Search results for: PREKURSORY
Phosphanylphosphaalkenes as precursors for metallaphosphaalkene complexes
PublicationWe synthesized phosphanylphosphaalkenes (biph)2C=P-P(tBu)2 (2), Ph2CvP-P(NEt2)2 (3), and (biph)2CvP-P(NEt2)2 (4). The diaminophosphanyl derivatives reversibly dimerize head-to-head and react with a ruthenium complex, leading to P–P bond activation and the formation of a bridging phospaalkene complex under mild conditions.
Profesor Stanisław Trzetrzewiński – polski prekursor niepewności pomiaru
PublicationArtykuł ma na celu przybliżenie sylwetki Profesora Stanisława Trzetrzewińskiego, jako pierwszego kierownika Katedry Miernictwa Elektrycznego na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, odpowiedzialnego za organizację Katedry po wojnie, dydaktyka, ale przede wszystkim wybitnego metrologa. Profesora Stanisława Trzetrzewińskiego można nazwać polskim prekursorem teorii niepewności pomiaru, co potwierdza wygłoszony w 1952 roku...
The enantiomeric determination of chloro-precursors of methamphetamine
PublicationImpurity profiling and classification of seized methamphetamine may supply valuable information with respect to the conditions and the chemicals used in the illicit methamphetamine manufacture and may provide information on the original source of the sample. Determination of the stereochemical makeup of forensic samples is important as well for the same reasons. Laboratories in many places are engaged in clandestine manufacture...
Novel vitamin D photoproducts and their precursors in the skin
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Profesor Jerzy Kołodziejski jako prekursor wdrażania zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju
PublicationPostać, twórczość, badania Jerzego Kołodziejskiego są silnie związane z ideą, koncepcją równoważenia rozwoju. Był prekursorem kadu przestrzennego w Polsce, teoretykiem konfliktów przestrzennych, autorem projektów i programów przestrzennych (np.dorzecze Wisły). Stworzył Koncepcję Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Kraju(2002). Był wybitnym politykiem - architektem Porozumień Sierpniowych 1980 r.
Iron filled carbon nanostructures from different precursors
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Benzophosphol-3-yl Triflates as Precursors of 1,3-Diarylbenzophosphole Oxides
Porcine myofibrillar proteins as potential precursors of bioactive peptides – an in silico study
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Organometallic block copolymers as catalyst precursors for templated carbon nanotube growth.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie organometalicznych kopolimerów blokowych jako prekursorów katalizatorów dla syntezy nanorurek węglowych. Zjawisko mikroseparacji fazowej kopolimerów blokowych zostało wykorzystane dla przygotowania matrycy aktywnych katalitycznie domen o rozmiarach ~20 nm. Domeny zawierające poli(ferrocenylosilan) (PFS) po utlenienu w plazmie tlenowej oraz redukcji z Fe(III) do Fe(II) oraz Fe(0) z powodzeniem katalizują...
Precursors and Aftermaths: Literatures in English, 1914-1945
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Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and nanospheres with controlled morphology using different catalyst precursors
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Reduction Process of Iron Catalyst Precursors for Ammonia Synthesis Doped with Lithium Oxide
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A novel methodology for the enantiomeric resolution of methamphetamine, its precursors and intermediates by GC-MS
PublicationImpurity profiling and classification of abused drugs using chiral analytical techniques is of particular interest and importance because of the additional information obtained from this approach. When these methods are applied to the synthesis of illicitly used substances, they can supply valuable information about the conditions/chemicals used in the synthesis. In this study, simultaneous chiral separation of methylamphetamine,...
