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Search results for: EXTENDED UTUAT
Extended hypoplastic models for soils
PublicationPoprawione i poszerzone wydanie pracy habilitacyjnej nt. hipoplastycznego modelu konstytutywnego gruntów.
Torsional buckling paradox - extended studies.
PublicationAnalizowano wyboczenie skrętne pręta cienkościennego o dwuteowym przekroju poprzecznym ze zmienną szerokością półek. Wykazano, że siła krytyczna wyboczenia skrętnego może przekraczać granice wyznaczone przez siły odpowiadające prętom o stałych ekstremalnych szerokościach półek. Ten paradoksalny wynik uzyskano w ramach teorii prętów cienkościennych o przekroju nieodkształcalnym. Przeanalizowano siłę krytyczną wyboczenia skrętnego...
Extended Reflexive Ontologies for the Generation of Clinical Recommendations
PublicationDecision recommendations are a set of alternative options for clinical decisions (e.g., diagnosis, prognosis, treatment selection, follow-up, and prevention) that are provided to decision makers by knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support Systems (k-CDSS) as aids. We propose to follow a ‘‘reasoning over domain’’ approach for the generation of decision recommendations by gathering and inferring conclusions from production rules....
Collective Excitations in the Extended Hubbard Model with Intrasite Attraction
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Extended generalized blockmodeling for compound communities and external actors
PublicationWiększość sieci społecznych charakteryzuje się swoją wewnętrzną, unikatową strukturą. W artykule poddano analizie sieci społeczne złożone z wielu mniejszych grup społecznościowych, które określamy mianem złożonych sieci społecznych. Dla tego typu sieci zaproponowano rozszerzenie metody ogólnego modelowania blokowego biorąc pod uwagę specyficzną strukturę złożonych sieci społecznych oraz ich relacje z zewnętrznymi aktorami. W oparciu...
Extended generalized blockmodeling for compound communities and external actors
PublicationNiektóre sieci społeczne wykazują się specyficzną strukturą wewnętrzną. W artykule rozpatrujemy społeczności, które składają się z mniejszych wspólnot. Takie społeczności nazywamy społecznościami złożonymi. Dla takich struktur zastosowalismy metodę ogólnego modelowania blokowego proponując odpowiednie rozrzerzenia dla tej metody. Wzięliśmy pod uwagę specyfikę złożonych struktur społecznych oraz ich relacje z aktorami zewnętrznymi...
On coertia and inertia in aspects of Natanson’s nonlinear extended thermodynamics
PublicationIn this article, the previously underrepresented contributions of Natanson to the field of thermodynamics have been presented. In order to identify a source of irreversibility at Nature, Natanson introduced the concept of Coertia, which is similar to inertia. Natanson’s Coertia is a fundamental property of space that is responsible for every irreversible phenomena in matter, as well as in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields....
Extended neighborhood in local search paradigm for school timetabling
Tools for an Extended Risk Assessment for Ropax Ship-Ship Collision
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Managing distributed architecture with Extendet WS-CDl
PublicationZaprezentowano problem wykorzystania języka WSCDL w warstwie zarzadzania usługami w architekturze systemu rozproszonego. Zaproponowano rozszerzenie modelu CDLExt uwzględniając istotne charakterystyki usług. Skoncentrowano się na zależności między usługami a innymi artyfaktami IT oraz określono atrybuty QoS wynikajace z tych zależności. Zaprezentowano implementację tego modelu oraz dalsze kierunki rozwoju CDLExt.
Extended Hopfield models of neural networks for combinatorial multiobjective optimization problems
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Extended non-linear relations of elastic shells undergoing phase transitions
PublicationThe non-linear theory of elastic shells undergoing phase transitions was proposed by two first authors in J. Elast. 79, 67-86 (2004). In the present paper the theory is extended by taking into account also the elastic strain energy density of the curvilinear phase interface as well as the resultant forces and couples acting along the interface surface curve itself. All shell relations are found from the variational principle of...
