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Search results for: RELATIONAL BENEFITS

Search results for: RELATIONAL BENEFITS

  • Annotating Words Using WordNet Semantic Glosses


    - Year 2012

    An approach to the word sense disambiguation (WSD) relaying onthe WordNet synsets is proposed. The method uses semantically tagged glosses to perform a process similar to the spreading activation in semantic network, creating ranking of the most probable meanings for word annotation. Preliminary evaluation shows quite promising results. Comparison with the state-of-theart WSD methods indicates that the use of WordNet relations...

  • Methodological issues of functional safety and reliability assessment of critical systems in industrial hazardous plants

    The aim of this article is to identify and discuss some methodological issues that are of interest among functional safety specialists and experts after publication of the second edition of international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511, including the design and implementing the safety-related functions of higher safety integrity levels and protection layers. The basic role of safety-related systems is to reduce effectively and...

  • Optimized Space Vector Modulation strategy for five phase voltage source inverter with third harmonic injection

    This paper presents a simple and an effective SVM algorithm for five-phase Voltage-Source Inverters with the possibility to control independently the voltage vectors for fundamental and auxiliary orthogonal subspaces. The essential benefit is that output voltage is generated using only four active voltage vectors with limited numbers of switching. In the proposed solution, four active vectors are arbitrary chosen, independent of...

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  • Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals


    Seals perform an important and at times overlooked function in a lubricant system. They prevent or minimize the movement of the lubricant between two surfaces and also minimize the level of contamination in the system. Seals are divided into static and dynamic types. Static seals operate in systems where the mating surfaces do not move relative to each other. In contrast, dynamic seals operate under conditions where the mating surfaces...

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  • Non-conventional approach in single-sided lapping process: kinematic analysis and parameters optimization

    The lapping process is strongly affected by a number of input parameters. One of the fundamental mechanical processes in lapping is the abrasive effect of particles. In order to examine the influence of the kinematic parameters on the lapping uniformity of unconventional single-sided machine, numerical simulations of particles sliding trajectories are performed. Changing the kinematic parameters, e.g., rotational velocities or...

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  • Extended micropolar approach within the framework of 3M theories and variations thereof



    As part of his groundbreaking work on generalized continuum mechanics, Eringen proposed what he called 3M theories, namely the concept of micromorphic, microstretch, and micropolar materials modeling. The micromorphic approach provides the most general framework for a continuum with translational and (internal) rotational degrees of freedom (DOF), whilst the rotational DOFs of micromorphic and micropolar continua are subjected...

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  • Surface Structure of Components Created by Stereolitography


    Stereolithography is an additive rapid prototyping method. This method is based on the principle of solidifying a liquid photopolymer (resin) by laser radiation. Models obtained with this method are characterized by a specific surface structure called “stairstep effect”. It causes that, the surface should be processed by additional finishing (postprocessing). To minimize the additional machining process, the model should be set...

  • Effects of the preheating laser treatment on microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V bioalloy

    The laser remelting of the Ti6Al4V alloy was made on specimens pre-heated at elevated temperatures. The laser treatment effected in change of microstructures of surface layers and an appearance of blisters and numerous cracks. The corrosion tests demonstrated the decrease in corrosion resistance for each preheating temperature. The observed effects were attributed to negative influence of excessive compressive stresses with no...

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  • Clarke duality for Hamiltonian systems with nonstandard growth


    We consider the existence of periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems with growth conditions involving G-function. We introduce the notion of symplectic G-function and provide relation for the growth of Hamiltonian in terms of certain constant CG associated to symplectic G-function G. We discuss an optimality of this constant for some special cases. We also provide applications to the Φ-laplacian type systems.

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  • Katedra Nauk Społecznych i Filozoficznych

    * społeczne i polityczne otoczenie biznesu * społeczne i polityczne aspekty globalizacji * społeczno-polityczne i prawne aspekty integracji europejskiej * wybrane zagadnienia z historii filozofii i filozofii kultury * public relations i komunikacji społeczna * etyka równoważnego rozwoju * zarządzanie edukacją i problematyką reform bolońskich

  • A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction, and (de)bonding reactions



    This work presents a self-contained continuum formulation for coupled chemical, mechanical, and thermal contact interactions. The formulation is very general and, hence, admits arbitrary geometry, deformation, and material behavior. All model equations are derived rigorously from the balance laws of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy in the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, thus exposing all the coupling present in the...

