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Search results for: Audit works
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Comptabilite Controle Audit
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Technology audit tool for strategic innovation in SME
PublicationWymagania stawiane przez współczesny rynek wraz z jego wyzwaniami i zagrożeniami potrzebują ciągłej aktywności małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w obszarze doskonalenia ustawicznego oraz innowacji po to, by przetrwać we współczesnym konkurencyjnym świecie. Referat prezentuje praktyczne podejścia poprawiające równowagę głównych czynników rynkowych, tj. jakości, ceny i elestyczności jako głównych wskaźników konkurencyjności. Audyt...
Audyt i monitorowanie energii. - Tł. z Plant Engineering. - Tyt. oryg.: Energy audits, monitoring drive data toward a solution / David Bovankovich.
PublicationW arytukule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania nowoczesnych rejestratorów jakości energii elektrycznej w poprawie efektywności energetycznej zakładów przemysłowych. W komentarzu podano możliwości techniczne przyrządów dostępnych na polskim rynku.
To Work or Not to Work… in a Multicultural Team?
PublicationThe main goal of the article is to present research findings regarding student’s attitude to working in a multicultural team (MCT). Research participants of different cultural background completed the research survey. Their willingness to work in MCT was measured together with factors that influence it. These include factors related to both team members and the task structure. Research findings indicate that the respondents preferred...
Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labor
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Cointegration and how it works for structural health monitoring
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It is not OK but it works – unproductive entrepreneurship, the case of Poland
PublicationThe concept of unproductive entrepreneurs was introduced to science by Baumol, who pointed out the differences in business output between countries. Unproductive behaviour of entrepreneurs is often a consequence of ineffective institutions used by entrepreneurs for rent seeking. The aim of this article is to examine subjective norms (S.N.) and attitudes regarding specified types of unproductive entrepreneurship, which in many cases...
PublicationThe night time, based on many world studies, generates an increased risk of serious accidents (with fatalities and serious injuries). This is especially true for accidents with pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings are very sensitive to the influence of the time of day in terms of pedestrian safety, elements of road infrastructure. This is visible on the example of Poland, where numerous accidents at crosswalks are recorded, characterized...
Renovation works in buildings in the area of former defensive fortifications
Publicationhe paperpresents the Complex of Buildings which was created in Gdańsk as a result of the reconstruction and development of the remains of the defensive fortifications of Redita Napoleońska. Some of the buildings of the Building Complex, after many years of operation, were in an emergency condition and required urgent renovation and repair work. The papercontains a detailed analysis of the technicalcondition of individual...
The preservation of the industrial heritage of the Wieliczka salt-works in Poland
PublicationMuzeum w Wieliczce jest jedną z najważniejszych tego typu placówek w EuropieZlokalizowane na terenie 700-letniej kopalni, w 1978 r. zostało wpisane naListę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.
Emotion Work
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Emotion work
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Accounting Quality and Audit Attributes on the Stock Price Crashes in an Emerging Market
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Audit wewnętrzny procesów systemu zarządzania jakością. Perspektywa małych organizacji
PublicationPrzedstawio metodykę auditowania procesów systemów zarzadzania jakością oraz specyficzne uwarunkowania z tym związane występujące wmałych organizacjach.
PublicationThe problem of video framerate and audio/video synchronization in audio-visual speech recogni-tion is considered. The visual features are added to the acoustic parameters in order to improve the accuracy of speech recognition in noisy conditions. The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used on the acoustic side whereas Active Appearance Model features are extracted from the image. The feature fusion approach is employed. The...
PublicationThe problem of video framerate and audio/video synchronization in audio-visual speech recognition is considered. The visual features are added to the acoustic parameters in order to improve the accuracy of speech recognition in noisy conditions. The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used on the acoustic side whereas Active Appearance Model features are extracted from the image. The feature fusion approach is employed. The...
Bożena Kostek prof. dr hab. inż.
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Geotechnical problems of industrial waste storage in Janikowo Soda Works
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Post soda sludge treatment and utylisation in Janikowo Soda Works.
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Virtual designs and reconstructions of amber works: Amber craftsman simulator
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of visualization of amber works in a virtual reality cave. It describes problems encountered during the acquisition, modeling and rendering of geometrical objects distinguished by heterogeneous transparency.
