Search results for: Synod of Bishops
Bishop parameter chi from static equilibrium.
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Factors affecting credibility of e-shops in Poland
PublicationArtykuł stanowi kontynuację tematu podjętego w poprzednich pracach autora nt. czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych sklepów internetowych. Przedstawiono w nim wstępne wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora.
Factors affecting credibility of e-shops in Poland
PublicationArtykuł stanowi kontynuację tematu podjętego w poprzednich pracach autora nt. czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych sklepów internetowych. Przedstawiono w nim wstępne wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora. W artykule wskazano również na związki pomiędzy modelami wiarygodności i powszechnie stosowanymi modelami jakości.
NP-hardness of compact scheduling in simplified open and flow shops
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Vendor credibility in e-shops design in Poland : an empirical study
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora dotyczących czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych oferentów internetowych postrzeganą przez polskich klientów.Przedstawiono także model budowy wiarygodności oferenta internetowego, opracowany na podstawie wyników badań.
The Lighting Designer and New Technologies: Lighting for Enhancing Business in Shops & Restaurants – The Do’s & Don’ts of Retail Lighting
PublicationThis paper will address issues of successful retail lighting schemes to make the audience familiar with the Do’s & Don’ts. It will also look into the details of designing lighting particularly for window displays, external shop signage and outdoor terraces of restaurants. A holistic approach to retail lighting will be presented with case studies of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lighting solutions, mostly from Europe, to underline the impacts...
Uwagi na temat zasady naprężeń efektywnych dla gruntów częściowo nasyconych.Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Gruntów i Fundamentowania.
PublicationW artykule zawarto krytyczny przegląd stosowalności klasycznego wzoru naprężeń efektywnych Bishopa oraz propozycję rozszerzenia tej zasady w zastosowaniu do gruntów częściowo nasyconych z uwzględnieniem zjawisk kapilarności,ciśnienia osmotycznego i wytrzymałości strukturalnej.
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Rakoczego Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 21 Rakoczego street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-10:00. The video camera was installed niearby the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split and the...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Chrobrego Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 75 Chrobrego street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Czerska Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 71 Czerska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Gdanska Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 21C Gdanska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Dragana Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 27 Dragana street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Isoprostanes-Biomarkers of Lipid Peroxidation: Their Utility in Evaluating Oxidative Stress and Analysis
PublicationIsoprostanes (IsoPs) are key biomarkers for investigating the role of free radical generation in the pathogenesis of human disorders. To solve IsoPs-related problems with regard to isoprostanes, analytical tools are required. This paper reviews the problems and trends in this field focusing on the methodology for assaying biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) samples. A large amount of work has been done in the qualitative...
Stateczność czołowego obwałowania nasypu przeciwpowodziowego Jeziora Druzno
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę stateczności czołowego obwałowania przeciwpowodziowego Jeziora Druzno w miejscowości Nowe Dolno. Obliczenia przeprowadzono zarówno w naprężeniach całkowitych jak i efektywnych uproszczoną metodą Bishopa oraz metodą Felleniusa-Peterssona. Uzyskano wysokie wartości minimalnego wskaźnika stateczności, zapewniające znaczny zapas stateczności nasypu podczas długotrwałych piętrzeń wody w jeziorze. Mogłoby to wskazywać...
Application of Web-GIS and Cloud Computing to Automatic Satellite Image Correction
PublicationRadiometric calibration of satellite imagery requires coupling of atmospheric and topographic parameters, which constitutes serious computational problems in particular in complex geographical terrain. Successful application of topographic normalization algorithms for calibration purposes requires integration of several types of high-resolution geographic datasets and their processing in a common context. This paper presents the...
Thanos Of Titan
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Revalorisation of Modernist and Social Modernist Interiors in Gdynia
PublicationIn the 1920s and 1930s, elaborate designing of prestigious interiors of public buildings, shops or tenement houses was important challenge for every architect who respected theri work. Apart from creating, at the design decor, the designers usually made sure that their concept was executed in every single detail. Only an overall aestetic solution could form a complete picture of a unique pieceod architecture.
Metoda TrustCritic oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych TrustCritic. Powszechnie występujące nadużycia w handlu elektronicznym sprawiają, że zaufanie do przedsiębiorcy staje się kluczowym czynnikiem decyzji konsumentów. Przedsiębiorca narażony jest na niezgodność z prawem, utratę wizerunku i klientów. Artykuł omawia problematykę nadużyć w sferze e-biznesu oraz proponuje wielokryterialny model oceny sklepu internetowego,...
Nadzorowanie drgań podczas frezowania szybkościowego smukłymi narzędziami z wykorzystaniem zmiennej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona
PublicationPraca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań samowzbudnych typu chatter podczas frezowania szybkościowego z wykorzystaniem zmiennej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona. Główne cele pracy to opracowanie metody nadzorowania drgań narzędzie-przedmiot obrabiany przy zastosowaniu dużej, zmiennej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona oraz weryfikacja jej skuteczności z wykorzystaniem symulacji komputerowej i badań eksperymentalnych. Zawarte w rozprawie rozważania...
