Search results for: SPEEDISK KOLUMIENKI
Determination of pesticides in water using new solid phase extraction technique - speedisk and speedisk column.
PublicationW publikacji opisano zastosowanie nowych narzędzi do ekstrakcji do fazy stałej: szybkie dyski i szybkie kolumienki (speedisk i speedisk column). Zaprezentowano ich zastosowanie do ekstrakcji pestycydów z próbek wody, przy zastosowaniu różnych rozpuszczalników.
Determination of optimal rotational speeds of circular saws
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości diagnostyczne stanowiska HewSaw do badania zachowania się pił w funkcji prędkości obrotowej piły. Wykazano, ze wyznaczone wartości prędkości optymalnych badanych pił leżą poniżej wartości zalecanych przez producenta. Praca z prędkościami wyższymi od optymalnych może prowadzić do zwiększenia strat materiałowych, a także stwarzać zagrożenia dla obsługi.
Chatter surveillance with the creation of a map of optimal spindle speeds
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę nadzorowania drgań samowzbudnych typu chatter. Wyznaczono wartości optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona dla poszczególnych punktów na powierzchni przedmiotu obrabianego, wykorzystując rożne techniki analizy modalnej. Badania eksperymentalne wykazały, że otrzymana w ten sposób mapa optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona jest skutecznym narzędziem do eliminacji drgań chatter w procesie obróbki...
Determination of pharmaceutical residues in drinking water in Poland using a new SPE-GC-MS(SIM) method based on Speedisk extraction disks and DIMETRIS derivatization
Publication -
The effect of a belt position in the spindle driving system on critical rotational speeds
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to examine how the belt pulley position affects critical rotational speeds of the modernized spindle of the sliding table saw Fx3. Methodology of determination of critical rotational speeds of the spindle in a function of the spindle design features and its driving system is presented. Spindles in these kind of machine tools are mainly driven with V-belts, and the pulleys on the spindles might be positioned:...
Limitations of the Chladni patterns method for determination of circular saw blade critical rotational speeds
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych pił tarczowych z zastosowaniem figur Chladniego do wyznaczania obrotowych prędkości krytycznych pił tarczowych. Otrzymane wyniki wykazały, że w przypadku pił tarczowych o bardziej skomplikowanej budowie z długimi szczelinami, figury Chaldniego opisują postaci drgań, definiują częstotliwości rezonansowe. Jednakże, nie są one przydatne do wyznaczania obrotowych prędkości krytycznych...
Analysis of turnouts with non-linear curvature of diverging track for different train running speeds
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of shaping a variable curvature in the diverging track of the railway turnout. Solution without a circular arc in the central zone, comprising two zones of non-linear curvature, of the same length, having zero curvature values at the end points, was adopted as a model, on the basis of the previously conducted dynamic tests. Optimum type of curvature was selected from the point of view of the kinematic...
Simplified Map-based Selection of Optimal Spindle Speeds When Milling Complex Structures
PublicationIn the paper a method for selecting optimal spindle speeds for complex structures during milling operations is presented. It is based on the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with a simple equation resulting from the minimisation of vibration energy, which leads to the minimisation of the work of cut-ting forces presented in previous elaborations by the authors [1]. Optimal spindle speeds are obtained for many points...
Modelling of laminated glass PVB walls of buildings exposed to vehicle impact with different speeds
PublicationThis paper presents an analytical model, developed for laminated glass subjected to a low-velocity impact. It has the ability to capture glass cracks as well as large non-linear deformations. It is based mathematically on the firstorder deformation concept, which considers the effect of membrane and transverse shear as well as bending. This theory uses damage mechanics to capture the glass cracking. For this purpose, several experiments...
High Speed Milling vibration surveillance with optimal spindle speed based on optimal speeds map
PublicationThe paper presents the method of the surveillance of the self-excited chatter vibration. At first, the workpiece modal parameters are estimated based on experimental data which leads to verification of computational model. Then, for selected surface points optimal spindle speeds are calculated. By considering sufficient amount of points it is possible to build a map of optimal spindle speeds. Experimental results show that this...