Technological Considerations of Periodic Repair Works of Concrete Industrial Floors
PublicationConcrete floors are among the elements in construction facilities whose design requires engineering experience, workmanship requires the maintenance of a technological regime, while during their operation it is necessary to conduct periodic repairs. Concrete floors are most often used as working and communication space in industrial facilities, and very often they are also a functional element in objects that are immovable monuments....
Retrospecting Polish Audio Engineering Society Membership on 20th Anniversary of the Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society
PublicationIn this article some key events concerning founding Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society were presented. In addition, the history covering International Symposia on Sound Engineering and Mastering was outlined. Also, papers contained in this issue were shortly reviewed.
Automatic audio-visual threat detection
PublicationThe concept, practical realization and application of a system for detection and classification of hazardous situations based on multimodal sound and vision analysis are presented. The device consists of new kind multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors, digital Pan Tilt Zoom and fixed cameras and a bundle of signal processing algorithms. The simultaneous analysis of multimodal signals can significantly improve the accuracy...
Objectivization of Audio-Visual Correlation analysis
PublicationSimultaneous perception of audio and visual stimuli often causes the concealment or misrepresentation of information actually contained in these stimuli. Such effects are called the ''image proximity effect'' or the ''ventriloquism effect'' in literature. Until recently, most research carried out to understand their nature was based on subjective assessments. The Authors of this paper propose a methodology based on both subjective...
Measurement of Latency in the Android Audio Path
PublicationThis paper provides a description of experimental investigations concerning comparison between the audio path characteristics of various Android versions. First, information about the changes in each system version in the context of latency caused by them is presented. Then, a measurement procedure employing available applications to measure latency is described comparing to results contained in the Internet. Finally, a comparison...
Diagnoza systemu jakości poprzez audit wewnetrzny. Podejście procesowe i dokumentacja
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono informacje dotyczące celu i zasad prowadzenia wewnętrznych auditów systemu jakości. Przedatawiono wskazówki związane z auditowaniem wymagań należących do rozdziału 4 normy ISO 9001.
Work Values of Police Officers and Their Relationship With Job Burnout and Work Engagement
PublicationValues represent people’s highest priorities and are cognitive representations of basic motivations. Past research shows that levels of both aspects of job-related well-being, job burnout and work engagement, are related to work values. The policing profession is associated with high engagement and a risk of burnout. There is a gap in the literature regarding the hierarchy of work values in police officers, how work values are...
Work-Family Balance
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Guided Waves in Steel Rails – Experimental Works and Wavelet Signal Processing
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Guided waves in steel rails - experimental works and wavelet signal processing
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano analizę falkową pomierzonych eksperymentalnie fal sprężystych wzbudzanych w szynach kolejowych.
The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost in public works contracts
PublicationAn important goal, implemented by EU countries under the Europe 2020 strategy, is sustainable development, which includes supporting economy that effectively uses natural and environmentally friendly resources. Solutions in this area are also promoted in tender proceedings in the area of public procurement. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analysis are indicated as the basis for decision-making by awarding...
Automatic system for audio-video material reconstruction and archiving
PublicationReferat przedstawia propozycję modelu systemu automatycznej archiwizacji i rekonstrukcji nagrań audio-wideo. Założeniem tego rozwiązania jest uczynienie procesu rekonstrukcji nagrań bardziej niezależnym od człowieka. Ma to na celu redukcję kosztów rekonstrukcji przetwarzanych nagrań. Z powodu dużej liczby archiwalnych nagrań audio-wideo istnieje potrzeba stworzenia systemu który umożliwi automatyczną indeksację ich treści. Pomoże...
Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
PeopleReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
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Journal of Radio & Audio Media
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Ukrainian Market of Electrical Energy: Reforming, Financing, Innovative Investment, Efficiency Analysis, and Audit
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the influence of electrical energy market regulation reform in Ukraine on the competitive environment, the reproduction processes of financial and innovative support, and the energy efficiency of the national economy. The authors have put forward and verified the hypothesis that, under conditions of institutional maturity of the Ukrainian electrical energy market, its liberalization and...
Multimodal Audio-Visual Recognition of Traffic Events
PublicationPrzedstawiono demonstrator systemu wykrywania niebezpiecznych zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym oparty na jednoczesnej analizie danych wizyjnych i akustycznych. System jest częścią systemu automatycznego nadzoru bezpieczeństwa. Wykorzystuje on kamery i mikrofony jako źródła danych. Przedstawiono wykorzystane algorytmy - algorytmy rozpoznawania zdarzeń dźwiękowych oraz analizy obrazu. Zaprezentowano wyniki działania algorytmów na przykładzie...