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  • Threats to Armenia’s Security in the National Strategy and Practice with Special Emphasis on External Security,

    The national security strategy adopted in 2007 provided a detailed definition of security and identified its threats. The key threat to the Armenian state was considered to be the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The document indicated the Collective Security Treaty Organisation main guarantor of security, with Russia being Armenia’s main partner in bilateral relations. The second position in the strategy was assigned to cooperation...

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  • Mechani-Cup 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Ciborowski
    • M. A. Zmuda Trzebiatowski

    Konkurs wiedzy z przedmiotów Mechanika Ogólna oraz Mechanika Budowli adresowany dla studentów II i IV semestru na kierunku Budownictwo, organizowany przez Studenckie Koło Naukowe "Forever Young" przy Katedrze Mechaniki Budowli adresowany do studentów. Konkurs składa się z czterech etapów eliminacji, w ramach których uczestnicy rozwiązują udostępniane zestawy zadań (zgodnie z harmonogramem). Do finału awansują zwycięzcy każdego...

  • Mechani-Cup 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Ciborowski
    • M. A. Zmuda Trzebiatowski

    Konkurs wiedzy z przedmiotów Mechanika Ogólna oraz Mechanika Budowli adresowany dla studentów II i IV semestru na kierunku Budownictwo, organizowany przez Studenckie Koło Naukowe "Forever Young" przy Katedrze Mechaniki Budowli adresowany do studentów. Konkurs składa się z czterech etapów eliminacji, w ramach których uczestnicy rozwiązują udostępniane zestawy zadań (zgodnie z harmonogramem). Do finału awansują zwycięzcy każdego...

  • Mechani-Cup 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Łazorczyk
    • T. Ciborowski
    • M. A. Zmuda Trzebiatowski

    Konkurs wiedzy z przedmiotów Mechanika Ogólna oraz Mechanika Budowli adresowany dla studentów II i IV semestru na kierunku Budownictwo, organizowany przez Studenckie Koło Naukowe "Forever Young" przy Katedrze Mechaniki Budowli adresowany do studentów. Konkurs składa się z trzech etapów eliminacji, w ramach których uczestnicy rozwiązują udostępniane zestawy zadań (zgodnie z harmonogramem). Do finału awansuje maksymalnie 10 najlepszych...

  • On a flexomagnetic behavior of composite structures

    The popularity of the studies is getting further on the flexomagnetic (FM) response of nano-electro-magneto machines. In spite of this, there are a few incompatibilities with the available FM model. This study indicates that the accessible FM model is inappropriate when considering the converse magnetization effect that demonstrates the necessity and importance of deriving a new FM relation. Additionally, the literature has neglected...

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  • Zastosowanie technik dwuwymiarowych w analizie frakcji lotnej i oznaczaniu związków bioaktywynych owoców jagody kamczackiej


    - Year 2014

    Dotychczasowe doniesienia literaturowe wskazują, że owoce strefy borealnej, do których należy popularna w Polsce aronia, są źródłem cennych składników odżywczych i prozdrowotnych. Podobnie jagoda kamczacka, należąca do tej grupy owoców, może stanowić źródło substancji istotnych dla ludzkiej diety. Jednakże aktualny stan wiedzy o składzie chemicznym owoców jagody kamczackiej ogranicza się głównie do informacji dotyczących całkowitej...

  • Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows


    - Year 2021

    This book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...

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  • Tanatoarchitektura [=] Thanatoarchitecture


    - Year 2015

    Apart from medicine and philosophy, deliberations about thanatology - the science of dying and death - are nowadays a subject of interest in psychol-ogy, pedagogy, anthropology, sociology or theology. It seems that there is also space for such deliberations in the field of architecture. This may con-cern the conditions and dignity of death (i.e. in a hospice) but also matters related to the design of the burial and memorial sites....

