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Search results for: FOLDED PROTEINS
Cellular Response to Unfolded Proteins in Depression
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The Unfolded Protein Response: A Double-Edged Sword for Brain Health
PublicationEfficient brain function requires as much as 20% of the total oxygen intake to support normal neuronal cell function. This level of oxygen usage, however, leads to the generation of free radicals, and thus can lead to oxidative stress and potentially to age-related cognitive decay and even neurodegenerative diseases. The regulation of this system requires a complex monitoring network to maintain proper oxygen homeostasis. Furthermore,...
Function and Frustration of Multi-Drug ABC Exporter Protein and Design of Model Proteins for Drug Delivery Using Protein Hydration Thermodynamics
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Elastic-contractile model proteins: Physical chemistry, protein function and drug design and delivery
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How proteins bind to DNA: target discrimination and dynamic sequence search by the telomeric protein TRF1
PublicationTarget search as performed by DNA-binding proteins is a complex process, in which multiple factors contribute to both thermodynamic discrimination of the target sequence from overwhelmingly abundant off-target sites and kinetic acceleration of dynamic sequence interrogation. TRF1, the protein that binds to telomeric tandem repeats, faces an intriguing variant of the search problem where target sites are clustered within short fragments...
Influence of annealing on joint zone of explosive welded and rolled Al-Cuplate
PublicationRosnące wciąż wymagania co do metalowych materiałów jednorodnych przyczyniło się do zwiększenia zainteresowania materiałami platerowanymi. Blachy platerowane często znajdują zastosowanie w przemyśle chemicznym i petrochemicznym jako materiały antykorozyjne odporne na działanie agresywnego środowiska, w przemyśle okrętowym jako łączniki stopów aluminium ze stalą, w budowie zgrzewarek jako połączenia szczęk z blachą stalową, w przemyśle...
Chitosan-protein scaffolds loaded with lysostaphin as potential antistaphylococcal wound dressing materials.
PublicationAIMS: The development of technology for preparing chitosan-protein scaffolds loaded with lysostaphin, which potentially could be used as dressing for wound treatment and soft tissue infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. METHODS AND RESULTS: The unique technology of chitosan solubilization using gaseous CO(2) instead of organic or inorganic acids was used for the incorporation of lysostaphin, the enzyme that exhibits bactericidal...
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
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Problems of analysis of axially loaded steel behavior under laser welded panel
PublicationWprowadzanie do praktyki nowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych wymaga posiadania danych wejściowych do procesu modelowania ich zachowania. Takim nowym elementem jest stalowy, spawany laserowo panel typu sandwich. W pracy pokazano wy-brane problemy towarzyszące modelowaniu zachowań takiej struktury. Pokazano podstawy teoretyczne wyznaczania sztyw-ności panelu a następnie omówiono wyniki badań wyboczenio-wych serii modeli o zmiennej geometrii.
Extension of the Unres Package for Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Simulations of Proteins and Protein Complexes to Very Large Systems
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PublicationStruktura białek wpływa na ich wartość odżywczą, właściwości funkcjonalne wżywności oraz reakcje w surowcach i produktach żywnościowych. Warunki prze-chowywania oraz obróbki w przemyśle i w czasie przygotowywania kulinarnegowywołują przemiany białek istotne dla jakości żywności. Przez celowe, enzy-matyczne i chemiczne modyfikowanie składu i struktury białek można wpływaćna ich właściwości funkcjonalne w żywności i wartość...
Mechanism of Osmolyte Stabilization–Destabilization of Proteins: Experimental Evidence
PublicationIn this work, we investigated the influence of stabilizing (N,N,N-trimethylglycine) and destabilizing (urea) osmolytes on the hydration spheres of biomacromolecules in folded forms (trpzip-1 peptide and hen egg white lysozyme─hewl) and unfolded protein models (glycine─GLY and N-methylglycine─NMG) by means of infrared spectroscopy. GLY and NMG were clearly limited as minimal models for unfolded proteins and should be treated with...