CMS data processing workflows during an extended cosmic ray run
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Collective modes of the extended Hubbard model with negativeUand arbitrary electron density
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Extended phase diagram of RNiC2 family: Linear scaling of the Peierls temperature
PublicationPhysical properties for the late-lanthanide-based RNiC2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm) ternary compounds are reported. All the compounds show antiferromagnetic ground state with the Néel temperature ranging from 3.4 K for HoNiC2 to 8.5 K for ErNiC2. The results of the transport and galvanomagnetic properties confirm a charge density wave state at and above room temperature with transition temperatures TCDW = 284, 335, 366, and 394 K for...
Extended micropolar approach within the framework of 3M theories and variations thereof
PublicationAs part of his groundbreaking work on generalized continuum mechanics, Eringen proposed what he called 3M theories, namely the concept of micromorphic, microstretch, and micropolar materials modeling. The micromorphic approach provides the most general framework for a continuum with translational and (internal) rotational degrees of freedom (DOF), whilst the rotational DOFs of micromorphic and micropolar continua are subjected...
Uncertainty in maritime risk analysis: Extended case study on chemical tanker collisions
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Extended internal geometry description in modelling of dynamics of fluid-filled permeable media
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Extended duration running and impulse loading characteristics of an acoustic bearing with enhanced geometry
PublicationThis paper presents performance during prolonged running of the acoustic bearing when PZTs are switched off and when they are switched on. The effect of active PZT on shaft’s displacements in X and Y directions is clearly demonstrated. Performance of the acoustic bearing was also assessed when an impulse force was applied to the running shaft at speed. Once again the benefits of having PZTs active are beyond doubt. The instability...
Application of extended Finite Element Method to cracked concrete elements - numerical aspects
PublicationArtykuł omawia zastosowanie rozszerzonej metody elementów skończonych do zarysowanych elementów betonowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu i mieszanemu ściskaniu - rozciąganiu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
Electronic structure calculations in electrolyte solutions: Methods for neutralization of extended charged interfaces
PublicationDensity functional theory (DFT) is often used for simulating extended materials such as infinite crystals or surfaces, under periodic boundary conditions (PBCs). In such calculations, when the simulation cell has non-zero charge, electrical neutrality has to be imposed, and this is often done via a uniform background charge of opposite sign (“jellium”). This artificial neutralization does not occur in reality, where a different...
Autonomous Ship Utility Model Parameter Estimation Utilising Extended Kalman Filter
PublicationIn this paper, a problem of autonomous ship utility model identification for control purposes is considered. In particular, the problem is formulated in terms of model parameter estimation (one-step-ahead prediction). This is a complex task due to lack of measurements of the parameter values, their time-variability and structural uncertainty introduced by the available models. In this work, authors consider and compare two utility...
Extended Newmark method to assess stability of slope under bidirectional seismic loading
PublicationThe paper concerns the dynamic behavior of a simple slope model subjected to simultaneous horizontal and vertical excitations. The proposed method is based on Newmark’s sliding block concept, however, four new features are introduced. The most important assumption is that the normal component of dynamic excitations affects the resisting force both before and after the initiation of the relative slope motion, making it time-dependent....
Genetic Algorithm Approach for Gains Selection of Induction Machine Extended Speed Observer
PublicationThe subject of this paper is gains selection of an extended induction machine speed observer. A high number of gains makes manual gains selection difficult and due to nonlinear equations of the observer, well-known methods of gains selection for linear systems cannot be applied. A method based on genetic algorithms has been proposed instead. Such an approach requires multiple fitness function calls; therefore, using a quality index...
Nuclear magnetic relaxation and d-wave pairing in an extended Hubbard model with diagonal disorder
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Multilevel inverter neutral-point voltage sensor diagnostic based on the Extended Kalman Filter
PublicationA new algorithm for neutral point voltage imbalance estimation in DC link of the three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage source inverter (VSI) is proposed. Application of the proposed algorithm does not require any additional sensors. The unbalanced voltage calculation is based on the information derived from the inverter output measured currents and from the knowledge of the load model parameters. In order to estimate...