The influence of precursor selection on electrochemical properties of radiofrequency thermal plasma synthesized graphene
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Method for determination of the chemical composition of phases of the iron catalyst precursor for ammonia synthesis
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Związki kompleksowe o rdzeniu bogatym w siarkę zawierające dwa różne ligandy S-donorowe - potencjalne prekursory siarczków metali
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Novel nitrogen precursors for electrochemically driven doping of titania nanotubes exhibiting enhanced photoactivity
PublicationNitrogen doped titania nanotubes were successfully sensitized by electrochemical method, i.e. as-anodized titania was immersed in different amine (diethyleneamine-DETA, triethyleneamine-TEA, ethylenediamine-EDA) and urea (U) solution and a constant potential was applied. The highly ordered morphology of fabricated N-TiO2 was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. Spectroscopic techniques, i.e. UV-Vis spectroscopy,...
Kondensat parogazu z retorty suchej destylacji drewna jako prekursor płynu wędzarniczego. Charakterystyka i właściwości
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Applications of spin coating of polymer precursor and slurrysuspensions for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell fabrication
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych metody nanoszenia wirowego prekursorów polimerowych i zawiesin. Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania tej metody do wytworzenia elektrolitu oraz warstw ochronnych dla stali nierdzewnych.
Heteroleptic cadmium(II) complex, potential precursor for semiconducting CdS layers. Thermal stability and non-isothermal decomposition kinetics
PublicationW ramach pracy zweryfikowano stabilność termiczną [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNEt2)]2 - potencjalnego prekursora do otrzymywania warstw półprzewodnikowych CdS. Równocześnie przeprowadzono analizę kinetyki rozkładu za pomocą różnych metod izokonwersyjnych zaproponowanych przez Flynn-Wall-Ozawa, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose i Friedmanna w wyniku czego wyznaczono całkowity tryplet kinetyczny dla omawianego kompleksu.
SERRATE interacts with the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex to degrade primary miRNA precursors in Arabidopsis
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Computational Study of Molecular Interactions in ZnCl2(urea)2 Crystals as Precursors for Deep Eutectic Solvents
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are now enjoying an increased scientific interest due to their interesting properties and growing range of possible applications. Computational methods are at the forefront of deciphering their structure and dynamics. Type IV DESs, composed of metal chloride and a hydrogen bond donor, are among the less studied systems when it comes to their understanding at a molecular level. An important example...
g-C3N4 for Photocatalytic Degradation of Parabens: Precursors Influence, the Radiation Source and Simultaneous Ozonation Evaluation
PublicationGraphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a promising catalyst for contaminants of emerging concern removal applications, especially as a visible-light-driven material. In this study, g-C3N4 catalysts were effectively synthesized through a simple thermal polymerization method, using melamine, urea, and thiourea as precursors to elucidate the influence of these compounds on the final product’s photocatalytic performance. The degradation...
Effect of TiO2 Precursor on the Photoactivity of Fe-C-TiO2 Photocatalysts for Acid Red (AR) Decomposition
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Synthesis of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles: The Effect of Ionic Strength, Concentration, and Precursor Type on Morphology and Magnetic Properties
PublicationThe present study highlights the effect of metal precursor types (SO4 2¯, Cl¯, and NO3¯), their concentration, and the influence of ionic strength of reaction environment on the morphology, surface, and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 particles. The magnetic nanoparticles were obtained by chemical coprecipitation in alkaline medium at increasing metal concentration in the range of 0.0425 mol·dm-3 to 0.17 mol·dm-3 and calcination...
Zirconia-based mixed potential sensor with Pt electrode prepared by spin-coating of polymeric precursor
PublicationMany types of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) based gas sensors have been explored extensively in recent years. Great attention have been directed to mixed-potential-type gas sensors. It is due to growing concerns with environmental issues. Not without a significance is the fact of very attractive performance of this type of sensor allowing to detect low concentration of pollutant gases. In this paper two types of YSZ based mixed-potential...
The effect of the iron oxidation degree on distribution of promotors in the fused catalyst precursors and their activity in the ammonia synthesis reaction
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9-(2,6-dichlorophenoxycarbonyl)10-methylacridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate and its precursor 2,6-dichlorophenyl acridine-9-carboxylate
PublicationMetodą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej oznaczono struktury obu tytułowych związków. W ich trójskośnych kryształach występują odpowiednio: układy oddziaływań elektrostatycznych, C-H...O i π-π lub C-H...Cl, π-π i oddziaływań dyspersyjnych.