Protein & Cell
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Dimeric structure of the N-terminal domain of PriB protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis solved ab initio
PublicationPriB is one of the components of the bacterial primosome, which catalyzes the reactivation of stalled replication forks at sites of DNA damage. The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure was solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. The protein chain, which encompasses the first 104 residues of the...
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Load-carrying capacity of axially loaded concrete-filled steel tubular columns made of thin tubes
PublicationAn experimental investigation was conducted on 30 CFST columns. An influence of the following factors on load-carrying capacity of the investigated columns was analyzed: the column slenderness (l1 = 42, l2 = 27 and l3 = 15), the tube thickness (the reinforcement ratio was equal to 4% or 6%), the way of applying the load to CFST columns (through the concrete core or through the entire cross-section), the bond strength between a...
The Role of Proteins in Food
PublicationThis chapter describes the effect of proteins on the sensory attributes and the biological value and safety of foods. The role of proteins depends on their amino acid composition and structure, on changes due to storage and processing, as well as on interactions with other food components. The effect on the sensory quality of foods is brought about by hydrophobicity, solubility, water holding capacity, gelling, film formation,...
Structural Changes and Their Implications in Foamed Flexible Polyurethane Composites Filled with Rapeseed Oil-Treated Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationThe utilization of post-consumer car tires is an essential issue from an ecological andeconomic point of view. One of the simplest and the least harmful methods is their material recyclingresulting in ground tire rubber (GTR), which can be further applied as fillers for polymer-basedcomposites. Nevertheless, insufficient interfacial interactions implicate the necessity of GTR modi-fication before introduction into polymer matrices....
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Activity-based protein profiling guided identification of urine proteinase 3 activity in subclinical rejection after renal transplantation
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Design of waveguide filters using multiple irises and folded elements.
PublicationW pracy został zaprezentowany przegląd metod projektowania filtrów falowodowych w kontekście zarówno klasycznych metod syntezy jak i współczesnych algorytmów. W szczególności rozważonoanalizę filtrów z wieloaperturowymi przegrodami oraz filtrówzbudowanych w wygiętych odcinkach falowodów. Zaprezentowano przykłady w pełni wykorzystujące zalety wygiętych falowodów a także pokazano wydajne metody optymalizacji oparte na badaniu położeń...
Conservation and diversity of MutS proteins
PublicationThe homologues of MutS, mismatch repair protein, exist in all prokaryotes, with the exception of Actinobacteria, Mollicutes and part of the Archaea. Multiple alignments of 316 MutS amino acid sequences from 169 species revealed conserved residues and sequence motifs distinguishing MutS homologues. All MutS homologues show high conservation within the ATPase domain. MutS1, the homologue responsible for DNA mismatch recognition,...
Conserved motifs of MutL proteins
PublicationtThe MutL protein is best known for its function in DNA mismatch repair (MMR). However, there isevidence to suggest that MutL is not only the linker connecting the functions of MutS and MutH in MMR,but that it also participates in other repair systems, such as Very Short Patch (VSP), Base Excision (BER)and Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER). This study set out to identify the most highly conserved aminoacid sequence motifs in MutL...
Concentration of proteins in the whey stream
PublicationZastosowano metodę separacji pianowej do odzyskiwania białka z serwatki. Wykazano silny wpływ prędkości powietrza w kolumnie, początkowego stężenia białka w serwatce i pH roztworu na przebieg i skuteczność flotacji. Współczynnik wzbogacenia maleje ze wzrostem prędkości przepływu powietrza oraz ze wzrostem początkowego stężenia białka serwatkowego. Najwyższą wartość współczynnika wzbogacenia uzyskano dla pH naturalnej serwatki.
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Influence of nodes with positive eccentricity on load-carrying capasity of truss' top chords in trusses made of welded cold-formed members.
PublicationIn order to establish the influence of eccentric crossing of truss members on the load-carrying capacity of the folded chord of a hat-section truss, a research model was created and preliminary numerical analysis of the truss was performed with the use of Marc Mentat programme. Distorial instability of crossheads caused by deviation of loose (unmounted) channel section web’s bends was observed. Due to the slenderness of the section’s...
