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Search results for: ROBUST FITTING
Bisquare robust polynomial fitting method for dimple distortion minimization in surface quality analysis
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On robust FSO network dimensioning
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Effectiveness of the robust PSS design
PublicationThe paper discusses optimal PSS of synchronous generator synthesis. The optimal controller is an Hinf controller, what means that minimises Hinf norm of transfer function between the exogenous signals such as reference inputs and disturbances, and the error signals which are to be minimised to meet the control objective. The dynamic properties of the plant are shaped by choosing appropriate weighting function applied to the plant...
Effect of the Presence of the Lifting Pocket on The THD Performance of a Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearing
PublicationIn this paper, an attempt was taken to study the effect of the lifting pocket on THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing of Itaipu power plant. B3earing performance was evaluated including recess shape for several cases of its depth. The results show, that hydrostatic recess changes calculated bearing properties quite significantly, especially in the vicinity of the pocket
Effect of presence of lifting pocket on the THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing
PublicationHydrostatic assistance is a commonly used method to improve limited load carrying ability of tiltingpad thrust bearings during transient states of operation of vertical shaft hydro-generators. Despite of special hydraulic equipment (as pumps, valves, etc.), it also requires manufacturing of special recesses/pockets at pad sliding surfaces, into which oil is injected under high pressure. It allows to lift the rotor before start-up...
Journals -
Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...
A robust detector for distorted music staves
Towards Robust Identification of Nonstationary Systems
PublicationThe article proposes a fast, two-stage method for the identification of nonstationary systems. The method uses iterative reweighting to robustify the identification process against the outliers in the measurement noise and against the numerical errors that may occur at the first stage of identification. We also propose an adaptive algorithm to optimize the values of the hyperparameters that are crucial for this new method.
Particle swarm optimization algorithms for autonomous robots with deterministic leaders using space filling movements
PublicationIn this work the swarm behavior principles of Craig W. Reynolds are combined with deterministic traits. This is done by using leaders with motions based on space filling curves like Peano and Hilbert. Our goal is to evaluate how the swarm of agents works with this approach, supposing the entire swarm will better explore the entire space. Therefore, we examine different combinations of Peano and Hilbert with the already known swarm...
An optimization model for robust FSO network dimensioning
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Robust H- optimal synthesis of FDI systems
PublicationDetekcję błędów występujących w nadzorowanym obiekcie dynamicznym, stanowią-cą podstawę decyzji diagnostycznych, oprzeć można na analizie wektorów resz-towych, generowanych w układzie zawierającym odpowiednio zaprojektowany od-porny estymator stanu danego obiektu. Rozważano tylko zewętrzny aspekt syn-tezy generatora reszt optymalnych ze względu na normę tej przestrzeni H : toznaczy problem odprzęgania wektora resztowego od niemierzalnych...
Identification of models and signals robust to occasional outliers
PublicationIn this paper estimation algorithms derived in the sense of the least sum of absolute errors are considered for the purpose of identification of models and signals. In particular, off-line and approximate on-line estimation schemes discussed in the work are aimed at both assessing the coefficients of discrete-time stationary models and tracking the evolution of time-variant characteristics of monitored signals. What is interesting,...
Identification of models and signals robust to occasional outliers
PublicationIn this paper estimation algorithms derived in the sense of the least sum of absolute errors are considered for the purpose of identification of models and signals. In particular, off-line and approximate on-line estimation schemes discussed in the work are aimed at both assessing the coefficients of discrete-time stationary models and tracking the evolution of time-variant characteristics of monitored signals. What is interesting,...
Robust identification of quadrocopter model for control purposes
PublicationThe paper addresses a problem of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (so-called X4-flyer or quadrocopter) utility model identification for control design purposes. To that goal the quadrotor model is assumed to be composed of two abstracted subsystems, namely a rigid body (plant) and four motors equipped with blades (actuators). The model of the former is acquired based on a well-established dynamic equations of motion while the...
Toward Robust Pedestrian Detection With Data Augmentation
PublicationIn this article, the problem of creating a safe pedestrian detection model that can operate in the real world is tackled. While recent advances have led to significantly improved detection accuracy on various benchmarks, existing deep learning models are vulnerable to invisible to the human eye changes in the input image which raises concerns about its safety. A popular and simple technique for improving robustness is using data...
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Agenda Setting Journal
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Waveguide modeling as a tool for fitting a hearing aid
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Expert media approach to hearing aids fitting
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano problematykę dopasowania protez słuchu. Przedstawiono system ekspercki, który pozwala na znalezienie charakterystyk aparatu słuchowego adekwatnego do uszkodzenia słuchu. System został oparty o metodę zbiorów przybliżonych i logikę rozmytą.
New techniques assisting cochlear implants fitting.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono metodę telemetrii odpowiedzi neuronalnej (SoE), którą zastosowano w celu oceny amplitudy sygnału, która będzie wywoływała percepcję słuchową poprzez pobudzenie elektrod implantu ślimakowego. Jest to obiektywna metoda wyznaczania skuteczności systemów implantów ślimakowych.
Robust pole placement in delta domain for SISO plans
Robust unsupervised georeferencing algorithm for aerial and satellite imagery
PublicationIn order to eliminate a human factor and fully automate the process of embedding the spatial localization information in a remote sensed image the integrated georeferencing method was proposed. The paper presents this unsupervised and robust approach which is comprised of pattern recognition, using SIFT-based detector, and RANSAC based outlier removal with matching algorithm.
A robust 18-pulse diode rectifier with coupled reactors
PublicationThe article presents the principle of operation and selected results of simulation and laboratory tests of the 18-pulse rectifier system with coupled reactors and small series active power filter. The presented system makes it possible to reduce, especially in distribution supply networks, undesired higher current harmonics. The 18-pulse nature of operation of the rectifier is reached using a set of coupled three-phase network...
Robust amplification of Santha-Vazirani sources with three devices
PublicationWe demonstrate that amplification of arbitrarily weak randomness is possible using quantum resources. We present a randomness amplification protocol that involves Bell experiments. We find a Bell inequality which can amplify arbitrarily weak randomness and give a detailed analysis of the protocol involving it. Our analysis includes finding a sufficient violation of Bell inequality as a function of the initial quality of randomness....
Robust algorithm for active feedback control of narrowband noise
PublicationThe problem of active control of narrowband acoustic noise is considered. It is shown that the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), based on minimization of the L2-norm performance measure, can be re-derived using the L1 approach. The resulting robust SONIC algorithm is more robust to heavy-tailed measurement noise, such as the αlpha-stable noise, than the...
Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Algorithms for Visual Recognition
PublicationIn visual recognition, the task is to identify and localize all objects of interest in the input image. With the ubiquitous presence of visual data in modern days, the role of object recognition algorithms is becoming more significant than ever and ranges from autonomous driving to computer-aided diagnosis in medicine. Current models for visual recognition are dominated by models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which...
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Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences
PublicationA method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...
New Approach to Arc Fitting for Railway Track Realignment
PublicationThis article presents a new method of arc fitting for railway track realignment. The theoretical foundations are presented, along with a detailed algorithm of the iterative computational process. This method is based on solving a set of linearized pseudo-observation equations. The formulas of the functional model of the fitting problem were derived, and a special form of objective function is proposed. An iterative method for optimization...
Auditory-model based robust feature selection for speech recognition
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Robust Estimation of Integrated Hydraulics and Parameters in Water Distribution Systems
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An efficient and robust method for predicting asphalt concrete dynamic modulus
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DentalSegmentator: robust deep learning-based CBCT image segmentation
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Robust synchronous generator excitation based on novel feedforward control
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Numerically robust delta - domain solutions to discrete - time Lyapunoequation
Robust estimation of variables and parameters in dynamic water distribution systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono estymację metodą ''set membership'' zmiennych i parametrów systemu dystrybucji wody pitnej. Zmienne odnoszą się do ilości i jakości wody, natomiast parametry odnoszą się do modelu matematycznego hydrauliki. Problemten jest wysoce nieliniowy. Algorytm estymacji jest oparty na wcześniejszychpracach i wykorzystuje również algorytm dynamicznej linearyzacji odcinkami.
Multiple Cues-Based Robust Visual Object Tracking Method
PublicationVisual object tracking is still considered a challenging task in computer vision research society. The object of interest undergoes significant appearance changes because of illumination variation, deformation, motion blur, background clutter, and occlusion. Kernelized correlation filter- (KCF) based tracking schemes have shown good performance in recent years. The accuracy and robustness of these trackers can be further enhanced...
Texture Features for the Detection of Playback Attacks: Towards a Robust Solution
PublicationThis paper describes the new version of a method that is capable of protecting automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems from playback attacks. The presented approach uses computer vision techniques, such as the texture feature extraction based on Local Ternary Patterns (LTP), to identify spoofed recordings. Our goal is to make the algorithm independent from the contents of the training set as much as possible; we look for the...
Robust Monitoring of Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution System
PublicationThe paper develops a novel open loop set bounded observer for robust estimation of water quality in DWDS based on the advanced nonlinear quality dynamics model including disinfections by-products (DBPs). The observer utilises a cooperativeness of the quality dynamics model and is computationally efficient, hence applicable to on-line quality monitoring. The simulation results illustrate its good and sustainable performance.
A robust design of a numerically demanding compact rat-race coupler
PublicationA fast and accurate design procedure of a computationally expensive microwave circuit has been presented step-by-step and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) comprising slow-wave resonant structures (SWRSs). The final compact RRC solution has been obtained by means of a sequential optimization scheme exploiting the implicit space mapping (ISM) algorithm. A well-suited surrogate optimization...
Impedance of metastable pitting corrosion
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania impedancyjne metastabilnego procesu korozji wżerowej. Kształt chwilowych widm impedancyjnych otrzymanych w wyniku eksperymentu jest ściśle związany z przebiegiem prądu dc. O szybkość korozji wewnątrz aktywnego zaatakowania decyduje proces przeniesienia ładunku. Ekspansja aktywnej powierzchni jest proporcjonalna do zmian podwójnej warstwy elektrycznej. Zaobserwowane zostały również zmiany rezystancji elektrolitu...
Hearing aid fitting method based on fuzzy logic processing
PublicationWażnym etapem dopasowania współczesnych aparatów słuchowych jest wyznaczanie charakterystyki dynamiki słuchu. Charakterystyka ta wyznaczana jest na podstawie wyników testu skalowania głośności. Niestety wyniki te wyrażone są w skali kategorii głośności, natomiast aparaty słuchowe wymagają para-metrów numerycznych. Problem ten można rozwiązać za pomocą logiki rozmytej. W niniejszym referacie przedstawiono metodę przetwarzania rozmytego...
Hearing aid fitting method based on fuzzy logic processing
PublicationWażnym etapem dopasowania współczesnych aparatów słuchowych jest wyznaczanie charakterystyki dynamiki słuchu. Charakterystyka ta wyznaczana jest na podstawie wyników testu skalowania głośności. Niestety wyniki te wyrażone są w skali kategorii głośności, natomiast aparaty słuchowe wymagają para-metrów numerycznych. Problem ten można rozwiązać za pomocą logiki rozmytej. W niniejszym referacie przedstawiono metodę przetwarzania rozmytego...
I-lossless factorisations for robust H-inf-control in delta-domain
Robust design in delta domain for SISO plants: PI and PID controllers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zunifikowaną metodę numerycznie odpornej syntezy sterowników (regulatorów) działających w dyskretnym czasie w układach sterowania skalarnymi obiektami czasu ciągłego. Wykorzystano dyskretnoczasowe modele takich obiektów, oparte na tak zwanym operatorze delta, charakteryzującym się korzystnymi odpornościowymi cechami w przypadku stosowania dostatecznie małych wartości okresu próbkowania przetwarzanych sygnałów....
Employment and export specialisation along the development path: some robust evidence
PublicationThis paper contributes to the literature on the evolution of overall specialisation along the process of economic development by simultaneously estimating 'specialisation curves' emerging from fully comparable employment and export statistics in a sample of 32 economies (1980-2000). We apply semiparametric estimation methods, which allow us to combine the flexibility of the estimation with the inclusion of country-specific effects,...
Robust estimation of deformation from observation differences for free control networks
PublicationDeformation measurements have a repeatable nature. This means that deformation measurements are performed often with the same equipment, methods, geometric conditions and in a similar environment in epochs 1 and 2 (e.g., a fully automated, continuous control measurements). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the results of deformation measurements can be distorted by both random errors and by some non-random errors, which...
Multi-fidelity robust aerodynamic design optimization under mixed uncertainty
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present a robust optimization algorithm for computationally efficient airfoil design under mixed (inherent and epistemic) uncertainty using a multi-fidelity approach. This algorithm exploits stochastic expansions derived from the Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos (NIPC) technique to create surrogate models utilized in the optimization process. A combined NIPC expansion approach is used, where both...