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Search results for: historia metrologii
Assessing historical church tower asymmetry using point cloud spatial expansion
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Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...
PublicationThis article presents numerical simulations that concern modeling of interaction of the external staircase’s construction with the observation deck on historic water tower located at Gdansk University of Technology. The interaction occurring according to various methods of the staircase's construction support on the wall of the historic tower was compared. The external staircase that allows for entering onto the monument was subjected...
The influence of temperature on properties of the polymer flexible joint used for strengthening historical masonries
PublicationA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared elastomeric polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure....
Theory of recognition in a historical perspective. Axel Honneth's Anerkennung: Eine europäische Ideengeschichte
PublicationThe article discusses Honneth excursion into the realm of the history of ideas. This time Honneth decides to laser it on the notion of "recognition" in three different cultural areas and three different traditions: French, English, and German. The article discusses Honneth's persepctive and attempts at finding the common thread that would link three aforementioned traditions.
Funcionality assessment of Citrus Hysteria peel as a protective barrier using gas chromatography
PublicationThe aim of this study was to analyse the volatile fractions of fruit peel and pulp using two-dimensional gas chromatography technique coupled with mass spectrometry. The isolation of the compounds was achieved by microextraction to the stationary phase from the headspace of the sample (HS-SPME). Mass spectrometry with time-of-flight analyser (TOF-MS) was used to identify the chemical compounds. There are no reports in the literature...
Assessment of Wooden Beams from Historical Buildings Using Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
PublicationThe main goal of this study was non-destructive evaluation of wooden elements using ultrasonic waves. The inspection was carried out on wooden beams from a historical object. Elastic wave signals were processed by ultrasonic transmission tomography to obtain imaging of the internal structure of tested elements without disturbing their state and integrity. The focus was on the influence of wood anisotropy on the propagation of ultrasonic...
Assessing historical church tower asymmetry using point cloud spatial expansion
PublicationChurch towers are key cultural heritage. In theory, towers are vertical, while facade elements are symmetrically positioned around the tower axis. However, during service of a structure, building and lifetime conditions cause deviations, with associated risks. Laser scanning point clouds can be used to assess the structural state but a universal approach was missing. The proposed algorithm first estimates the tower inclination,...
Electricity demand prediction by multi-agent system with history-based weighting
PublicationEnergy and load demand forecasting in short-horizons, over an interval ranging from one hour to one week, is crucial for on-line scheduling and security functions of power system. Many load forecasting methods have been developed in recent years which are usually complex solutions with many adjustable parameters. Best-matching models and their relevant parameters have to be determined in a search procedure. We propose a hybrid...
History and Perspective of Treatment Wetland in Poland – Part One: Lesson learned
PublicationEarly implementation of treatment wetlands under supervision of the researchers from were quite promising. The constructed facilities ensured effective wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. In the next years a number of treatment wetland s systems were constructed without following the designing principles and left without proper maintenance. In the consequence this lead to unsatisfactory treatment results. Investigations...
Monument of History in Gdynia - Problems with Protection of the Main Representative Axis of the City
PublicationThe spatial idea of the main representative axis was presented in 1938 in the project of the Representative District of Gdynia and partly realised in 1938-1939. Although the whole area was included in the Gdynia's Monument of History, now its spatial integration is on thread by the controversial current development plans
Nomination Dossier, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, Part 2b, History and Development
PublicationHistory and development of Gdynia, from Medieval times up until today. The project concerns such chapters as: Introduction; The village of Gdynia; Gdynia as a seaside resort; Construction of the port and the city in the interwar period; The modernist city centre – layout; architecture;Architecture of the city centre; South Pier and Grand District; Post-war development of Śródmieście: a continuation
L'industria e la Storia. La lezione di Giorgio Mori
PublicationThe wide contribution of Giorgio Mori for a better understanding of the long-term historical relationships between history and industry is the focus of this chapter. By analysing the long list of books and articles written all along his scientific and academic life it is possible to trace a sort of fil rouge that permits to appreciate the huge effort made by this scholar in offering a fresh and never banal interpretation of the...
Recenzja artykułu Joanny Kucharzewskiej o artykule "Siedziba Urzędu Marszałkowskiego na placu Teatralnym w Toruniu - tradycja miejsca i historia budowy
PublicationRecenzja wskazuje konieczne poprawki jakie autorka artykułu musi poczynić przed jego przekazaniem do druku
Historic bridge modelling using laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and finite element methods in the context of structural dynamics
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania MES zabytkowej konstrukcji mostowej przy użyciu danych geometrycznych pochodzących ze skanowania laserowego oraz georadaru. Z uwagi na brak badań materiału budujcego most, przeprowadza się analize wrażliwości konstrukcji na zmiany modułu sprężystości granitu.