Miniaturized uniplanar triple-band slot dipole antenna with folded radiator
PublicationA miniaturized uniplanar slot dipole for triple-frequency operation is presented. The antenna consists of a folded slot radiator with an increased number of degrees of freedom that allow for efficient size reduction. Rigorous electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization is applied in order to achieve the smallest possible size while maintaining acceptable levels of antenna reflection at the required operating frequencies. The...
UNRES-Dock—protein–protein and peptide–protein docking by coarse-grained replica-exchange MD simulations
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Antioxidants and proteins in ethylene-treated kiwifruits
PublicationW pracy porównano właściwości przeciwutleniające i profil białek owoców kiwi poddanych działaniu etylenu i powietrza. Wysokie współczynniki korelacji między całkowitą zawartością fenoli i właściwościami przeciwutleniającymi uzyskano dla trzech metod określania właściwości przeciwutleniających: ABTS, TEAC i CUPRAC. W paśmie białek owoców kiwi rozdzielonych za pomocą elektroforezy stwierdzono różnice w paśmie siarczanu dodecylu sodu...
Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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The role of proteins in food. Chapter 6
PublicationStruktura i konformacja wpływają na biologiczne oraz funkcjonalne właściwości białek i na ich rolę w tworzeniu pożądanych cech produktów żywnościowych. Właściwości funkcjonalne to rozpuszczalność w środowisku wodnym o różnej sile jonowej, wodochłonność oraz zdolność żelowania, tworzenia błon, emulgowania lipidów i pienienia się. Białka mięsa, ryb, mleka, jaj, nasion roślin strączkowych, nasion zbóż oraz drobnoustrojów różnią się...
Targeting shelterin proteins for cancer therapy.
PublicationAs a global health challenge, cancer prompts continuous exploration for innovative therapies that are also based on new targets. One promising avenue is targeting the shelterin protein complex, a safeguard for telomeres crucial in preventing DNA damage. The role of shelterin in modulating ataxia- telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) kinases, key players in the DNA damage response (DDR),...
New plasma preparation approach to enrich metabolome coverage in untargeted metabolomics: plasma protein bound hydrophobic metabolite release with proteinase K
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Crystal structures of the DsbG disulfide isomerase reveal an unstable disulfide
PublicationDsb proteins control the formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds during the folding of secreted and membrane proteins in bacteria. DsbG, a member of this family, has disulfide bond isomerase and chaperone activity. Here, we present two crystal structures of DsbG at 1.7- and 2.0-Angstrom resolution that are meant to represent the reduced and oxidized forms, respectively. The oxidized structure, however, reveals a mixture...
Tomasz Klimczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStopnie naukowe i zawodowe dr hab. (2008) Wydz. FTiMS PG dr (2001) Wydz. FTiMS PG inż. (1997) Wydz. ZiE PG mgr inż. (1995 )Wydz. FTiMS PG Zatrudnienie grudzień 2013 – do chwili obcecnejprofesor nadzwyczajny na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej wrzesień 2012 – grudzień 2013 adiunkt na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej wrzesień 2009 – sierpień 2012grant-holder...
The Protein Folding Problem
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The measurement of conformational stability of proteins adsorbed on siloxanes
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Molecular basis of TRF proteins and their interactions with peptides
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1.21 Computation of Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics of Proteins
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Coarse-Grained Models of Proteins: Theory and Applications
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Computational techniques for efficient conformational sampling of proteins
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Influence of Osmolytes on Protein and Water Structure: A Step To Understanding the Mechanism of Protein Stabilization
PublicationResults concerning the thermostability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions with stabilizing osmolytes, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), glycine (Gly), and its N-methyl derivatives, N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), and N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine, TMG), have been presented. The combination of spectroscopic (IR) and calorimetric (DSC) data allowed us to establish a link between osmolytes’ influence on...
On the Origin of Protein Superfamilies and Superfolds
PublicationDistributions of protein families and folds in genomes are highly skewed, having a small number of prevalent superfamiles/superfolds and a large number of families/folds of a small size. Why are the distributions of protein families and folds skewed? Why are there only a limited number of protein families? Here, we employ an information theoretic approach to investigate the protein sequence-structure relationship that leads to...