency for the detection of dielectric materials. The microwave sensor consists of a reader (ground defected microstrip coupled line) and a passive tag where a complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) is made on the commercially available copper-foil. The CSRR is a peel-off type tag that is excited using the near field...
Multifunctional Bandpass Filter/Displacement Sensor Component
PublicationThis paper presents the design and realization of a multifunctional bandpassfilter/displacement-sensor using an edge-coupled microstrip bandpass filter loaded by a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs). It is shown that while the structure acts as a bandpass filter at its operating frequency, the phase of the reflection coefficient from a movable loading resonator at the resonance frequency of the resonator can be used for displacement...
Application of nonlinearity measures to chemical sensor signals
PublicationSzumy rezystancji sensorów gazu zawierają istotną informację, która może być przedstawiona nie tylko przez ich gęstość widmową mocy. Analiza tych szumów za pomocą różnych miar nieliniowości może prowadzić do znacznego wzrostu selektywności i czułości czujników gazu. Stwierdzono, że dla dostępnych na rynku czujników gazu zastosowanie funkcji bispektrum dostarcza dodatkowej informacji, potrzebnej do detekcji różnych gazów. Analizując...
<title>Novel matrix for fiber optic chemical sensors made of particle track polymer</title>
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Optoelectronic Devices, Sensors, Communication and Multimedia, Photonics Applications and Web Engineering, Wilga, May 2012
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<title>Environmental tests of Intranet and Internet metrological station and network with photonic sensors and transmission</title>
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Comparison of effectiveness of gas sensing by low frequency fluctuations in resistance and microbalance quartz gas sensors
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Diagnostics of civil engineering structures with use of continuous fiber optic sensors based on Brillouin scattering
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Multianalyte Calibration Methods for Potentiometric Integrated Sensors System for Determination of Ions Concentration in a Body Fluids
PublicationIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in a small sample volume. One of the key problems related to the preparation of integrated sensors systems (ISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim of the research...
Light-Powered Starter for Micro-Power Boost DC–DC Converter for CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThe design of a starter for a low-voltage, micro-power boost DC–DC converter intended for powering CMOS image sensors is presented. A unique feature of the starter is extremely low current, below 1 nA, supplying its control circuit. Therefore, a high-voltage (1.3 V) configuration of series-connected photovoltaic diodes available in a standard CMOS process or a small external LED working in photovoltaic mode can be used as an auxiliary...
Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Films as Reflective Layers for Fiber-Optic Sensors of Refractive Index of Liquids
PublicationThis paper reports the application of doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films—nitrogen-doped NCD and boron-doped NCD—as reflective surfaces in an interferometric sensor of refractive index dedicated to the measurements of liquids. The sensor is constructed as a Fabry–Pérot interferometer, working in the reflective mode. The diamond films were deposited on silicon substrates by a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition...
Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...
Gaze-tracking and acoustic vector sensors technologies for PTZ camera steering and acoustic event detection
Computational complexity and length of recorded data for fluctuation enhanced sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper considers complexity and accuracy of data processing for gas detection using resistance fluctuation data observed in resistance gas sensors. A few selected methods were considered (Principal Component Analysis – PCA, Support Vector Machine – SVM). Functions like power spectral density or histogram were used to create input data vector for these algorithms from the observed resistance fluctuations. The presented considerations...