Search results for: CHMURA OBILCZENIOWA - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: CHMURA OBILCZENIOWA

Search results for: CHMURA OBILCZENIOWA

  • Wear estimation of current collector contact strips by analysis of a 3D scanning results

    The technical condition of current collector contact strips is very important when operational reliability of railway transportation is considered. The authors proposed a novel measurement system based on a 3D camera to register the shape and dimensions of the current collector contact strips surface. The system was installed above the railway track for tests in target ambient. During the trial operation a few dozen of contact...

  • Detection of vehicles stopping in restricted zones in video from surveillance cameras


    - Year 2014

    An algorithm for detection of vehicles that stop in restricted areas, e.g. excluded by traffic rules, is proposed. Classic approaches based on object tracking are inefficient in high traffic scenes because of tracking errors caused by frequent object merging and splitting. The proposed algorithm uses the background subtraction results for detection of moving objects, then pixels belonging to moving objects are tested for stability....

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  • Innowacyjne technologie CAx / PLM


    - Year 2014

    Wyzwania stawiane przed firmami projektowymi, produkcyjnymi, usługowymi to rosnące wymagania innowacyjności produktów. Zauważalna jest silna potrzeba wprowadzania nowych produktów wysokiej jakości, w krótkim czasie i konkurencyjnych cenach. Zauważalny jest również aspekt konieczności minimalizowania ryzyka związanego z wprowadzaniem nowych rozwiązań na rynek. W odpowiedzi na te wyzwania wprowadzono nowe technologie wspomagające...

  • Multi-task Video Enhancement for Dental Interventions

    A microcamera firmly attached to a dental handpiece allows dentists to continuously monitor the progress of conservative dental procedures. Video enhancement in video-assisted dental interventions alleviates low-light, noise, blur, and camera handshakes that collectively degrade visual comfort. To this end, we introduce a novel deep network for multi-task video enhancement that enables macro-visualization of dental scenes. In particular,...

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  • Robot Eye Perspective in Perceiving Facial Expressions in Interaction with Children with Autism


    The paper concerns automatic facial expression analysis applied in a study of natural “in the wild” interaction between children with autism and a social robot. The paper reports a study that analyzed the recordings captured via a camera located in the eye of a robot. Children with autism exhibit a diverse level of deficits, including ones in social interaction and emotional expression. The aim of the study was to explore the possibility...

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  • Validation of Interpolation Algorithms for Multiscale UV-VIS Imaging Using UAV Spectrometer


    In this study, we present a comparison of popular methods for the interpolation of irregular spatial data in order to determine the applicability of each algorithm for hyperspectral reflectance estimation. The algorithms were benchmarked against a very high-resolution orthoimage from an RGB camera and medium-resolution satellite imagery from Sentinel-2A. We tested five interpolation algorithms: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN),...

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  • Przetwarzanie hydroakustycznych i lidarowych danych przestrzennych w celu konstrukcji trójwymiarowych modeli rzeczywistych obiektów


    - Year 2019

    Zautomatyzowana rekonstrukcja kształtu powierzchni reprezentowanych przez chmury punktów jest zagadnieniem badanym od wielu lat, jednak rezultaty osiągane za pomocą istniejących algorytmów odtwarzania modeli są dalekie od satysfakcjonujących, jeżeli wejściowe zbiory punktów cechują się nieregularną strukturą przestrzenną, co jest częstym zjawiskiem w przypadku danych pochodzących z sondowania hydroakustycznego czy skaningu laserowego....

    Full text available to download

  • Analiza porównawcza metod obliczeniowych stopnia turbinowego


    - Year 2020

    Rozwój technologii komputerowych i ciągły wzrost dostępności do odpowiednich zasobów mocy obliczeniowej spowodował popularyzację obliczeń numerycznych. Aktualnie korzysta się na szeroką skalę z numerycznej mechaniki płynów, czyli tak zwanych obliczeń CFD. Właściwie przygotowane modele obliczeniowe pozwalają uzyskać bardzo dokładne wyniki na podstawie przeprowadzonych symulacji trójwymiarowych. Odpowiednio skorelowana symulacja...

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  • Nadzorowanie drgań przy frezowaniu szybkościowym smukłymi narzędziami ze zmienną prędkością obrotową.


    Praca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań samowzbudnych typu chatter podczas frezowania szybkościowego z wykorzystaniem zmiennej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona. Opracowano model obliczeniowy procesu jak też przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne z wykorzystaniem programów komputerowych oraz doświadczalną weryfikację uzyskanych wyników. Omówiono problematykę drgań samowzbudnych typu chatter w procesie frezowania szybkościowego. Następnie przedstawiono...