How Machine Learning Contributes to Solve Acoustical Problems
PublicationMachine learning is the process of learning functional relationships between measured signals (called percepts in the artificial intelligence literature) and some output of interest. In some cases, we wish to learn very specific relationships from signals such as identifying the language of a speaker (e.g. Zissman, 1996) which has direct applications such as in call center routing or performing a music information retrieval task...
PEDOT(PSS) as Solid Contact for Ion-Selective Electrodes: The Influence of the PEDOT(PSS) Film Thickness on the Equilibration Times
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Smart Services for Improving eCommerce
PublicationThe level of customer support provided by the existing eCom-merce solutions assumes that the person using the functionality of theshop has sufficient knowledge to decide on the purchase transaction. Alow conversion rate indicates that customers are more likely to seekknowledge about the particular product than finalize the transaction.This is facilitated by the continuous development of customers’ digi-tal...
Distinctive facades of commercial buildings and the quality of public space,
PublicationMutual relations between the retail center and public spaces of the city are varied. They depend on the type and size of the commercial structure. Other ones are for multifunctional shopping centers and other for high streets. In megastores and shopping malls the essential for their functioning is their interior and entrance, which is sometimes the only place of interpenetration of the commercial structure with the surrounding...
PublicationThe shops of today mostly support the customer by offering him or her products based on basic relationships between products viewed or ordered by users with similar tastes. This common approach may fail in many cases especially when the user does not have sufficient knowledge about the market, or when he or she wants to build a set of products in more than one shop. New categories of smart shop services are proposed in order to...
e-Learning Courses(W) Assessment of Performance of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (W-Lecture) - DAPE - WIMiO AP-of-UMV (W) -DAPE - WIMiO The course entitled "Assessment of Performance of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (W-Lecture)" is conducted for the DAPE WIMiO Students. The AP-of-UMV (W) course is to discuss the following problems: - major areas of application of UMV unmanned maritime vehicles, - sea environment, - types of UMV vehicles, -...
Sklepy typu pop-up – od Guerilla Stores marki Comme de Garcons przez unikalne doświadczenie zakupowe Bikini Berlin do ... ?
PublicationObiekty, sklepy typu pop- up pojawiały się w miastach ponad dziesięć lat temu. Otwierane są na krótki okres czasu w celu promocji marki i nawiązania bezp o- średniego kontaktu z odbiorcą. Pop -up’y różnią się od tradycyjnych, stacjona r- nych sklepów rodzajem prowadzonej w nich działalności, mającym na celu przede wszystkim promocję marki. Pierwsze tymczasowe obiekty, tzw. Guerilla stores , stworzone zostały w 2004 roku...
Paulina Duch-Zebrowska MSc
PeopleI spent 15 years of my professional life in London working my way up as an architect to become a design and construction manager. I have designed and supervised the construction of apartments in the legendary Soho, shops on Oxford Street in London and exclusive residences in Windsor. I have a great ability to establish contacts based on mutual respect, at every level of investment, including with the Investor, Designers, and Contractors....
Selected aspects of the design of artificial organs
e-Learning Coursesdla III stopnia EiT+IBM
Internationalization of Firm
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Essentials of statistics
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Internationalization of Firm
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Essentials of ManagamentBiM
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Essentials of statistics
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Basic of biochemistry
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Essential of Finance
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Basics of Biochemistry
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Basics of Biochemistry
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Basics of Biochemistry
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Essentials of Marketing_2025
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Essentials of Marketing_2024
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Reliability of Structures
e-Learning CoursesReliability of Structures, 2nd grade studies, Civil Engineering
Theorey of Urbanism
e-Learning CoursesThis course provides an insight into the current urban design and planning issues takin into account main problem issues associated with contemporary urban development.
Basics of Biochemistry
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Fundamentals of sociology
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Elements of Bioinformatics
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History of Urbanism
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Sociology of Space
e-Learning CoursesThe course is aimed at discussing the significance of the city as a topic of sociological analysis. During the seminar students will discuss the relation between sociology, architecture and space. Moreover, the debate will touch on the field of culture and its role in (re)creating and (re)constructing space. Discussions will also be related to the aspect of interactions in time and space. Contemporary dilemmas and challenges in...
Physics of Materials
e-Learning CoursesPhysics of Materials: Doctoral School
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Inventory of the historic fences in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, stage between the 2010-2015.
Open Research DataThe data presents architectural survey and inventory documentation of the historic fences in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, stage from the period between 2010-2015. The survey and inventory works of architectural details at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are documented in the form of inventory drawings prepared by students of the Faculty of Architecture,...