Determination of the minimal critical rotational speeds of the circular saw blades with the quasi-twin resonant frequencies
PublicationTo determine the minimal critical rotational speeds of the circular saw blades is the fundamental aspect of obtaining the range of the rotational operating speeds, by which the circular saw blade can work with required stability. While for the circular saw blades with full-homogeneous bodies the determination of such rotational speeds is the relatively low level of difficulty function, whereas for circular saw blades with more...
Creation of a map of optimal spindle speeds for a purpose of surveillance of high speed milling of flexible details
PublicationDrgania samowzbudne typu chatter często towarzyszą procesom frezowania szybkościowego. Ich skutkiem są nieodwracalne uszkodzenia powierzchni obrabianej. Mogą one również doprowadzić do intensywnego zużycia narzędzi skrawających, a nawet samej obrabiarki. W pracy przedstawiono metodę umożliwiającą tworzenie mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona. Stosowanie podczas procesu frezowania optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona...
A Mechatronic System for Building the Map of Optimal Spindle Speeds During High Speed Milling of Flexible Details
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono mechatroniczny system tworzenia mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona w celu nadzorowania drgań typu chatter podczas frezowania szybkościowego przedmiotów podatnych. System ten składa się z części pomiarowej oraz części obliczeniowej, w której wykorzystuje się oprogramowanie autorskie i komercyjne. Na bazie uogólnionego warunku Liao-Younga utworzono mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona,...
Analyses of the effect of the design features of the spindle of the sliding table saw upon its critical rotational speeds
PublicationProducenci pilarek formatowych do drewna dążą do zwiększania dokładności przecinania. Można to osiągnąć np. przez poprawę zachowania się wrzeciona, gdyż od niego w dużej mierze zależą efekty przecinania. Przedstawiono metodykę wyznaczania prędkości krytycznych wrzeciona pilarki formatowej w funkcji cech konstrukcyjnych wrzeciona i jego napędu.
The Experimental Determination of Bearings Dynamic Coefficients in a Wide Range of Rotational Speeds, Taking into Account the Resonance and Hydrodynamic Instability
PublicationMethods for the experimental determination of dynamic coefficients are commonly used for the analysis of various types of bearings, including hydrodynamic, aerodynamic and foil bearings. There are currently several algorithms that allow estimating bearing dynamic coefficients. Such algorithms usually use various excitation techniques applied to rotor–bearings systems. So far only a small number of scientific publications show how...
Determination of environmental pollutants in soil and sediments - some aspects of sample clean-up and GC analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nowej procedury analitycznej przeznaczonej do badań próbek i osadów dennych na zawartość związków organicznych (WWAPCB). Procedura składa się z następujących etapów: - ekstrakcji analitów z wykorzystaniem techniki ASE, - oczyszczania ekstraktów (kolumienki), - chromatograficznego rozdzielania i oznaczania analitów.
Comparison of efficiency of different sorbents used during clean-up of extracts for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls and pesticide residues in low-fat food
PublicationOkreślono przydatność i zakres zastosowania kolumienek sorpcyjnych zawierających złoża różnych sorbentów wykorzystywanych do oczyszczania ekstraktów z żywności o zawartości do 20 % tłuszczu z wykorzystaniem techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (SPE). Udowodniono, że zastosowanie kolumienek sorpcyjnych zawierających złoże żelu krzemionkowego modyfikowanego fazą aminopropylową, tlenku glinu bądź krzemianu magnezu do oczyszczania ekstraktów...
Miniaturised analytical procedure of determining polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in bottom sediments
PublicationOpisano metodę oznaczania bardzo niskich stężeń polichlorowanych bifenyli w obecności wysokich zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych. Analizie techniką GC-MS poddawany jest ekstrakt z 1 g próbki osadu. Jako standardy wewnętrzne zastosowano Naftalen-d8, benzo[a]antracen-d12 i PCB 209. Średni odzysk standardów przedstawiał się następująco: 65, 55 i 60% odpowiednio. Do izolacji frakcji PCB stosowano niekomercyjne...