Intelligent video and audio applications for learning enhancement
PublicationThe role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....
Detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals
PublicationIn this paper the problem of detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals is considered. It is shown that semi-causal/noncausal solutions based on joint evaluation of signal prediction errors and leave-one-out signal interpolation errors, allow one to noticeably improve detection results compared to the prediction-only based solutions. The proposed approaches are evaluated on a set of clean audio signals contaminated...
A Study on Audio Signal Processed by "Instant Mastering"
PublicationAn increasing amount of music produced in home- and project-studios results in development and growth of "automatic mastering services". The presented investigation explores changes introduced to audio signal by various online mastering platforms. A music set consisting of 10 songs produced in small facilities was processed by eight on-line automatic mastering services. Additionally, some laboratory-constructed signals were tested....
An new method of audio-visual correlation analysis
PublicationThis paper presents a new methodology of conducting the audio-visual correlation analysis employing the gaze tracking system. Interaction between two perceptual modalities, seeing and hearing, their interaction and mutual reinforcement in a complex relationship was a subject of many research studies. Earlier stage of the carried out experiments at the Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) showed that there exists a relationship between...
A double-talk detector using audio watermarking
Publicationa novel approach to double-talk detection in the acoustic echo canceler is proposed. a hidden signature is embedded into the arriving signal, using the echo-hiding method. next detection of the presence of this signature in the microphone signal is performed. the results of the signature detection may be used by the acoustic echo canceler to stop or restart the adaptation process.
Personal adaptive tuning of mobile computer audio
PublicationAn integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences....
Objectivization of audio-video correlation assessment experiments
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present a new method of conducting an audio-visual correlation analysis employing a head-motion-free gaze tracking system. First, a review of related works in the domain of sound and vision correlation is presented. Then assumptions concerning audio-visual scene creation are shortly described. The objectivization process of carrying out correlation tests employing gaze-tracking system is outlined....
A Device for Measuring Auditory Brainstem Responses to Audio
PublicationStandard ABR devices use clicks and tone bursts to assess subjects’ hearing in an objective way. A new device was developed that extends the functionality of a standard ABR audiometer by collecting and analyzing auditory brainstem responses (ABR). The developed accessory allows for the use of complex sounds (e.g., speech or music excerpts) as stimuli. Therefore, it is possible to find out how efficiently different types of sounds...
Vehicle Type Recognition Based on Audio Data
PublicationIdentifying different vehicle types can help manage traffic more efficiently, reduce congestion, and improve public safety. This study aims to create a classification model that can recognize vehicle types based on the sound of passing vehicles. To achieve this, a database of raw audio files containing 1763 samples from two sources was assembled. The time-domain signals were converted to a time-frequency representation using the...
Adaptive filter for reconstruction of stereo audio signals.
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest omówieniu metody rekonstrukcji zakłóconych impulsowo sygnałów stereofonicznych. W pracy zdefiniowano model sygnału stereofonicznego i przedstawiono zaprojektowany dla tego modelu filtr Kalmana. Przedstawiono modyfikacje filtru, w wyniku których algorytm dokonuje rekonstrukcji zakłóconego impulsowo sygnału w jednym kanale z wykorzystaniem dodatkowej informacji zawartej w niezakłóconych próbkach sygnału pochodzącego...
Intelligent algorithms for optical track audio restoration
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono dwa algorytmy dedykowane redukcji pasożytniczych zniekształceń dźwięku spotykanych w optycznych ścieżkach dźwiękowych. Pierwszy algorytm umożliwia redukcję szerokopasmowego szumu w nagraniach fonicznych. Wykorzystano w nim psycho-akustyczny model słuchu oparty o miarę nieprzewidywalność sygnału (ang. Unpredictability Measure). Ocena jakości redukcji szumu została wykonana z wykorzystaniem metod inteligentnych....
The work-family interface: Job demands, work engagement and turnover intentions of Polish nurses
PublicationA conflict between one's professional life and one's family life may lead to lower well-being both at work and home. Most nurses are women who have traditionally reconciled their professional life with family life. One aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the work-family conflict (WFC),the family-work conflict (FWC), and the perception of job demands (quantitative workload and interpersonal conflicts at work)....