Cadmium complex possessing simultaneously silanethiolato- and dithiocarbamato-ligands. A novel single-source precursor of cadmium sulfide
PublicationThermal decomposition of suitable coordination compounds may be used as efficient route for fabrication of semiconducting layers. A new potential CdS precursor—a cadmium complex with all-sulfur Cd-coordination sphere [Cd{l-SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 (1) —has been prepared and its properties are investigated. The complex was obtained in the reaction between dimeric bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato) cadmium(II) [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}2]2 and...
Specific Binding of Cholesterol to the Amyloid Precursor Protein: Structure of the Complex and Driving Forces Characterized in Molecular Detail
PublicationC99 is the C-terminal membrane-bound fragment of the amyloid precursor protein that is cleaved by γ-secretase to release Aβ peptides, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Specific interactions of C99 with cholesterol have been proposed to underlie the recognized role of cholesterol in promoting amyloidogenesis. By using molecular dynamics simulations, we studied cholesterol binding to C99 in a lipid bilayer. We determined...
Can your behaviour blow you away? Contextual and phenotypic precursors to passive aerial dispersal in phytophagous mites
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The atomic layer deposition (ALD) synthesis of copper-tin sulfide thin films using low-cost precursors
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A comparative study of the molecular lipophilicity indices of vitamins A and E, and of some precursors of vitamin A, estimated by HPLC and by different computation methods
PublicationIndeksy lipofilowości witamin A i E oraz wybranych prekursorów witaminy A zostały obliczone na podstawie wyników badań z wykorzystaniem wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej z odwróconym układem faz (RPHPLC) i kolumn chromatograficznych typu C-8 i C-18.Uzyskano doskonałe współczynniki korelacji (>0,9999) dla wyników uzyskanych dla tych dwóch typów kolumn chromatograficznych.
Influence of Storage Time and Temperature on the Toxicity, Endocrine Potential, and Migration of Epoxy Resin Precursors in Extracts of Food Packaging Materials
PublicationThe aim of the present study was to establish a standard methodology for the extraction of epoxy resin precursors from several types of food packages (cans, multi-layered composite material, and cups) with selected simulation media (distilled water, 5% ethanol, 3% dimethyl sulfoxide, 5% acetic acid, artificial saliva) at different extraction times and temperatures (factors). Biological analyses were conducted to determine the acute...
Facile synthesis and characterization of graphene and N-doped graphene by CVD method from liquid precursors for promising electrode materials
PublicationIn this study, high-quality and few-layered graphene was synthesized using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method from liquid sources. Two different liquid carbon sources, pyridine, and benzene, were used and deposited on nickel foam under heat conditions using a bubbler in a quartz tube. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis confirmed the crystalline properties of graphene and N-doped graphene, demonstrating the high...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublicationIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Analytical investigation of phase assemblages of alkali-activated materials in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 systems: The management of reaction products and designing of precursors
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Capillary gas chromatography using a -cyclodextrin forenantiomeric separation of methylamphetamine, its precursors andchloro intermediates after optimization of the derivatization reaction
PublicationtThe enantiomeric ratio of methylamphetamine (MAMP) is closely related to the optical activity of precur-sors and reagents used for the synthesis and this knowledge can provide useful information concerningthe origins and synthetic methods used for illicit manufacture. The information can be utilized for reg-ulation of the precursors and investigation of the manufacturing sources but this requires analyticalprocedures to determine...
Nickel phase deposition on V2CTx/V2AlC as catalyst precursors for a dry methane reforming: The effect of the deposition method on the morphology and catalytic activity
PublicationDry reforming of methane (DRM) is a promising alternative technology for the production of syngas with simultaneous utilization of two main greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2). However, DRM technology is still an industrially immature process due to the lack of stable and active catalyst. Therefore, the search for new catalytic materials is of great research interest. Recently, MAX and MXenes materials are increasingly being tested as...