Comparison of extraction techniques of robenidine from poultry feed samples
PublicationW publikacji opisano wykorzystanie różnych technik ekstrakcji kokcydistatyków (na przykładzie robenidyny) z próbek pasz zwierzęcych. W trakcie badań porównano wpływ różnych parametrów ekstrakcji na współczynniki odzysku analitu. Wśród wykorzystanych technik ekstrakcji wymienić należy: ekstrakcję za pomocą rozpuszczalnika wspomaganą ultradźwiękami oraz mikrofalami, ekstrakcję w aparatach Soxhleta i Soxteca a także ekstrakcję przez...
Sources of errors associated with the determination of PAH and PCB analytes in water samples
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy związane z oznaczaniem analitów z grupy WWA i PCB w próbkach wody. Zidentyfikowano źródła błędów. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na:- proces adsorpcji analitów na ściankach szklanych naczyń używanych w trakcie obróbki i przechowywania próbek,- wpływ etapu odparowywania nadmiaru rozpuszczalnika z ekstraktów na odzysk analitów,- wpływ materiału, z którego jest wykonana kolumienka ekstrakcyjna (szkła, polietylenu)...
Solid phase extraction technique - trends, opportunities and applications
PublicationW pracy opisano wykorzystanie ekstrakcji do fazy stałej w chemii analitycznej. Ekstrakcja do fazy stałej może być przydatna nie tylko do izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z fazy wodnej, ale również do wymiany matrycy oraz oczyszczania ekstraktu. Stosowane sorbenty są analogiczne do stosowanych w chromatografii cieczowej. Omówione zostały: mechanizmy ekstrakcji, sposoby przeprowadzania ekstrakcji (kolumienki, krążki, pipety), rodzaje...
Determination of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in water samples using liquid chromatography coupled with diode-array detector and mass spectrometry
PublicationOpracowano i zwalidowano metodykę do oznaczania śladowych ilości sześciu różnych związków z grupy niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych w próbkach wodnych. Anality zostały wybrane spośród najczęsciej sprzedawanych leków w Polsce. Sprawdzono kilka różnych kolumienek ekstrakcyjnych i wybrano RP-18 jako najlepsze wypełnienie do wzbogacania oznaczanych związków. Opracowaną metodykę z powodzeniem zastosowano do analizy próbek rzeczywistych.
Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in natural waters using off-line and on-line SPE followed by LC coupled with DAD-MS
PublicationOpisano dwie metody pozwalające na jednoczesne oznaczanie zawartości niesterydowych leków przeciwzapalnych (difluisal, diklofenak, naproksen, tolmetin, fenoprofen, ibuprofen) w próbkach wodnych. Próbki przygotowywano do analizy z użyciem techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (off-line i on-line). Natomiast oznaczeń końcowych dokonano z użyciem LC-DAD-MS. Sprawdzono kilka różnych kolumienek ekstrakcyjnych i wybrano RP-18 jako najlepsze...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) of bulk boron and borophene flakes after the ball-milling process at different operating parameters
Open Research DataThese data include X-ray diffraction patterns of bulk boron and borophene obtained during ball milling at different rotation speeds, time and mass loadings. The data were collected to investigate the crystal structure of the studied materials.
Determination of chlorophenols and phenoxyacid herbicides in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic Sea.
PublicationChlorofenole i kwasy fenoksyoctowe to dwie grupy zanieczyszczeń środowiska, obecne w wodach powierzchniowych. Kwasy fenoksyoctowe, ze względu na dobrą rozpuszczalność w wodzie, stosunkowo łatwo przedostają się do zbiorników wodnych i innych elementów środowiska. W ramach pracy postanowiono zbadać zawartość chlorofenolu i kwasów fenoksyoctowych oraz ich sezonowe zmiany w wodach ujścia Wisły i Zatoki Gdańskiej. Opracowano metodę...
Opracowanie metodyki oznaczania pestycydów chloroorganicznych oraz polichlorowanych bifenyli w próbkach żywności pochodzenia morskiego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania różnych technik ekstrakcji związków chloroorganicznych z próbek żywności. Zaprezentowano podstawy badanych technik, oceniono ich przydatność do izolacji wybranych analitów z grupy pestycydów i polichlorowanych bifenyli z próbek żywności i wytypowano najkorzystniejszą technikę. Przedstawiony został wpływ różnych parametrów ekstrakcji na odzyski analitów. Wyłoniono...
