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Search results for: clumps of discs
Polygons vs. clumps of discs: A numerical study of the influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials
PublicationWe performed a series of numerical vertical compression tests on assemblies 01 20 granular material using a Discrete Element code and studied the results with regard to the grain shape. The samples consist of 5000 grains made from either 3 overlapping discs (clumps - grains with concavities) or six-edged polygons (convex grains). These two grain type have similar external envelope, which is a fund ion of a geometrical parameter...
Optimal Distribution of the Nonoverlapping Conducting Disks
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Multistage Coupling of Eight Mistuned Bladed Discs on Solid Shaft with 1% Mistuning
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Representative volume element in 2D for disks and in 3D for balls
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On three-dimensional dynamics of smart rotating micro-disks
PublicationIn this paper, three-dimensional (3D) dynamic analysis of a rotational smart piezomagnetic-flexomagnetic (PFM) multi-functional micro-disk has been investigated. In the mathematical modeling, an attempt has been made to develop a wide range of factors influencing the analyzed structure, which is intended to be used as a micro-sensor/actuator. The investigated smart micro-disk could have many sensitive and accurate applications,...
Chladni and circular saw disc vibrations visualisation
PublicationIn this paper are described some methods for saw disc vibration monitoring in march of time (chronology). Ernst Chaldni, the father of sound visualisation and his patternsis are mentioned. In the last partof article are introduced results received with authors measuring systems.
Permanent Magnet Selections for AFPM Disc Generators
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Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationShape errors of the tool exert a dominant influence on the shape accuracy of the workpiece. The correlation between flatness errors of the lap and flatness errors of the workpieces was checked experimentally and determined analytically. Computer model of the workpiece shaping by lapping was developed. Evaluation method of the workpiece orientation as well as some simulation results for a lap with shape errors of convexity and cincavity...
Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationPrzedstawiono korelację pomiędzy błędami kształtu docieraka i błędami kształtu przedmiotów obrabianych. Wyniki analityczne zostały sprawdzone doświadczalnie, co pozwoliło zbudować komputerowy model kształtowania powierzchni docieranych. Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania intensywności kontaktu między przedmiotem docieranym, a docierakiem. Opracowano metodę wyznaczania położenia przedmiotu na docieraku.
Multistage Coupling of Eight Mistuned Bladed Discs on Solid Shaft, in book: Recent Advances in Rotor Dynamic
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Assessment of the Concentration of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1–3 in Degenerated Intervertebral Discs of the Lumbosacral Region of the Spine
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Microgrinding of flat surfaces on single-disc lapping machine
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania specjalnych narzędzi do mikroszlifowania na docierarce jednotarczowej. Jedno z zastosowanych narzędzi posiada warstwę ścierniwa diamentowego (D64) nałożoną metodą galwaniczną. Drugie przetestowane narzędzie zbudowane zostało z diamentowych pastylek ściernych (D3/2). Przedstawiono analizę kinematyczną i wyniki ubytku materiałowego oraz osiągnięte parametry chropowatości.
Microgrinding of flat surfaces on a single-disc lapping machine
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych mikroszlifowania z kinematyką docierania jednotarczowego. Przedstawiono propozycję narzędzia z wkładkami ściernymi z ziarnem diamentowym D3/2 i spoiwem żywicznym. Omówiono kinematykę docierania jednotarczowego i sposób oceny krzywizny rys obróbkowych.
The SPM Scanner Head Based on Piezoelectric Unimorph Disc
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Technological aspects of microgrinding with single-disc lapping kinematics
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mikroszlifowania powierzchni płaskich na docierarce jednotarczowej. Badano stan powierzchni narzędzia wykonanego na bazie mikroziaren diamentowych D65/50 naniesionych galwanicznie na podłoże stalowe. Analizowano wydajność obróbki oraz chropowatość powierzchni elementów ze stali 18G2A.
Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of determining the optimum frequency of coil supply in inductive-dynamic drive. As a criterion to obtain the sought frequency, the smallest value of reduced stress in the disc was assumed while maintaining the desired dynamics. The disc stress is determined on the basis of solution of vibrating thin plate equation. Magnetic pressure acting on the disc is obtained from a hybrid circumferentially-field...
