total: 412
- Publications 290 available results
- Journals 2 available results
- People 13 available results
- Inventions 1 available results
- Research Teams 2 available results
- Research Equipment 1 available results
- e-Learning Courses 49 available results
- Events 9 available results
- Open Research Data 45 available results
The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...
Automatic Regularization by Quantization in Reducible Representations of CCR: Point-Form Quantum Optics with Classical Sources
PublicationElectromagnetic fields are quantized in a manifestly covariant way by means ofa class of reducible "center-of-mass N-representations" of the algebra of canonical commutationrelations (CCR). The four-potential Aa(x) transforms in these representations as aHermitian four-vector field in Minkowski four-position space (without change of gauge), butin momentum space it splits into spin-1 massless photons and two massless scalars. Whatwe...
Combined environmental testing device for picosatellites
PublicationAs access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists’ interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in a detailed manner. Typical tests for payload include: vibration tests, thermal and vacuum tests,...
Segmentation-Based BI-RADS ensemble classification of breast tumours in ultrasound images
PublicationBackground: The development of computer-aided diagnosis systems in breast cancer imaging is exponential. Since 2016, 81 papers have described the automated segmentation of breast lesions in ultrasound images using arti- ficial intelligence. However, only two papers have dealt with complex BI-RADS classifications. Purpose: This study addresses the automatic classification of breast lesions into binary classes (benign vs. ma- lignant)...
Elective design I: Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System - 2022/2023 Project PROMETHEUS
e-Learning CoursesElective design I:Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification Systemfor MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: akub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka, Robert Hirsch Piotr Samól, Szymon Kowalski, Joanna Badach + Visiting Prof. Sandro Parrinello (from Pavia University) Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation...
On the differential effect of temperature on the Nusselt-Rayleigh relationship in free convection
PublicationThe aim of and inspiration behind this paper was to explain the reasons, also observed by other researchers, of the discrepancy in the results of experimental free convection, which for small Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers in the initial phase of research can sometimes reach several hundred percent. These discrepancies decrease with increasing heating power and plate surface temperature, in proportion to the increase in Ra and Nu,...
Measurements of ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in additively manufactured cubes and plates obtained by ultrasonic pulse velocity analyzer and scanning laser vibrometry
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation in additively manufactured samples made of polylactic acid (PLA). Three types of raster angles in two consecutive layers were assumed: 0°/90° (#1), 45°/-45° (#2) and 90°/90° (#3) with respect to the x-axis. For each printing variants a cubic sample (#C1-3) with dimensions...
Temat 2: Site-Specific, Land Art, Interwencja - Projekt formy przestrzennej w skali 1:1
e-Learning CoursesKrótki opis problematyki zajęć: Miejsce, przestrzeń, czas, odczucie, emocje, twórcze przetworzenie. Zadanie projektowe odnosi się do działań artystycznych i projektowych z obszaru Site-Specific, Land Art oraz Interwencja w różnych lokalizacjach. W zadaniu powinna być uwzględniona specyfika przestrzenna i historyczna Kampusu Politechniki Gdański. Należy zaprojektować i zrealizować obiekt lub zespół obiektów w skali 1:1 zintegrowanych...
Influence of intermixing at the Ta/CoFeB interface on spin Hall angle in Ta/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures
PublicationWhen a current is passed through a non-magnetic metal with strong spin-orbit coupling, an orthogonal spin current is generated. This spin current can be used to switch the magnetization of an adjacent ferromagnetic layer or drive its magnetization into continuous precession. The interface, which is not necessarily sharp, and the crystallographic structure of the nonmagnetic metal can both affect the strength of current-induced...
Robert Szczodruch
People -
Monitor Emocji
Research EquipmentMonitor Emocji to multimodalne stanowisko badawcze, które łączy pomiary różnych kanałów wejściowych z rozpoznawaniem na ich podstawie emocji użytkowników komputerów. Na stanowisku wykorzystuje się rozpoznawanie emocji na podstawie analizy obrazu twarzy, parametrów fizjologicznych, wzorców behawioralnych, przetwarzania języka naturalnego.
Doskonalenie strumienia wartości
PublicationKsiążka ta ma na celu praktyczne ujęcie problemu optymalizacji przedsiębiorstwa opartej na koncepcji Lean (z ang. Lean – szczupły) i jej narzędziu Mapowania Strumienia Wartości. ---- Tu pobierzesz jej pełną treść w wersji elektronicznej: ---- Prezentowane...