Search results for: BERRY JUICE
An analytical approach to determine the health benefits and health risks of consuming berry juices
PublicationFood products composition analysis is a prerequisite for verification of product quality, fulfillment of regulatory enforcements, checking compliance with national and international food standards, contracting specifications, and nutrient labeling requirements and providing quality assurance for use of the product for the supplemen- tation of other foods. These aspects also apply to the berry fruit and berry juice. It also must...
Berry fruit juices protect lymphocytes against DNA damage and ROS formation induced with heterocyclic aromatic amine PhIP
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Berry seed oils as potential cardioprotective food supplements
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Water properties in pâtés enriched with potato juice
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Pasta Fortified with Potato Juice: Structure, Quality, and Consumer Acceptance
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Finely comminuted frankfurters fortified with potato juice – Quality and structure
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Determination of Elements in Fruit Juices
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The Nutritional Value and Biological Activity of Concentrated Protein Fraction of Potato Juice
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Effect of Thermal Processing on Antioxidant Activity and Cytotoxicity of Waste Potato Juice
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Detection of apple in orange juice using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe determination of authenticity is an increasingly important issue for food quality and safety. The use of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique ensures rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food products. Due to the fact that this technique enables chemical profiling of agricultural products, it can be an effective tool for authentication when combined with chemometrics. In this article...
Comparison of berry quality in highbush blueberry cultivars grown according to conventional and organic methods
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The Occurrence of Cancer and of Adenomae in the Large Bowel and the Concentration of N -Nitrosamines in the Gastric Juice
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Influence of potato variety on polyphenol profile composition and glycoalcaloid contents of potato juice
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Membrane Filtration-Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis Affects the Biological Activity of Potato Juice
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Assessment of Hepatoprotective Effect of Chokeberry Juice in Rats Treated Chronically with Carbon Tetrachloride
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Potential Benefits Of Electricaly Driven Ferry, Case Study
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Anti-Microbiological, Anti-Hyperglycemic and Anti-Obesity Potency of Natural Antioxidants in Fruit Fractions of Saskatoon Berry
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In Vitro Studies on the Relationship Between the Antioxidant Activities of Some Berry Extracts and Their Binding Properties to Serum Albumin
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to use the bioactive components from cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana), blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) extracts as a novel source against oxidation in food supplementation. The quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids, flavanols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll) was based on radical scavenging spectrophometric assays...
Potato Juice, a Starch Industry Waste, as a Cost-Effective Medium for the Biosynthesis of Bacterial Cellulose
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Production of wheat bread with spray-dried potato juice: Influence on dough and bread characteristics
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Low Field NMR Studies of Wheat Bread Enriched with Potato Juice During Staling
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Spray-Dried Potato Juice as a Potential Functional Food Component with Gastrointestinal Protective Effects
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Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Powders Obtained from Different Plum Juice Formulations
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Ability of Yeast Metabolic Activity to Reduce Sugars and Stabilize Betalains in Red Beet Juice
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Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision
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An analysis of the current situation for Polish ferry operators in a transitional environment
PublicationArtykuł rozpoczyna analiza sytuacji polskiej żeglugi promowej na tle procesów zachadzących w otoczeniu. W dalszej części została przedstawiona analiza SWOT, która wskazała główne problemy, którym muszą stawić czoła polscy armatorzy promowi. W pracy zaproponowano strategie marketingowe i dokano oceny ich roli w dalszym rozwoju badanych przedsiębiorstw promowych.
Optimisation of the Energy Consumption of a Small Passenger Ferry with Hybrid Propulsion
PublicationThe main goal in the design phase is to create a safe ship with a very efficient (and preferably zero-emission) propulsion system. To obtain such ships, new concepts are being developed for both propulsion systems and individual components. The choice of a propulsion system is not straightforward. To optimise the selection of the propulsion system, it is valuable to optimise the energy demand of this unit, which can be done by...
System Loss in UWB Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, the system loss in UWB off-body communications in a ferry environment based on measurements is presented. A mobile measurement set-up, consisting of WBAN nodes with UWB DWM1000 modules, was used. System loss was split into LOS and NLOS conditions. For the former, the smallest mean value, 24.4 dB, was obtained for the user approaching the fixed terminal, with the antenna on his chest, and the largest, 28.1 dB, for...
Developments in the Polish Motorway System and the Impact on Baltic Ferry Services.
PublicationArtykuł obejmuje charakterystykę rynku żeglugi promowej w Polsce, analizę stanu dróg i autostrad, a także przedstawia kierunki i możliwości rozwoju sektora polskiej żeglugi promowej oraz budowy sieci autostrad w kraju.
Novel analytical method for detection of orange juice adulteration based on ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe food authenticity assessment is an increasingly important issue in food quality and safety. The application of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique enables rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food samples. Due to the fact that this technique provides chemical profiling of natural products, it can be a powerful tool for authentication in combination with chemometrics. In this article,...
Changes in chemical composition and oxidative stability of cold-pressed oils obtained from by-product roasted berry seeds
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The effect of cabbage juice and its active components on transcription factor Nrf2 in breast cell lines
PublicationObniżenie zagrożenia chorobami nowotworowymi w przypadku diety bogatej w kapustę wiąże się ze zdolnością bioaktywnych związków tego warzywa do indukowania enzymów ochronnych 2. fazy będacych pod kontrolą czynnika transkrypcyjnego Nrf2. Zbadano wpływ soków z kapusty na poziom Nrf2 w komórkach unieśmiertelnionych i nowotworowych linii odpowiednio MCF10A i MCF-7. W obu przypadkach obserwowano wzrost poziomu tego czynnika oraz jego...
Quality of limes juices based on the aroma and antioxidant properties
PublicationKaffir (Citrus hystrix) and Key (Citrus aurantifolia) limes juices were investigated and compared. Two dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOF-MS) was applied to assess the botanical origin of Kaffir and Key limes juices, based on volatile substances. The biggest differences in the contents of selected terpenes in Kaffir and Key limes occur in chemical compounds such as Limonene,...
Radio Channel Measurements in Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Passenger Cabin
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body radio channel measurements in a ferry passenger cabin at 2.45 GHz band, for static sleeping scenarios with different body orientation and on-body antennas placements, and also for upper and lower sleeping berths. The measurements have been performed with two types of on-body wearable receiving antennas: FlexPIFA (flexible planar inverted F antenna), and FlexNotch (flexible adhesive-backed notch antenna)...
Problems of adapting Polish ports for ferry shipping services on the Baltic Sea
PublicationArtykuł zawiera analizę porównawczą największych terminali promowych na Bałtyku oraz terminali promowych położonych w części południowej i wschodniej Morza Baltyckiego, w tym w Polsce. W pracy przedstawiono również możliwości i kierunki rozwoju polskich terminali promowych.
The development of the highway network in Poland and the future development of Polish ferry shipping
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia budowy sieci dróg i autostrad w Polsce, zarówno dla rozwoju żeglugi promowej, jak całej gospodarki kraju. W artykule przedstawiono między innymi obecną sytuację infrastruktury drogowej w Polsce, a także plany jej rozbudowy na tle zaplanowanych korytarzy tranportowych przebiegającyh przez Polskę.
Dietary intervention with beetroot juice during doxorubicin cancer chemotherapy in vivo reduces markers of oxidative stress
PublicationCancer chemotherapy with doxorubicin, despite high antitumor activity and broad spectrum of this drug, is on decline due to toxic side effects. The clinical efficacy of anthracyclines have continuously prompted the search for new adjuvants to alleviate undesirable side toxicity incurred by this group of cytostatics. The recent approaches involve the application of synthetic or purified natural antioxidants in combination with doxorubicin...
Bioactive compounds of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) juice: from industry waste to food and medical applications
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Comprehensive studies on the properties of apple juice treated by non-thermal atmospheric plasma in a flow-through system
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Modulation of the expression of enzymes metabolizing xenobiotics in rat liver and kidney by oral administration of cabbage and sauerkraut juice.
PublicationObydwa soki z kapusty mogą wpływać selektywnie na ekspresję genów zaangażowanych w aktywację i detoksykację kancerogenów. Efekt ten zależy od sposobu traktowania i może zależeć od rodzaju tkanki.
Journal of Berry Research
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Juices from non-typical edible fruits as health-promoting acidity regulators for food industry
PublicationThe study verifies the possibility of application of juices from selected fruits characterized by the high antioxidant potential as natural acidity regulators with improved nutritional properties. The tested non-typical fruits included mirabelle plum, sea buckthorn and blue-berried honeysuckle. Beetroot juice whose pH is about 6.0 served as a model food product. Potentiometric titration was used to compare the efficacy of tested...
Influence of cabbage juices on oxidative changes of rapeseed oil and lard
PublicationCelem badań było określenie wpływu soków wyizolowanych z kapusty surowej i kiszonej na przemiany oksydatywne i termooksydatywne tłuszczów roślinnych (na przykładzie oleju rzepakowego podwójnie ulepszonego) i zwierzęcych (na przykładzie smalcu). Tłuszcze te ogrzewano w temperaturze 100 0C z sokami z kapusty w układzie modelowym przez 6 godzin, pobierając co 1,5 godz. próbki do badań.Po procesie ogrzewania tłuszczów w obecnosci soków...
Uniwersal Simulation Method for Determining the Maneuverability of Ferry Based on the Example of Ystad Port
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Radio Channel Measurements in 868 MHz Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, a characterization of the 868 MHz off-body radio channel in BANs is presented. Measurements were carried out in a ferry environment using a specific set-up. A method for path loss using radio distance measurements (RDMs) was developed. It allows to automate the measurements process and make it independent from the variable speed of a moving person. Based on the observed path loss as a function of distance, the obtained...
An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...
Proposal of a System Loss Model for Body Area Network in Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the paper, proposal of an empirical off-body system loss model for Body Area Networks working in a passenger ferry environment at 2.45 GHz has been presented. The measurements were carried out for dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The general model formula consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on the human body, and attenuation...
An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...
Person Tracking in a Ferry Environment Using Ultra-Wide Band Radio Interface
PublicationThis article presents research and analysis of effectiveness of tracking moving people in an environment of passenger ferry, using measurements of propagation time of ultra-wide band radio signal (UWB - Ultra-Wide Band). Constructed measurement stand and results of measurements carried out in a real propagation conditions were shortly discussed.
Microbiological, Antioxidant, Nutritional Properties, and Health Safety of Juice from Organic and Conventional Vitis vinifera L. Farming