Wear of the tool in double-disc lapping of silicon wafers
PublicationPrzedstawiono założenia modelowe do określania zużycia narzędzia w docieraniu krzemowych płytek półprzewodnikowych. Obliczenia zostały wykonane dla różnych parametrów kinematycznych, wpływających na zużycie narzędzia w określonych jego obszarach.
Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of determinig the optimum frequency of coil supply in inductive-dynamic drive. As a criterion to obtain the sought frequency, the smallest value of reduced stress in the disc was assumed while maintaining the desired dynamics.
A fast algorithm for computing the flux around non-overlapping disks on the plane
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Experimental study of the multi-disc negative brake for a hydraulic motor
PublicationThis paper describes the methodology for experimental testing of a multi-disc brake. The construction of this brake was also present. The brake is dedicated to hydraulic motors with a small working volume. Experimental tests were carried out on a brake with plates immersed in oil and, for comparison, tests were carried out on a dry brake. As a result of the tests, the permissible torque (load) that is able to transfer the brake...
Strong transient magnetic fields induced by THz-driven plasmons in graphene disks
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New Benzo[h]quinolin-10-ol Derivatives as Co-sensitizers for DSSCs
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High-performance graphene-based biosensor using a metasurface of asymmetric silicon disks
PublicationIn recent years, optical biosensors widely applicable for medical applications, have received much attention. In this paper, we propose a high-performance polarization-insensitive optical biosensor based on a graphene-dielectric metasurface. The metasurface consists of an asymmetric dielectric disk array that supports a high Q-factor Fano resonance. The provided sharp Fano resonance results in an enhanced light-matter interaction...
Dynamic analysis of the first stage compressor bladed disc of an aircraft engine
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Path components of the space of gradient vector fields on the two-dimensional disc
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The generalized Banach match-box problem: Application in disc storage management
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Path components of the space of gradient vector fields on the two dimensional disc
PublicationWe present a short proof that if two gradient maps on the twodimensional disc have the same degree, then they are gradient homotopic.
The homotopy type of the space of gradient vector fields on the two-dimensional disc
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient vector fields into the space of all vector fields on D^2 non-vanishing in S^1 is a homotopy equivalence
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to find sound pressure distribution radiated by the circular piezoelectric disc that vibrates with the finite amplitude. There has been presented the pressure distribution close to the radiating surface. Also it is shown the sound pressure distribution in the 3D form. The mathematic modeling was carried out on the base of the nonlinear acoustic equation with the proper boundary condition. The axial...
Influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials
PublicationWe performed series of numerical vertical compression tests on assemblies of 2D granular material using a Discrete Element code and studied the results in regard to the grain shape. The samples consist of 5000 grains made either of 3 overlapping discs (clump - grain with concavities) or of six-edged polygons (convex grain). These two types of grains have a similar external envelope, ruled with a geometrical parameter α. In the...
Three-dimensional CFD modeling of thermal behavior of a disc brake and pad for an automobile
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Friction-Induced Oscillations of a Non-Asbestos Organic Pin Sliding on a Steel Disc
PublicationFriction-induced oscillations result in deterioration of performance of disc brakes and are generally undesired. We conduct experimental study of friction-induced oscillations in a non-asbestos organic material / steel pair used in disc brakes of motor vehicles. The tests are done by use of a pin-on-disc machine which has the pin sample supported on a deformable beam. The adjustable friction parameters are the disc velocity, contact...
Comparative 3D DEM simulations of sand–structure interfaces with similarly shaped clumps versus spheres with contact moments.
PublicationThree-dimensional simulations of a monotonic quasi-static interface behaviour between initially dense cohesionless sand and a rigid wall of different roughness during tests in a parallelly guided direct shear test under constant normal stress are presented. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using clumps in the form of convex non-symmetric irregularly shaped grains. The clumps had an aspect...