  • Mobility Oriented Development (MOD): Public-Private Partnership in Urban Parking & Traffic Management with the Use of Autonomous Automobiles, Car-Sharing, Ridesharing Modes of Transport & Mobility as a Service (MaaS)


    - Year 2017

    The focus of the following research are relations between mobility technologies and metropolitan (urban and suburban) spatial structures. In this paper the author discusses various urban modes of transport (automobile, mass transit) in the context of emerging technical (autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars and driverless shuttles) and organizational (carpooling, ridesharing, car-sharing, on-demand mobility) solutions for " mobility...

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  • On refined constitutive equations in the six-field theory of elastic shells


    - Year 2014

    Within the resultant six-field shell theory, the second approximation to the complementary energy density of an isotropic elastic shell undergoing small strains is constructed. In this case, the resultant drilling couples are expressed explicitly by the stress resultants and stress couples as well as by amplitudes of the quadratic and cubic distributions of an intrinsic deviation vector. The refined 2D strain-stress and stress-strain...

  • Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system

    The paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the stability and load bearing capacity of a flat steel truss. The structure was supported by elastic lateral braces. The translational and rotational brace stiffness was taken into account. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss. The nonlinear static analysis were conducted for the structure initial geometric imperfections. As a result...

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  • Combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine main shaft – Design and analysis of failure



    This paper presents an analysis of the combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine propulsion shaft. The lubrication system of the bearing is based on a fixed ring. The efficiency of the lubrication system depends on the shaft speed and temperature, which affects oil viscosity. In turn, the thrust bearing load also depends on the rotational speed of the shaft, because as the speed increases, the drag of the ship increases simultaneously,...

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  • Effect of Hydroxypropylation and Beta-Amylase Treatment on Complexation of Debranched Starch With Naringenin


    - STARCH-STARKE - Year 2018

    Naringenin exhibits many health benefits but it has limited water solubility and consequently low bioavailability. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of hydroxypropylation and enzymatic treatments on starch complexation with naringenin. Potato starch and Hylon VII are hydroxypropylated to two substitution degrees and then debranched or debranched/β‐amylase treated prior to complexing with naringenin. Both...

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  • Context of Digitalized Employment for Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the New Normal


    - Year 2022

    Employers are actively considering how to normalize remote work technology across different industries. The residual risk of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) will necessarily lower the bar for allowing some workers to stay remote on a more permanent basis. This is based on the realization that many essential jobs can be teleworked while retaining or enhancing productivity. The decisions employers make regarding future work arrangements...

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  • Using Rule-Based System for Monitoring Marine Navigation Data Processing


    Processing marine navigational data requires sophisticated software solutions. Typically, specialized tools called processors are analyzing raw data from different sensors. It becomes important to create the monitoring software that is able to validate and verify processing components integrated into the final system. Drools®business rule management platform provides a core business rules engine, web authoring and rules management...

  • Climate Change Impacts on Environmental and Human Exposure to Mercury in the Arctic


    This paper reviews information from the literature and the EU ArcRisk project to assess whether climate change results in an increase or decrease in exposure to mercury (Hg) in the Arctic, and if this in turn will impact the risks related to its harmful effects. It presents the state-of-the art of knowledge on atmospheric mercury emissions from anthropogenic sources worldwide, the long-range transport to the Arctic, and it discusses...

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  • Towards Understanding the Health Aspects of the Processing of Lignocellulosic Fillers


    - Proceedings - Year 2021

    Health and safety issues should be addressed during the development and investigation of the industrial processes. In order to develop a sustainable process and fully evaluate its benefits and drawbacks for its optimization, it is crucial to determine its impact on the surrounding environment. This study aimed to assess the emission of volatile organic compounds during the modification of lignocellulosic fillers with passive dosimetry....

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  • Assessment of Utilizing Hard-to-Recycle Plastic Waste from the Packaging Sector in Architectural Design—Case Study for Experimental Building Material


    The environmental impact of plastic waste has become a significant concern worldwide, prompting innovative approaches to address sustainability challenges, particularly within architectural design. This research paper delves into assessing the environmental impact and sustainability implications of using hard-to-recycle plastic packaging waste in architectural design practices. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility, challenges,...

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  • Composite 2D Material-Based Pervaporation Membranes for Liquid Separation: A Review


    - MOLECULES - Year 2024

    Today, chemistry and nanotechnology cover molecular separations in liquid and gas states by aiding in the design of new nano-sized materials. In this regard, the synthesis and application of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials are current fields of research in which structurally defined 2D materials are being used in membrane separation either in self-standing membranes or composites with polymer phases. For instance, pervaporation...

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  • Possibility to use engine compression ignition engines in floating power plants marine


    - Year 2012

    Compression-ignition engines used in ship technology as main propulsion engines are large units reaching even to 50-60 MW. The engines can be used in power industry for electricity generation in a simple or combined steam turbine system in combined heat and power plants. The leading engine in such an arrangement is an internal-combustion piston engine. The main propulsion engines are used in large piston internal-combustion engines...

  • Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands


    - Year 2008

    Hybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...

  • The Corporate Museum: A New Type of Museum Created as a Component of Marketing Company

    A new type of museum appeared – the corporate museum. The museum institution in this instance has been used as a new marketing device for building corporate identity strategies. Their inception is not based on the existing context of a place, but appears to be integrated with the corporate identity program, exposing the company’s values and philosophy. The corporate museums are thematic, commercial buildings, owned by a particular...

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  • Striking elements - A lifebelt or a fad? Searching for an effective way of adapting abandoned churches.

    Are avant-garde elements added to historical objects as a temporary fashion to fulfill the aspirations of designers or an attempt to draw attention to themselves? It may be the exact opposite, and this type of controversial project is the best lifebelt for such monuments. This article explores issues related to external avant-garde elements added to adapted churches and their influence on the efficiency of such adaptation projects....

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  • Value co‐creation (VCC) and value co‐destruction (VCD) via open government data (OGD): Empirical case of Tanzania

    • F. Ishengoma
    • D. Shao
    • R. G. da Silva
    • G. C. Wiedenhoft
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • S. Saxena

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Year 2024

    Having emphasized upon the potential benefits of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives via value derivation and innovation pursuits of the stakeholders, it falls in place to complement this line of OGD research in the specific case of Tanzania, a developing country, to support the inferences. Specifically, it is important to understand the manner in which OGD VCC-one of the hinges of OGD initiatives- and OGD VCD-a possible fall...

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  • Future opportunities for products derived from black soldier fly (BSF) treatment as animal feed and fertilizer - A systematic review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • A. S. Gadge
    • M. Hasan
    • T. Rahayu
    • S. N. Povetkin
    • I. Fernando
    • R. Castro Munoz


    The pursuit of novel food products with good nutritional value for both direct and indirect human consumption is crucial. Given the nutritional benefits of insects and the sustainability of this sort of farming, using them as food for farmed animals is a promising alternative. In this regard, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) is most capable of efficiently converting a wide variety of organic materials, from food waste...

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  • QRS Morphology-Based EDR Signal—Factors Determining its Properties


    Respiration-induced signals contain a clinically significant information. It could be obtained utilizing both direct and indirect methods. ECG-Derived Respiration (EDR) method is the latter one. However, in this case, two approaches could be distinguished. First one is based on determining changes in the morphology of QRS complexes while the second one is based on the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) mechanism. The former approach...

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  • Doppler effect in the CW FM sonar

    When sonars are used for military purposes they have to ensure unobtrusive operation, a feature that can be potentially secured by 'silent sonar' or continuous wave frequency modulation sonars (CW FM sonars). The article presents how these sonars operate and identifies the relations between their parameters. The Doppler effect and its impact on the CW FM sonar are studied to identify how it affects the sonar's parameters. The results...

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  • Promotion and its tools in territorial marketing

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie instrumentów promocji, które jednostki samorządu terytorialnego mogą wykorzystywać w kształtowaniu i przy realizacji strategii marketingowej. W artykule przeanalizowano zestaw pięciu podstawowych narzędzi promocji, do których zalicza się reklamę, public relations i publicity, promocję sprzedaży oraz sprzedaż osobistą. Wymienioną grupe rozszerzono o marketing bezpośredni, który przedstawiono z...

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  • FEM approach to estimate the behaviour of biocomposite metal-surface coating system


    A three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced byknown external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6Al4V) and thehydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model weregenerated for investigating relations between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude ofexternal force and the thickness of the...

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  • Circular saw vibrations or dynamics of the spindle


    - Year 2009

    Sawing of wood with circular saws is a typical example of cutting with multi-blade tools. In that kind of cutting, theposition accuracy of following tool blades is a crucial factor which affects the cutting process and machining final effects.Position tooth errors may cause deterioration in cutting conditions, changes in loads of individual teeth and the tool as a whole,and also a decrease in accuracy and surface quality after...

  • Experimental tests of reinforced concrete deep-beams

    The paper presents results of experimental research of the reinforced concrete deep beam with a spatial arrangement. Tested structural elements consist of the cantilever deep beam loaded on the height and transverse deep beam with hanging on it another one. The analysis includes crack morphology, effort of steel and load distribution. The article verified effectiveness of two different kind of reinforcement in both tested deep...

  • Zintegrowane środowiska projektowania aplikacji internetowych.


    - Year 2002

    Zintegrowane środowiska, umożliwiające analizę, projektowanie i implementację aplikacji, stanowią wymarzone narzędzie pracy każdego inżyniera oprogramowania. Opisano próby dostarczenia takiego środowiska w postaci Borland Delphi 5.0 oraz w postaci Rational XDE - środowiska projektowania w UML przeznaczonego do integracji z istniejącymi środowiskami implementacji, takimi jak Microsoft Visual Studio.NET i IBM Web Sphere...

  • Gender, education and motivation of onwers of small firms and their growth


    - Year 2016

    Almost every article on the growht of SMEs begins with noting the lack of a unified theory or a model of growth in thei group of companies, although the growth of small and medium sized enterprises has been the subject of research for many years and early theories about it appeared already before the Second World War. In the paper some conlusions about the relation between gender, education and motivation of owner and the small...

  • Complementary oriented allocation algorithm for cloud computing


    Nowadays cloud computing is one of the most popular processing models. More and more different kinds of workloads have been migrated to clouds. This trend obliges the community to design algorithms which could optimize the usage of cloud resources and be more effiient and effective. The paper proposes a new model of workload allocation which bases on the complementarity relation and analyzes it. An example of a case of use is shown...

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    Pracę definiuje się w różny sposób w zależności od przyjętego kryterium i dyscypliny naukowej, której jest ona przedmiotem badań. Może być traktowana jako źródło dochodów umożliwiających zaspokojenie potrzeb człowieka lub jako podstawowy czynnik produkcji wpływający na efektywność funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Z punktu widzenia gospodarki praca stanowi jeden z głównych czynników wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego. Praca pełni...

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  • Determinants of Firm Innovation in Indonesia: The Role of Institutions and Access to Finance


    - Economics and Finance of Indonesia - Year 2015

    This paper investigates the determinants of firm innovation in Indonesia. Using quality of local regulations index constructed by the Indonesia’s Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) as measure of institutions, We found that better institutional quality at the local level was associated with more innovation and that firms experiencing major obstacle in access to finance were less likely to innovate. Access to finance is more critical...

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  • The relationship between architectural detail and light in contemporary architecture


    The paper deals with the influence of modern artificial and natural lighting technology on contemporary architecture, especially in relation to architectural detail. Advanced complex lighting systems have an increasing importance in contemporary design solutions. Light itself, and the effect of its actions, and characteristic parts of the sophisticated lighting systems, play an essential role as independent architectural elements,...

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  • Blood Pressure - Pulse Transit Time Relationships: Comparative Studies


    A non-invasive and continuous blood pressure estimation could allow a better diagnosis and an earlier detection of various diseases. It could be performed using a photoplethysmography. However, it requires that a relation between blood pressure and pulse transit time is known. Eleven theoretical formulas were used in obtaining the simulated and noise free synthetic data. Then, they were utilized in validation of three, commonly...

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  • Does low price mean high competitiveness


    We found a strong positive relationship between Comparative Price Level Index (CPL) and Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI). We do realize that the relation we have found does not have to indicate cause and effects relationship. Competitiveness is a process which goes far beyond price level but it is detemined by lots of different elemnts. We show the GCI composition that provides a concept explaining what exactly determines competitiveness...

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