Typology, current state and non-destructive testing of timber roof trusses of historic churches in the West Vistula Delta, Poland
PublicationThis paper presents the current state of conservation of historic roof churches located in the Żuławy of Gdańsk (Poland). It also describes the architecture of these temples, the region itself and old carpentry techniques for constructing roof trusses. Interdisciplinary tests were carried out in six churches. The geometry of the load bearing structures, the moisture content and the carpentry technique were specified. The field...
Analysis of temporal leachibility of trace elements to the environment of opoka-rocks used in historical building
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Chemical composition of edible aerial parts of meadow bistort (Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp.)
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A European-wide dataset to uncover adaptive traits of Listeria monocytogenes to diverse ecological niches
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Implementation of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Model for the Assessment of a Retrofitted Historical Masonry Building
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The potential of historical railway infrastructure, possibilities of its adaptation on the examples of railway water towers
How Important Is Research on Pollution Levels in Antarctica? Historical Approach, Difficulties and Current Trends
PublicationDespite the fact that Antarctica is a continent notably free from large negative impact of human activities, literature data can be the basis for concluding that this is not an area free from anthropogenic pollutants. Pollutants, which are identified in various elements of the environment of Antarctica, are mostly connected with long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) and deposition in this area. The study presents: a historical...
Using the ultrasonic tomography method to study the condition of wooden beams from historical buildngs
PublicationThe need to evaluate the integrity of wooden structural elements is constantly increasing. Non-destructive methods are becoming more popular in this field of research. One type of non-destructive testing is the ultrasonic imaging method, which allows the analysis of internal wood structures without disturbing their state and integrity. In this study, we are interested in assessing the effect of wood condition on the ultrasound...
Recenzja książki: Bolesław Kuc, Zbigniew Ścibiorek, Zarys metodologii nauk o bezpieczeństwie, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2018, ss. 259.
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Janusz Waluszko mgr
PeoplePracuje w Biblotece PG od 1987 w Czytelni Norm. Autor e-kursu "Wyszukiwanie aktualnej informacji normalizacyjnej w źródłach elektronicznych". W chwili obecnej prowadzi także Wypożyczalnię Międzybiblioteczną. Absolwent historii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Praca dyplomowa została wydana w formie książkowej przez IPN w Gdańsku. Zajmuje się historią ( ruchami społecznymi oraz architekturą i urbanistyką Gdańska).
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Mycosis fungoides with a dramatic course in a patient with a history of pyoderma gangrenosum – a case report
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Ancient mitochondrial DNA and the genetic history of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in Europe
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Forest Inventory Data Reveal Stand History from 115 Years Ago
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Z dziejów badań językoznawczych nad homonimią [On the history of linguistic research into homonymy]
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The history of Lake Rzecin and its surroundings drawn on maps as a background to palaeoecological reconstruction
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Evaluating architecture students' knowledge of the history of architecture by tests and by drawings: a comparative analysis
PublicationThe methods of evaluating students’ knowledge in architectural education, and in particular in education on history of architecture, are specific in many respects. Apart from checking the general knowledge of history concerning chronology, artistic trends, styles, main objects and architects, it should also check students’ ability to analyse the historic architecture in a drawing form. Such a form of presenting architecture has...
Cast Iron Staircase in Aleksandrów Kujawski (Poland) - History, Construction, Architectural Form
PublicationThe text presents historic cast iron staircase, which is situated inside the railway station building in Aleksandrów Kujawski. Since the moment of creation in the 19th century for a long time that station, located at the border of Prussia and Kingdom of Poland, was an important transit point. Nowadays it is situated in the central of Poland. The staircase was built in 1870’s as a result of an extension of the railway station building...
Developing students' spatial skills and teaching the history of architecture through structural drawing
PublicationThe method of “structural drawing" is used in teaching history of architecture in the Architectural Faculty of Gdańsk University of Technology. It is addressed to students of the first semester of study – so to the architectural beginners. There are three main goals of the structural drawing method used in that educational course: (1) developing the students’ spatial skills; (2) training architectural drawing ability; (3) teaching...
Metrologia i Pobiernictwo
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Kultura i Historia
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Historia del Presente
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Rocznik Przemyski. Historia
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History and the World
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Cadernos de Historia
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Historia y Sociedad
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Historia y Espacio
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Historia da Historiografia
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Historia Slavorum Occidentis
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Historia y Memoria
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Historia e Cultura
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Vinculos de Historia
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Revista Historia Autonoma