New Satellite Pumps
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New satellite pumps
PublicationStosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice was initiator and originator of newest original high pressure satellite pumps series of types PSM. Construction solution, research and development of these pumps have been conducted by Team of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of Gdansk University of Technology in cooperation with this company within the confines of research project nr R0300103 (source of funds: Ministry of Science and Higher Education)....
Problems associated with the up of actuating system of a single-disc lapping machine for flat surfaces
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań nagrzewania się podstawowych elementów układu wykonawczego docierarki jednotarczowej o standardowej kinematyce do obróbki powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano przyrost temperatury zespołu napędowego, rolek i pierścieni prowadzących separatory oraz tarczy docierającej i obrabianych elementów. Badano nagrzewanie się układu obróbkowego podczas wyrównywania żeliwnego narzędzia i docierania powierzchni płaskich....
Comparison of Mathematical Models of Torque Transmitted by Multi-disc Wet Clutch with Experimental Results
PublicationIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
Free vibration of truncated-cone columns
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Post-peak behaviour of CFST columns
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zachowania pokrytycznego słupów CFST. Parametrami zmiennymi w badaniach są: wysokość słupów, grubość stalowego płaszcza, wytrzymałość betonu i stali, przyczepność między stalowym płaszczem a betonowym rdzeniem oraz sposób przykładania obciążenia. W artykule dokonano analizy wpływu tych parametrów na zachowanie pokrytyczne badanych słupów.
Behaviour of steel columns under impact
PublicationOne of import issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigation focused on dynamic behaviour of steel columns under impact loading. Modal and transient dynamic analyses using Finite Element...
Local buckling of composite channel columns
PublicationThe investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...
Installation of CMC columns in overconsolidated clays
PublicationDuring rigid inclusions execution in the subsoil some monitoring data are registered by a drilling rig for quality control. The use of these data can improve the design procedure of soil improvement as they can provide some information about the position of bearing strata and the energy necessary to install the column in the ground. In this paper the parameters registered in a drilling machine are described, the installation...
Soil improvement by short stone columns.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sposób dogęszczania podłoża gruntowego wykorzystywany do renowacji istniejących nawierzchni placów składowych i dróg. Proponowany sposób polega na formowaniu w gruncie kolumny o niewielkiej średnicy. Kolumnę tą formuje się poprzez wbijanie w rozluźnione podłoże trzpienia stalowego, z jednoczesnym dosypywaniem gruntu.Sposób ten stosuje się przede wszystkim jako metodę wzmocnienia podłoża pod nawierzchniami...
LUMS Law Journal
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Influence of the grains shape on the mechanical behavior of granular materials
PublicationDiscrete Element Method is a numerical method suitable for modeling geotechnical problems concerning granular media. In most cases simple forms of grains, like discs or spheres, are used. But these shapes are capable of soil behavior modeling up to a certain point only, they cannot reflect all of the features of the medium (large shear resistance and large volumetric change). In order to reflect the complex behavior of the real...
Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of I-columns
PublicationThe first order variation of critical buckling load of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section due to some variations of the design variables such as: cross-section dimensions, or material characteristics is derived. The influence of the residual welding stresses is taken into account. In the numerical examples dealing with I-column the functions describing the effect of the variation of the dimensions of the flange...
Advanced field investigations of screw piles and columns
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis badań pali i kolumn wkręcanych na terenowym poletku doświadczalnym, wykonanych w ramach projektu badawczego MNiSW. Badania statyczne pali i kolumn wykonano z zaawansowanym systemem do pomiaru rozkładu siły wzdłuż trzonów. Przedstawiono podstawowe wyniki badań z rozdziałem obciążenia na podstawę i pobocznicę pali i kolumn.
Diagnostics of historic columns using wave propagation
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in columns of historical buildings for diagnostics purposes. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method in the Abaqus software package. The analysis was carried out for three types of brick columns: a full column, a column filled with debris, and a column empty inside. The excitation was in the form of a wave packet and signals of propagating...
The experimental research on the axially compressed CFFT columns
PublicationThe research objectives is to test the behaviour of the axially compressed glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes CFFT (concrete-filled FRP tube) withe the R-C core.