Extended investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping in HPC environments
Publication—In the paper we present investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping using modern processors. The results are presented for systems targeted at both server and client markets and were collected from Intel Xeon E5 and Intel Xeon Phi server processors as well as from desktop and mobile Intel Core i7 processors. The results, when using power capping, show that we can find various interesting combinations of...
Simulations of Shear Zones and Cracks in Engineering Materials Using eXtended Finite Element Method
PublicationNumerical simulations of cracks and shear zones in quasi-brittle materials are presented. Extended Finite Element Method is used to describe both cracks and shear zones. In a description of tensile cracks, a Rankine criterion is assumed. A discrete Mohr-Coulomb law is adopted for simulations of shear zones. Results of simple numerical tests: unixial tension, bending and biaxial compression are demonstrated.
Application of an extended DLVO theory for the calculation of the interactions between emulsified oil droplets in alcohol solutions
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Aligning the CMS muon chambers with the muon alignment system during an extended cosmic ray run
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Biogenic amines content during extended ageing of dry-cured pork loins inoculated with probiotics
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Application of extended Kalman filter for estimation of periodic disturbance and velocity ripple reduction in PMSM drive
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An ML-extended conceptual framework for implementing temporal big data analytics in organizations to support their agility
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Scaling of signed residue numbers with mixed-radix conversion in FPGA with extended scaling factor selection
PublicationA scaling technique of signed residue numbers in FPGA is proposed. The technique is based on conversion of residue numbers to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS). The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of MRS terms, the subsequent generation of residue representations of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations and generation of residues...
An extended basis inexact shift–invert Lanczos for the efficient solution of large-scale generalized eigenproblems
PublicationThis paper proposes a technique, based on the Inexact Shift–Invert Lanczos (ISIL) method with Inexact Jacobi Orthogonal Component Correction (IJOCC) refinement, and a preconditioned conjugate-gradient (PCG) linear solver with multilevel preconditioner, for finding several eigenvalues for generalized symmetric eigenproblems. Several eigenvalues are found by constructing (with the ISIL process) an extended projection basis. Presented...
An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
J-lossless and extended J-lossless factorisations approach for delta do main Hinf control.
Effect of addition of buserelin acetate to the extender on motility and viability of bovine spermatozoa
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Piezoresistive properties of cement composites with expanded graphite
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Thermal stability of expanded perlite modified by mullite
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Epidemiological Analysis of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Outbreak in a Neonatal Clinic in Poland
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Impact of the Spirulina maxima extract addition to semen extender on bovine sperm quality
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Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method
PublicationWe present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...
Extended Hybrid Image Similarity – Combined Full-Reference Image Quality Metric Linearly Correlated with Subjective Scores
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Performance of extended Lagrangian schemes for molecular dynamics simulations with classical polarizable force fields and density functional theory
PublicationIterative energy minimization with the aim of achieving self-consistency is a common feature of Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) and classical molecular dynamics with polarizable force fields. In the former, the electronic degrees of freedom are optimized, while the latter often involves an iterative determination of induced point dipoles. The computational effort of the self-consistency procedure can be reduced by re-using...
Local heaviside weighted mlpg meshless method approach to extended flamant problem using radial basis functions
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie uogólnionego zagadnienia Flamanta za pomocą bezsiatkowej metody MLPG z wykorzystaniem funkcji o bazie radialnej. Sprawdzono wydajność metody dla dwóch klas funkcji kształtu: klasycznych funkcji radialnych i lokalnych funkcji radialnych. Porównano wyniki obliczeń oraz przedstawiono wnioski.
The Influence of Waste Expanded Perlite on Chemical Durability of Mortars
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Cement composites with expanded graphite as resistance heating elements
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Cement composites with expanded graphite/paraffin as storage heater
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Electric and thermoelectric properties of cement composites with expanded graphite