Determination of Fe2+/Fe3+ mole ratio based on the change of precursor lattice parameters of wustite based iron catalysts for the ammonia synthesis
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Polymer derived SiOC/Sn nanocomposites from a low-cost single source precursor as anode materials for lithium storage applications
PublicationMetal- based materials capable of lithium (Li) alloy formation are key to realization of the next generation of high-energy density anodes for Li-ion batteries, owing to their high storage capacity. Designing a good sup- porting matrix is essential for homogeneously nesting these metallic nanodomains, to effectively utilize their high capacity while tackling the volume expansion issues. Silicon oxycarbides (SiOC), obtained via...
Natural fish oil improves the differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells to oligodendrocytes in vitro after interaction with the blood–brain barrier
PublicationThe blood–brain barrier (BBB) tightly controls the microenvironment of the central nervous system (CNS) to allow neurons to function properly. Additionally, emerging studies point to the beneficial effect of natural oils affecting a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes in the human body. In this study, using an in vitro model of the BBB, we tested the influence of natural fish oil mixture (FOM) vs. borage oil...
Synthesis of densely grafted copolymers with tert-butyl methacrylate/2-(dimethylamino ethyl) methacrylate side chains as precursors for brush polyelectrolytes and polyampholytes
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Influence of chemically prepared H2SO4-graphite intercalation compound (GIC) precursor on parameters of exfoliated graphite (EG) for oil sorption from water
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Synthesis and structural properties of (Y, Sr)(Ti, Fe, Nb)O3−δ perovskite nanoparticles fabricated by modified polymer precursor method
PublicationThe yttrium, iron and niobium doped-SrTiO3 powders have been successfully fabricated by a modified low–temperature synthesis method from a polymer complex. The usage of strontium hydroxide precursor instead of conventional strontium nitrate or strontium carbonate provides to the possibility of significant decrease of annealing temperature. It allows to prepare a material with sphere-shape grains of nanometric size (15–70 nm). The...
In search of molecular precursors for cadmium sulfide-new complexes with a sulfur-rich kernel: cadmium(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with additional diethyldithiocarbamato ligand
PublicationW ramach rozprawy opracowano metodę syntezy związków koordynacyjnych kadmu zawierających mieszane ligandy S-donorowe, które stanowią reszta tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowa oraz ditiokarbaminianowa. Zostały one poddane badaniom za pomocą analizy składu pierwiastkowego, metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, FIR, UV-Vis, NMR, MS) oraz termicznych. W celu osadzenia cienkich warstw wybranych związków posłużono się techniką nakładania obrotowego...
Addressing challenges of BiVO4 light-harvesting ability through vanadium precursor engineering and sub-nanoclusters deposition for peroxymonosulfate-assisted photocatalytic pharmaceuticals removal
PublicationIn this study, we present a complex approach for increasing light utilisation and peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation in BiVO4-based photocatalyst. This involves two key considerations: the design of the precursor for BiVO4 synthesis and interface engineering through CuOx sub-nanoclusters deposition. The designed precursor of ammonium methavanadate (NH4VO3, NHV) leads to reduction in particle size, better dispersion and improved light...
Expression of genes involved in neurogenesis, and neuronal precursor cell proliferation and development: Novel pathways of human ovarian granulosa cell differentiation and transdifferentiation capability in�vitro
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Scope and limitations of the synthesis of functionalized quinolizidinones and related compounds by a simple precursor approach via addition of lithium allylmagnesates to 2-pyridones and RCM as key steps
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Silicon oxycarbide-tin nanocomposite derived from a UV crosslinked single source preceramic precursor as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries
PublicationIn this work, we report an innovative and facile UV light-assisted synthesis of a nanocomposite based on silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) and tin nanoparticles. SiOC ceramic matrix, containing a conductive free carbon phase, participates in lithium-ion storage, and buffers the volume changes of Li-alloying/de-alloying material. The reported synthesis procedure through a polymer-derived ceramic route involves the preparation of a single-source...