  • Biomechaniczne modele układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego człowieka


    - Year 2018

    Niniejsza monografia jest poświęcona problemom modelowania zachowania układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego człowieka. Publikacja zawiera opis badań rozwijanych w zakresie: biomechaniki mięśni, biomechaniki zespołów mięśniowych, biomechaniki układu szkieletowego, biomechaniki narządu ruchu, a także zastosowania sygnałów fizjologicznych (elektromiograficznych) oraz projektowania urządzeń do rehabilitacji na podstawie zasad sterowania...

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  • Wybrane aspekty związane z zastosowaniem równania Manninga dla potrzeb szacowania ilości ścieków sanitarnych

    Prawidłowe oszacowanie ilości ścieków sanitarnych odprowadzanych z danej jednostki administracyjnej jest niezmiernie istotnym zagadnieniem. Odgrywa ono znaczącą rolę zarówno z punktu widzenia poprawnego i efektywnego funkcjonowania systemu kanalizacyjnego, jak i ma swoje przełożenie także na inne zagadnienia, natury sanitarnej, technicznej, projektowej, ekologicznej, a także kwestie formalno-prawne oraz ekonomiczno-finansowe....

  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic and theoretical study of water interactions with glycine and its N-methylated derivatives

    Zbadano hydratację glicyny i jej metylowych pochodnych: N-metyloglicyny (NMG), N,N-dimetyloglicyny (DMG) i N,N,N-trimetyloglicyny (TMG) przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii FTIR, z zastosowaniem cząsteczki HDO jako sondy molekularnej. Ilościowa wersja metody widm różnicowych pozwoliła na wyizolowanie widma wody zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną. Wyniki widmowe zostały skonfrontowane z obliczeniami teoretycznymi w ramach teorii...

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  • Synteza i badania strukturalne związków kompleksowych miedzi(I) i rtęci(II) z wybranymi ligandami tioamidowymi


    - Year 2015

    Przedstawiona rozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest związkom tiokarbonylowym (wybranym tioamidom i tiomocznikom) oraz ich połączeniom kompleksowym z halogenkami miedzi(I) i rtęci(II). Istota i cel takich badań przedstawione są we wstępie pracy. W części teoretycznej opisane zostały kluczowe pierwiastki wchodzące w skład syntezowanych związków kompleksowych (siarka, miedź i rtęć), jak również tioamidy i tiomoczniki. Szczególna uwaga...

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  • Analiza i pomiarowa weryfikacja modeli propagacyjnych z zalecenia ITU-R P.1411 dla środowisk miejskich kanionów ulic i zakresu częstotliwości 800 MHz - 16 GHz


    Z uwagi na urbanizację gwałtownie postępującą w przypadku zarówno zagranicznych, jak i polskich większych miast coraz częściej mamy w praktyce do czynienia z sytuacją, w której anteny obu końców łącza radiowego znajdują się poniżej średniego poziomu zabudowań. W takim przypadku fale radiowe rozprzestrzeniają się w swoisty sposób, głównie wzdłuż kanionów ulic, co ma charakter zgoła odmienny od alternatywnej i częściej rozważanej...

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks Sloped

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks Sloped category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Tiles

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Tiles category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Windscreens and Fuselage

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Windscreens and Fuselage category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks Special

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks Special category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks

    Open Research Data
    version 1.3 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Beams

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Beams category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Pins

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Pins category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Minifig Accessories

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Minifig Accessories category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plates

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plates category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Panels

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Panels category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Pneumatics

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Pneumatics category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Bricks

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Bricks category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Gears

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Gears category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Panels

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Panels category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Bushes

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Bushes category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Transportation - Sea and Air

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Transportation - Sea and Air category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bionicle Hero Factory and Constraction

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bionicle Hero Factory and Constraction category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Tiles Round and Curved

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Tiles Round and Curved category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Hinges Arms and Turntables

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Hinges Arms and Turntables category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plates Angled

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plates Angled category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Windows and Doors

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Windows and Doors category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plates Special

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plates Special category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Connectors

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Connectors category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Beams Special

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Beams Special category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks Curved

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks Curved category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Tiles Special

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Tiles Special category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Transportation - Land

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Transportation - Land category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plates Round Curved and Dishes

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plates Round Curved and Dishes category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks Wedged

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks Wedged category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Axles

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Axles category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bars Ladders and Fences

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bars Ladders and Fences category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Steering Suspension and Engine

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Steering Suspension and Engine category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Bricks Round and Cones

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Bricks Round and Cones category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Special

    Open Research Data
    version 1.2 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Special category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Plants and Animals

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access - series: LEGO - partial

    The set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Plants and Animals category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.

  • Thermographic images during testing measuring instrument boards

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset presents thermografic images acquired during testing the prototype of measuring instrument for resistiometric corrosion monitoring. The testing was performed in the room temperature. VIGOcam v50 thermal imaging camera (VIGO System S.A., Ozarow Mazowiecki, Poland) was used for taking the pictures. These pictures were used as preliminary tests...