Dependence of Power Characteristics on Savonius Rotor Segmentation
PublicationSavonius rotors are large and heavy because they use drag force for propulsion. This leads to a larger investment in comparison to horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors using lift forces. A simple construction of the Savonius rotor is preferred to reduce the production effort. Therefore, it is proposed here to use single-segment rotors of high elongation. Nevertheless, this rotor type must be compared with a multi-segment...
Conditions and capacity for implementing Poland’s vision zero
PublicationSince 1991 Poland has been systematically reducing its traffic hazard. Despite considerable progress Poland is still among the most dangerous countries in the European Union. The key types of actions that help to reduce fatalities include enhancement of pedestrian safety, reducing the number of speeding drivers and eliminating or reducing hazard on the road. The paper presents a brief diagnosis of the state of road safety in Poland...
Scheduling of unit-length jobs with cubic incompatibility graphs on three uniform machines
PublicationWe consider the problem of scheduling n identical jobs on 3 uniform machines with speeds s1, s2, and s3 to minimize the schedule length. We assume that jobs are subject to some kind of mutual exclusion constraints, modeled by a cubic incompatibility graph. We how that if the graph is 2-chromatic then the problem can be solved in O(n^2) time. If the graph is 3-chromatic, the problem becomes NP-hard even if s1>s2=s3.
Thermal Self-Action of Acoustic Beams Containing Several Shock Fronts
PublicationThermal self-action of an acoustic beam with one discontinuity or several shock fronts is studied in a Newtonian fluid. The stationary self-action of a single sawtooth wave with discontinuity (or some integer number of these waves), symmetric or asymmetric, is considered in the cases of self-focusing and self- defocusing media. The results are compared with the non-stationary thermal self-action of the periodic sound. Thermal self-action...
PublicationThe process of the design of the 1MW steam turbine includes designing the stator and rotor blades, the steam turbine inlet and exit, the casing and the rotor. A turbine that operates at rotation speeds other than 3000 rpm requires a gear box and generator with complex electronic software. This paper analyses the efficiency of eight turbine variants, including seven inlet geometries and three stages of stator as well as an eight...
GPU-Accelerated 3D Mesh Deformation for Optimization Based on the Finite Element Method
PublicationThis paper discusses a strategy for speeding up the mesh deformation process in the design-byoptimization of high-frequency components involving electromagnetic field simulations using the 3D finite element method (FEM). The mesh deformation is assumed to be described by a linear elasticity model of a rigid body; therefore, each time the shape of the device is changed, an auxiliary elasticity finite-element problem must be solved....
Evaluation of the Impact of Different Types of Uncoupling on the Processing Capacity of Hump Yards
PublicationThe paper considers the issue of evaluating the impact of different types of uncoupling to increase the processing capacity of hump yards to ensure high technical-economic indicators in the conditions of limited capital funds. Moreover it describes the mathematical formulation of the sorting slide. For the mathematical formulation, the sorting slide is taken as a surface that is uniquely projected onto a horizontal plane. Based...
Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories
PublicationThe paper presents selected aspects of evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories-a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships, the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned within...
Minimum drag shape bodies moving in inviscid fluid - revisited
PublicationThis paper presents the classic approach to minimum drag shape body problem, moving at hypersonic speeds, leading to famous power law shapes with value of the exponent of 3/4. Two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. Furthermore, an exact pseudo solution is given and its uselessness is discussed. Two new solutions are introduced, namely an approximate solution due to form of the functional and solution by means of optimisation...
PublicationLow-grade gliomas (LGGs) are primary brain tumours which evolve very slowly in time, but inevitably cause patient death. In this paper, we consider a PDE version of the previously proposed ODE model that describes the changes in the densities of functionally alive LGGs cells and cells that are irreversibly damaged by chemotherapy treatment. Besides the basic mathematical properties of the model, we study the possibility of the...
Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....
Macromodeling techniques for accelerated finite element analysis
PublicationThis paper deals with the Model Order Reduction applied locally in the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Due to the reduction process, blocks of FEM system matrices associated with selected subregions of the computational domain are projected onto the subspaces spanned by the vectors of suited orthogonal projection basis. In effect, large and sparse FEM matrices are replaced with small and dense ones, called macromodels. This...
Scheduling of unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on four uniform machines
PublicationThe problem of scheduling n identical jobs on 4 uniform machines with speeds s1>=s2>=s3>=s4 is considered.The aim is to find a schedule with minimum possible length. We assume that jobs are subject to mutual exclusion constraints modeled by a bipartite incompatibility graph of degree delta. We show that the general problem is NP-hard even if s1=s2=s3. If, however, delta<5 and s1>12s2 s2=s3=s4, then the problem can be solved to...
Investigation of Weigh-in-Motion Measurement Accuracy on the Basis of Steering Axle Load Spectra
PublicationWeigh-in-motion systems are installed in pavements or on bridges to identify and reduce the number of overloaded vehicles and minimise their adverse eect on road infrastructure. Moreover, the collected trac data are used to obtain axle load characteristics, which are very useful in road infrastructure design. Practical application of data from weigh-in-motion has become more common recently, which calls for adequate attention to...
Effect of Processing Parameters on Strength and Corrosion Resistance of Friction Stir-Welded AA6082
PublicationThe friction stir welding method is increasingly attracting interest in the railway sector due to its environmental friendliness, low cost, and ease of producing high-quality joints. Using aluminum alloys reduces the weight of structures, increasing their payload and reducing fuel consumption and running costs. The following paper presents studies on the microstructure, strength, and corrosion resistance of AA6082 aluminum alloy...
The structure of the control system for a dynamically positioned ship
PublicationThe article discusses functions and tasks of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for ships. The analysed issues include ship steering, in particular stabilisation of ship position and direction of motion (real course) at low manoeuvring speeds, and commonly used DP ship models. Requirements imposed by classification societies on DP ships are quoted. A multi-layer structure of the DP control system is presented, with special attention...
Scheduling of identical jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on uniform machines. Computational experiments
PublicationWe consider the problem of scheduling unit-length jobs on three or four uniform parallel machines to minimize the schedule length or total completion time. We assume that the jobs are subject to some types of mutual exclusion constraints, modeled by a bipartite graph of a bounded degree. The edges of the graph correspond to the pairs of jobs that cannot be processed on the same machine. Although the problem is generally NP-hard,...
High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System
PublicationConveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...
Vibration surveillance for efficient milling of flexible details fixed in adjustable stiffness holder
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research related to the possibility of using an intelligent workpiece holder with adjustable stiffness, during end milling process. Machining a one side supported flexible workpiece will be performed with constant spindle speed and feed speed. In order to avoid hazardous vibration, stiffness of the especially designed spring (mounted in a workpiece holder) will be modified off-line. In order to...
Examining the Impact of Distance Between VSL Road Signs on Vehicle Speed Variance
PublicationVariable speed limit (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically to adapt to traffic conditions such as visibility and traffic volume, curvature, and grip coefficient of the road surface. The VSL traffic sign location problem and attempts to solve it using computer simulation are presented in this paper. Experiments on a selected road segment,...
A comparative performance assessment of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublicationThis work presents the investigation results of a journal bearing lubricated with magnetorheological fluid that is activated by a local constant magnetic field to vary both the local flow resistance and pressure. The bearing performance is assessed via Finite Element Modelling (FEM) and results are corroborated by experiments. The FEM model uses the Bingham model to describe the fluid film. A dedicated test rig is used to assess...
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Flexible Details
PublicationEfficient milling of the flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled elements) using slender ball-end tools is a difficult task due to possibility of vibration occurrence. Because of the existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may lose stability and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant natural frequency...
Pedestrian Safety at Midblock Crossings on Dual Carriageway Roads in Polish Cities
PublicationRoad crossings across two or more lanes in one direction are particularly dangerous due to limited sight distance and high vehicle speeds. To improve their safety, road authorities should provide safety treatments. These may include additional measures to reduce speed and narrow the road cross-section and the introduction of active pedestrian crossings. Equipped with flashing lights activated automatically when a pedestrian is...
On evolutionary computing in multi-ship trajectory planning, Applied Intelligence
PublicationThe paper presents the updated version of Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships,the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned...